Thanks Nita, I'm getting a bit scared and freaked out. I'm 38 weeks today!!! It's all going to be happening pretty soon haha. Still nothing after losing my plug but I'm not surprised. DH is getting very impatient. He came home with hot curry for dinner last night haha. He told me I need to go gutter walking and he keeps talking to him and telling him to come now and gently pushing him down haha. He's doing all the research about how to bring on labour. But to be honest, I'm ok with waiting. I'm only slightly uncomfortable but it's manageable. I know I'm never going to get this time back and I'll never feel his kicks inside me again. He'll come when he's ready, I'm just hoping it's after I've had a good night sleep haha so not today!
And I'm sorry you're getting so many people giving you their opinion. It sounds like that is more common in your culture too. It's definitely easier to take some people's advice than others. Like the mothers at my school would tell me that I should do this or that and I just say thank you, I'll look into it. But then when it's people you care a bit more about it's definitely harder! We are having issues with my DH's family all wanting to visit and not respecting our wishes about not being sick, having your immunisations, no kissing etc. but I know this won't be the first time they (or anyone) disagree with how we do things so just put your foot down. You're the mother. We didn't go through all we went through for people to come in and tell us how they would do it!
Still having headaches and I see the midwife again this afternoon. Also, I've got 166mls of colostrum haha. DH said to just keep going. It's definitely getting my nipples ready and it's reassuring to have a good stash.
Rickyandlucy!!! OMG! Congratulations!! Seeing your BFP made my day!! There's no doubting that second line! Like Nita said, nothing is off limits here haha so bitch about whatever, we know even on those shit days we complain we are all still very grateful to be here
. As for the spotting, that's exactly what I had. I got my clear BFP on 12 DPO and I had brown (even slightly pink) spotting from CD14-18. It was mainly when I wiped or just a tiny bit on a liner. If it's bright red or heavy then it's worth being concerned about. Hopefully your doctor will run some blood tests for you to make sure everything is ok.
I found that the first trimester went so slow! Even though it's really the shortest because by the time you find out you're pregnant you're already 4ish weeks into it. Your life will go from forgetting about whether it's AF-FP-ovulation-LP-BFP/AF. It's exciting because something new happens each week. Also Nita and I both use Ovia (the app). It's very cool and tells you things the baby is doing and how big it is. Today my baby is as big as a ukulele, Pomeranian, a spaghetti squash or half baking sheet on meringues. Crazy how they go from a grain of cocoa powder to that in just a few months haha.
Basically the chance of a chemical/early loss is quite high unfortunately. I don't mean to scare you. But if progesterone is an issue they'll find that out in the blood test and you'll go on that until 12-13 weeks. When I had my early loss my tests got lighter before I started bleeding but that doesn't happen to everyone. So if you want to try and foresee it that could be one way. After you see the heartbeat (around week 7) your chance of a loss does go down dramatically (but unfortunately it's never really safe, even for me now, there's still a chance that the unthinkable could happen). I spent the first 12 weeks really really anxious about it. I have no real suggestions about how you get through that time. Except that having morning sickness and other symptoms is generally a good sign. There's also this website that gave me some reassurance. I would tell myself that there's a better chance I would bring this baby home for cuddles than having a MC and that helped a little. I think it's quite normal to feel worried about this when you've either had a loss in the past or had difficulty getting pregnant. Either way, as Nita and I have said often, just enjoy each day, you're pregnant and have a life inside you today because that's about all that you can do.
Fluffy- you're definitely welcome here and feel free to ask any questions or comment or whatever. I'm sure it won't be long until you get your BFP too