Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Good grief Sarah, Thats the kind of service I would expect to get in South Africa, but not in NZ! I am sorry that they are so horrible, and them telling you that you are looking for symptoms are just crazy, one don't just imagine those things. Your blood pressure are really high though, hope you get some rest and it comes back down soon. :hugs:

Glad to hear everything is still looking good TTC :) It seems like all of us are struggling with BP at the same time.

I am seeing my OB again on Monday :o Hope I can control my nerves so she can get a true reflection of my BP, as it has not been as high at home since I last saw her. It was higher last night (136/75) at my first measurement but this was after playing with the dogs - second measurement after resting 2 minutes was 119/74.

I dont know if I mentioned before that DH bought a new car? We bought it last week Tuesday, but it was stored at an old airport at the coast, so they had to bring it up and install some extras for us. Any way, the car is ready and we are going to pick it up this afternoon - but, DH doesn't know he is getting it today :) he thinks we are going to sign papers for the registration and he is only getting the car Monday afternoon...eeeekkkk, excited much!
Gosh that sounds so unprofessional!! I can only second what Nita said. I would feel a lot more comfortable if a doctor checked you out properly, but from what I know, no more protein in your blood and a possible infection could explain things. Still... if there is any way you can get someone to check you out (what happens if you just show up in A&E?), then do! Hoping you and baby are safe and well!!

So will you have your second blood draw on Monday? So exciting!!! I guess with weekends, there is no way around it, hu?

and with that...
I think I got my BFP this morning!! I phoned my clinic and they said they normally recommend testing now (16dpo) despite the HCG injections, so it should be a safe result! The nurse said to come in first thing Monday morning for a blood draw (beta HCG and progesterone), which will give me a definite answer, but a urine test today should be true. I'm shocked, excited... it feels unreal. O.O Also no more cramping since last night and obviously no sign of AF whatsoever.
HOW EXCITING FLUFFY!!! Congratz, sucks that they are letting you go for a blood draw only on Monday. I also got my BFP on a Friday, but I phoned just in time to get a referral letter for the lab (our labs are open 24/7) so I got my results about 30minutes after I had the blood draw done. Have you tested on a Digi yet Fluffy? Please post your test images here :) :) and I had a good hunce that you will get your BFP especially after you had AF cramps but no AF (exactly like I did)

I got so excited reading your news that my baby girl woke up and started kicking me :D
awww tell your baby girl Fluffy and tiny sesame seed say hello! At least my brand new app says baby would be the size of a seasme seed today at 4 weeks 2 days. Question about that actually: So we had the IUI on Wednesday morning, trigger Tuesday morning (so the doctor said I should have ovulated in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, from his scan). Does that mean I'm 4 weeks 2 days today or 4 weeks three days? Also, do you say "in week 5" once week 5 is complete, or when you are in your fith week (so 4w1d and onwards)? ^^" In case you can't tell, this would/will be our long awaited very first!
Can't wait for Monday, I hope they tell me the results of the first blood draw before the second one. I'm trying not to get crazy excited before then but... who am I kidding :p

Image attached :D


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Fluffy yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! Haha I say I'm in week 28 when I am between 28 and 29 weeks :flower:
Thats definitely a BFP alright! This is also my first Fluffy, so I understand your frustration regarding the dates. But I wont worry about it too much, at your first scan (usually around 8 weeks) they will tell you how far along you are based on the info they see on the U/s and they will also give you a EDD - I just worked from that date. You will see with each scan your due will change as well. Mine have been anything from 1/11/2017 to 14/11/2017 - but the official day my OB decided on at my first U/s was 1/11/2017 and thats the date we are going through.

I don't know about others, but I would say now that I am 29 weeks (actually 29w1d) and I would say 4 weeks if I were you :) Hope you get the results soon after your blood draw Monday - and go ahead and ask any questions you may have... we dont always have the answers but between all of us I am sure we would be able to answer :D
Thanks ladies. I'm feeling absolutely exhausted. I feel like I've been given the run around and told different things and just so over it. I don't think I'm looking for any symptoms and regardless I was told to do that anyway! I'm glad to know the baby is doing ok, everything was great on the NST.

