Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Your midwife does sound nice! Its nice to have a doctor who cares and ask personal questions like that. When I get to my OB she always asks me first how am I feeling, and then when she takes my blood pressure, she always tells me some silly story to get me to relax.

It doesnt really sound like you have GD - if the prick after eating gives a normal reading your pancreas are working like a charm. My dad used to always test our sugar after dinner too, his doctor said thats the soonest you can see something is wrong. Hopefully the readings stay normal.

I am keeping my FXed that after your next appointment you will have some good news to share... ohhh did you get to see baby again?
She's fantastic. You know how sometimes you see a really nice doctor and think that they're treating you how'd they'd treat a family member? That's what she's like :) She does say I'm complex and a challenge, so I worry about going back to her for number 2/3 etc. But that's a future problem haha. Yesterday we had a huge talk about the stupid OB and then she took my blood pressure! I said she should have done it first. It's still sitting around 140-145/80-88. Which is borderline. She should have told me a story like your OB haha.

I don't think I have GD either. My reading this morning was fine too. She's worried because of the PCOS so I think doing these readings will put her at ease. I haven't really had anything high in sugar yet though. I'm going out for afternoon tea today and the place we are going to has amazing cakes and slices. Usually I couldn't finish one but I feel like I could today haha. It's not as bad as the GTT but I feel like this has become a pregnancy of stabbing myself though!

I'm hopeful I'll have some good news too! Nope, my midwife doesn't do ultrasounds, but his heart rate was 153 on the doppler. I'll be having my next scan in 3 weeks.

Oh and last night he was kicking me in the ribs! Man it's quite uncomfortable!
Thats the best kind of doctor, one who really give personal attention. Wow your blood pressure is pretty high, Mine was like that pre-pregnancy and it seemed to have drop down in the lower range of normal. However its climbing again, yesterday's reading was 130/84 but that was after I sat in the traffic for a whole hour, about 15 minutes later when I calmed down it was 110/75 - my heart rate is up though between 100-110 bpm which I am worried about so I will tell my OB. She checks it every time any way.

Sucks that you didnt get to see baby, thats the only part of my appointment that I am really looking forward too :D
Yeah I thought it was high too. Usually, prepregnancy it's really low. Like 80/something. My old rheumatologist told me he wished he had blood pressure as low as mine. I'd always feel dizzy when I stood up and often faint after having a shower. I read that if your blood pressure is high before a certain point in your pregnancy is considered preexisting and not pregnancy related. Mine was high at that point but I know prepregnancy I had low blood pressure. Anyway, the midwife says 140/80 is borderline.

I hope your OB is on to your heart rate. I know it's normal for that to increase because we have 50% more blood.

I heard him on the doppler which is cool. His movements sounds like you're trying to communicate with aliens on another planet haha. My sister in law said he will be able to hear himself on the doppler and it'll give him a fright. Especially the sound of his heartbeat. I wasn't expecting an ultrasound so it was fine. But only 2 and a half weeks until my next one.

DH got home last night and he couldn't believe how much my tummy has grown. It's nice to have someone to rub my sore back again!
I got myself a fitness tracker to track my heart rate, that should help, dont know how accurate my heart rate monitor is, its close to 10 years old lol.

Great that your DH is home, hope he spoils you will he is home. For how long will he be gone when he leave again?

Last night we got the best news, DHs boss phoned him to thank him for standing in for the manager why he is overseas, and to congratualate him on all the work he got done, and gave in another 33% salary increase :o this is now 2 months before their official increase date so we dont know if he will get the usual 7% as well in July. Nonetheless we are so happy :)
Yeah I'm not sure how accurate those things are. But they never check my heart rate when I'm at the doctors or midwife. The only time was when I had pneumonia. I'm not sure if it means anything.

It's really nice having my DH home. He leaves again on Friday and he's away for 2 weeks but may be able to come home for the weekend. I have my antenatal course on the Saturdays that he's away so hopefully he can come back. Then I think he's home for a week before he goes overseas. He said he should be able to be home (and stay home) from the 31st July. So that's when I'll be 36 weeks. Just hold on baby!

Wow 33% is amazing! I bet you're feeling really happy about that. It'll take a lot of pressure off. I was excited I got a 2% raise back paid to march and another 2% at the start of next month. Haha but 33% is pretty awesome.

