Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Fluffy, I am still hoping you will be joining us shortly too!! <3

Nita: I did two Wondfo's this morning, FMU and SMU, and they were pretty similar. Might do another tonight just to see. Also planning to do another Wondfo and a digital tomorrow. The blood test has been set up for tomorrow morning, but that seems like an eternity away. And they won't have the results until the afternoon. Honestly, even 5 PM feels like forever away right now, lol!

I am very tired, have a headache, achy and crampy. But I am suspicious of this because now that I have had my BFP it could be all in my head; before today I felt fine, lol! But I swear I just want to go home and sleep!

Ladies, I also have to say that I love those tickers in your signatures that equate the size of your baby with food. Making me hungry, lol!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Nita, I'm getting a bit scared and freaked out. I'm 38 weeks today!!! It's all going to be happening pretty soon haha. Still nothing after losing my plug but I'm not surprised. DH is getting very impatient. He came home with hot curry for dinner last night haha. He told me I need to go gutter walking and he keeps talking to him and telling him to come now and gently pushing him down haha. He's doing all the research about how to bring on labour. But to be honest, I'm ok with waiting. I'm only slightly uncomfortable but it's manageable. I know I'm never going to get this time back and I'll never feel his kicks inside me again. He'll come when he's ready, I'm just hoping it's after I've had a good night sleep haha so not today!

And I'm sorry you're getting so many people giving you their opinion. It sounds like that is more common in your culture too. It's definitely easier to take some people's advice than others. Like the mothers at my school would tell me that I should do this or that and I just say thank you, I'll look into it. But then when it's people you care a bit more about it's definitely harder! We are having issues with my DH's family all wanting to visit and not respecting our wishes about not being sick, having your immunisations, no kissing etc. but I know this won't be the first time they (or anyone) disagree with how we do things so just put your foot down. You're the mother. We didn't go through all we went through for people to come in and tell us how they would do it!

Still having headaches and I see the midwife again this afternoon. Also, I've got 166mls of colostrum haha. DH said to just keep going. It's definitely getting my nipples ready and it's reassuring to have a good stash.

Rickyandlucy!!! OMG! Congratulations!! Seeing your BFP made my day!! There's no doubting that second line! Like Nita said, nothing is off limits here haha so bitch about whatever, we know even on those shit days we complain we are all still very grateful to be here :). As for the spotting, that's exactly what I had. I got my clear BFP on 12 DPO and I had brown (even slightly pink) spotting from CD14-18. It was mainly when I wiped or just a tiny bit on a liner. If it's bright red or heavy then it's worth being concerned about. Hopefully your doctor will run some blood tests for you to make sure everything is ok.

I found that the first trimester went so slow! Even though it's really the shortest because by the time you find out you're pregnant you're already 4ish weeks into it. Your life will go from forgetting about whether it's AF-FP-ovulation-LP-BFP/AF. It's exciting because something new happens each week. Also Nita and I both use Ovia (the app). It's very cool and tells you things the baby is doing and how big it is. Today my baby is as big as a ukulele, Pomeranian, a spaghetti squash or half baking sheet on meringues. Crazy how they go from a grain of cocoa powder to that in just a few months haha.

Basically the chance of a chemical/early loss is quite high unfortunately. I don't mean to scare you. But if progesterone is an issue they'll find that out in the blood test and you'll go on that until 12-13 weeks. When I had my early loss my tests got lighter before I started bleeding but that doesn't happen to everyone. So if you want to try and foresee it that could be one way. After you see the heartbeat (around week 7) your chance of a loss does go down dramatically (but unfortunately it's never really safe, even for me now, there's still a chance that the unthinkable could happen). I spent the first 12 weeks really really anxious about it. I have no real suggestions about how you get through that time. Except that having morning sickness and other symptoms is generally a good sign. There's also this website that gave me some reassurance. I would tell myself that there's a better chance I would bring this baby home for cuddles than having a MC and that helped a little. I think it's quite normal to feel worried about this when you've either had a loss in the past or had difficulty getting pregnant. Either way, as Nita and I have said often, just enjoy each day, you're pregnant and have a life inside you today because that's about all that you can do.

