Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Thank you Nita and sarah :) That calms my mind! I never realised I'd have all these stupid little questions. You spend so much time focusing on getting pregnant and so little on what the pregnancy would be like... or at least I did.

I have been trying not to worry/thinkg about MC at all since it seems there is nothing you can do to prevent it... why does clomid increase the chances? :S Is that just statistically (since many women who have other underlying issues get clomid), or is there a medical reason? If it's a medical reason, I'm hoping 50mg of clomid = lowest clomid risk! X)

Resting sounds like a good idea, you get to meet your baby so soon! I haven't read back all the way, so this has probably been asked before, but do you mind me asking if you've picked out a name yet (and are you happy to share or are you keeping it a secret)? Do you have a theme for your nursery? I'm getting a bit dreamy about these things today as I wait for my blood test tomorrow :3
Fluffy,I think the cramping is just our bodies adjusting to the changes. If the cramps are severe its obviously something to worry about, and I think severe cramping can also be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy (not 100% sure though) - however mild cramping every now and then that doesnt influence your daily tasks is nothing to worry about. I would get around 5 cramps a day that early on and eventually it weaned to 1 a day and 1 every few days to nothing in the second trimester.

I think Clomid increases your chances of a MC because it thins out your lining, progesterone thickens the lining. This is what the lady at the pharmacy actually told me. But I am sure you will find more accurate info on Dr Google. If I remember correctly Clomid increases the chance for a MC by around 5% in the first 8 weeks or until you see the heartbeat. However I think you are safe with 50mg, Sarah did 100mg and I did 150mg and both our babies made it through that early.

So this morning I went to get me some new maternity shirts, as mine is a little small, and I had to buy a Large (I almost got a heart attack) I am used to buying X-Small or Small..and I still have 2 months to go, I hope it doesnt go up to a XLarge.. Ill just wear my birthday suit then :haha: Everyone tells me that I have really grown a lot over the last 2 weeks, and I can actually see a difference - supposedly I am going to grow even more and faster now...eish!
Fluffy, it's no worries :) you definitely do spend a lot of time learning and thinking about how to get pregnant but when you actually do get pregnant it can be a huge range of emotions and feelings. I know for me I was surprised because some were really unexpected. As horrible as it sounds, I don't think I've bonded with my baby in the way I expected to. I thought I would be beyond in love from the moment I saw the second line. im sure it will develop though.

Unfortunately, there are quite a number of things that can cause a MC. The most common (from my research) is a problem with how the embryo develops. Shecee might pop in and add to this (she sadly had a MMC a few months ago) but there are certain points where it's more likely for the embryo not to make it because of developmental reasons and there is nothing you can do about that. The other causes are progesterone or lining issues (you can try to prevent that), immune system (like autoimmune and the body attacks the embryo), blood clots (usually aspirin is given), hormone imbalance (so for PCOS the advice is often to stay on metformin), or if you were to get sick with listeria or another illness. I'm sure there are other reasons. But as you can see, mostly there's nothing that can be done. I had a loss at just over 5 weeks in July last year.

We have a first name picked out but we've decided to just keep it quiet for now. I have some opinionated friends and family haha. We are almost set on middle name(s). My DH's family have kind of crazy middle names but I'm not sure if we will do that. And as for the nursery, he'll be in our room for the first few months in his bassinet. We have set up his room but we are in army housing (we just bought some land and hopefully have house plans all drawn up in the next few months). So nothing too extreme. Lots of natural wood, like a wooden cot, change table, draws and shelves. But no theme or anything.

Nita, I found I grew in spurts. Nothing for weeks and then almost overnight. My friend actually didn't fit maternity clothes towards the end haha. I can still wear some non maternity clothes haha
Nita: I really don't feel much different. My boobs are the main thing that feel off. They are a little tender, feel a little bigger, nipples potentially a little larger. They were actually my only symptom before the BFP. But I truly felt more pregnant other months when I wasn't, lol. But temps are sky high, and no bleeding. Second blood draw tomorrow. Still can't decide when to tell my parents. Part of me is ready to shout from the rooftops now, another part wants to wait for results of the second draw, and another part wants to wait for the heartbeat.