DH and I are looking at buying a section. It's a rural block of land which we'd run a few animals on. We'd build a new but relatively cheap home on it in the next 12 months and then in 4-5 years time build our 'forever home' on another part of the section. We have approval from the bank and are going to do a walk through tomorrow. We've got a pretty good property investment portfolio already and I feel like my DH has made up his mind that he wants this. It's all very exciting but I'm also in the process of nesting and planning for our baby to come home here and I'm not sure I can properly deal with that all at the moment!
I ma glad you get to spend time with DH and your plans to build a house sounds so awesome. Its really nice to build a place you want it to be.

AFM, 2 weeks of constipation came to an end with heavy diarrhiea, it was absolutely horrible, I had a very burning and sore tummy since yesterday morning and TMI I went so mich yesterday that I started bleeding from all the wiping :( i wish my stomach can work like normal again.
We went and looked at the section today. It's huge and I don't think I can be bothered with it. Dealing with a life style block, a new build, a new born and an army husband... we will see what happens there.

That sounds horrible Nita. You poor thing. Here we have something called Phloe. It's made with kiwifruit enzymes and you can use it for constipation in pregnancy.

Also, my friend on here got her BFP! She has PCOS and endo and a blocked tube. She was on metformin and the cycle she conceived was one of those crazy 60+ day ones. Her next cycle she was due to start Gonal F and IUI. Does anyone mind if I invite her to join us? She's probably going to have a lot of similar issues to us even though she didn't actually conceive on Clomid. Any objections? (P.s. She's very cool haha)
No Objections whatsoever, she is more than welcome to join us in here :D

EDIT: Well it seems like another stomach virus, another lady at my office complains that she had diarrhea and very upset stomach yesterday and today she feels so weak and nauseous - exactly the same effects I have. I seem to be attracting stomach viruses like crazy. I thought my immune system was actually doing okay - a few days ago everyone had the flu in my office and I didn't get it. That also explains why my heart rate went up by so much... it went up a lot on Friday and haven't gone done yet. My fitness tracker watch should arrive today :)
Awesome :)

Oh no. You have such bad luck when it comes to tummy bugs. Is the water safe where you live? I wonder what it is? It sounds like they go around often there. I mean I'm the one working with small children and I haven't had one in over 2 years! Your immune system is definitely lower in pregnancy. My rheumatologist and midwife both said that's why my Lupus is mostly behaving.

So all my blood sugar levels have been low. The highest had been 6.3 after a meal and it has to be under 6.8. Sometimes my blood sugar levels drop after meals (in GD they increase) and sometimes my blood sugars are borderline hypoglycaemic (low)!
Whooooop my fitness tracker just arrived :D I dont drink tap water at all, only bottled water, even though the water in the area is safe to drink. My tummy is very sensitive because of my IBS.

Thats good news about your sugar levels, mine was also borderline low last time I tested after vasting for 4 hours. I dont think you have GD at all.
I've invited Shecee to join us :)

Yay it arrived.

Wow we can drink tap water here no problem. When we travelled around Europe we drunk the tap water except in turkey. Well my DH drunk the water but I didn't. It's probably that plus your immune system in pregnancy.

I'm sick again. Coughing, sore throat, asthma etc. My pneumonia effected my right lung and if I lie on my left side I still have a terrible cough and can't breathe. But on my left side I still cough but not as bad.

Yeah I don't think I have GD thank goodness. My midwife was a bit worried because of PCOS. I also thought I might because I often feel sleepy after eating, especially dinner. I have to do my blood sugar levels for 2 more days and then repeat it week 28.

My back is also starting to hurt. I ask DH to rub it and he does for a little while and says it feels puffy and inflamed. I think I might need to find a physiotherapist.
Gosh!! I hope you feel better soon :hugs: Its horrible to feel like some kind of sh*t all the time.

Yeah, I am sure with PCOS the chances are bigger of getting GD with the insulin resistance. I am pretty sure my OB would have me do the tests sooner though due to my dad having type 2 diabetes (the genetic one) and Clomid not working and having to drink Metformin, although that didn't happen often lol.

Are you doing yoga or any stretch exercises? Those are meant to make your muscles stronger, i.e. reducing back pain and labour pain? My OB advised me to do them...I havent done either though, being uncomfortable from constipation and diarrhea I am just happy to get through each day. I do try and speed walk for 20 mins over lunch time each day.