Fluffy- you're definitely welcome here and feel free to ask any questions or comment or whatever. I'm sure it won't be long until you get your BFP too :)
I just got back from the midwife. I have protein in my urine but my blood pressure was down to 130/85. So she said it can't be preeclampsia at this stage because my blood pressure is ok. I've got some swelling and headaches... I'm not feeling confident with her decision based on one blood pressure reading when it's been consistently high. But I'm not sure what else to do.
Sorry to be giving random advice here and you're free to take it or leave it of course :), but: I'm from a medical family, as in everyone *but* me is a doctor, so I've picked up a lot of stuff and obviously asked a ton about pregnancy already. From my (non-professional, professionally-influenced :p) point of view, that blood pressure is still pretty high and you're showing the other signs. I know there are some great midwives out there, but it's not the same as a doctor and I would insist on seeing one to be sure! Blood pressure varies a lot from moment to moment, personally I don't think she should exclude preclampsia just based on that reading. Not to frighten you, more likely than not everything *is* fine, but I would get checked by a doctor to be sure! Hoping that everything turns out ok and that you can just feel more reassured after seeing a doc :)
Oh no Sarah, I have to agree with fluffy - can you see an OB?
I read that you should take your blood pressure over 4 hours, if it goes above 140/90 2 times in that 4 hours then its definitely something to be worried about.

How many times did she take your blood pressure though? Here they take it 2 - 3 times to confirm the reading, and I was told to do the same at home.

You do have the other symptoms so I would definitely have that checked out - especially since you are so close to giving birth - wouldnt want anything to go wrong at this stage.
Fluffy, thank you, of course I don't mind. That's why I was a bit confused too. Especially when at the hospital they basically said they were waiting for the protein in my urine before calling it preeclampsia. Two of my uncles are doctors (although not obstetricians) and my sister in law is a midwife so I could check in with them. Good luck with testing in the morning :)

Nita, she just took it once. I haven't been to see the OB in a while. They thought everything was ok with the growth scans so I seem to have fallen off their books. I'm wondering if I should ring tomorrow though. I don't want to undermine my midwife, she is great. But I know it's something that is suppose to be taken seriously.
Perhaps you should tell your midwife that you are concerned? I am sure she will understand? It is my understanding that Midwifes are not really qualified to diagnose and treat serious pregnancy issues (please correct me if I am wrong, as this is only what I read on our local forums) - so atleast a second opinion should be able to tell you if you should be worried? (even if its just asking your family - doctors :) )

In the meanwhile is there any place near you to take your blood pressure? I would have that measured at least daily in the meanwhile.
Ok ladies, got home from work last night and caught up on the last couple of pages. I have to say I love it here already and really hope this baby sticks!!!!!! You guys have made me feel so welcome already!

Sarah, don't feel bad about putting your foot down re the immunizations. You have to do what is best for you and your son! And I would definitely ask your midwife to take a closer look, or even get a second opinion from a doctor. Definitely keep an eye on that blood pressure.

I can already tell you are right about the first trimester being a long one, lol. When did you guys tell your parents? My mom knew we had gone to see a specialist and asked me how it was going yesterday and I had to keep from bursting, lol.

And also, thank you for that link Sarah, that is awesome! And yeah the odds are not good at this stage, but I will try to keep the faith. Loving the Ovia app (and you ladies!) already!

Nita, you're having a baby girl! Gosh this gets me so excited!

