Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

That's good to know, I will be prepared that we might not see a heartbeat yet then :) I will definitely ask for a photo! How should I try and work out the gender at 6 weeks though? o_O

awww that's such a cute idea! I have a dog too, what kind is yours? I'm telling my parents this Friday so then we're both telling our families this weekend :D
I'm the same with the tummy actually - it's bloating X) No way it's an actual baby tummy yet and mine is a bit high for that anyway, so definitely bloating. Trying to wear a lot of loose dresses and skirts is doing the trick for me right now to avoid having waistbands cut into it, haha. I also think I feel a little more tired and hungry, how about you? and thank you for that link, will check it out! I love positive, reassuring things like that - exactly what I need!
Prayers your way Nita. <3

Fluffy, our dog is a Shepherd mix. Ordered this hot pink big sister bandana from Etsy:

Yeah def bloating over here. Pants are uncomfortable and are digging into my waist. I've been doing the hairtie over the button trick to try to make them more comfortable. Prob need to go ahead and sort my clothes so the comfy things are easier to find, lol. Can't wait for fall and leggings and sweaters! I am only mildly more tired and hungry. Friday night I got up to pee THREE times in the night which was very unusual for me, but that may have been a fluke, been pretty normal since.
Nita how scary!!!!! Here they would have you taking baby aspirin. I'm glad your ob sounds very proactive. Try to rest lots and stay calm. Big hug to you!

Lucy and Fluffy, I just wanted to chime in about first tri worry. I had a chemical then 3 miscarriages before this baby. There's truly nothing you can do to prevent something from happening. Just try to relax and take it day by day.

Fluffy I took progesterone suppositories all of first tri. No big deal at all. Just stock up on panty liners.

Sarah, waiting for an update on you! Thinking of you!

As for me, I'm just waiting for my hematology appointment at 3pm today!
Thanks ladies. My OB said it might be early for meds but she would rather get it under control now, than to have to strugle later on, and most important now is for me to rest to make sure my baby is ok. No protein in my urine, thank goodness. High BP is in my family and my mom also strugle with it during pregnancy, so I am not surprised, just hoped it wasnt this early on.
Lucy, haha it is very very weird when the baby is dancing during baby dancing. I make sure he's asleep before we start (just because I find it weird haha) but a couple of times he's woken up and you just have to ignore it haha. Wow that website sounds SO much better! I'm glad you found that one. I think putting it in the positive and looking at the chance of bringing home your delicious healthy baby is far more reassuring!

Nita, I'm sorry that you're having these troubles. Was the measurement based off an ultrasound or your fundal height? We had some little measurements on the scan early on (10-20th percentile) but things are looking a bit better now. Keep in mind if you're short then it's probably genetic that she's going to be little. And if it's your fundal height she's looking at that can be crazy inaccurate. I went from 4 weeks ahead of dates, to my bump getting smaller than the previous appointment, to measuring 4 weeks behind to then bring back to normal. It's crazy that she's started you on BP medication. My doctor and midwife would call your BP ideal. Just rest up. It might be good to finish work early.

Fluffy, if it's too early to see the heart beat they'll likely call you back in a few days to try again. I can't imagine how scary it would be to be in that position but I've read a lot of times it happens and then they find everything's ok a few days later. The theory for the early scans is called Ramzi Theory. Something about where the placenta lies. I'm no good at it, but there's heaps of info on Google. It's not that accurate but just a bit of fun. And the bloating is normal! I think I was bloated until about 11 weeks, then my tummy went back to normal and my jeans started fitting again because my uterus moved up. It was so weird. Then my bump started growing at about 22-23 weeks. But even now if I was to wear DH's jacket you'd probably just think I was fat haha. Everyone carries differently.

Lucy and fluffy, you two will be pregnant in winter right? It's been winter for my pregnancy and it's been pretty awesome actually. Your baby actually keeps you nice and warm. It's like a little heater in your tummy. I was wearing summer dresses with just a cardigan on when it was 10-13 degrees C haha. Others would be all wearing jackets and jeans.

TTC, thanks. No update until Thursday. I'm still having headaches. Last night I took panadol and had a nap and it did nothing for my head. DH said he can't come to my appointment so I'm a bit worried about going on my own now. Good luck with your haematology appointment! Let us know how it goes :)
Sarah, yes we would be pregnant in winter :) I was always hoping for that, but eventually we had been trying so long I got to the point where I didn't care when, lol. 3rd tri would be late winter/early spring, but should still be nice and comfy.

