Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Sheece- Yay for your results. That's so exciting. I think it's normal that it slows a little. As long as it's not dropping or staying stable. And your progesterone is awesome too. I love your ticker!

I read a little about PCOS and milk supply. Here's some good general info-

- Why is PCOS Thought of Having an Effect on Milk Production?
According to Lisa Marasco, the IBCLC whose breakthrough research revealed the connection between PCOS and low milk supply, there are several different ways that PCOS could potentially interfere with breastfeeding.

1. Due to the hormonal imbalances which occur, there is the potential for poor breast tissue development during puberty and pregnancy. Fewer menstrual cycles in early puberty can translate into less estrogen to develop mammary tissue.

2. Prolactin and oxytocin are two of the main hormones involved in the onset of lactation. Women with PCOS have higher levels of androgen hormones that can interfere with prolactin reaching its receptors.

3. In addition, if too few prolactin receptors were formed during pregnancy, milk production will be limited.

4. Estrogen is known to inhibit lactation, particularly in the early days after delivery. Women with PCOS typically have an imbalance called “estrogen dominance.” If estrogen levels are not down-regulated after birth, circulating estrogen may interfere with lactation. This is why the contraceptive pill is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers.

5. Insulin resistance may affect breast growth and milk synthesis. Insulin is known to be an important factor in lactation in conjunction with prolactin and cortisol.

Nita - I found that he kicks more if I lie on my left side at night. I've heard people suggest drinking/eating something cold helps to make them kick too. Lately he's been pushing out and I can feel his body when I push my tummy. It's SO weird haha. I don't think our boy is going to do much sleeping after he's born, definitely not at night time.

I've gained 9kgs now and it's not all in my bump and boobs haha. Oh well, I'm not too worried, we are lucky to be pregnant. I hate round ligament pain :( are you feeling stretching in your tummy? Mine feels like it's stretching heaps tonight. My boobs haven't started leaking (yet).

We call sweet potatoes 'kumera' (ku-mu-ra). Haha it's probably pushing everything up inside you.

I'm glad your Mum is doing well. It sounds like she's on the mend. I'm glad she might be able to get home soon. I hope you can remind her to rest too! If she over does it it could be worse for her recovery.

All the mums at work today were commenting on how small my bump is for 27 weeks. It doesn't feel small. I'm struggling to put my shoes on now haha.
Sheece - The first tri-mester is so worrying, but so far everything looks good for you. I think its safe to say you can relax a little - I am sure your baby will be all fine :hugs:

Sarah, I think I will feel kicks if I can lie down or even sit still for longer than 10 minutes lol. I definately feel my tummy stretching, I also find that I feel fuller after I have eaten, so I eat a bit less at a time, just more times a day, if that makes sense?

Been to my mom again, wow she looks great, you wouldnt say she had a major Op 2 days ago. Walking by herself and ate a whole breakfast this morning. She felt nauseous from all the meds, so they are giving her even less now. My grandma will be coming to stay with her so it will be great to see her as well.

I can feel that I am not getting nearly enough rest this week, I am so tired...phew

Sarah, I had seen so many bump pictures that varies so much, lol, I dont think there's a too small or too big, all depends on your body. DH says that I am much smaller than his friend were at 18 weeks, but she weighs a lot less than me, so I am sure its just not that visible with me.
Oh, I see now I have that Frappucino thingy as my ticker - blegh lol, I dont know what it is.
Well I have no idea if I O'd or not...guess I will call my midwife and get a 21 day test ordered. So frustrated, I had blazing + opk cd 24 and 25 but here I am on cd 27 and still no temp change. Ff is trying to put my O date a day before I even got a + opk but my temp has been the exact same for the last several days and I just don't see it being high enough post O :cry:
Four, I am so sorry you have to cooe with not knowing if you Od or not :(

So my DH said tonight that I have really popped...I think so too. Heres my latest bump shot, sorry its bad quality and you see part om boobs or well my comfy maternity Bra :haha:


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question ladies, what is considered "normal" as a progesterone level when 4ish weeks? my levels are 8.45 & my doctor doesn't seem concerned at all right now but I know that's low
That seems low.

that's exactly what I thought! & he isn't listening to me & I don't want to be a b%$ch but I will be whatever to make sure this baby sticks. I just wish the doctors would listen to us sometimes after doing it so long, you would think they would think like heyyy maybe she does know what she is talking about #sigh its so exhausting right now my mind can only handle so much.
Nita, haha you'll be feeling them in to time. But definitely lie on your left side. My kicks have changed in the past few days. They use to be like a thud or one strong kick. Now I feel him wriggling and moving and it is a very odd feeling. Kind of like my tummy is dropping on a roller coaster but it's going up and down and sideways too. It makes me flinch because it's so bizarre.

That's awesome about your mum. I'm glad she's doing so well. Fingers crossed her recovery continues to go just as smoothly.

And yup, smaller meals more often is good. It also helps me reflux eating like that too.

We have Starbucks here but not in my city. I don't know how big a sriracha bottle is.

Cute bump it's just popping!