So what I have been experiencing, I wouldn't really even call spotting. It is like barely tinged CM, and I can't even decide if it is tinged pink or brown or red or even yellow, lol. I think I am just paranoid. I took another test yesterday when I got home, and it looked as good or better than the mornings. Also took an OPK for the hell of it and it was positive too. This morning I took another Wondfo and a digital; Wondfo looks the same as yesterday, but the digital was positive, so that felt good!!!! Going for blood draw this morning. When would they have me go in for another one?

Fluffy, hopefully you will be joining us tomorrow!
slight update, just chatted to my mum (mum of three and doctor), she said: go see a doctor. Do you feel like you go to the bathroom less often? That could be another sign. The hospital/doctors should check how much protein there is in your urine (you will mos tlikely be asked to collect all your urine over 24h, that will give them a definitive answer), as that is important, and take your blood pressure a few times a day over several days (after sittin gdown for about 10 minutes first) to get a good picture. She said better save than sorry, preeclampsia can be very dangerous, especially at your stage. She said even without elevated blood pressure, unless you have a urinary track infection (UTI), the protein in your urine is something that needs to be checked by doctor. Good luck! :)

I hope so too, but I think it's unlikely... who knows! Hoping your blood draw shows great values :)
Lucy, I felt like the 1ste trimester was long as well, I got robbed of a wonderful 2nd tri though, as I had flu most of the time, and now I am already in the uncomfortable 3rd tri :)

I was scheduled to go in for Ovarian drilling the next week after AF arrived and had to tell our parents, when I got my BFP I had to tell them no more OD as I got a BFP. Also told our close friends immediately who knew and supported us during TTC. But its all up to you, tell them when you are ready. Most women wait until 12weeks when the MC rate goes way down.

The Ovia app is Awesome, I cant wait to open it every day to see whats new, and the weekly updates and videos are awesome as well.

Yay, that the tests are still positive. :) they will typically have you come in for bloodwork again in 48 hours, oh I have my FX for you! please let us know when you get the results. Oh and I am 29 weeks already and still check my CM every single time I wipe, scared that I would see blood or maybe have an infection, the worrying never really stops :)
Fluffy, I see you mentioning you have normal AF cramps but AF is not showing.. I dont want to get you excited, but I had AF like cramps for 2 days before I got my BFP :o I have my FX for you!
Thanks everyone

Nita, here midwives have 3 years of training. Most of them are nurses too. My midwife has been a nurse for 9 years and then a midwife for 21 years. So I feel like she's very competent. Also, pregnancy isn't viewed as a medical condition here, it's more of a normal, natural process. So very very few people see an OB unless there's something more complicated going on. Which is why I was seeing one. But it's been a few months now so I think I need to follow that up. It's now midnight (can't sleep again!) so I'm going to ring the hospital in the morning.

Fluffy, thank you so much for asking your mum. That was really nice of you! I do agree with what she says. Definitely better to be safe than sorry and with all the different pieces of the puzzle I would feel more comfortable having them checked. Today, I've definitely been peeing much less than normal (and it's usually a lot!). My midwife only took my blood pressure once so I agree it could be inaccurate. My urine test showed no sign of a UTI. I'm going to ring the hospital tomorrow morning and talk to them about it. I don't want to go behind my midwife's back but I'm also concerned that this isn't something to take lightly if it is preeclampsia. Thanks again :)

Rickyandlucy, haha this thread has gotten so busy since your BFP :) you are welcome here regardless! Thanks for your comments about the immunization and the blood pressure :)

I found the first trimester the longest because I felt the sickest. You probably don't have time or care to go back and read the whole thread haha but I had 2 lots of IV fluid and eventually got some relief from the 4th antinausea tablet the doctor prescribed. I was a mess. But thankfully around week 10 things improved. We told our family after our 7 week scan. We were told the chance of a MC was less than 2% and to be honest, DH couldn't keep it a secret anymore haha. I also told a few friends who'd known about our infertility and I had to tell work because I was so sick. We then announced properly on Facebook at 12 weeks after our NT/12 week scan. The second trimester for me was awesome. I had heaps more energy but I did get pneumonia, then a chest/ear/throat infection. But I still managed to enjoy it. The third trimester has gone so fast for me! I can't believe it's almost over.

