Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

My impatience got the best of me, I just sent a message to the nurse asking if the results were available yet. I got all excited when I got a message back, but it just said they didn't have the results yet and would let me know when they do. But when will that be??? Feel like such an anxious mess. Not sure I want to do the weekly testing if this is how I am going to feel every time.

I don't know why but I feel like that will help make it real. I mean, they already confirmed that I am pregnant, but to know things are headed the right way, I am hoping will relieve at least some of my anxiety. Stay tuned!
Ok, I feel like can breathe again! Apparently my obgyn was out today, so they faxed the results to the RE without telling me what they were, lol! So I called the RE and they filled me in. Second beta came in at 500! Makes my doubling time 45.28 hours. Progesterone 17.9. They seemed happy with both of those things. First ultrasound will be at 7+1. Feeling more and more real!
Lucy, haha the metric system does make a lot more sense. Yay! I'm glad all your blood tests are looking fantastic. That's a great doubling time. Definitely stop temping but I still did FRERs for a few weeks. When I had my MC this was my first sign and I didn't have any follow up testing from my second beta to my scan at 7 weeks. They got darker which was reassuring to me. But from a point these aren't so accurate. But if you want to do them, there's no harm. The pregnancy tests measure your HCG which should be rising. But temping will measuring your progesterone which will fluctuate as the placenta takes over some of the work.

Yup I'm in NZ. It is interesting to look at the different perspectives of birth. Ina May talks a lot about how it's become medical. Often women will be in labour and the hospital will put a timer on it. If she hasn't given birth in 24 hours then they think there's a problem. Well there might not be, why do we rush it? Our bodies know what to do. Yes there are times when there are issues but in the past few decades the c section rate has gone from under 5% to over 30%. And yes some of these are life saving and necessary. But some weren't. Anyway, her TED talks are interesting if you can't be bothered reading her book. But my friend recommended the book to help prepare for labour.

Do you feel ready to tell people? If not, the excuse that you're not feeling well is still a valid one. I found something really interesting in people's responses. If we told them before 12 weeks, they were less excited and more apprehensive that we'd told them and something *might* go wrong. This was the case for everyone except my mum. People, including my MIL, asked why we're telling people this early. At 12 weeks everyone was so excited for us. It was just an interesting observation.

AFM, ugh I thought it was the real deal last night. Contractions started at about 6pm. They were pretty irregular at first but definitely more painful than BH. They eased off for a little while and then I was getting period like cramping in my tummy, back and legs. They were becoming more regular, like every 20-15 minutes. My whole body went into shakes, I was nauseous and vomited, had lightening crotch. DH just kept saying how excited he was haha. I just had to tell him to be quiet because I felt like death. The contractions were painful but I could talk through them. They were getting more intense than that evening but still happening 10- 20ish minutes apart. I figured it was going to be a long night so I might as well get some sleep if I could. I fell asleep 4am And I woke up at 8.30 and haven't had much more than 1-2 contractions since then... so completely false start which I think is quite common and called prodromal labour. I'm glad I didn't ring my midwife or anything. Maybe they'll start back up again today. I think I'll need to prep DH to be saying something other than "this is so exciting" or I'm going to end up slapping him haha. Come on baby!
Yay,Lucy! What amazing news. And I am glad you have an early appointment :) Once you see that little peanut inside you, your whole world will change. I think I almost cried the first time. And ask them for lots of photos this early on, from 20 weeks you wont see much more than a blob lol, we only get 1 picture now with the measurements, at my last appointment my OB said sorry, there's nothing to see, she is lying in a weird position. She is still lying with her head down, which is great :)

Ahh Sarah, so close!! I agree with you though, if I go into labour and DH tells me how excited he is I will slap him silly. He should rather just be sympathetic lol. I also wanted to ask you, when was it that you stopped working? And how did you keep yourself busy at home?

AFM - BP went slightly higher last night (my heartbeat was also much higher yesterday than normal) First measure was 136/91 and the second measure was 126/84 and third 124/78 and my heart rate was between 110 - 116Bpm, its down this morning to 111/66 and my heart rate is also down this morning to normal (90-100). I actually feel kinda good today, with a very active baby :)

We also use the metric system which makes perfectly sense for me. Weather is not nice here, the August winds have started and since we havent had rain in about 4 months here, its just dust everywhere. Yesterday we had a sandstorm that lasted about 3 hours and this morning...hello allergies :(
Nita, it will also depend on how many scans she gets too. I know some places, like here, it's only standard to get 12 and 20 weeks. I was lucky I got extras. But others don't. My favourite was the 12 week scan because you could see all of the baby on the screen. It was amazing to see the change from 7 to 12 weeks. He was also going crazy and moving heaps. 20 weeks was amazing because we got the gender confirmed.

No more contractions today. Well a few BH but no cramping or anything. We've bought a TENS machine to use in early labour too. Haha hearing him say he was excited was the last thing I wanted to hear! My friends who have had babies in the past few weeks/months have all said it sounds really promising and that things could start soon. They reckon before the weekend haha.

