Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

I think I might have had twins if we conceived on the first round of 150mg lol my Prog was so high then. DH and I watched a video last night on the path a sperm have to travel to conceive, and I am amazed that any of us are able to conceive. I am still in shock if I look back on the cycle we conceived, we BDed 3 days before Ovulation. Little peanut is a very strong fighter and miracle... :happydance: so grateful and blessed.
Wow ladies, just got the worst news. My mom has to go in for an operation in 2 weeks, to have all her reproductive organs taken out. She has endometriosis, an enlarged uterus, and polyps and its grown so much that a minor operation might let the cancer spread all over her body and cause death. Her doctor said, within 6 hours after the operation she will go into menopause and need hormone replacements. My mom is not even 45 yet, so she is really not happy with going into menopause this early.

I am just so blown away with this. wow.
Hey ladies! Well I have a feeling I missed O. I had tons of o pains and ewcm this weekend when I wiped (usually I have to check cp to get any cm) and now got nothing so I checked cp and my cm is just milky/watery and my cervix is tightly closed and lower than normal. We haven't dtd but once so I'm pretty bummed, we've had a nasty stomach virus going around our whole family and 5 of 7 people have gotten it so I've been exhausted plus dh was one of those people so he's not been up for much. I never thought I would O before cd 10 so I only started doing OPK's yesterday and they have been negative yesterday and today so I might have missed it. I already have post o temps but haven't had my normal drop before rise...then again I missed one day temping and it totally could have happened then...ugh I just don't know...all I can do is keep testing and temping I guess and see what happens this week. Since I did Clomid cd 1-5 I guess I should technically O by this next weekend if the Clomid works. Today is our anniversary though so I'm trying to stay positive <3
I'm so sorry about your mom Nita &#10084;

Four sorry you possibly missed ovulation!!!!!
Four, I dont think you missed O, to O before CD10 is really early. Can you het the progesterone test done in a few days? But I think you might still O.
Sorry Nita. I pray everything goes well.

A little bit of bad news on my side as well. Went in for hcg test today again and doc called with results, its now 103 so 23 down from 3 days ago. She said i'll be miscarrying soon and i did bleed a little this morning. So we'll see next time.
I'm so sorry sassy. I had 3 miscarriages last year and it's very difficult. Be gentle on yourself in the coming days &#10084;
Nita, I think we might have had twins if we conceived the previous cycle too. I think I've watched that video, it's pretty amazing.

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. That's so rough. I'm glad she's able to get in so quickly to have the operation. I hope she's doing ok.

Four, based on your temps, I don't think you've O'd yet. It might be on its way though. It sounds like you're pretty close. I'd still BD if you can now. When will you do your progesterone test? My doctor said that you ovulate 5-10 days after your last pill, so I think that ovulating before now would be very unlikely. Happy anniversary, hope the tummy bug passes quickly.

Sassy, I'm so sorry :( things were sounding really positive. I had a MC last year and it was really tough. Take some time, rest and recover. Cry a lot and spend time with your DH. I MC'd and then 2 days later DH and I were due to drive back to my hometown, which takes over 10 hours. He did all the driving and I pretty much cried the whole way. You are welcome to stay here with us if it's not too tough for you. Take care xx
Sassy - I am so sorry that you have to go through a loss :( Take care of yourself and remember to let yourself get over it... cry, eat, watch soppy series, whatever it takes. Sending a ton of hugs your way.

AFM - Sounds like I will be taking over the business in June when my mom is off, so I will be working more hours - atleast DH and I will be able to make up some of the money for the birth.

I am so constipated, I am so uncomfortable. Drinking lemon tea and eating fruits to hope for some relief.

Hope everyone else is good.
Thinking of you Sassy.

Nita, that's a big responsibility. But the money will be amazing. I hope the second trimester energy hits and you can manage. You're a bit of a superwoman haha. I've cut my hours and you're taking more on!

Sorry you're having those issues. I'm the opposite, never been more regular ever. I think maybe the baby is pushing down low because I'm peeing heaps! I wouldn't suggest that option though because it's quite uncomfortable when he's that low!

I had some decrease in movements today and didn't really realize until it'd been nearly 10 hours without a kick. It's unlike him to be quiet for even an hour. Plus I had heaps of cold water and ice cream for pudding. But now I'm in bed lying on my left side in a quiet room I'm feeling a few more kicks. Maybe it's just a sleepy day.
So this is my attempt to a bump shot lol, not the best but I am sure its visable :)

Sarah, it wont be the first time running the business, ive done it here and there for a few days, but its the first time that I will need to do it a whole month :o I am excited for the experiemce I will gain and the money will be really really amazing. But we dont really have the choice, I am the only one with enough knowledge to do so.

I am glad you felt his kicks again, phew! Mayne he had a lazy day or he kicked but mayne not hard enough for you to notice... :haha:


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Nita wow! Taking a lot on!!!!! Hope it's not too hard on you. Love your cute bump too &#10084;

Sarah, do you do kick counts? Pick two times a day and see how long it takes to get to 10 kicks. It helps you learn baby's pattern. If it suddenly takes longer than usual one day then you know to call your provider and take it seriously &#10084;

As for me, I've just been exhausted. My 2 year old had stomach virus this weekend and I'm just so tired. Still got a lot of cleaning to do....
I can definitely see it. I'm sure it looks more visible with a tighter top!

I'm sure you've got it all under control Nita. Just don't take on too much! I hope you don't have to work too hard though!