Fluffy: It is so hard to keep my mind off it, even when I am busy! Friday night DH went with me on a little overnight work trip. It was nice, we got to stay in a hotel, sleep in. He is already being so cute; "You need to sit, you need to drink water". He is one of those that doesn't show his feelings, but I can tell he is excited and nervous. We went to a beer festival yesterday with some friends and I told them I couldn't drink because of an antibiotic the RE put me on before the HSG. I thought it was a good excuse, because that's exactly what would have happened if I had gotten AF. By her reaction though I am not sure she bought it, but oh well! She's a LTTTC'er herself so she knows exactly how long we've been trying. Btw, I know exactly what you mean, I have had the cramps on and off too. But I think the biggest reassurance is no bleeding. Every time I go to the bathroom and see no bleeding I feel like celebrating, lol! If you are not bleeding it should mean things are ok.

Sarah: Keep taking care of yourself, taking it easy, and go with your gut. I truly believe this is one of those times when Mom truly knows best!
Thank you for that info - that is actually good news to me because they checked my lining at my CD14 ultrasound and I remember the doctor saying it was "really good" - so hoping all is wel lin that department :) Aww I'm looking forward to buying maternity clothes for the first time <3 You know, a big advantage of your birthday suit is you will never outgrow it, it will always fit! :p and it has no size label!

I think some mums really bond during pregnancy and some bond more when baby is born, everyone is different. We're planning on keeping the name a secret as well because of the same issue with strong opinions from friends and family! It must be so awesome having the nursery all set up <3

hahaha, I do the exact same thing every time I go to the bathroom! Everytime I'm a little anxious and check and then it's "woop woop" X)
Right now I'm just waiting for the blood work, if that's all fine then I'm telling my parents and my sisters (we're a lot closer with my family than his as they are over here and his are back in the UK) - keeping it a secret from them would be impossible, they are *all* (yes, all of them) doctors and know we've been to the fertility clinic and all ^^" Just like your LTTC friend, I think some people will just catch on regardless! I kind of thought about it like this: who would I tell if this pregnancy went wrong early on? That would be the core members of my family, I would ask them for medical advice anyway, so that's who I'm telling before the 12 week mark :)

Do you get the results of your second blood draw on Monday? I should get my first results either late on Monday or early Tuesday, and then the second late Wednesday or early Thursday, I believe.
Fluffy: Yes, I am hoping to get the results of the second blood draw tomorrow. I actually want to tell my parents today, but once they know it will be much harder to keep it from other members of my family that I am not quite ready to tell yet, like aunts and uncles. My aunt lives next door to my parents, my other aunt is staying with her for a few weeks, and my other aunt I work with. I am not quite ready for them to know. And if something went wrong I don't think I would want them fussing over me. So for now I guess we are taking it a day at a time. But maybe I will feel differently if the numbers are good tomorrow. Fx!
Lucy, I didnt feel pregnant in the beginning at all, just the cramps and no spotting here as well. When I went for my firat u/s my OB also could not find her with an abdominal u/s so I was just so scared at that moment, and then she did a vaginal u/s and there was our little peanut and a strong heartbeat. But I was so scared because I didnt get sick or MC and everyone kept on telling me i should have gotton sick by now. Just hang in there, symptoms like bloating, constipation/diarrhea, MC make their appearance from around week 5/6 thats if you get some. Also if your boobs hurt or feel tender when you touch them, you are still pregnant.

My advice regarding telling your parents, do it if you feel you are right. Mine understood that it was still early and didnt tell anyone else, and you know what, even they did it would not worry me, what happens, happens. Be positibe and think positive. I hope your second blood draw shows as good results as the first.

Fluffy, it definately takes time to get used too, but it will all be very real when you 1. See the heartbeat and 2. Start the feel the movements. Maternity shopping is hard but fun, and my DH like me wearing these tight stretchy shirts, he just loves that everyone can see his wife is preggo. I can still hide it with a hoody but he gets real pissed if I dont look pregnant, lol.

My DH and I also talk to her, A LOT, from early on :) this morning in the shops this family walked past me, qnd the mom looked at me and just smiled as she walk past. I can really notice a lot of people looking at my tummy.

As for the 3rd trimester, my energy levels are non existant amd my feet hurt so baaaaaaaad :(
Thanks fluffy, we figure it's harder to give your opinion of a name (well say you don't like it) once it's stuck haha. But it's not an uncommon name so I don't think anyone will have a problem. It's also nice to have something that just DH and I know and share too. Have you thought about names? I know lots of people when they're LTTC have something in mind.

And my good friend had her baby 4 weeks ago and she's been really struggling with the bonding. She had no issues conceiving or staying pregnant but they had a traumatic birth. Plus newborns can be all about take, take, take for the first few month. I'm just looking forward to the cuddles, I think that'll help. Like Nita said it kind of sinks in a little more at different stages like when you feel them move, get a proper bump and the amazing 3D/4D scans.