I am really, really sorry your DH can't come to your appt with you. Don't be shy about sticking up for yourself and your baby. Is there anyone else you can take with you?
Fluffy I saw this baby at 5 weeks 6 days with a tiny beating heart! Hopefully you'll at least see the sac and fetal pole!

Sarah!!!!!!! I'm so so worried for you! With your bad headache. I wish they'd induce you!!!! Here in the US you'd have been diagnosed with preeclampsia when you had the protein in your urine even though your bp wasn't terrible that one reading that day. Also they'd take into consideration that you had very low bp through the whole first 2/3 of pregnancy. Do you have any swelling?

My appt was fine. We just went over a plan for delivery and one for if I need a transfusion sooner... I really like my hematologist so it was an easy good appt.

Lucy, my second was a mainly winter pregnancy! Sooooo nice!!! This one I've been miserably hot!
Lucy, we were the same. I didn't even care if his due date was Christmas Day. I just wanted to be pregnant. So when my GP said that we had timed it badly with it being 9 months from Christmas/new year I wanted to roll my eyes haha. And definitely it's good that it's not too hot. You guys use Celsius there don't you? Today it's 12 degrees C and usually I'd wear a few layers. It doesn't really get hot here in the summer though so I probably would have been ok. But you 'planned' it well for a winter baby haha.

Thankfully DH has managed to be excused from his work thing. I put the pressure on him. Usually from an army wife comparison I'm pretty chilled out, have no issue with him going away or working crazy hours. So when I rarely put my foot down he does usually listen.

TTC, I know, and I don't feel comfortable with it either. I've seen women with lower BP, no protein and not as far along be induced! I've got some swelling in my fingers but not my face or ankles. When I see the midwife on Thursday I am going to stand up for myself, tell her what my GP said and make her realize how serious my autoimmune diseases stuff can be. But being that she is a midwife and they tend to be less about treating pregnancy and the medical complications I'm not sure what the outcome is going to be. In the mean time, I'm trying some different tricks. Bouncing on the birth ball, going for a walk, lots of hand expressing, sex and I'm going to try EPO from tonight. I'm glad your appointment went well. Is the transfusion for iron or for something else?

Also our Tula arrived today!!

Weird TMI question, over the past few days I've noticed like an oil layer in the top of my pee. It's like when you see an oil slick and it's shiny like a rainbow haha. Google kind of says it's normal in pregnancy and also caused by dehydration (which I'm definitely not). Any of you ladies know about this?
Ooh Sarah the oily pee thing is weird! If you aren't dehydrated I'd wonder if it's a kidney thing from possible preeclampsia? So weird! I'm glad your dh got excused and that you're planning to put your foot down. Please keep me updated you're in my constant thoughts.
Oh and the transfusion is blood. Can't have iron with my blood disorder unless iron itself is low. It's a long explanation....but basically my disorder means I don't make enough healthy blood cells.
Yeah it is a bit strange. I was wondering if it was linked but I couldn't find much about it online. Thank you for your kind thoughts and concerns. I really didn't mean to have anyone worry about me. I know preeclampsia is really serious and I won't be mucking around if I start getting extreme swelling, vision changes, stomach pain etc. And I'll be putting my foot down on Thursday. I think I'll ask if she'll refer me back to the first OB I saw (who was really concerned and started me on the Clexane injections). I emailed my antenatal tutor because she understands how our hospital system works here and she said that I could also ask my GP to refer me back to them. I said I was concerned about it being 9 days until my due date now and she said that they would get me straight in because of that. So who knows.

That's interesting. Is your condition genetic or autoimmune or something else? I'm glad they're so on to it.
Fluffy/Lucy - Congratz to the both of you on wonderful news and results on your blood tests. As for your questions:

- Diarrhea: Normal in early pregnancy, I had it too - ask your Midwifes/OBs for something to stop it, as diarrhea can cause dehydration and you need to make sure you are hydrated. I had it until around week 12, and by week 16 I had severe constipation, I am now taking Movicol 2 - 3 a week which is perfectly safe during pregnancy.