Fluffy, I did see a doctor. I saw my GP and after the two high BP tests she sent me to the hospital. I only saw the back up midwife at the hospital but she talked with the OB. But I feel like the hospital just thought I was wasting their time.

Anyway, I'm just going to take it easy for the next few weeks/until the baby arrives. My DH was really worried about it all. He came home from work this evening and I was asleep on the couch. He woke me up stroking my hair and told me that I don't need to do anything around the house and my job was just to rest now. He got angry when I went to take my plate to the kitchen before.

Fluffy!! I'm so excited for you and your BFP!! It's literally the best news I've heard all day! And how exciting that you and Rickyandlucy will have pretty much the same due date! 16 DPO is pretty safe to say that AF is late and your test should be accurate. Hopefully you can stay sane waiting for the blood test Monday. Will you keep testing over the weekend just to see the line? That's what I did because it was Christmas/new year and I couldn't get blood tests done some days. I always say I'm 38 weeks until I actually hit 39 weeks. Also they calculate how far along you are based on your LMP (last menstrual period). But if you know when you ovulated, some calculators online will give you a more accurate date. Based on my LMP my due date is the 2nd September but I had a scan at 7weeks and my due date changed to the 31st August. There can be some variation in when you implanted too. Usually those early scans will be the most accurate in terms of dating. Anyway, congratulations!! I'm so excited for you. :)

Nita, I hope your BP stays down. How exciting about DH's car! Have you got a car seat/capsule yet?
I agree with your DH Sarah, you seriously need to take some time now to just look after yourself and make sure you get proper rest! I am glad he feels that way.

2 more hours till we get the car, I am super excited. We already have 2 car seats, one for each of our cars. I will take the new one that fits into the stroller and the other one we got without a stroller (from my aunt) and will be permanently in DHs car. Its a nice big family car with loots of space and it has air conditioning vents at the back where she will be for enough circulation, with is just great.

This is the car we will be getting (only website I could find thats not South African so everyone can see lol)
Sarah, I am so mad for you. That is ridiculous the way they treated you. Just remember that it is your job to be your own advocate, no matter how nasty they treat you. Sounds like you did just that and everything was ok. But I am so mad they gave you such a hard time about it. How dare they!!!! You have the right idea though. My friend had preeclampsia and they put her on bed rest, so taking it easy is a safe bet.

AHHHHHHHHH FLUFFY I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! SOMEHOW I JUST KNEW IT!!!!!!!! That is a definite BFP, there's no way that has anything to do with the injections!!!!! I have goosebumps, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had just sent you a message before catching up on this thread, OMG, I am so happy for you! LOL! Geeking out! DUE DATE BUDDIES!
Thank you everyone who got back to me about the "what week do I call this?" question - I am in week 4 then! :)

Sorry, in the excitement this morning, I somehow missed that you saw a GP X) Definitely get lots of rest!

eeek I know ^.^ I am so excited, I still can't really believe it!! Will definitely test again tomorrow, but can't wait for my blood draw on Monday. Never have I looked forward to being poked with a needle so much :p Just saw your message as well ^^ So do you know when your due date is yet? According to my ovulation date (which I know for certain because of the IUI), my due date should be April 25th. As everyone has said though, I guess we'll both get a more precise due date in a few weeks time when we get a scan!

Another question for the fertility hive mind: If you were with a fertility specialist/clinic, how long did you stick with them before moving over to your "normal" gynecologist/obgyn once you were pregnant? I'm going to the clinic next week for the blood test (beta HCG and progesterone), but I'm not sure what to expect after that? My gynecologist is only a 20 minute drive, while the fertility clinic is in another city and takes me an hour to get to, so I hope I won't be going there for much longer but at the same time, of course I wnt everything to be as safe as possible so I don't want to leave the clinic too early!
Nita; nice car!!! That is exciting!

