Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Ugh - this cold simply dont want to leave me, rested the weekend, had some orange and pamelo juice (which is supposed to help) and although I am slightly feeling better, its no where near how I would like to feel. I havent had a proper sleep since Friday. We have this whole family weekend thing this weekend, hope I am better by then.

Sarah - Scary about the antenatal classes :o Ill hear when mine start when I go to the hospital after my next appointment.

Ive had plenty of round ligament pain, weight gain and kicks over the weekend, however, DH still haven't felt them.

Sheece, I wouldn't worry about the symptoms too much if I were you :) I was so worried when my boobs werent sore, but I found mine worked in circles of 3 days. I guess I had a hormone surge every 3 days. I would have super sore boobs, next day less sore and the 3rd day barely anything, and then it would start again. Since I hit the 2nd tri - it hurts all the time, I just want them to calm down a bit lol. You will be just fine, your numbers looks good and I hope you got my luck and have no MS :D I felt queasy around week 6 - 8 but it never got worse than that. And the only times I threw up was from severe heartburn.

Sorry for the quick reply. Been a busy few days. But I thought I'd quickly upload these. Hope they work! Still a boy :)
Well this journey has come to an end for me :cry: I called my dr to request the 150mg Clomid because my temp is dropping so af is coming. She had told me last month we would move to 150mg after one last try at 100mg. Anyhow I called her to order the 150mg and she said she feels she can no longer help me and that I need to go see a RE. Our insurance doesn't cover an RE and we can't afford it out of pocket right now plus we were only going to try this one last cy anyhow so I guess our time is just cut shorter than we hoped and we will have to move on and accept we won't have a bigger family. Thanks for all your support along the way, I'll try to check in as I can, right now I'm entirely too emotional. :hugs: to you all
Nita, I hope you're feeling better today. It's hard work being sick and pregnant. Your DH will have to be patient but he'll be feeling them in no time.

Four, I'm so sorry. That's not what you wanted to hear. Is there anyway you could get her to agree to 100mg this cycle (you not taking it) and 100mg again next cycle and then just making up 150mg yourself? If only we lived closer because I have some leftover Clomid that I won't be able to use because it expires in July this year. Maybe when you're in Alaska you'll be able to find another doctor who will help you? Feel free to pop in and let us know how you are getting on when you feel ready.

TTC, thanks. It was very exciting seeing the 3D images... Except he looks a lot more like my DH than me!

The sonographer said he's on the small side of where you'd expect a 28 week baby to be. Not sure what that means. She said he's "very petite". They can be off with their measurements and possibly he's about to go through another growth spurt. The sonographer and the receptionist were gushing over how clear the pictures of him are.
Four, I'm so, so sorry :( Hopefully you might be able to do something like Sarah suggested?

Nita - I hope you're feeling better today :(

Sarah - what clear pictures!! Too cute. I wouldn't worry too much, I've seen so many posts where people say the measurements were off.

AFM - my beta came back at 27500. Doubling time of 103 hours ha ha but all looking good. It is slowing down as normal I'm sure. Don't have to worry about it anymore anyway as that was my last beta test! In around 5 hours hopefully we will be seeing our little baby (well blueberry sized bean)!
Thank you ladies, it's so hard because no one in our family knows we were TTC so I have no where to vent or cry but here with you all. Thank you for your support everyone. She did agree to one more round of 100 if I wanted but won't give anything after I'll be taking this last round this month once af starts but I have no way of getting the other 50mg to make my own 150 or I totally would.
wow Sarah - such clear images. I can't believe the amount of detail you can see and how far he has developed already. WOW

Four - absolutely devastating reading your message :( Feel free to check in and vent as much as you like and when you want to of course.I hope that you do end up having a big family as you planned some day :hugs:

Sheece - YAY your numbers are good again. Share some pictures of your Blueberry bean, I would love to see how baby looks at that stage in pregnancy. And goodluck, hope you see a nice strong heartbeat as well.

AFM - finally starting to feel better, but I think its going to take a few days to clear up.
Just a quick reply but everything looked good! Heartbeat was 122 bpm. Measuring 6mm min so she thinks I may have ovulated later in day but she said it was normal. And bubs implanted in just the right spot yay!

