Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Oh and I am a wuss too, I almost feint everytime I get bloodtests done, so can you imagine what I would be like when having to give birth lol

You cant see anything though. :) Youll do great! All of you will!!
Thanks onerth, I read that they often offer you a mirror but unsurprisingly most women don't want to take a look haha.

Can't wait for you to join us here with your BFP! I've been following your progress and glad AF finally came. Fingers crossed for your 50mg cycle. Has that dose worked for you in the past?
I showed DH a picture of a womens scar after she had a c section done, he totally freaked out, and so did I lol. Thanks Earth, I am sure we all will be just fine after we have giving birth! Fantastic news about AF and hope Clomid works for you.

This cold is just horrible, we decided to make homemade pizzas while its so cold :p
Thanks onerth, I read that they often offer you a mirror but unsurprisingly most women don't want to take a look haha.

Can't wait for you to join us here with your BFP! I've been following your progress and glad AF finally came. Fingers crossed for your 50mg cycle. Has that dose worked for you in the past?

This is my 1st 50mg cycle.

I showed DH a picture of a womens scar after she had a c section done, he totally freaked out, and so did I lol. Thanks Earth, I am sure we all will be just fine after we have giving birth! Fantastic news about AF and hope Clomid works for you.

This cold is just horrible, we decided to make homemade pizzas while its so cold :p

I've had 2 sections (one closed with staples, one stitches), then a vba2c. You can hardly see my scar but it's all about your skin, how they close you and the Dr.
Thats great Earth, I know my aunt also had two c sections and her scar is barely visable. But the pic we saw was a day or 2 afterwards lol and its so scary :) I think I still like my choice of going all natural. I have until 34 weeks to decide though.

I have a bad case of pregnancy brain, in the last week I lost my identity document, I checked in the frigde, its not there lol, bought some expensive folic acid, kept the box and threw away the pills (I made DH go through the trash to find it) and I brought the wrong work home for the weekend. Haha DH wants to chain all my valuables together and on me so I dont loose it again.
Good Luck with trying! And I completely sympathize with the pillows. I've been stealing my husband's as well.

I actually had a question about the progesterone. Today I woke up and we had a few errands to run so I forgot to take my morning dose of the suppositories. Do you think missing it might have a negative effect?
Nita, I think the scar fades but straight after it looks pretty bad. I had my appendix out when I was at high school and it took a few good weeks, maybe even a month for me to actually feel back to normal. A C section is so much more invasive. I'll do it if I need it but I won't be requesting one!!

Haha I lose my belongings even when I'm not pregnant. I thought it would be 100% worse now but I've been finding things I've been losing haha. Good idea with chaining things to you haha.

It's hard to eat healthy when it's cold too!

Onerth, fingers crossed it works for you. Am I right in saying you're sourcing your own fertility meds rather than seeing a doctor? I looked into this when I saw the first doctor who was crap. But it seemed really risky.

Sassy, steal them all now haha that way it won't be a surprise to him when you need them to sleep comfortably. Can't really help about the progesterone. Nita and TTC might be able to. Did it come with an info sheet about what to do if you miss a dose?

Happy Mother's Day everyone. My DH says it doesn't count because "the bun is still doughy". It's not like he's home to spoil me anyway!
I'm getting my own because I don't have insurance. I'm getting them from people with leftover cycle meds as one source.
How do you get them? I'm holding on to my left overs for the next time!
Sassy, I never missed on except when we went on holiday, I was supposed to take it for a few more days but forgot and decided I am just going to stop. If you missed on just take it as soon as you remember about it, i forgot/stopped mine at 12 weeks, a few days later a saw the placenta and knew it was OK to stop, you are still very early so I think a sudden drop in progesterone that early might have an effect, but I think missing only 1 wont make such a difference, but I woukd definately try and remember to take them that early on, your body rely on enough prog before the placenta takes over :) hope this heled.

Sarah, I never lost stuff before, I am very good at knowing where everything is, so this sudden pregnancy brain is really frustrating me a lot.

Happy Mothersday mommies (you too Sarah) Technically we are mothers, even though my DH wont spoil me yet lol he says peanut is not in his arms yet...husbands, right?

The only left over pills I have is Provera, Metformin and a few Prog pills, but I wont sell them though, wont ever be able to live with myself if I do and the other person who bought it had something happen to them. On the other side I am glad someone are so you get a chance to conceive on it Earth :D
I think the general rule with medication is to take the forgotten dose as soon as you remember. It's probably not the end of the world if you miss one, but I think do your best to remember to take them.

Oh no haha. I bet it's because you've been working lots, exhaustion and baby brain! I'm terrible at losing things all of the time.

Haha yeah I reckon we should be able to celebrate it. I hope this baby holds on until after Father's Dad so my DH misses out too!

I've got leftover Clomid and Metformin but I'm not going to sell it either. If I have trouble BFing I'm going to try and take Metformin. Plus I'll gave Clomid for when we try for number 2. I've seen websites where you can buy them online, but I wasn't sure I could trust them and if I could even get them into the country.
How do you get them? I'm holding on to my left overs for the next time!

Inhousepharmacy, cheap-pills (both online, no rx, no issues with customs/getting them but it does take 3wks)
Freegaragesale is the leftover med one.

Its not for everyone but I don't have another choice. 😊
Thanks onerth, I don't live in the US so I'm not sure what would happen if I tried to bring them into the country without a script. It didn't end up being something I needed to do because a doctor did prescribe it to me because I wasn't ovulating. I understand though, if you don't have insurance then you need to do what you need to do. Nita and I didn't respond to 50mg but I'm hopeful it'll work for you!
Earth - this way you at least get a chance :) Really hope you respond to 50mg Clomid.

Today for our Mothersday outing, I wore my tightest jersey, and my bump was clearly visable :D I could see other staring at me, weird but kind off awesome. I will take a bump picture once this cold front have moved over :)
Exciting Nita. When someone who didn't know asked me when I was due I almost jumped for joy haha. I can still hide it if I don't wear tight clothes. Like last night I was wearing my DH's hunting jersey (which is way too big for me) but it looked more like fat than a bump. But in tightish clothes there's no way to hide it.

Thanks Four. Happy Mother's Day to you!
I am almost 40 PCOS and I got pregnant on my second round of Clomid 150 with one shot of Gonal F. I am currently 5 weeks.

Beta 12 dpo 60
16 dpo 306
18 dpo 534
Congratulations babybabydust! How exciting. Is this your first? I've actually heard for a lot of women with PCOS they become MORE fertile the older they get (not that you're old!) but because we typically have a higher AMH we have more eggs to release for longer.
Congratz babybabydust, that is fantastic! I am so surprised to see how many women conceive on 150mg Clomid :o

AFM - nothing new really :haha:

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