Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Yay you found us Sheece! :) I'm so excited for you :) I have a good feeling too. I hope you can get the script for the progesterone and start it. Nita and TTC both were on progesterone so they can tell you about all the fun that comes with it. Let us know how your test today goes! They're following things really closely so if things take a turn for the worst and can be prevented they will be on to it.

Nita, IR is quite common in PCOS. I think I read that 80% of people have some kind of IR issue with PCOS. But all my blood sugars have been fine. I'll send my midwife a photo this afternoon and show her my results. I know she'll be surprised because she was convinced I have GD. I think I've put on 9kgs so far. A 4 year old at work told me I'd gotten fat haha I just laughed. Good luck for your appointment I'm glad you're feeling better.

Four, I'm so sorry that you didn't ovulate in the time frame. I thought that taking it 1-5 probably wouldn't make a huge difference. Can you try a higher dose? I hope you can get away with no side effects from it though because higher the dose, the more likely you'll get side effects. I'm glad you're managing to relax and the move isn't stressing you out.

TTC I'm so sorry you're feeling sick. A mum at my work today said that she'd been sick until 18 weeks and still vomiting occasionally.

I went to a waste free parenting workshop last night. It was pretty cool :)
Thanks ladies :)

I took my first progesterone last night. Easier than I thought it would be but as soon as I took it I felt like I was heating up like an oven! So weird.

What kind of side effects did you girls get?

So far I've lost 1 kg since I've been pregnant :haha: I've got plenty in reserve though so no worries there. Next blood test is tomorrow :) My frer testing is still progressing nicely!

Good luck Four! I agree with Nita, I was BDing every 2nd day and managed to catch so its possible.
Sheece, I was taking Utrogestan orally and my worst side effects was extreme dizziness and fatigue, I had to wake up at 2am to take them just for the dizziness to wear off so I can start to work at 6am. I also had to change my working hours. I know taking them vaginally have less SE, but my OB prescribed them orally so thats how I took them.
Thanks Nita.

So far I haven't had any side effects I don't think. Maybe a few more niggles here and there but thats about it. Touch wood.

I got my 2nd betas back today and the progesterone is definitely helping!

HCG: 220 (42 at 12dpo)
Prog: 119 (previously 37)

Stoked! Was expecting hcg of around 84! 72 hours between tests, and betabase says my doubling time is 30 hours.

How're you ladies going?
Thats wonderful news Sheece :) that's a really great number for 15dpo, mine was only 87 on 15dpo.

Not everyone do get the SE from the Progesterone, so hopefully you wont get any too.

My tummy is still very sore after the virus - pretty sure it triggered my IBS and I can't take any of my IBS meds to help, previous time I went without meds it took 2 weeks to get better - ugh! I have my 16 week appointment later this afternoon - Whooooop.

And today is new ticker day :D Ovia says Pomegranate :D

Sheece, have Sarah told you about the Ovia pregnancy app? Really nice, tells you each day what is happening with baby. And (when you are ready ofcourse) get yourself a ticker, new ticker days (when it goes over to a new week) is really eciting :haha:
Yay 17 weeks! How exciting :) Let us know how your appointment goes!

And urgh, IBS does not sound good at all, I hope it's a short flare up if anything!

I do have the Ovia app! 4w, 1 day so I am at the poppy seed stage :haha: Can't wait to be at pomegranate!!

I think I will get a ticker. I'm a bit afraid of jinxing things to be honest, but the main thing I was holding out for was to make sure my hcg was doubling and so far so good!
We are hopeful that we might find out the gender today :D And honestly, I am just hoping that baby is still OK and healthy. Baby is supposed to be 11CM already and looking at the size of my bump, I have no idea where baby fits.

No hurry Sheece, you can put a ticker up whenever you are ready :) you will see the time goes by fast, before you know it, it will be the size of a pomegranate. What is next sheece? More Beta's?
ohh fingers crossed you can find out today :D

I hope time goes quick, I wan't to be in the "safe" zone already.

We are doing pregnancy monitoring through our fertility clinic, so I'm having 2 blood tests a week, and an early ultrasound at 7 weeks :) Not sure what happens after that!
Dont worry Sheece, you will see how fast time goes by, and so far your Beta's look really good and you have the monitoring for the next few weeks, which is great. I had one Beta @15dpo and then an appointment at 8 weeks, so my nerves went totally crazy. Perhaps you will have less monitoring,etc. once they have confirmed a healthy heartbeat.

My baby is a large order of fries (I had a large order of fries last night) so I know exactly how big that is :D However, Sarah, I have no clue what a Double Gulp Cup is... I have never heard of it heehee.

3 hours till my appointment :D
We are officialy team pink :D and baby is still doing good.


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Aww congrats Nita! I'm so surprised they can tell so early these days!
A friend of mine also said she found out at 16 weeks when she was pregnant with her daughter. My OB checked from all angles, and our princess was lying with wide open legs, so she told us like 3 times that it is a girl, but she will confirm it on 20 weeks just to be sure. We had so many girl guesses too, so I am sure this is a girl.
Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I'm sick (again) and work, I'm exhausted and have lost my voice :(

Sheece, I'm so excited about your levels! The progesterone is working and your levels have more than doubled!! I'm glad you got Ovia I can't remember if I recommended it or not but it's so cool. Mines really boring now though, it usually says .."the baby will continue to... until they're born" and it's something they've already told me is happening. But in the first trimester it's exciting. And get a ticker when ever you feel like it!:) after that monitoring you'll probably be mostly on your own until 12 weeks. You'll probably have a midwife/obstetrician appointment in between.