We actually gpt a mini video which shows ot better than the pics she took so I made it into a gif - hopefully it works! I can't stop watching it!
Thanks Shecee. She also said I had extra amniotic fluid so I'm not sure what that means. I'm sure I'll find out on Thursday. The video!! The little heartbeat!! You must be feeling so relieved! Over 120 for the heart beat is what you want too. Our was 120 and .764cm. So exciting!!

Nita, thanks. The images are pretty incredible. The sonographer was so excited. She said they're told to do the measuring and the full scan first and then do the 3D part last. But he was in a really good position at the start so she went for it. And then 30 seconds later he moved and put his back to her, which is where he stayed for the rest of the scan. So we were very lucky. But of course, everyone is saying he looks just like my DH and nothing like me haha. Of course I'm the one who did all the hard work. I'm glad you're on the mend. I hope you got to rest over the weekend.

Four, you are always welcome here. Infertility is the hardest thing I've ever dealt with and that mostly came from keeping it a secret. Feel free to vent and get it all out. I'm so sorry she won't budge on the extra 50mg. While I was waiting to go from50mg to 100mg I did some reading about Clomid resistance. I read lots of academic articles and there were a few suggestions. One was prednisone and Clomid, but most people don't have a supply of that. Also inositol can help but I think you need a few months on it. And also vitamin c was found to help with Clomid resistance. Although not scientific, I took 100mg of Clomid, 10mg of prednisone from CD 3-17 and 3-4 vitamin C tablets each day. My progesterone was 66 that cycle. The next cycle I just took Clomid and no prednisone or vitamin C and my progesterone was 34. If you can't get prednisone, maybe vitamin C? It's a long shot, but anything to help.
Sheece!! OMG thats so amazing!! You must be so happy right now. Did they do a vaginal US? I am so happy for you!

Sarah, you are very lucky, I have heard so many women complain about not getting a proper 3D image when they go! Especially if you pay for it. Its really good quality, at least you have an idea what baby will look like when he arrives :D :D so exciting.

We are going to a game farm this weekend with DH's family - they are all pretty stuck up so you can tell how much I am looking forward to it. They are already talking about horse rides and game drives and honestly I dont like either, luckily I am not allowed horse rides. As for game drives, have done so many of them when I was young, that I find it really boring. I have seen the big 5 over and over again. My DH wants to visit the local brewery for craft beer and food pairing, that sounds cool, except for the beer ofcourse. So I am thinking of taking my pregnancy book (I got it free from my medical aid) with to read when the others want to do stuff I am not allowed too.
Thanks ladies! I am so happy. I'm also really scared! It's all real now and I just need time to go fast now until our 12 week scan!

They did do a vaginal ultrasound. They even flicked it over to 3d! I'm really impressed with the ultrasound place. Within 1 minute of walking out the door I had a text message of a link to the photos!

She *thinks* I may have ovulated from the right, but she couldn't tell for sure as she couldn't find the corpus luteum and could only see a bit of shading on the right side which made her think that was the side.

Which is funny as I felt all niggles from the right, but apparently that tube was blocked in my laparoscopy! I have one determined little sticky bean in there.

Nita- sounds like you will definitely need a book! Does not sound much fun at all.

I'll probably be quiet for the next week or so, off on holidays tomorrow! Fingers crossed my symptoms stay mild for the next week heh.
Nita, they only do 3D scans if you're high risk and having extra monitoring here. Otherwise you pay for them and it's just luck if the baby is in the right position. We were very very lucky. I should get another one in 4 weeks and another one in 8 weeks (if he holds on that long). Sounds like a fun weekend for anyone not from SA but for you I understand! Definitely take your book with you.

Shecee, what did 3D look like? That's exciting though. That's a shame she couldn't tell for sure which side you ovulated on but it definitely sounds like it could have been the right. If that's the case then she/he is definitely determined! Have a lovely time away, hopefully the sickness stays away!