Fluffy: So I actually haven't yet gotten a blood confirmation (expecting that sometime this morning), but my estimated due date based on ovulation is April 26-27. You would switch back to your regular obgyn at 8 weeks. I have already scheduled my 8 week appt; just happens to be on my husband's birthday. :)
Blood confirmation is in! I am pregnant! My number was 115 :)

So if I am going in on Monday, that's 96 hours from the first one, so a good number would be 460 right?
Congrats Lucy!!!!! Check out for a good resource on doubling times!

And fluffy, I think it depends. For me, since I had so many losses I stayed with my fertility clinic till week 10 then went to my OB. But others get a confirmation ultrasound at about 8 weeks and go to the OB.

Very excited and happy for you both!

Nita! Love the car! It looks and sounds fantastic!

Rest up Sarah! Thinking of you!

Today I'm excited because we're getting our tile professionally cleaned.
yay for bloodwork confirmation Lucy! If you're April 26 and I'm April 25 so far, our due dates are literally one day apart! :D

Thanks to everyone about when I should expect to leave the clinic, I'll see what they say after the blood work. I know there is a concerned about higher risk in the first trimester due to my PCOS, so maybe I will be staying with them for longer, who knows. Letting everything settle in right now, still feels totally unreal after all this waiting and medication and things, somehow actually seeing that BFP was... unexpected? X) I feel like I spent so much time focusing on TTC, I'm not actually prepared for the eventuality of getting pregnant!
Thanks ladies. I woke up to DH vacuuming and house really tidy. He's doing a good job looking after me and I'm feeling a little better today.

Lucy, that's awesome! Like TTC said, check out the beta base website. I think there are also calculators online to help you work out the doubling time.

Fluffy, in terms of how long you stay with the fertility clinic depends on the clinic (and country). After my second beta they said to me to find a midwife. But if you have low progesterone or a history of losses or if you used IVF then you might stay with them a little longer. PCOS does increase the chances of a MC unfortunately. They should check your progesterone levels. Also, if you're on metformin they might suggest you stay on it first trimester. Maybe baby aspirin too? The dumb part is that there's not much else you can really do. You can prevent most MCs. We just have to keep our fingers crossed!!

Nita, nice car!! I bet it is all starting to feel real. Our car is all ready and packed with my hospital bag now.

I forgot to say that I saw my GP yesterday and told her about the hospital OB. She was shocked that they haven't been following me closer. She said I should be seen every day for NST, I should have very regular blood tests and BP tests and they should be looking to induce me next week. She said that I should be making a complaint because the OBs have gone against the recommendations of the rheumatologist and haematologist. So now I'm just freaking out that I really should have been watched much more closely. I just want him out so I know he's not relying on my body to keep him healthy. It's a scary feeling.
Woooot! We got our car, and we love it! :D :D

Lucy, thats a great number! Do you have any symptoms yet? You will soon start to feel bloated, think I started around week 6. And dont stress about MC rates too much, theres really nothing you can do to prevent it, just take care of yourself and enjoy the time you have with this baby :) And sure, the MC rates is very high in the biggining, but, looking at the percentages, chances of you having a normal healthy baby is bigger.

Fluffy, not sure when you will leave the RE. I was with my OB from when I started TTC. I think it depends if you need progesterone and how your numbers look. Here, the progesterone until week 12 regardless of your levels, if you didnt conceive naturally, as Clomid, IVF, etc. Does increase your chances of a MC.

Sarah, any idea what the plan forward is? Doesnt sound like the doctors there are really of much help, and I really think you need more monitoring especially at the stage you arr with your complications.

Afm, BP this morning was 106/66 - yay, and just spending some time resting and feeling baby kick before I get up to work.
Yay, exciting Nita.

Lucy and Fluffy, I hope neither of you have a rough time in the first trimester. If you do, my advise is not to suffer through it and ask for help if you need it. Regular snacking and get lots of rest.

