Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

The monitoring is definitely reassuring. Not sure what I'll do when its finished!

I just booked my ultrasound for next Tuesday! Will be 6w, 6d. They said anytime between 6.5 & 7.5 weeks. Then I have my follow up with my gyno the Thursday after to go over the results and the next steps!

Sarah - sounds like bubs enjoys napping & trampolining ha ha ha.

I vote for new bump pics too ladies :)
Whooohoooo Sheece, so glad your numbers are going up like they should. Nothing beats seeing your little baby on the ultrasound for the first time though. Mine looked like a little peanut at 8 weeks so not sure what yours will look like so early, but if will feel real then :D Until about 12 weeks it feels like the appointments are so far apart (I went every 4 weeks) but now the time seems to go buy so quickly.

I woke up this morning feeling 3 definite kicks <3 DH is angry because he havent felt her kicks yet. I think she is awake in the mornings with me and then a little while in the afternoon.

Yesterday my grandma came to me and said "ohhhhhh, look at that bump" I feel like I cant hide it anymore lol.

I will update with a new bump pic after work today. I was complaining about not having much of a bump now it looks so huge :D

Edit: Almost forgot to add this :o DH and I started on Liezl's room yesterday :D we already have a very big cupboard full of baby stuff, my aunt gave us some over the weekend and we got some gifts from the UK and NZ from family. We are so privileged.

(P.s. If anything doesnt make sense, sorry, my friend google translate had to assist again)
My grandma also shared this with me yesterday, when a women gives natural birth with all the squeezing you squeeze all the fluid out of baby's lungs, enabling him/her to start breathing the moment they leave your body, where as with a C-section they still need to pump to fluid out of baby's lungs.

Also, she said if 2 women give birth the same time, 1 naturally and 1 c-section - the next day, the women who gave birth naturally packs her bags ready to go home, while the women who had the c-section are still crying from the pain.

So glad I chose natural birth :D just wanted to share above for the FTM's
Sheece, when you're finished you'll have the ultrasound. But then you'll have to suffer like the rest of us between waiting for scans haha. If you like, I'll upload my ultrasound picture from when I was 7w1. He was measuring 7w1d but my LMP was 6w4d so your baby will be somewhere around where ours was in the scan. But if you want it to be a surprise I won't upload it haha.

Nita, yay! I'm glad you're feeling kicks. I started feeling them at 15w and my DH didn't feel them until 18w. It was just because we were lying in bed and he had his hand on my tummy for about an hour. They were still pretty few and far between then. Now I can see them through wearing 2-3 layers of clothes haha.

I found around mid-2nd trimester that when he was really active I'd then wake up the next day with a bigger bump.

That's exciting, it starts to feel really real when you buy stuff. Our baby's room is pretty much all organised. I think we just need a little bit more bedding. We've hired a capsule which we will pick up in August. But if he arrived tomorrow we would be able to cope. My friends are due at the end of June and they came to look at our baby's room and said they needed to go home and start organising and buying things!

And your grandma is right. There are definitely some benefits of having a natural vaginal birth. TMI!! - Also they believe that when the baby comes down the birth canal that they pick up bacteria from the vagina and bum which is helpful for the baby. I think for c section babies they sometimes do a 'sweep' of that area and then place some of the bacteria manually into the baby's mouth... Not sure. I think TTC or Four said that they had had a c section??

At the antenatal class they said that 32% of births at the local hospital were c sections. I was surprised it was quite high. But that's including all the planned c sections and emergency c sections. You also can't drive for 8 weeks after a c section.

