Haha yeah Ovia said also I might have an increased sex drive from about 14 weeks...also not feeling it at all, poor DH haha but he understands..
Im not keen on asking my MIL for help though - it will be an open invitation for them to come over more often, and we are just trying to teach them boundaries, so I will first see how I cope. Its enough already that my FIL hangs around our house in the evenings.
Our fur baby have been adopted, and she must have had a traumatic experience at her previous owners as she is really scared of everything. I can only imagine how scared she will come back from the operation. But we will make alternative plans for extra blankies and some treats till she gets better. Our other puppy will go for her fur removal next weekend, first time since she has been born, so we hope they can calm her enough to cut her. Its not the ideal time to take her with the cold but her hair is in her eyes and everything sticks onto it, so we are scared of ticks and infections. I will get them both winter coats.