Keeping busy at home.. mainly just cleaning and getting the house organized. I cleaned walls and the ceilings and windows. Cleaned out all the cupboards. I sorted out the baby's things. I read lots about parenting/labour etc. I went for walks (I don't know if you can do that there though). Slept a lot haha. Made meals for the freezer after the baby is born. Hung out with friends who'd already had their babies. We were also in the process of buying our farm and getting building plans sorted so I was able to do all the lawyers/bank/council stuff too. Oh and more sleep haha. I spent quite a lot of time in positions trying to spin him while he was posterior and doing yoga. I also expressed colostrum (I've got about 230mls now). I also just lay on the couch and appreciated the sound of no baby crying and not being required to do anything at all haha.

The days are starting to get longer here and the weather is warming up. I'm looking forward to summer. Our farm has a creek flowing through it too!
Personally, I wouldn't temp or keep testing because I know I would obsess over it and there is nothing you can do anyway. Knowing we'd do a monitored cycle this time and that the medications would throw off my temperatures anyway, I didn't temp at all from the beginning of this cycle. I did two pregnancy tests on the weekend and then the blood test at the clinic on Monday, that's it! I'd say keep checking/testing/temping by all means if it makes you feel calmer, but if it makes you feel more anxious, stop! :p
Glad to hear your values are all good :) So is your ultrasound in early September?

You are so close to meeting your baby boy, I can only imagine how impatient you are! I keep checking here every day to see if you've gone into labour yet, haha! Also, your farm with that creek running through it sounds lovely <3 I visited New Zealand about 8 years ago, mainly stayed on the North Island but took the ferry down for a couple of days to see the south island as well. We drove all around and I remember thinking it must be such a beautiful place to live! I think my highlight were the glowworm caves <3

Taking the progesterone seems fine so far and my tummy aches (that period-like tugging sensation) have stopped completely since Monday. Not sure if that's the progesterone or if they would have stopped by then anyway, but feeling more assured that they're gone. I still keep needing to use the bathroom more often than before and for the last few days I've noticed that my feet and hands feel really cold even though it's been 27°C here! I keep having to wear thick socks - did any of you experience that or is it just me? ^^"
Ok, it's official, I am not temping and not testing anymore! It is liberating really. I do not miss it, lol.

Some moments I feel ready to announce it to the whole world! But in reality, I may want to hold onto our news a little longer. I am even thinking about keeping it to ourselves until after the first ultrasound (ours is September 8 Fluffy). Nita, I think you are right, I think that is when it will feel really, really real! Can't wait! I want to tell my parents now but I think it would be hard for them to keep it to themselves with other family around 24/7. But who knows, maybe I will change my mind if the right moment presents itself.

Sarah, sounds like the baby faked you out! LOL! Sounds like you are nesting and ready. Come on baby boy!
Thanks Sarah - I am preparing myself to go on maternity leave earlier than planned, and I know that there's a possibility that the OB will tell me to stop working at the next appointment. I think I will go crazy at home if I have nothing to do, DH suggested a get a puzzle or two and start to do fabric painting again. For now I have seriously cut back and just resting.

I kinda hope your baby stays in till tomorrow so we can celebrate one more ticker day together again hee hee, I doubt your baby will still be in by next week, so it better be damn good tickers this week.

Fluffy, I got warm and hot flushes in the beginning, but that could have also been the Clomid that was in my system. No cramps is also good :)
Fluffy, it's definitely getting closer and closer! Haha I will definitely let you all know when he's here. Oh that's very cool you came to NZ. I live in the North Island but grew up in the South Island. The South Island is definitely more beautiful than the North haha. I loved the glow worms when I was little haha. I was in Germany the year before last. I had a stop over in Düsseldorf but spent a few days in Munich. We had a very whirlwind trip to Europe. We went London, Salzburg, Zagreb, split, Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, Istanbul, Budapest, Vienna, Munich and stayed in each place 2-3 days. I can't say I remember the cold hands and feet. I have Raynaud's which is where you get cold hands and feet (related to the lupus) and I've found during pregnancy I've not had one flare of raynaud's even being winter. I currently have my feet out of the bed because they're too hot haha.

Lucy, haha I really think this is just going to be the beginning of this cheeky monkey playing tricks. He's already proving he's going to be a handful. My SIL is a midwife and she said you can definitely tell their personalities by what they're like in the womb. He's a busy thing and moves heaps! Except when I try and get him to wake up he doesn't, but as soon as his dad talks to him he wriggles away haha. It's fine, I just took all these drugs to conceive you, went through 9 months of pregnancy for you to look like your dad and for dad to be your favourite haha. I can't wait to hear what yours and Fluffy's babies are like haha.

Nita, I've found it really good being on leave early or easing into maternity leave. I also did a bit of sewing and knitting. I've made him a few blankets. It also took me a few weeks to get the hospital bag organized. It seems like hospitals in the US provide pretty much everything you need but here, not so much. I've had a couple of contractions tonight but nothing like last night so I'd say he'll be still here tomorrow for ticker day. Ovia says he's a small pumpkin, an American short hair cat, a French grain sack or a mini skateboard.