Nita, omg! We so picked it haha. One of each inthis group now. Just have to wait and see what TTC and Sheece are having! I think at 16 weeks they can be pretty sure but I don't blame you for having some reservations. I'm still only 90-95% sure we are having a boy haha. Haha isn't it weird when you end up eating something the size of what your baby is? I have no idea what a gulp cup is.. maybe Four or TTC know?

It's only 1-2 (depending on where you look) week's until I'm in the 3rd trimester!! That's a bit freaky. The baby is kicking me so much this morning, it's nauseating. It use to be just a kick in one spot but now it's like he's having a full on tantrum in there and his arms, legs and head are all going for it. I can also no longer see my feet and DH had to help me out of bed this morning haha.
Oh and my midwife is very happy with my sugar levels and I can take a break until week 8! I'm pretty sure I don't have GD so nice to be clear of something!
I think they said when its a girl at 16 weeks its pretty accurate, but if its a boy then it can still be girl, lol who knows? She looked from all angles and couldnt see any boy parts, and well shes been doing it 25 years, so I am sure she knows by now. She also would not say something if she wasnt sure.

We also have the oppertunity to go do the anatomy scan next month, but its really costly and she said although its nice to do, we dont have too. DH and I decided not to, even if they come back saying something might be wrong, as she said its only guesses, we wont abort the pregnancy and the downs screening already came back low risk.

At my next appointment, we will do the bed reservation at the hospital and book our free 4d scan at 28 weeks :D I cant believe in 3 weeks I am halfway there.

I hope you feel better Sarah, can you drink something to help thats safe? I too dont thjnk you have GD so I am glad your midwife said you can take the break. :)
Aww a little girl! Congrats Nita how exciting!!!

16 weeks is pretty early, so good that you can find out early though!

I was offered a blood test around 10 weeks (because I am over 30 I guess) that screens for down syndrome etc, and they said they can tell the sex from that which was nuts to me. If they offer it this time I reckon I'll find out then because patience has never been my forte ;) My SIL had the test done but elected not to find out the sex.

Yay for being clear of GD Sarah! Must be a relief to not have to do the pin prick tests anymore! Bubs sounds like he is running an obstacle course in there or something :p
Sheece, I dont knkw if things might work differently here, but there are 2 kinds of tests here, 1 is the blood test to do the downs screening which they do between 10-14 weeks, but this test dont tell the gender of the baby, I got a copy from the lab, however there is another test at 14-16 weeks where they take a sample of the fluid surrounding baby, cant remember whats its called now, but that test can tell the gender, however the test have a MC risk too.
Nita, I think they look for the "hamburger" when it's a girl. That's three little lines. I said the same to my DH because he was doubting whether it was a boy. This is their job and they wouldn't tell us if they weren't sure. I'm not sure when the boy bits actually descend.

We did the anatomy scan, but we didn't do a 16 week one. I think it's also helpful because they're aware of issues that might arise (like heart issues or kidney problems) and can operate straight away if need be. It was free for us, so it wasn't a problem. Oh they also spent a long time looking at his upper lip and palate because they can check for cleft lip. The whole scan took about an hour.

I've found it all goes so much quicker from 20 weeks. Before that it's so slow haha.

I've been having Panadol. That's about all I can take. Mucinex is ok too and I had some leftover from TTC. But I'm not really phlegm-y so I don't know if it'll make any difference. Yup, she told me to give my fingertips a break until 28 weeks!

Sheece, here (and things are probably similar), you can do the 12 week NT scan (it's optional) and they do a normal scan and they use the computer to take a little measurement of the fluid in the neck. If it's thinner than some measurement (can't remember now) it's a good sign. They also run some blood tests to check some levels and combined those results to give you your risk. That's usually the first step and if that comes back high then you'll be referred to a high risk OB and they may do an amniocentesis (you can turn it down, it's got about a 0.5% chance of causing a MC). The other option is that blood test, here it's about $600 and you can find out the gender by it. It seems really common to do it in the US, but I only found it here when I googled it. I think it's called the Harmony test. Why would you do it and not find out the gender!?!

Definitely practicing for kick boxing today. Some days he's crazy and other days sleeps a lot. My DH said he's been waking up early and putting his hand on my tummy and feels him moving. Thankfully I can sleep through it.

Also, I found that a study showed that playing whale/dolphin sounds to your baby in the womb is better for their development than talking to them or music/singing. DH thinks that's fantastic and is now making whale noises at me...
lol, Sarah, you explain it so nicely, I should work on my English :haha:

The anatomy scan here is done at the hospital and my OB doesn't do it. She said it's not necessary since our NT scan came back low risk, and its unnecessary cost. She have to by law give us the details to do it, but if it was her choice she would not recommend we do it - the money can be spend better. The cost of the scan is 4 times what I pay my OB for an appointment.

Yeah, I heard they look for the hamburger, she just said she can see the 3 lines and no boy parts :D we are so happy. I would have doubt it if she said boy, since we had so many girl guesses. Now I dont have to refer to our baby as 'it' any more, its now our daughter :D And she is already loved by so many of our friends and family <3

My OB was very surprised that I couldn't feel any obvious moves from baby just yet, she said its most likely because I am a first time mommy and cant distinguish the moves from gas yet. I am sure I have felt movements, but cannot say 100% that its baby moving.
Oh, and Sarah, I also took Panado - same as panadol when I was on Progesterone for the headaches and although it kind off worked, I feel like it didnt do what other painkillers does. I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

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