Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Four, I hope this is your cycle, but I have a lot of faith that a higher dose will be what you need. Have you seen a doctor as well as a midwife? I know things work differently in different countries but here, not even GPs can prescribe Clomid, only specialists. If 150mg doesn't work then maybe it would pay to get a second opinion and maybe try Femara? I've heard of people getting positive OPKs in their TWW on their BFP cycle. I agree with Nita, you're not out until you're out!

Shecee, Yay! 6 weeks is excited. I bet the chance of a MC on that site is much lower now. Are you feeling more reassured? I think you mean you're aiming for a vaginal birth, VBAC means you're planning to deliver naturally after having a c section haha. But yep, give me all the drugs too haha.

Nita, I think part of me knew that because there was no way to plan it I just didn't want to know all the possible ways it could turn out haha. I'm hoping not to be induced because they said that you go into the later stages much quicker and you don't get time for the normal pregnancy hormones to work their magic. However, I think with my Lupus, it's possible they'll induce me early. I'm also hoping that I can avoid an emergency (or planned c section), but like we've all said, the most important thing is getting the baby out safely. Haha pregnancy dreams can be pretty crazy.

Tomorrow is Thursday here Nita. My ticker next week is boring haha. But I have my scan on Monday (28 weeks). I also have another 5 days of finger pricking/glucose testing starting tomorrow.
Shecee, do you know if you've had the A1C test yet? It's a good indicator of whether you may develop gestational diabetes according to my midwife. It may not be that accurate because you're still on Metformin.
ha ha ha look at the newbie over here :p I thought vbac was just the technical term for natural birth :haha:

Yes I did mean that :p

And I haven't had any tests yet no other than the betas. I'll be telling them I want all of the tests though so I'm sure I'll get that one!

Thanks Nita! No more ball of cells for me, fruit from here on in he he.
Haha it's ok I didn't know what that meant for ages either. I think there are fewer pregnancy abbreviations than TTC ones though.

I'm sure you'll get those blood tests soon, probably once they've finished monitoring. Most of the tests are boring. Except I learnt my blood type which I didn't know before. The A1c might just be interesting because if it's low then you'll know you've got a much lower risk of GD despite having PCOS/IR.

First day of the third trimester!! It's starting to feel a bit scary now haha. I can definitely tell I'm getting further away from the lovely second trimester. I'm feeling tired, hungry, sore and round. Ovia says he is the size of a coconut, rollerblade or an echidna (one for us shecee! Haha). But it's a bit confusing because you could probably fit 2 coconuts into the size of one rollerblade. His movements have really changed. They use to be more of a thud and now I'm feeling rolling and lighter and harder movements. It also sometimes feels like he's got a hold of the inside of my uterus and is pulling and pinching it. The movements are making me jump because they feel so odd
I had that blood test last time Sarah, I didn't know either!

Today I woke up feeling a bit more of that hungover feeling, but my boobs are less sore hmm. I should stop jabbing them really. Waiting on my betas to come through! Should find out if today was my last blood test, or if my last one is on Monday.

Happy third trimester!! How exciting :D And how cool / weird that your symptoms changed on cue too.

Your description of him pulling your uterus though literally had me cringing and crossing my legs, ouch!!
Yay on third trimester Sarah! You are getting really close now to meet your baby boy :D

I hooe your betas come back as great as the previous ones Sheece.

I feel like I have been robbed from a wonderfull second trimester, so far I had a stomach virus, and a cold that lasted a week and suddenly started getting worse from last night. Still deciding whether or not im going into work today :(

Ticker day, yay!
Haha stop poking your boobs! They'll probably start hurting from the poking. My symptoms really kicked in around 6 weeks so I don't think having no/few symptoms at this stage is a bad sign. Enjoy it haha. Exciting, I hope they're happy with your beta numbers!

I've been feeling a little less energetic the past few weeks so I knew it was coming. It's pretty difficult to put my shoes on, especially in the cold mornings when my joints are quite stiff. Haha yes, it's not exactly sore, but I'm not expecting it and it kind of is like nails down a chalkboard. I can just imagine his little fingers grabbing onto it, I don't know if that's even possible haha..

Nita, it's not going to be long now. It partly feels like it's going slowly and partly quickly. It feels like I've been pregnant FOREVER already. Oh and tell me about it, I spent most of the second trimester on anti-biotics/steroids but I definitely felt better than the first.

We've got our second antenatal class on Saturday and scan on Monday! My DH is looking forward to the scan because he doesn't quite believe the baby is a boy haha it wants another look.
Finally got my beta back. 14476. Didn't quite double from last beta of 8075. I guess I've hit the high numbers now so it doesn't double anymore? The comment was "good pregnancy levels". Progesterone 130 so its staying steady.