Ohhhh Sheece is your friend... I have been stalking her journal :) So glad she got her BFP, and looking forward to her joining us in here :hugs:
Yeah it's not much fun. It just feels like it's one thing after another. I get better and then get sick again.

I'm not sure if the change of having GD with PCOS is more significant if you have insulin resistance or if you have issues with your weight? I didn't have IR before and I wasn't overweight before becoming pregnant. But I haven't jumped on the scales in almost a week... ugh... but I think I've probably put on close to 10kgs. Hopefully your OB will only make you do it once at 28 weeks. Even after having ice cream last night my sugars were only 4.3 this morning (under 4 is hypo and it needs to be under 5) which is perfectly normal.

I've been doing stretches. I use to do yoga, but I've just lost motivation haha. I'm thinking of finding a physiotherapist to tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. I know some yoga stansas aren't ok during pregnancy. I've had issues with arthritis in my SI joints and my rheumatologist said I'd probably have issues with it in pregnancy, so I'm not surprised.

Haha yes, we've been chatting for months :) same! It's so exciting because she got it before starting fertility treatment!
You ladies sure know how to make a girl feel welcome :wave:

Thanks for the invite Sarah!

Hi Nita! Did you use to post in the Cheers to bfps thread in TTC #1? I feel like I remember you from there but I could have my wires crossed :p

As Sarah said, I somehow managed to conceive on CD51 on our last cycle before IUI! Very touch wood right now, I'm only 13dpo / 4 weeks tomorrow but feeling positive. Much more positive than I felt during our m/c cycle at least.

I'm doing pregnancy monitoring through our fertility clinic so 2 x a week blood tests and I'll have an early ultrasound at 7 weeks. Next test is Thursday to make sure my levels are doubling (12dpo HCG was 42 and progesterone 37, and im starting progesterone suppositories tonight).

I have insulin resistance, PCOS & Endo which I had a laparoscopy for in February, so I'm a bit nervous how this will effect things but one day at a time right?
Hello Sheece :D I am not sure if we have posted in the same thread before :haha: but I have read your Journal, and congratz on the BFP. The first few weeks aren't easy, but once you see baby as the first ultra sound things will change, and hopefully you will see the heartbeat at 7 weeks and then your chances of a MC goes right down.

There's something about starting treatment that got us Pregnant. I was on my last cycle of Clomid (as the SE got too bad for me) and was schedules to go for Ovarian drilling as soon as AF started - and then AF never arrived.

Goodluck on the Progesterone, that along with the normal hormone rise got me down, I was so useless and tired all the time. However things get easier after around 12 weeks.

Take it one day at a time and enjoy the time you have with this little baby :hugs:

Sarah, I picked up a lot of weight while on Clomid, and I have an idea I might have IR... we will see when the GTT comes :haha:

Getting super excited and scared for my appointment on Thursday - hope my tummy is better by then. Its still burning, almost like it got damaged by acid, and still a bit of Diarrhea today, but I dont feel weak or nauseous today (yay)
Hey girls...doing good here just waiting to O :( Apparently the cd 1-5 Clomid didn't kick me into O (I should have a O'd by cd 15 if Clomid made me O) so hopefully my body will just do it on its 18 is tomorrow and my opk was pretty dark but not positive today but hopefully soon, I have tons of ewcm so hopefully I'm going to soon!! Who knows with my darn body though :( We are having a horrible heat wave so we are sleeping with windows open every night and I'm still getting hot flashes like crazy from the Clomid. I stopped taking my metformin because I just couldn't ever remember to take it so I just take it when I remember if I do but I haven't once this cy. Lots of busy things coming up for our family as we transition to graduation and our big move...I have less anxiety and more excitement but the days seem to be flashing by and there's lots to do still! I haven't posted much because I'm trying to just relax this cy...we also haven't been able to bd much this cy because we have been so busy so it will be a miracle if we catch O anyhow. I'm really just waiting through this cy to be able to try 150mg and pray it works to make me O in that 5-10 day window...
Hang in there Four! Hopefully you will O soon this cycle, and I would not worry about BDing too much, it is very possible to get pregnant by BDing every 2 - 3 days. And if all else fails go over to the 150mg... that worked for me when 50/100mg didnt so I am positive it will. :hugs: good luck with the move and organizing everything!

OnEarth - are you still following? How are you doing?
Hi ladies!

Welcome sheece!

I've been silently stalking but horrid at replying. Been really struggling with nausea still and vomiting more than first tri.

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