AFM, I went bra shopping today and my boobs have grown! From a DD cup to a G cup!! TMI - I'm still not leaking and can't hand pump anything out.
Hey ladies <3 Do any of you know how early implantation can happen after O? I had a good dip at 4dpo but for some reason I feel like that's awfully early. I don't feel any symptoms or anything this cy and I'm just ready to get on to 150mg so I hope this LP goes quick...
Haha Nita did your grandmother actually have a c section? I disagree with people having them for non-medical reasons, but if you need one they're an amazing intervention. They don't pump out baby's lungs. Ironically my vaginally birthed baby had to spend time in the NICU (intensive care for babies) for lung problems but my c-section baby was perfectly fine. Sometimes they gently suction baby's nose and mouth but that's with either kind of birth. The whole bacteria thing has been recently disproven to be of any actual benefit to baby. As far as getting out of bed, I was up and walking 6 hours after my c section. With my vaginally birthed baby I was laying flat in bed for 48 hrs after birth due to having severe preeclampsia. With my c section I stayed 2 nights in hospital. With my vaginal birth I was there 5 nights and then had to go in for emergency surgery when baby was 3 weeks old because I hemorhaged at home. So overall my c section was a much much better birth than my vaginal one. I drove 2 weeks after my section. By 6 weeks I was fully recovered. Nursing baby was more painful than healing from my c section. I really hate when people act like it's so horrible when it's actually a medical marvel that saves many lives.
Also you can choose vaginal birth all you want, but if you have an emergency you may have a section. You can't plan birth.
Just so no one worries, when I needed a c section, this was my experience. I got the spinal, which felt like an odd shot in my back. Then I laid down and when I was numb my doctor began. I could feel pressure and tugging but that was it. I heard baby cry and he was brought to me right away. I could've even nursed right away but I didn't feel so great. They gave baby to my husband and closed me up. Then I was in recovery for about an hour and I went to my room. I got up a few hours later and walked a bit and used to restroom. The next day I was walking, caring for baby, etc like normal. I had some pain but it wasn't bad at all. So in case any of you need a c section, it's not as bad as you'd think.

Nita, glad to hear you feel baby now! A few more weeks and your dh should feel kicks from the outside!

Sheece I'm excited for your ultrasound!

Sarah, my boobs have grown the same! Haha I hope mine don't grow more since I'm about 10 weeks behind you :rofl: Also, with my first I got a tiny bit of leaking about 35 weeks. When he was born (at 36 weeks) my milk didn't come in for 6 days. So don't panic, just try to stick with it the best you can. And formula is a wonderful thing if it doesn't work out &#10084;&#65039;
Ttc, wow you are the first person that had a better experience with a c section, and ofcourse as a FTm, and i am sure you know this, the whole birth thing is so stressfull, and so far everyone I talked to who gave birth naturally stayed 1 night, and the others who had c sections stayed 3-5 nights. Dont get me wrong, if for medicated reasons i need a c section, then i will most definately do it, but i want it naturally as far as possible. Everyone is different :) you are definately more experienced than us ttc hee hee.
Ttc, wow you are the first person that had a better experience with a c section, and ofcourse as a FTm, and i am sure you know this, the whole birth thing is so stressfull, and so far everyone I talked to who gave birth naturally stayed 1 night, and the others who had c sections stayed 3-5 nights. Dont get me wrong, if for medicated reasons i need a c section, then i will most definately do it, but i want it naturally as far as possible. Everyone is different :) you are definately more experienced than us ttc hee hee.

I totally understand! I still get stressed! I think I want to have a vbac this time but I'm still unsure. I think the best thing is to have a go with the flow attitude and just take it all in stride. Don't worry about planning too much. Birth is such a crazy thing and it's truly unplannable &#10084;&#65039; Trust your doctors and know they will do what's best for you and for baby.
Hey ladies <3 Do any of you know how early implantation can happen after O? I had a good dip at 4dpo but for some reason I feel like that's awfully early. I don't feel any symptoms or anything this cy and I'm just ready to get on to 150mg so I hope this LP goes quick...

Four, I didn't mean to ignore. 4dpo is early! I think average is 9dpo.
Hi ladies,
Am very cautiously here as it's so early and I lost our last baby at 10-11 weeks so am not posting too much yet!

Nita wanted to say a huge congrats to you, I remember you briefly from the Clomid thread in TTC so I'm glad it worked for you!

I got pg with my daughter on round 3 of clomid last time. Second pregnancy after round 2 (which we lost) and this time it was first time!

Have only read back a few pages but re C section v natural like TTC126 said it doesn't always work out the way you want! Ended up having one last time unexpectedly as my daughter was stuck and did not want to come out! It was totally fine, and there was no sucking her lungs! But definitely going to go for a natural birth this time all being well...

Hoping to share the journey with you ladies!
Ttc, wow you are the first person that had a better experience with a c section, and ofcourse as a FTm, and i am sure you know this, the whole birth thing is so stressfull, and so far everyone I talked to who gave birth naturally stayed 1 night, and the others who had c sections stayed 3-5 nights. Dont get me wrong, if for medicated reasons i need a c section, then i will most definately do it, but i want it naturally as far as possible. Everyone is different :) you are definately more experienced than us ttc hee hee.