Four, in sorry, that's so frustrating. Will your midwife prescribe you a higher dose? I feel like it's probably worth it because you've given that dose a good try. I don't agree with FF's crosshairs. But it doesn't look like you've ovulated yet.

Love, that does seem quite low. I know different places have different normal values so it might pay to check what your lab says is normal. I'm sorry for have to fight for your doctor to listen to you about this but do whatever you can to make this little one stick!
Love - Could you get a second opinion? Or maybe even try progesterone cream in the meantime? I'm sorry your doctor isn't listening :(

Nita - Cute bump! And great news about your mum too.

I'm feeling a bit more confident thanks :) Went and got some maternity jeans yesterday because I can't deal with my normal jeans anymore with this bloating :haha:.

Four - How frustrating :( Did you get to have a blood test yet?
Love, thats definately too low and you need to go on Progesterone. According to my lab it should be atleast 11+ at anytime in the first trimester (after implantation) I also found the following online.. Progesterone levels also can have quite a variance at this stage of pregnancy. They can range from 9-47ng/ml in the first trimester, with an average of 12-20ng/ml in the first 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Source:

Sheece, I so understand your frustration with the bloating, and it almost want to make you think you got a bump already. I was wearing maternity jeans early on too, but from around week 14 I am back in my pre-pregnancy jeans. I felt my tummy getting harder from around week 12 and thats when the bloating got less for me.

My bump looks huge without clothes, but when I wear clothes its not quite that obvious lol It really feels like its growing fast now, my tummy is itching on my old stretch marks so pretty sure those will appear soon.

Sarah, I can really feel that my digestive system is under pressure, so I am sure its baby pushing up to grow bigger.

I can't believe how fast time goes by, less than 3 weeks till my next appointment already.
I plan on trying Emerita Natural Progesterone Cream in the meantime but I most definitely am getting a second opinion. I refuse to lose another baby it's so heartbreaking I can't handle another loss in such short time. Thanks ladies for the advice!
Hope you're feeling more comfortable in your maternity jeans Shecee!

Nita, mines the same. My maternity jeans make my bump bigger. But I'm currently lying on the couch with my tummy hanging out haha. Time is going fast!

Love, I'm glad you're getting a second opinion. Take care of yourself.

We had our first antenatal class today. It was really overwhelming and so much info. It was a 6 hour class and they covered lots. It freaked me out a little. I really don't want a C section!! It was mainly about labour and the stages of labour and pain relief. I feel like I know a bit too much now and just want to sleep and wake up and he's here haha.
Sarah if it helps, I'm the biggest baby ever and both my vaginal and c section births weren't nearly as bad as I imagined ❤️

Your pregnancies are going so fast! Meanwhile I've been pregnant for 27 years :rofl:

This weds I have my anatomy scan!
Thanks TTC. I think just hearing about all the different types of inductions, pain relief, self help, stages of labour etc etc was all just more overwhelming than I expected. That's reassuring to know!

Haha it doesn't feel that quick to me! When I think about when we found out and told everyone it feels like that was ages ago. It feels like everyone else's pregnancies are going fast and mines going slow haha. Not that I want to rush it but I can't wait to meet him.

Good luck for your scan that's exciting! Will you find out what you're having?
Yes we hope to find out boy or girl if baby cooperates!

Here's my much delayed bump pic for you guys!


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You are tiny! But I see it, just a little bit round at the bottom. I had a huge growth spurt between weeks 21-24 so maybe yours is coming. I hope he/she cooperates!

Things are starting to get more uncomfortable. I definitely feel like I'm heading into the third trimester
TTC cute lil bump :) Mine feels like its doubled in size over the last week :o

I havent been on in a while, been really busy and sick :( the meds I got from the pharmacy are ridiculous - it doesnt help and I am only allowed to take it for 3 days, so I am just taking some etra Vit C and eating lots of fruits and healthy foods and staying hydrated blegh.

Hope everyone else is doing better?
ttc - cute bump!

Sarah - I haven't actually worn them yet, I've been bumming around in leggings this weekend, so much better! Back to work tomorrow so they'll get a run then.

Antenatal classes sound full on!

Nita - Im sorry your feeling so sick :( Hopefully the things you have been doing are starting to help!

AFM - I had my nurses appointment this morning. I'll be having my 7 week ultrasound next week! Probably on Wednesday, it's closed today so i can't ring to book. Exciting!

My beta numbers were great too, 8075, from 1898 on Thursday. Doubling time has gotten quicker yay :) Progesterone a bit down again but higher than the last dip, and a good number still so they aren't worried. Only 2 blood tests left of my monitoring, that went quick!

Hurry up Wednesday!
Nita, show us an update when you can? I'll try take another one today. That's no good you've been sick. I hope you can get some rest. It is frustrating when there's virtually nothing you can take.

Sheece, yay your test results are awesome. I'm glad you found out what the next step is. It'll be so exciting to see the ultrasound! The monitoring has gone quick, did you find it reassuring?

I'm finding the baby has 2-3 quiet days with not much movement and then 2-3 crazy days where it feels like my insides are being beaten up. He's been pretty quiet over the weekend and today he's crazy again!

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