I found that site reassuring because the chance of a loss did drop each day. There are other websites that have statistics about MC too. For me it was reassuring but for others it might not be, so if you think it would help you then go for it. Ovia is very cool until the middle of the third trimester and then it just tells you your baby is getting fatter each day haha. And everything is sounding really positive with your tests. Let us know about your blood test. Usualy they'll repeat it 48 hours later. The biggest thing is not how high your HCG/beta is but more whether it doubles in a 48 hour period. Mine went from 80something at 12 DPO to 320 at 15 DPO (it was Christmas time so I couldn't do my blood test within 48 hours). Also your spotting sounds exactly like mine was. My family doctor said it was implantation bleeding.

Also, I remember when I found out I was pregnant I really didn't know what to expect in terms of testing, appointments, common symptoms etc. It was all brand new! If you've got any questions just shout out :)
I am glad that you will ring the hospital! you must be wreck by now :( I hope that its nothing, and we are worried for nothing, who knows baby might even show up 100% healthy in the meanwhile ;) Please keep us updated.

And Happy ticker day! We might not have so many of them together... one of these days I will have to celebrate ticker day on my own :haha:
Hey Sarah, so glad you are calling the hospital. I am hoping it is nothing too, but if nothing else they can ease your mind. Better to know for sure!

I actually love the link you sent me. Thank you again for that. Yes, it is a little scary right now, but I am also one of those people that finds comfort in statistics. Knowledge is power! Looks like each day the risk goes down pretty fast. In less than a week my risk will drop about 10%. Fx. Stick baby stick!!! I am literally talking to my tummy. Which I have done even before the BFP, but now I know there is actually something there, lol! Ovia app says my baby is the size of a poppy seed. :)

I really don't know how long I will be able to hide it from my family; my mom especially. I work with my family every day. Like, a lot of my family. My mom, dad, brother, and aunt. Mom knows we've been to the RE, and she knows I had blood drawn Monday. She is going to wonder why I had to go again today. Had to fudge it yesterday when she asked, lol. Trying to wait until at least the second blood test to make sure my levels are doing what they are supposed to. They should have the results from my first one this afternoon. Who knows; if those are good, maybe I will tell them this weekend. Do you think they will let me do the second blood test tomorrow if I just had one today? Or will I have to wait until Monday? I swear. You go from the TWW, and you think once you get your BFP things will be better, but it's just a different kind of waiting and worrying, lol.

Sarah, let us know what the hospital says when you call. Fx!
I am sorry Lucy, I dont know when they will do the second blood draw, if it cant be done in 48 hours. I never had a second blood draw as my OB only does 1 to look how far along you are. Mine were 87 on 15dpo (If I remember correctly) anything above 5 means you are pregnant. Did they test your prog levels as well?

Ovia says my baby is the size of a huge ass pineapple this week lol, I am seeing my OB again on Monday so I am hoping she is above 1kg already :) last week she was just under 1 kg.

Oh I forgot to mention, I showed my video from the 4d scan to my granny (qnd you know how the old people always have thses old wifes tales to tell) she said our daughter does seem like she has long legs (yay) and her feet as quite big, so she doubt that she will be a very baby like I was...its the same the tech said, she also said she has long legs. Phew, what a relief. Everyone says she looks like me, but with DHs long legs.
Thinking of you Sarah. Please let us know if everything is ok! <3

So the lab apparently did not rush the results even though my RE's office faxed a revised order AND called to confirm. My nurse at the RE's office sounded pretty annoyed by them. So I suppose I will have to try to be patient and wait until morning. Fortunately I don't have to go back there again; it was a nightmare this morning just to get the draw done. My obgyn left me a message today that I can come there and do the next one. More convenient location wise AND will make it easier to keep hush hush. If only they had told me that yesterday! And Nita, they did not order the progesterone, but she said they will with the next one. They said they will do the next test Monday unless I can find somewhere to do it Saturday. Which, there are places, but it would be a bit of a drive. Going to talk to DH tonight and see how desperate we are for the peace of mind, lol. I feel like I would be willing to tell my mom after the results of the second draw.