I'm feeling really big now. Have officially put on 10kgs. I know I shouldn't complain because I'm lucky to be here but I was kind of hoping I would put on that much my whole pregnancy. No stretch marks though and people at work have commented that I'm carrying just like a boy pregnancy, all bump. But I just feel big all over!
Quickly checking in for ticker day! sucky tickers this week, no idea what mine is. Sarah, feels like I am catching up to you lol even though we have always been 9 weeks apart :p

I know what you mean with too much weight, Ive picked up 5 kg so far and its in the high end of normal, but I suddenly caught a hunger bug over the last few days, constantly hungry.

Ovia says my uterus may be high enough to put pressure on my lungs, wow, has it grown that much already, definitely have more pressure on my bladder.

Next week I have my next appointment - yay :D
Hi girls!

Glad to see your all doing well, exciting times and lovely scan pics! Had a doctors appt today, she was a bit concerned as I was having pain on the left side when she was examining me but I think it's just my ovary as they can often be painful and I think I ovulated that side this time too, I'm not worried as it's only painful when she was pressing it! Got my first scan Tuesday so by my estimate it will be just over 6 weeks but I bet they change it!

I hear you with the weight girls, I've put on 1.5 kg already!! I don't know what's happening, I look and feel really bloated, got a proper belly already but I don't really know whatbloat is made up of! Water?air?? Hoping it's water retention and that's where the weight has come from 😳😳
Nita, The tickers do suck this week. My DH will get a pint of beer, so I know how big that is. But we don't get anything by the gallon here. Our milk comes in 1, 2 or 3 litre bottles. According to Ovia he's the size of a tropical pineapple, barbie car or a new england cottontail rabbit. I think it will feel like you're catching up because Ovia said that my baby isn't going to get any longer, just fatter now haha.

Ugh the weight gain. I just feel big all over now. I'm either feeling hungry or sick. I'm on the high end of normal for weight gain too. Another reason for breastfeeding! But the midwife asked me if I weighed myself and I told her and she said "it's always the ones who don't need to worry about their weight that weigh themselves". So I guess she's not worried.

Bonnie, I'm glad everything is going well. If the pain is only there when she pushes, I'd guess that's better than there all the time?? Will they be checking out your ovary on your scan? I hope they don't change it and you get to see your wee bubs. I'm not sure what the bloating is. Maybe air? I gained a little bit of weight to start with but then lost 6-8lb in the first trimester.

AFM, I had my appointment yesterday. She's happy with how things are. Weirdly my tummy is measuring 4-5 weeks ahead, the report said a normal level of amniotic fluid although the sonographer said that there was a bit extra. She said he's on the small side but that's ok. She is going to continue to plot his measurements and said we need to be worried if he's not gaining weight from now on. We are talking about my birth plan/wish list at the next appointment.

I went to town today and so many people looked at my bump and smiled at me.
Hey ladies...I miss you all! Is it normal for your LP to change? I always have a 17 day LP but this last cy I only had a 12 day LP and that seems really weird, I also typically spot the day before af but I went right into my normal light flow the first two days and then two days of normal Medium flow but today I'm 5 days into af and I'm having huge clots and extremely heavy flow should be going back to light today as it normally does...I've never had this happen my af is always light/Medium and I've never got the gushing and clots that im getting.

I never even got to take a preg test last cy because af came so early...I guess my question is could I be having a missed miscarriage or do you think my lp could have just changed and I'm having a weird period? If I took a test would it still have a second line if it's a mmc? I'm pretty confused...and I am on day 3 of my last round of Clomid...Would it be possible if I was just having pregnancy bleeding and now I've miscarried myself because I took Clomid on what I thought was cd 3 :(
Morning ladies... its been quiet in here, how is everyone?

Had a bit of a boring weekend away with the family, picked a whole KG over the weekend, eating was pretty much what we could do....everything else was just too far away.

I feel I am getting big now, and really uncomfortable. Had a very busy and active little girl over the weekend, but DH still havent felt her kicks, although she kicked while his hand was on my tummy, it was faint kicks so he didnt feel it. :(

And I have my net appointment this Wednesday :D

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