Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Oh no Sarah! That sucks :( atleast you have the bed for yourself for the noext two weeks ;)

My DH complained so much about the cushions that I had to take them off the bed the last few weeks, but he bought me a pregnancy pillow today which is smaller and better for me. Also bought my maternity bra's today, my old ones officialy dont fit any more. 1,5 cup sizes up already :o

My mom goes in for her operation this week Tuesday so I will be working long hours and will most likely be less on here. :( ill check in when I can.
Yup but sleep's getting pretty uncomfortable now :(

That's good. I was going to go today and find some new bras. But I'm just in a bad mood. My Dad (we aren't close at all) just announced he was coming to visit for a week in the middle of September. He's booked his tickets and bringing my stupid step mother.. I'm just feeling like I don't want the pressure of having lots of people coming to visit. I want to be at home, with my DH and the baby, not entertaining visitors.. I wish he'd checked first.

I hope everything goes well for your mother. Let us know how she is getting on. Hope you're not working too much/hard!
Hey ladies I'm still 23 and still no O :cry: I was going to call my dr Tuesday and tell her I want to end this cy with Provera and go to 150mg but tonight I got a +opk so now I guess I'll stick it out for another long 17 day lb :cry: I just don't see it ever happening when I don't O till this late every cy...if I get a temp shift before Tuesday I'll hold off calling but if I don't then I'm going to request the 150mg...I'm just SO FRUSTRATED!!

Nita I knew you would be team pink CONGRATS <3 I love having girls!!

Love I'm praying this little one is sticky and you can find happiness instead of fear <3

Sarah you are getting so close! I hope hubby comes home and then it's baby time ;)

Miss you all! I've been pretty bummed out this cy because it's just taking forever and I hate having these long cy's I just want a normal one. Trying to cheer up and go with the flow now that I got a +opk but I certainly don't feel high hopes.
Hey Four, don't give up hope. Did you see Shecee ovulated on CD 50 something?? I think wait and see what your temps do. If it looks like you've ovulated then wait it out, but if it was a dud OPK then ask for Provera. I do think 150mg is a good move, even if you are about to ovulate. You're ovulating late for Clomid which indicates it's probably not quite the right dose for you. It is so frustrating and when your cycles are long it makes it hard to start positive. I hope you have the same luck Nita did on 150mg, I have a good feeling about it.

It's feeling close but so far away! I'm starting to feel weird about some things haha I'm not sure if the pregnancy hormones are starting to kick it. But I'm feeling really overwhelmed and really want to shut everyone out except my husband (and he's not even here!). All these people are booking tickets to come and see us or ringing and messaging and I just want a break. I don't want to snap at them but I feel like I need some space!

When do you move Four?
Four, sorry about your long cycle, I know how frustrating and awful they are :(

Sarah - sucks that DH is away for your classes :( And I couldn't see the bump photos either, send again I wanna see!

Nita - I like your name :) Hope your mums operation goes well.

AFM - Had my 3rd beta today. HCG looks good (mid - high 800's, i forgot what she told me on the phone!) and doubling time slowed but not sure if that's normal or not?

My progesterone dipped again to 43 (from 119) so now I have to double my suppositories. Bit worried but trying not to be!
Yay for your beta! I'm glad they're on to it with the progesterone. Fingers crossed you'll not experience any crazy side effects.

I'm just going to complain for a minute haha. So my DH's work give him 10 days leave for the baby, which we were planning for him to take after he is born. But my DH read into the fine print and 5 days are for appointments before the baby is born and 5 days are for after he's born... I wonder if they'll send him back from overseas for my appointments.... UGH. So frustrating. Thankfully he's got lots of stand down and annual leave.

And TMI - my boobs haven't grown heaps, they're already pretty big (12-14F) but last night they were super itchy. And now they've grow a cup size overnight and I'd say he's going to have no trouble finding my nipples haha. Everything has just increased in size!
Just a quick in,

Sheece, your Beta sounds good. I sometimes think all these tests make us more nervous than not having them. Try not to worry, whatever happens is going to happen no matter what, just enjoy the time you have with your little one as much as you can :)

Lol, Sarah, its good your boobs are getting bigger...more milk whoohooo - can I just say, where have maternity Bra's been all my life, its so comfy, I think I might end up wearing them after the pregnancy too :D oh and DH loves to brag now to his friends how big his wife's boobs are getting :haha:
Lol yeah they definitely feel fuller, I'm not leaking or anything though. I really don't need them to get any bigger though! But I read that your nipples get bigger so that the baby can find them. Since yesterday, I'd say he will have no trouble haha. They're still itchy so hopefully they don't keep growing! I didn't find the maternity bras that comfy. One of them was but the others weren't great. Haha my DH isn't here to enjoy them, sucks for him!
Mine are super comfy, but they arent really the best looking. I thought my DH would complain, however, they are a turn-on for him lol
When I went bra shopping yesterday the lady said she was so sorry but the only ones that would fit me are old ladies bras.. I'm pretty use to that now.. I'm glad your DH is enjoying them!
We've got a cocktail party and a family event coming up so I need to find a nice dress that I can hopefully wear for both.