It is exciting having it set up. Babies are expensive haha they need lots of stuff and we've managed to go pretty low key comparably. Good luck for your blood test! Please let us know your results. And the way we decided to tell people was that if we lost the pregnancy would we be ok with them knowing that? And we decided yes because we were planning on starting IVF in the next few months so probably would have had to put it all out on the table anyway. With your family being doctors I'm sure they understand it all!

Lucy, thanks. I'm just taking it easy but also doing a few tricks to try and hurry him along. I don't have much confidence they'll work though. Definitely tell people when you're ready. I'd say your LTTTC friend is probably a bit suspicious haha but you get that way when you've been trying so long. But it's a good excuse, I would have bought it haha. Good luck for your next blood test! It's still early days for symptoms. I think mine started about 6 weeks.

Fluffy and Lucy, you might both be lucky and not have a rough time in the first trimester. But if I'd known I was going to I would have done a big grocery shop because I didn't leave the house for weeks. Have lots of crackers, bread for toast and plain foods. Also, enjoy being able to sleep on your back and tummy haha. I'm pretty much stuck sleeping on my left side and have been for the past 3 months and my shoulder and hip are dying.

Nita, my DH is the same haha. What will they refer to us as when we are no longer their pregnant wife? Are you getting lots of people looking at your tummy and smiling? I'm finding it more from middle age men. Not in a creepy way (well I don't think so) and old ladies haha. Third trimester is so draining. It doesn't get any better unfortunately. Since hitting 38 weeks it's all gone down hill. Maybe because I know he's actually ready. Ovia gave me an ovation for "bun's done" haha.
Oh and Nita have you noticed any colostrum yet?

Fluffy, I also wanted to add that I had a MC after conceiving with no Clomid. At that point my hormones were all over the place. My LH and FSH ratio were out, I had high prolactin, low estrogen and my free androgen was very slightly high. I had lots of PCOS symptoms. But when I took Clomid I ovulated earlier in my cycle, my skin was clearer and my hair looked better and my estrogen and progesterone levels are much more normal. I believe that it was because Clomid helped me to ovulate a good, strong egg that my pregnancy worked out. But I have no actual proof of this.
We've actually had names for both genders picked out for years... though it's been so long we've got quite a list of girl names we like by now that we can't decide between ^^" We have a clear favourite for a boy though. I've heard that setting up for your first baby is quite the expense, but since we've had a lot of time to save up, I think we're prepared now (I hope) :)
Thank you for sharing about your MC - I'm really sorry you had to go through that, I honestly can't imagine. I really hope clomid balanced out my hormones too! It's encouraging to hear it did for you. :hugs:

A big grocery shop is a good idea, thank you! Perfect timing, am going grocery shopping tomorrow :D Does anyone have any further tips for early first trimester?

Just got back from the blood draw, all the nurses smiling at me and telling me good luck (I told them I had already tested positive twice on the weekend). They said I will get the results from this first blood draw this afternoon and then they will tell me what happens next, possibly a second blood draw and then an ultrasound at 6 weeks or so. I'm on GMT+1 time, so that means I should get a call in 5-8 hours... the clock is moving unusually slowly this morning :p
Nothing yet Sarah - although not quite sure what to look out for lol - hope you are feeling better?

FX for the results Fluffy - I am on GMT+2 time so I hope to read your results before bed time :D

Getting everything for the first is really expensive, and DH buy 2 of most things, because for example she will be going to work with me so we need 2 cots, both will transport her, so 2 car seats, etc. But we are convinced it will be less for Nr. 2 and even though I wanted Nr. 2 soon after Nr. 1 I have decided that DH will first make some time for ourselves and our marriage so we will have some time to save up for Nr. 2

I have my OB in about 5 hours - so stressed about my BP ugh, and ofcourse the stress make it even higher.
Also Fluffy, I wont suggest going for a U/s at 6 weeks, it might be too early to see the heartbeat and it may only lead to more stress, If it was me, I would push it and wait for 7/8 weeks :)
Fluffy, I think that the longer it takes the more time you have to second guess the name haha. We had a girl and a boy name picked out before our BFP and I think if this baby had been a girl we probably wouldn't have gone with the name we chose. But the boy name is my DH's middle name so it wasn't likely to change.

I agree about the money thing too. Plus we were convinced we'd need IVF and had $13,000 saved away for our first cycle. DH said to me when we got our BFP, "I feel $13,000 richer!" But definitely setting up for the first one is the most expensive. After that there's lots you can reuse. Just as long as you don't have your second too close the first I imagine haha. DH wanted Irish Twins but that's not possible for us!