Nita, I have no idea what the plan is. I thought I may have heard from my midwife today or yesterday but nothing. I'm feeling like my hands are tied because my midwife and the OB doesn't care but the rheumatologist, haematologist and my GP think things need to be monitored more closely but none of them can do anything about it. To be honest, I think my best move is to try and do what I can to induce labour. I know nothing's going to happen until my body is ready and there's no evidence to suggest that anything at home actually works. But he's developed enough to survive and probably safer on the outside. I see my midwife on Thursday and I'll be taking DH along with me too, but she's unlikely to do anything. I've had some cramping and back pain tonight so maybe he's going to be making his arrival soon anyway. I hope so anyway.
Thank you :) Frustrating how your diffirent healthcare providers don't seem to be listening to each other! My mum was overdue with me and in order to avoid being induced, she walked up and down the stairs until her labour started X) Not sure if this helps if you're not overdue, but who knows!

How are you spending tomorrow to make time go faster? :p I cannot wait until Monday!!! I think I'll have to distract myself with chores and tv, just trying to keep my mind of things. I'm planning on telling my family on Friday since I reckon I should have all the blood results on Thursday and we see my parents and siblings on Friday, so that would work nicely. Have you thought about when and how you'd tell people?

So I have another question already ^^"

I'm going in for my first blood test (beta HCG, progesterone) on Monday morning, and from what I understand for a second one on Wednesday morning. I've heard that being given progesterone is fairly common, I wonder if they base that of your first value (i.e. might I start taking something as soon as those results are available?) or is that based on how the amount of progesterone develops from the first to the second test?

I keep having slight period-like cramps on and off, they get less every day since Thursday (when AF was supposed to show), but I still have slight twinges today. Tomorrow is Sunday and I essentially can't ask my clinic about it until Monday when I go in for the blood test - I doubt they would do anything other than say "we'll take blood and go from there" anyway. Of course, I'm worried this is a bad sign somehow. I first tested Friday and then rested Saturday, and the Saturday test was digital and said 2-3 weeks along. So with me being 4 weeks 3 days, I hope that's a good sign! I was going to test again Sunday morning, but now I'm worried that if the line were fainter that morning, I would be sick with worry and couldn't do anything about it until Monday anway... so please, did anyone else have mild period-like twinges/cramps at this stage and everything was fine? I could really use some reassurance right now (please keep any concerns until Monday morning GMT/UK time so I can bring them up with my doctor then but not get crazy worried before, if that's okay!)...
Fluffy, not sure how it work in other countries but I was given progesterone regardless of my numbers, just because Clomid increase the chances of a MC, I had a day21 bloodtest that month that also suggested my prog levels was a bit low. Regarding the cramps, I had them since 13dpo (2 days before I got my BFP) right up until my second tri mester, I dont have them anymore now since the BH contractions started.

Sarah, my mom also say be very active to induce labour yourself, she was 2 weeks overdue with me as well. However, I wont suggest you to be active with your high BP. Hope your boy arrives soon and both of you are OK.
Thanks ladies. I'm not sure I have the energy to be that active haha. I've done a bit of reading on inducing labour and really there's nothing you can do unless the baby is actually ready. I've had period cramps, sore back and thighs since last night and some BH so I'd say it's probably a good sign. But I think I'll just rest and try and save up my energy. If I went into labour at the moment I think I'd probably just ask for the epidural straight away so I can sleep. I have no energy.

Fluffy, I had some cramps too. I think with the implantation and the embryo nestling in there it's pretty normal to get some cramping. My progesterone on CD 21 was low 30s which says I ovulated but not great. Then at 12DPO it was fine and same on 15DPO. So I never got progesterone and didn't need it. But I'd imagine if your blood test on Monday says it's low they'd prescribe it straight away. They'd probably do follow up bloods to see if your levels are improving too. But it seems to vary from doctor to doctor and country to country.

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