Where one do you guys like?



I had to buy the smallest maternity bra :haha:

Definitely the black/white dress!
Just heard from the hospital where my mom had her operation, it was a success, thank goodness, and she is already awake ( they finished about 2 houts ago) phew
Thats great news about your mum Nita! :happydance: I hope her recovery goes as well as can be expected :)

Sarah - I reckon the black and white one too! The other two are good for a family get together but not sure if they would work at a cocktail party. My second choice is the white floral one.

I already hate bra shopping (DD here and the bra choices are limited) so don't know how I'll go maternity bra shopping when they get even bigger! You guys give me hope when you say they are really comfy though haha

5 weeks today woo! Might get around to that ticker after tomorrows beta :)
I think it's navy and white, is it the spotted one you are both meaning? haha. Thanks :) the one that I really liked sold out before I could get it!

I'm so glad your Mum is doing ok Nita, hope she's on the mend and she's feeling ok.

Shecee, yay for 5 weeks. Definitely get a ticker (when you feel ready!) It's a shame your new week doesn't start on a Thursday like ours haha. Kmart have some maternity bras but not in my size :( maybe in yours? I hate bra shopping, you get fitted, think it's great and then it turns out to be so uncomfy.

Ugh the baby is up in my ribs today. But he's doing little soft kicks in my tummy, it feels a bit like sea sickness and it's making me feeling nauseous. Plus add in reflux and virtually no sleep. Blah, I can't wait to go to bed!
yay on 5 weeks Sheece :D hope your Beta comes back with more good news :D

Its also almost ticker day for us Sarah YAY

I wonder if my boobs only grow so much because they were really small before... like, is that a thing? DH's friend who was the same size as me pre-pregnancy went up from a B to a D :o I am only on C now, but if they keep on growing like they are, then I should go over to a D soon.
Let us know when you find out Sheece!

Yay new tickers. I peeked and mine was lame. But Ovia said a bunch of bananas (and becareful not to hurt his 'peelings' haha), a camp lantern, and a Fennec fox (we don't have foxes here but the picture is really cute). Plus a second viability milestone because his lungs are working much stronger. And it basically said he's done growing now it's just getting fatter and developing his brain further.

I'm not sure. I think it varies for everyone. My aunt had big boobs and they got even bigger during pregnancy. My midwife asked if mine had gotten bigger when she was talking about the referral to the lactation consultant and I said I thought maybe a little. She said growth was a good sign that you'd have supply. But I also read that your boobs usually grow again in the third trimester so I was iffy about buying a maternity bra just yet.

Have you felt anymore kicks Nita?
Test is done, just have to wait a few hours now! :coffee:

Interesting about the bigger boobs = more milk theory Sarah. Makes sense though. I'll be hoping mine get bigger then ha ha I have the same concern as you with the whole pcos / milk supply thing.

Edited to add my results:

HCG 1898 (which is a doubling time of 61 hours, has definitely slowed but I think thats normal?)

Prog is 226! Up from 43 on Monday, so definitely happy with that!

And I have my nurse appointment on Monday to go over the game plan from here :) Time for a ticker.
Fantastic news Sheece! Sounds like all is going well for you. Have you had any more symptoms? How are you feeling?

No definite kicks Sarah, and I honestly have not made the feel to concentrate and see if I feel something. Last night both DH and I was in bed by 7:30 as the long working hours is getting to the both of us. I have been picking up some weight but my bump still looks the same urgh, but I think it might start to grow now, as I have been feeling round ligament pain for the last 3 days.

I had worries about milk supply too, but I also read that growth is good for supply, so I am feeling better about it now. Hope it grows some more...but I dont want the whole leaking thing though lol.

Ovia says sweet potato for me this week, still wondering where a sweet potato fits into my small bump lol.

Update on my mom: She is a real fighter, demanded to the nurses yesterday that she wanted to wear her own clothes and she started walking and doing things herself again. They will be lowering her pain meds from today and if all goes well she can start to eat solid foods again today. If all goes well, we will be fetching her from the hospital tomorrow :D
Touch wood it's all going well :) I'm scared it's going a little too well but I think thats to be expected!

Symptoms wise my boobs are getting a tiny bit more sore each day, I'm having hot flushes especially after I walk around (have had that since I ovulated) and later in the afternoon I start to get really tired and start feeling a bit yuck. Thankful they aren't much worse :)

Hopefully they stay so tame for another few weeks as I am on a plane in 3 weeks and I'd really rather not be sick!

Thats great news about your mum Nita! She sounds like a strong lady, I'm glad she is feeling better, and fingers crossed you can take her home tomorrow!

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