The MC was tough but I wasn't that far along so i don't feel like I have a lot to complain about. I'm grateful that I was one of the lucky ones to become pregnant again. I hope that the Clomid did help you to produce a good egg and sort out some of the PCOS hormone issues too!

As for other first trimester tips, I found my boobs were really sore and sleeping in a crop top/sports bra really helped. There's also an acupressure point about two finger tips below the inside of your wrist that's meant to help with nausea. You can get little bracelets to press on there or just use your thumb. Oh and they call it 'morning' sickness. It really should be called all day sickness haha. I had an abdominal ultrasound at 7weeks and saw the heartbeat but like Nita said, don't go much earlier than that or you risk being disappointed! I hope you're lucky like Nita and manage not to have it too bad!

I can't wait to hear about your blood test results. I remember doing my blood test too and the lady was so excited haha. It's just the start of people being really excited and happy for you!

Nita, some people leak colostrum but I haven't. I found that I had a little bit of (TMI) crustiness on my nipples but that's all. We are looking at getting some bobby calves for our farm and DH said I could feed them all my colostrum I can produce so much haha.

And yup buying everything for a first born is expensive. Then you can just do hand me downs. I think boys clothes are easier to hand me down to a younger sister though. If we'd had a girl first I would have bought pinks and purples and flowers haha. I hope everything's ok with your BP.

Ugh, I have the midwife on Thursday and I know she's going to be shitty with me about everything so I was going to take DH for support but he tells me tonight he can't make it. So I'm going to have to face her on my own.
Wel, my BP this morning is 128/99 - I am a nervous wreck, I can't get myself to calm down, literally. It have not been this high since my last appointment, if its high today she might put me on meds, ugh and the side effects can be quite severe. DH is also going with me, so he can also tell her that my BP is normal at home, not that I think that will help.

Goodluck Sarah - I generally hate going to appointment alone, ugh, I hope your midwife is not too shitty about everything and that she gives you a proper diagnoses regarding your high BP, and other symptoms. Do you think she might induce you if your symptoms stay the same? I hope not, I know you dont want to be induced.

Fluffy, another first trimester tip. I dont know if you are taking prenatal vitamins? If so, and you start to feel nauseous, try leaving them for a few days and only take folic acid. Prenatal vits made me very sick, my OB said all I really need is folic acid. Apparently the Iron can make MS worse or cause Nausea and vomiting..
OB in an hour, so over it right now...
Sarah: Thank you for sharing about your mc. Regardless of how early it was I am sure that must have been hard. How high was your prolactin? Before my BFP I was twice told I had slightly high prolactin. Just before ovulating this cycle my prolactin was 35. But the RE told me that it wasn't high enough that they would have treated it most likely.

Fluffy: Went for my blood draw this morning too. Went to my regular obgyn instead of the lab (closer to my work). Unfortunately that means I won't have the results until tomorrow. If I had known that I probably would have stuck with the lab. But it was nice, my doc congratulated me. They want me to come back again next week; is that normal? And Fluffy, let us know when you get your results back! Are you telling your fam after the first results or the second one?

Nita: Hoping that you get good news from your doc! Hang in there!

I've been having tummy trouble since yesterday. Went to my parents house last night for our weekly family dinner and ended up alternating between the couch and the bathroom most of the evening. Is this normal? Between that and the blood draws I am not sure how much longer I can keep this secret, lol. My arms are all bruised from the now THREE blood draws in a 7 day period, lol.
Sooo I just got the call back from the clinic and the blood test confirmed, I am pregnant!!! ^.^ Weirdly they don't do a second blood draw, just gave me an appointment for a 6 week ultrasound with my fertility doctor. Hubby is away on conference for 10 days after and she said it would be "a little late" to wait until he's back. Obviously there is no way he'll miss our first ultrasound ever, so the appointment is at 6 weeks exactly (Thursday 31st).

They also said I should take progesterone (vaginal suppositories). She said it's just their standard policy and they will check again at 6 weeks to see if I need to continue taking them. Does anyone here have experience with progesterone suppositories?

I'm guessing your gynecologist or their nurse/whoever asked you to came back next week doesn't know you already had 3 blood draws? I don't see why you even need 3, actually? Maybe call back to check?
As I'm not having another blood draw, I want to tell my family on Friday which is when I next see them. I cannot wait ^.^

Sorry to hear your blood pressure is so high. Have you tried breathing techniques? Three short breaths in through the nose and then a slooow one out through your mouth (as slow as possible) is what I do and it really slows my pulse. You can do it for as long as necessary until you feel calmer. Maybe it helps!
I take (and have been taking since last November) a prenatal that only contains folic acid, Vitamin D and iodin. It's what my doctor recommended based on my thyroid values, so I'm sticking with that unless the fertility clinic recommends something else at my 6 week appointment :)

Thank you for those tips! I hope your midwife appointment goes smoothly, surely you're not the first worried pregnant woman she is dealing with ;)
Congrats fluffy! That was fast! It's a good feeling isn't it! :) Did they give you a number?