Doubling time of 85 hours according to beta base. I think this is about when it would be good to not have any more blood tests, just for my sanity lol. I have one more on Monday though!
Sarah, I love your ticker! And I feel like having some chicken wings now. Mine is kinda cool too, I love hot dogs :D

I decided to go to work (at 9am) - and when I got here my brother was super pissed at me for coming to work and not staying home to get some rest. I think I will work until 3 pm and work from home tomorrow (Friday) if I don't feel any better soon.

Sheece, it's still a good number, yay. I dont even know what mine is or what the doubling time time was, but I am still pregnant so I guess it was good lol. I think as long as they dont get less thats good.
Shecee, I think your betas are all good. They do slow down in the doubling time the later it is in your pregnancy. I only had 2, 87 on 12 DPO and 320 on 15 DPO. I think now you just want to be seeing your progesterone is at a good level, which it is. I can't wait to see your scan!

Nita, we don't really get chicken wings like that here so it doesn't mean much. But we have hot dogs haha. I don't really think my ticker is all that accurate anymore, I know he was 33cm long at 20 weeks which is about the length you'd expect at 25 weeks. My scan is on Monday so we will see what he's doing now.

Definitely take it easy. You are probably better off taking some time off to rest rather than running yourself into the ground and then not being able to work for much longer. Drink lots of water and rest up.
We have chicken wings here that comes in a bowl and weight about the same so I kind off have an idea how big it is. My ticker is also not correct, I am measuring 2 days behind, so 18w5d but I am keeping my ticker according to my original days, I think at this stage the length doesnt determine the date anymore, not all babies are the same length and weigh the same. I am pretty sure mine will keep on measuring a bit behind because she most likely is as small as her mom :) I was 0.5KG's less than the normal weight at birth, even though my mom carried me 42 weeks, so I am expecting our girl to be a bit smaller too.

My DH is convinced I have the man flu lol, I dont usually feel this bad when I have a cold - hopefully I can get him to make dinner now :p

We tried for him to feel the kicks last night, and what did our girl do.... nothing lol, she is definitely more active in the mornings, so maybe over the weekend he can feel her kicks. He gets really upset and say he is being left outside alone, shame, I really dont want him to feel that way.
Sheece that's a good beta! Don't read too much into it at this point ❤️

Sarah, happy 3rd trimester!

My anatomy scan went well! My placenta is too low so I'm on pelvic rest for now but hopefully it will move up! I got my secret wish!!!!!! We're team blue! THREE boys!!!!!!! I think my ideal family would be 5 boys ❤️
Nita - You can buy chicken wings here, but they're not really that popular. I think I've had them once. I know that it's just the average. On the Ovia video she's actually holding 2 coconuts and says it's either 1 tropical coconut or 2 normal size ones, which makes sense.

I'm just meaning in reference to the length of my baby in comparison to the ticker. If he's still growing at the same rate (which he may not be) then he'd be the length of 33 weeks which is a loaf of bread. You're right, from what I've heard they don't really take too much notice of length anymore for working out your due date, it's not accurate anymore. They put 4 different measurements together to make sure the babies are mostly on track. For our baby he was measuring very very tall, but his tummy measurement was actually much smaller than it should be, but it all measured out to be 20 weeks. My friend is due in 3 weeks and her baby is measuring quite big so she has to redo the GTT on Monday, have another scan and they might induce her.

My Mum was very tiny when she was born and she was 3 weeks past her due date, that can happen if you go too far past your due date too and the placenta doesn't do its job as well and the baby starts to lose weight.

I would be telling your DH to try growing a person while also being sick! My DH tried to tell me to get over it, then I reminded him I was also sick/dying (haha) and growing a second lot of organs and having a parasite drain all my energy haha. After that he was a bit more compassionate. Just tell him the baby is hungry haha. I notice I get way more kicks when I'm hungry too.

At first the kicks can be really few and far between and you might get a day where you have nothing and then a busy day. We found not pushing too hard on my tummy helps. He seems to get shy when there's too much pressure. But it's hard because when they're still quite little you need a bit more pressure to feel the kicks. Try spooning on your left side and he'll just have to be patient. It won't be long until he feels them too.

TTC - Yay! Congratulations that you got what you wanted! If I was you, I'd be hoping for a girl haha but those boys will be best buddies. Plus you'll be saving money having everything you need for a boy. One of my friends is expecting her third girl and she was hoping for a boy and another friend is expecting her third boy and was hoping for a girl haha. I said to DH if we end up with 3 boys then I'm keen to try for a fourth haha. We will see though. In an ideal world we'd have boy-girl-boy. You're well on your way to having your 5 boys haha. Are you on complete bedrest? I hope you can find enough to do and your DS will be ok with you resting lots! Move up placenta!