Nita, that is one of the things I am most excited about; seeing what our babies will look like. I am sure they will look like DH; my genes are all recessive and his very dominant, lol. Very excited for you to meet your little girl!
I rung the hospital and the midwife who was working was a total bitch. She said that if my midwife isn't concerned then I need to ring and ask her why she isn't concerned. I tried to explain about the Lupus and how my midwife doesn't know about that which is why I was seeing an OB at the hospital. She said "oh you're no on our books anymore. I'd recommend you call your mother for support". WTF. I was so upset.. my husband came home and even he was like wtf. He said I should go and see my GP so I'm going to do that today.

Lucy, I'm the same. I'd prefer to have all the info so it was reassuring to me as well. Especially watching the chance drop. Haha I have often thought about the talking to my tummy thing. I found it kind of strange. I do sometimes in the car but I also figure he hears me talking throughout the day.

It'll be entirely up to you whether you tell them now or wait. I didn't see my family that often so it was easier to hide. But if you work with your mum then it might be difficult, especially if you have a rough first trimester.

I had the second blood test and was offered extra monitoring for $300. Which I think was a scan and some more blood tests. We said no but I went to my family doctor and claimed I wasn't sure about my dates and they did a scan for free anyway. If they do a follow up one, it'll be fine to do it 3 days later (like mine). Just take that into account when you're working out whether it doubled. And good thing they're checking your progesterone this time. To be honest, if you can, I would do the drive just to make sure that your progesterone is ok sooner rather than later.

Nita, happy ticker day :) you're right I probably don't have that many left haha. But I'll still follow your ticker! I hope your wee one has done some growing. We found ours has grown in spurts rather than gradually. So one scan things were small and then all of sudden they shot up. I can't remember if you said, but do you think her face looks like yours? Everyone says ours looks like my DH. It'll be interesting to see what he pops out like. Ovia says he has hair and eye colour now but they could change.
Wow tons to catch up on!!!!!!!!

Lucy!!!!! Yay so happy to see you here!!!!! Congratulations &#10084;&#65039;

Sarah, I'm so nervous for you!!!!! I bet a million dollars you have preeclampsia. Your midwife should've run blood work to check your liver function at the very least. I hope your gp helps. Outrageous to hear the lack of care!!!!!

Nita, haha vent away whenever!!!! That's what we're here for!

I saw my OB today and everything looks good! On the watch for preeclampsia here as my bp has been higher than normal still.... we'll see how it goes.
So I went to my GP and they did my blood pressure. The first one was 157/97 and I was running a temp. They re did the urine test which was normal, no protein. They redid my blood pressure and it was 163/98. So the GP was set to send me home to do some bloods but she rung the midwife (my midwife was at a birth and so they got the back up one). They decided it'd be safer for me to get checked out at the hospital. So I went to the hospital and had a NST and the baby was fine. My blood pressure came down to 140/90 or close. Blood tests showed my white cell count was up but nothing else. They said I have an infection and sent me home to bed.

The back up midwife was a bitch and basically said I was searching for preeclampsia symptoms and when you know what they are you're more likely to be on the look out. Well I've had a headache for weeks, it's hard to dispute my swollen fingers and I'm pretty sure I can't fake protein or high blood pressure.

So who knows. Now my midwife will think I've gone behind her back and that I'm a hypercondriac. Blah. I'm going to bed anyway, I feel like shit.

Hope everything is ok for you TTC.
Gosh Sarah that's horrible! I'm so angry for you!!!!!!! I'm sorry they've treated you this way.

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