I haven't really done a kick count. My midwife said later on that I'll need to do it and keep close eye on it. If he has decreased movements then I'll need to go to the hospital. But I think that was later on in my pregnancy because she hasn't mentioned it again. I find that he kicks more in the evenings and lying on my left side. But other than that there's no major pattern. He is often just active all day. He's been kicking a bit today, not as much as usual, which is reassuring.

I hope your little one is on the mend now. That would really wear you down!

My DH is home for a few days on Friday. I'm so over work even though I'm only here 2 days. It almost makes it harder. The children have been really trying to test me and we have a lot of complex behaviours. Plus the other teachers either think I'm slacking off or that I'm incapable. I almost wish I'd just taken maternity leave early.
Its funny, I couldnt get a proper shot with a tighter shirt, this one actually came out the best lol. Any way I love my little bump :)

I didnt check Ovia since Sunday, and I saw this morning it said on Monday already I might start to get constipated... Well it seems like Ovia is pretty accurate :haha:

Glad your DH is coming home for a while Sarah :D

Heard last night that my DH will be working longer hours from today from 6am to 7pm and he is working Saturdays. So I guess both of us will be working our asses off. I definitely need to get someone to clean the house now, and I might have to ask my MIL to help out with dinner on certain days.. depends on how I cope with the extra work/hours and making dinner, etc.

My little fur baby is also going in for her Snip-snip tomorrow (sterilization) so we will also have to take extra care with her the next few days, especially since its freezing cold.
Haha well I'm sure by the time you reach where I am, you'll have a massive bump you can see regardless of what you wear. Mine didn't really pop until 20ish weeks and then 22 weeks it was pretty obvious.

Ovia has been pretty accurate for me too, except when it said that I might have an increased sex drive... Still haven't had that haha. Good thing DH is away!

Oh those are long hours. It's going to be good for the money but make sure you're looking after yourselves too. And getting to spend some time together before everything is taken up by a new baby. Hopefully you can get a cleaner and your MIL's help!

Aww I remember when my dog got fixed. She was so sad. I sat on the floor with my legs crossed and she climbed into my lap and curled up. Now she doesn't have cuddles.
Haha yeah Ovia said also I might have an increased sex drive from about 14 weeks...also not feeling it at all, poor DH haha but he understands..

Im not keen on asking my MIL for help though - it will be an open invitation for them to come over more often, and we are just trying to teach them boundaries, so I will first see how I cope. Its enough already that my FIL hangs around our house in the evenings.

Our fur baby have been adopted, and she must have had a traumatic experience at her previous owners as she is really scared of everything. I can only imagine how scared she will come back from the operation. But we will make alternative plans for extra blankies and some treats till she gets better. Our other puppy will go for her fur removal next weekend, first time since she has been born, so we hope they can calm her enough to cut her. Its not the ideal time to take her with the cold but her hair is in her eyes and everything sticks onto it, so we are scared of ticks and infections. I will get them both winter coats.
Ticker day!! I love this weeks tickers. We definitely have coke cans here - however I dont know where the coke can fits into me :o and we have microwave popcorn too. Ovia says a dill pickle for me this week.

My appointment is exactly one week away :D
Yay our tickers changed! We have coke and popcorn here too. Ovia changed for me too, but they're boring this week, prairie dog, baseball glove, tarte tatin and napa cabbage. We don't really have any of that here.

Yeah I've had virtually no sex drive haha. In the first trimester I was so worried about it causing a MC. In the second trimester it's just felt really weird with things moving around inside. I bet DH kind of wishes we were still TTC haha.

It's definitely hard with boundaries when asking for help. I think it'll only get worse when the baby is here.

Hope your fur babies are ok.

So I had the midwife today. It was a really long appointment. So basically she's not happy with the OB not wanting to see me so she's writing a letter. My blood pressure is high(ish) so I'll need to see the OB for that anyway. She also said that my stomach is measuring 28 weeks and that could mean there's extra fluid which is a sign of gestational diabetes. It's possible he's just had a growth spurt (so maybe he's not a bag of popcorn). She agreed I don't have to do the GTT again but I have to prick my finger 6 times a day for the next 5 days to test for gestational diabetes. The good thing about it is that I know straight away if it's too high. I did one before dinner and it was perfect. Now I have to wait 2 hours after dinner to do my next reading. Then if that's ok, I'll repeat it at 28 weeks. I also have my next scan at 28 weeks. She's also referring me to a lactation consultant to help with breastfeeding. She said I'll probably start expressing from 36-37 weeks. I feel exhausted after the appointment!

But DH is home tomorrow! He's taking Monday and Tuesday and Friday off. So we will both be just working Wednesday and Thursday. Then he goes away for another 2 weeks :(
Wow Sarah :( you are really having a tough time with this pregnancy. Its horrible to read your bad news every time you come back from an appointment - things must be swinging around for you at some point, geez. I am so sorry that you must be going through it all at once. I am sending you a hug, it sounds like you might need one now. I am happy your DH is coming home for a while, I bet it will be great spending some time with him :hugs:
Ugh tell me about it. My midwife is great though. She's really lovely and caring and thorough. She asked me how my anxiety levels were, which no other doctor has. So I'm not sure what's going on with my measurements but the baby seems to be the right size.

I also did my first 2 finger pricks and the before and ask readings are perfect. So let's just hope it stays that way!

Thanks Nita :)

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