AFM, back to finger pricking, second antenatal class tomorrow, ultrasound on Monday, midwife on Thursday and getting my whooping cough jab sometime next week too! And DH is home for 2 weeks tonight!
So my cold got even worse :( It's so frustrating feeling so bad and there's not much I can do about it.

DH tried feeling kicks again last night and this morning, but nothing, like she is on purpose not wanting to kick him. But she has been quiet today - maybe she is sensing that I am not well and she is sleeping on my behalf.

Congratz on the Boy TTC :D I hope your placenta moves right up. :hugs:

Enjoy the time with your DH Sarah, and goodluck with all the other appointments and thing you need to do.

My next appointment is 11 days away :D can't wait.
Ahh Nita sorry you're sick! It's rubbish when you're pregnant, I swear I was sick for the last 2 months of my pregnancy! Ended up on antibiotics for a chest infection the week before I gave birth 😣

Been feeling really sick and with heartburn last few days, which actually makes me feel more positive as the first time around I had all the symptoms and a healthy baby whereas last time I had no symptoms at all and a miscarriage. So I'm hoping it's a good sign!
Nita, I hope you're resting and DH is looking after you. I'm glad she's letting you rest. I found on the quieter days he was doing the most growing so she might be draining your energy more than you realise. Thanks.

Bonnie, as much as it's no fun, I'm glad you're having symptoms. It's definitely reassuring. Did you have any complications with #1 related to your PCOS?
Nita, I hope you're resting and DH is looking after you. I'm glad she's letting you rest. I found on the quieter days he was doing the most growing so she might be draining your energy more than you realise. Thanks.

Bonnie, as much as it's no fun, I'm glad you're having symptoms. It's definitely reassuring. Did you have any complications with #1 related to your PCOS?

Yes am feeling reassured by the sickness! spent most of first tri last time with my head down the toilet 😷
No complications Sarah, it looked like I might have GD at one point as tests were borderline but they said tgat can happen with PCOS so ended up having a few more scans to check size (at 38 weeks they told me she was going to be 9lbs+!) but she popped out at 7lb7 so bang on normal. I dont think those growth scans are that accurate!
Thank you ladies, I will be resting the weekend, I just dont know if it will be enough.

Its great that you are feeling more positive this time round Bonnie, hoping this is a sticky bean for you :D

So last night DH told his mom that he is so excited because I am already feeling faint kicks and he hopes to feel them soon too, and then his mother replied with 'oh, I highly doubt its kicks, its still way to early' can you believe that. And my dad and I also had a huge fight yesterday so it was a very emotional day for for me. Silly hormones.

I think you are right Sarah, yesterday was a quiet day and last night I had round ligament pain, so she must be growing. According to my bump app baby will be 16CM at the end of week 19 :D
Bonnie, I had a bad first trimester too :( but they say you're less likely to have a MC if you have symptoms so I found some reassurance in that. Although I felt sick right from my BFP the first time and still MC'd.

That's good. My midwife said the same about GD and I'm testing my sugars. They are all ok so far. Did you have IR before becoming pregnant? Phew, I'm glad you didn't end up having a really big one! I read a news article about a 16lb baby!

Nita, just take it easy. I hope you feel better soon. Ugh I wouldn't believe his MIL, you're definitely at the right stage to be feeling kicks. I kept mine quiet at 15 weeks because that is early. I'm sorry about your fight with your Dad. I've had quiet days for the past few days but today he's been busy!

Second antenatal class wasn't as scary as the first. We talked about newborn appearances, breastfeeding, 4th trimester, swaddling, clothes, sleep, bathing etc. Then she made the guys leave and she spoke to us about the bleeding afterwards and also the first poo and wee (which were kind of scary to think about haha).
Yayy a boy, congrats TTC :)

Sorry you're feeling so bad Nita, I hope the weekend of rest helped some?

Bonnie glad you are feeling positive!

Sarah - glad the second class was less scary! Although the first toilet stuff sounds scary too lol

AFM - I had what I think is my last blood test this morning :) Just waiting on the results now. And my ultrasound is tomorrow afternoon! I'll be 6w, 6 d. Everything is crossed that we have a strong heartbeat and see something!!

My boobs are like 10% less sore for the last few days which is annoying me more than worrying me, but still. Feeling more queasy today at least. Kinda hoping my symptoms stay like this for the next week because I'm away for 5 days from Thursday and I don't want to be throwing up!

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