- Progesterone: Taking it vaginally is definitely a good idea. Orally just gave me insane side effects. IF you start to take it, don't stop until around week 12, that's when the placenta takes over.

- Bloating: You will feel bloated now (and you might even confuse it with a baby bump) - since you both are FTMs you will most likely also start to show a bit later, I only started to show after 20 weeks. Around 12 weeks you will start to feel your tummy tightening, thats when it really starts to feel real.

I really hope you get to see a heartbeat that early Fluffy.

I am glad both of you are telling your families you are pregnant - having family close to you that knows really help in the beginning (that was my experience)

Sarah - glad DH is going with you. I was glad mine also went with me to my appointment yesterday, when my OB said baby is measuring small he stood up and told her small babies run in the family lol. When did you start to notice your BP went higher?

My mom told everyone that my BP is high and that I am on meds now - so Ive been getting sympathetic texts from my family. Everyone expect me to feel, I dont know, bad? But I feel perfectly normal...Ill be working less hours possibly from this week.
I hate being 25 and on BP meds. I am supposed to be healthy and normal, not true?
BP this morning was down again, first reading was 126/79 and second reading 99/66

Sarah, my OB said if you get a pain just under your boobs, so on the top side of your bump you need to get to hospital ASAP with high BP - so maybe just keep an eye out for that?
That's good to know, thank you for reassuring me :) Of course I'm hoping to see a heartbeat by then, but it's good knowing it doesn't have to mean anything sinister if we don't see it that early. Yes pregnant in winter, I calculated I will be around 23 weeks during the Christmas period, totally planning on buying an obnoxious pregnancy-themed Christmas sweater ^.^
I don't know about the oil layer, but my dad (doctor family, I think I mentioned?) is a nephrologist, so a kidney&blood specialist, he should know about weird stuff in urine since that's all to do with the kidneys usually. I can ask him when I see him on Friday if you want?

I must admit I have googled pictures of 5-6 week scans (I will be 6w1d), I really hope we see that :3 My first scan ever!

Thanks for all that info! My doctor said I'm to take progesterone until my 6 week appointment, then they'llc heck my values and decide if I should continue taking it. Since I'm with a fertility clinic, I feel very well taken care of so far :) Really looking forward to 12 weeks then, I can't wait for my tummy to feel different <3
Hoping your blood pressure stays down, those readins today are good!
Nita, yeah I'm glad too. And after my DH switched all his work stuff around my midwife text back that she now had an appointment in the morning! So he could have come. Ugh. Anyway, he can come so that's fine.

I find it really odd your doctor is putting you on BP meds Nita. It almost sounds dangerous when your BP is actually lower than even borderline. I don't know if I would be taking them with the side effects you mentioned. It sounds like it could do more harm than good!

Yup my GP told me the same about the pain. She also said if I put on more than 2kgs in 24 hours it's a sign of preeclampsia. Plus severe headaches, vision changes, vomiting etc. I'm still having headaches and nothing is helping them. My BP has been around 140/90 since about 20 weeks although it went down to 120/80 when my DH was away last month but now it's shot up to 157/97 and 163/98. Oh and I've found that age doesn't disqualify you from having anything. I was diagnosed with arthritis when I was 8 years old..

Fluffy, my friend just told me today that she was pregnant. She went for her scan and is 6w1d and they heard the heartbeat. I also recall that they like it to be over 120 beats per minute. That's a nice strong heartbeat. Mine was bang on 120. Haha you should have a cute wee bump by Christmas! It's crazy to think we will have a baby at Christmas haha I still haven't got my head around it. My uncle is actually a urologist so I could ask him. But I think I'll ask my midwife on Thursday and if no luck then I'll ask him. Thank you though, it must be great having that wealth of knowledge!
Thanks Sarah - my OB is worried that there might be too much pressure in my veins to make sure she gets enough food. She also said at this stage its preventative, she would much rather get it under control before it gets really out of control now. I actually prefer it... I'd rather take it slow now and rest properly than to be put on bed rest in a few weeks time. The meds she gave me is perfectly safe in pregnancy, other than feeling really sleepy and a bit iritated (could or could not be related to the meds) I'm feeling OK. She said to use the meds to my own discretion, for now take it once a day, if my BP goes up take 2 a day, if it goes low enough for me to feel dizzy take one every 2 days. She knows I am measuring my BP at home as well.
How many of you temped and continued temping after your BFP? I think I am going to have to stop. Had a temp drop this morning that has me worried. More anxious than ever for those blood tests to come back. Temp drop could mean drop in progesterone; glad they tested that yesterday so they can put me on some if need be. Boobs are less sore today and my upset tummy is gone. I should be happy about that last one, but it makes me nervous because now I feel completely normal again.