I totally understand! I still get stressed! I think I want to have a vbac this time but I'm still unsure. I think the best thing is to have a go with the flow attitude and just take it all in stride. Don't worry about planning too much. Birth is such a crazy thing and it's truly unplannable &#10084;&#65039; Trust your doctors and know they will do what's best for you and for baby.

Thank you TTC :hugs: thats great advice! I guess, its stressing me that I have no idea what to expect. Reading uo and asking everyone I know about it. But you are right, in the end, whats right at the time will haopen.
Four, I think 4dpo is a bit early but not impossible? Hoping this is your month :hugs:

Bonnie, yes I remember you too! Sorry about your loss :hugs: and congratz on another BFP, hoping and praying with you that this is a sticky bean. You are welcome to post most when you are ready and comfortable :)
And Bump picture update :)


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Four, I think 4 DPO is pretty early. I'm pretty sure 6 DPO is what they say is the earliest but I'm not sure if it's impossible to implant at 4 DPO. Good luck!

Congratulations Bonnie :) I'm sorry for your loss.

TTC, I'm glad you had a positive C section experience. It sounds like there were some other risk factors involved in your vaginal birth so that would have made things more complicated than the average I imagine. I definitely agree c sections are there for those who need them and they're amazing life saving procedures but from the research I've done, you don't want one unless you need one and that there are a number of benefits birthing natural vs c section as long as you can. The research around the bacteria still seems to be relevant even though only small studies have been done. And most FTMs can't plan for having one/not having one. Where I live you can't ask for one just because you want a c section. If it's an emergency then you get one. I'm hoping to not need one just because I know the recovery time for having my appendix removed and I'd say a c section would probably be a whole lot worse.

And I think my boobs did a bit more growing in the past 2 weeks haha so sorry to say you might get another growth spurt. I was iffy about buying a maternity bra yet because I was worried they'd grow more and I just didn't feel that supported in it.

Nita, I'm usually the type of person who hates uncertainty, needs to know the plan and how it's all going to work. But after the antenatal class I wish I didn't know. I'd feel so much better not knowing about all of it and just listening to my body and my midwife and OB. I was feeling ok about it all and now I just feel anxious. And I'm due in 12 weeks!
Nita BEAUTIFUL bump <3

I thought it was early too for a dip too...ff changed my O date from cd 22 to cd 27...not really sure why but it is what it is...I guess I could technically be 10dpo or 5dpo depending on when I actually O'd, you can click on my ticker to get to my chart.

If I go by the first O date ff gave me I am technically 10dpo and that dip would have been at 9dpo but since ff changed my O date it now says I'm 5dpo with the dip at 4dpo...I probably should have went and got the 21 day test but with my late O again I was just annoyed and decided I didn't want to stress about it anymore than I was. Either way I have ZERO symptoms this month...not even sore boobs like I usually get, the only thing I've felt lately is just bloated and dull backache. I'm sure there's zero chance to get a bfp this month but I just want this cy over with.
Hmm I tend to think FF has it right at CD 27 but mainly because of your CM. If that's the case then you're still early days and it could just be a fall back rise? Did you get the go ahead to up your dose next time?
Yea she said if the cd 1-5 didn't work then we would do the 150mg next cy
Took a test earlier and it was bfn as expected...also dipped a opk and the test line was almost as dark as the confused, the next 10-12 days can't pass any quicker :(
Four, not to confuse the issue anymore, but I actually got a bfp at 6dpo and had a dip at 4dpo on my m/c cycle. I thought it was way too early but there really wasn't any other day I could have ovulated!

Love the bump Nita!

Hi Bonnie! You and I are quite close together I think, I got my bfp on May 19 :)

As for birth, I'm aiming for vbac with all the drugs, but if I need a C section, so be it I guess.

6 weeks today! I feel like its been ages already but it's only 6 weeks! According to Ovia, baby is the size of a Maine blueberry.
Sarah, I am just like you, I want it all planned and have it go according to plan, if only the universe played along, right? What needs to happen will, and we can only go as prepared as we possibly can. I had a dream about giving birth last night...silly crazy pregnancy dreams!

Four, I dont understand charting very well, as I never did it before, but I would say you arent out until AF arrives, and if FF is right you still have plenty of time. I only got my BFP on 12dpo and it was a very very faint line. Hope times go by faster and you end up getting your BFP this cycle.

Yay, Sheece, happy 6 weeks...your baby aren't a ball of cells anymore :D

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