So my first blood draw exactly one week ago was actually to retest prolactin; it was before I got my BFP. Thursday and today were HCG, and today I also made sure they tested my progesterone. They definitely knew about all the draws; she made it sound like they just want to check weekly to make sure everything is progressing as it should?

Now I really wish I had my second results! The next 24 hours are going to be so slooooowwww...

I am this close to ordering a little bandana for our furbaby that says "Big Sister", lol. We bought a onesie yesterday just because it was on clearance for $2, lol.
Nita, your diastolic number is a bit high but here they would call that ideal blood pressure haha. Even my 163/98 wasn't enough for anyone to take any notice. I think doctors know that your BP goes up at the doctors. So surely she would take that into account.

I'm doubtful that she will induce me. I'm not sure she actually has the capability of doing much more than a stretch and sweep anyway. It would be up to the OB to induce me and I think they have policies about when and why they do that. If she offers me a stretch and sweep I think I'll take it but I they don't usually do that until closer to 40 weeks.

Definitely agree about the vitamins. And if you have to take any medications try and do them at night time so you sleep through any nausea. My doctor said folic acid until 13 weeks and iodine the whole way through your pregnancy (and breastfeeding) is all you need.

Lucy, definitely normal to have an upset stomach I'm sorry. It's no fun at all. Nita can probably tell you more about it than me but it's to do with the hormones and just another variation of morning sickness. Try and avoid spicy and fatty foods. I know they say constipation is a normal pregnancy symptom but I have had no issue with that.

I haven't got the results of my blood tests on my phone but I know my prolactin wasn't hugely high but maybe 50 above normal? My fertility specialist didn't mention it being high or whether it was an issue. But, on the plus side, women with PCOS can have issues with breastfeeding (I know! Getting pregnant and staying pregnant is hard enough and we still have to deal with more shit!) but prolactin triggers breast milk and you're less likely to have supply issues if you have higher levels of prolactin.

Fluffy, yay!! Congratulations. Some places don't do the follow up bloods, it's really just for reassurance that your numbers are doubling. But knowing this information doesn't change anything so don't be too worried. It sounds like a good plan to go on progesterone. Nita did progesterone so I'm sure she can help :). And at 6 weeks you may or may not hear the heartbeat. They'll probably do a vaginal ultrasound. If you can, and you want to try and work out the gender, take a photo or ask for one of your scan. There are different theories at 6-7 weeks and 12 weeks that can help determine what you're having. I'm no good at the early ones but Nita and I both used it at 12 weeks to accurately work out what gender our babies are.

And I'm hopeful that the midwife won't be too shitty with me. But I'm even more hopeful I might go into labour before my appointment haha. I went for a long walk today, im drinking raspberry leaf tea, hand expressing, baby dancing (haha lives up to the name now more than ever!). Im having cramps still and some uncomfortable but irregular contractions.
@Sarah: LOL about the baby dancing!!!! Praying the midwife is kind to you. She shouldn't be in that profession if she can't be understanding and reassuring to nervous moms. Will be thinking of you!

@Fluffy: I suspect you feel the same as me which is excited but also terrified, lol. If you ever need some reassurance, I found another stats site like the one Sarah sent me before, but this one also shows your chances of NOT mc, which is of course common sense, but seeing the numbers with your own eyes is reassuring. You can enter more info about you like your age, height and weight, and other details. My chances of NOT mc at this point is 80%. They even have a "Reassure Me" tool, which when I click tells me that I am 4 times more likely to have a successful birth than mc. And you can click it over and over and it will tell you more reassuring stats:

I ordered the Big Sister dog bandana ladies, lol. Praying the second bloods come back good. Thinking we will tell my parents this weekend. My pants are already uncomfortable. Part of that I think is the upset tummy. But still!
Just a quick update after my appointment, ill write a proper reply later.

I have been diagnosed with hypertension, and I am now taking blood pressure meds. Baby is measuring small still and OB is a little worried she isnt getting enough food. So I am not allowed to do any excercise whatsoever, and if my BP doesnt come down in 2 weeks time, then I must stop working and be put on bed rest. :(

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