Sarah: I am in the US so we do F (leave it to us to have to be different, lol), but Fluffy is in Germany so she would be C. Have always wanted a winter pregnancy! And SUPER glad your DH is coming to your appt after all!

Nita: Glad you are taking it easy, and I am glad they are taking preventive measures. Fx it is smooth sailing from here!
Lucy definitely stop temping after you get your BFP!! It will make you anxious. I got a big drop the day I got my BFP and thought it was all over. I haven't temped since then. Except the other night I thought I had a temperature and I could only find my BBT. I put it in my mouth and then I froze haha. All those mornings of lying very very still with a thermometer in my mouth. Symptoms come and go and I had so many days where I was sure it was all over because I didn't feel anything. I had convinced myself 100% that there was going to be no heartbeat at my 12 week scan. Of course none of us can guarantee it's all going to be ok but I remember at my 10 week appointment my midwife asked me if I was having any threatened MC symptoms and I said "well I don't really feel pregnant anymore, I don't feel nauseaous today and my boobs aren't sore". She laughed and said so no threatens MC symptoms.

And yes you guys seem to do things differently with the way you measuring things haha, temperature and length and weight.

Nita, that's good. It's just such a different way of doing things than here. I was talking to my friend who is 6 weeks pregnant about how we don't view pregnancy at a medical issue here. It's just a natural, normal thing. Which is why most women here see a midwife. Even our OBs here don't take preventative measures unless there's a huge risk. I think it's important to keep a balance. In my case I don't think the medical side of things has been strong enough but for the average, low risk pregnancy I think a midwife can probably manage things quite well. By the way, this is just general comments not directed at you or your OB in particular. I've been reading Ina May's book which is quite interesting. If anyone's interested in looking at pregnancy through a 'normal' lens her book is good and she has some ted talks too. Also, apparently there's a good documentary on Netflix called The Business Of Being Born. We don't seem to have access to it here on our Netflix though.
Thank you Sarah, that makes me feel a lot better. And hopefully the results from the second beta will come in this morning. And my husband is from Mexico, so they are on the metric system too. He likes to tease about how the US has to complicate everything, lol.

Sarah, you are in NZ right? Nita, where are you if you don't mind me asking?

We might be forced to tell my brother and his wife (in addition to my parents) this weekend. They have asked us to join them for tacos and beer. My antibiotic and HSG excuse is unlikely to work on them. And I hate to turn down their invitation just to keep our secret. Almost hoping for a legit excuse to pop up, lol.

Sarah and Nita, it is very interesting seeing how differently you two have been dealt with. Sarah, I think you hit the nail on the head. It sounds to me like they aren't taking you quite serious enough, but Nita is the opposite, lol. In any case, praying for happy healthy babies when they are ready to make their debut!
Lucy, I am from South Africa :) And I agree, stop tempting and even stop testing if you still are. If you don't see any blood, you are in the clear :)

Sarah - I think one reason why my OB is this worried about my BP is because I had signs of high BP even before I fell pregnant. She says high BP can lead to so many other issues thats its just best to get it under control before it becomes an issue. From today my working hours have been decreased as well so I can get more rest... yay. Working from 6am - 3pm now instead of 4:30pm
Nita, how did you know I was still testing? LOL :blush:

Ok ladies, you got me, I will stop! No more temping and no more testing. I have no bleeding, no cramping, so no real reason to think anything is wrong. Wish the doc would hurry up with the second beta results, lol!!!

Pretty cool to me how our TTC journeys have brought us together from all over the world <3
Haha lucy, we have all been there. And as you can see from our stories, being pregnant isnt all sunshine and flowers, so everyday you feel good, is a day to enjoy, things can turn at any point. Just enjoy being pregnant, you wont ever get the chanve with this baby again. :) cant wait to hear about your blood test results.

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