I've managed to get to almost 39 weeks with no stretch marks, but this morning I noticed two small ones, only on my left hip. I wonder if that's because he's LOL (back to the from left).

Midwife tomorrow morning. We'll see what happens.. I'm hoping if nothing else she might do a stretch and sweep but I won't hold my breath
Bump shot update : 30 weeks :D


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Ha well your bump is officially bigger than mine Nita! I'll take a photo today. I went in to pick up my husband from work for our midwife appointment last week and when the other guys there asked when I was due and I told them, they wanted to know if we'd got the date right, like could we be wrong by a few months haha. I saw my friend yesterday and she said I'd definitely grown. Not long for you now Nita!
Ugh I can't upload my bump photo. What did you use Nita?
Ugh I can't upload my bump photo. What did you use Nita?

I just click on post reply, and then attach the photo to the message (I click the paper clip on top) I usually have to take the photo and then a screenshot of the photo on my phone before uploading or else the image is too big.
So I had the midwife today.

I was right she was in a bad mood. She was mostly annoyed with my GP and said she could write a letter making a complaint if she wanted too. My midwife was annoyed that the GP had "put the thought in my head that things haven't been managed properly". I tried to tell her my GP wasn't annoyed with her but with my obstetrician. Then I cried. My midwife said that now my issues are all anxiety rather than anything medical, which pissed me off!

Anyway, more protein, +1. She said the hospital won't do anything until it's +3. My BP was better today, 134/88. My blood tests are all ok for my kidney and liver and platelets. She wants me to do bloods and urine again and come in on Tuesday for another check up as well as Thursday. She made out like she was doing it all to reassure me rather than actually monitoring, which annoyed me. She also said she'd do a stretch and sweep on Tuesday if I want one and said to start EPO.

She measured my tummy and it should have been 39 but it was 33 (last week was 38) so I'm getting another scan tomorrow.
Sarah! You are so small :o no wonder you dont have stretchmarks - and you can still have sex (its a real mission for me and DH lol)! How much weight have you gained during your pregnancy? Are you losing some now (with your tummy being smaller now)
I can understand that you are so annoyed! Perhaps she was like that because she felt guilty? Glad you are getting more check ups though, and hopefully baby comes on his own soon.

AFM - BP goes higher in the afternoon and really low in the evening and morning so I might be upping my dose of BP meds to not only take it at night but in the morning as well. Yesterday afternoon was 126/84 ; last night was 106/66 and this morning was 117/74 - we also got the cutest gift from a lady at DH's work, she gave us little socks, those with the rubber underneath so they can walk on it. It was so small I almost cried (ok maybe there was a tear or 2) when I took it out of the box. I can also say that one good thing from the 3rd trimester is no more constipation - havent taken my Movicol in a while and I have never in my life been this regular (Going twice a day at more or less the same time every day)

Happy ticker day Sarah - they should tick over in about 2 hours :D glad your little one is still in for this weeks celebrations.
Fluffy/Lucy - when you guys want too and are ready too, you should get tickers as well, its really fun and something to look forward too each week :)
Sarah I agree with Nita. Maybe your midwife was feeling guilty. I'm sorry though she shouldn't make you feel like it's all due to your anxiety. You have real issues going on. I hope the sweep works if you decide that's what you're comfortable with!

Oh and I wanted to add my bump! 29+ weeks :flower:


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Nita, haha when I took that photo I was like 'no way! I'm bigger than that!' Haha. I can tie my shoes, cut my toe nails, shave my legs haha. Haha sex is still a mission though but that's probably more mind over matter. I've gained 15kgs (33lb). I was looking at prepregnancy photos with DH the other night and like most girls, back then I thought I was fat haha but I was so skinny compared to now. Nope haven't lost any weight but i haven't gained any in a few weeks. I've lost my appetite in the last month too.

And yeah my midwife was really defensive about it all. I tried to explain that the issue my GP had was with the obstetrician not her. I'm thinking of going with the stretch and sweep if he hasn't arrived by Tuesday. She was really ante me being induced and said once you start messing with things you're more likely to end up with a c section.

Happy ticker day! I haven't had a sneak peek of this week.

Are you having any symptoms of high BP? It doesn't sound like those readings are high at all. Speaking of constipation has your doctor tested your iron levels Nita? Iron tablets can give you constipation but I haven't had that issue with them thankfully.

TTC, what a cute bump!! You don't look that big either. I agree and I think saying it was anxiety was just going to make her feel better about it all. I'm leaning towards getting the sweep.

Scan tomorrow afternoon so hopefully he's growing ok.

Funny story, my midwife suggested I start EPO so I went to the pharmacy to get some. I couldn't really read the midwife's writing so I asked the lady behind the counter. She didn't really know either but took it to one of the pharmacists. He read out what was on the piece of paper really loud, "evening primrose oil, 2 up and 2 down..." then at the top of his voice he yelled out "2 up, 2 down? What does that mean?" And then one of the other pharmacists called back "it means swallow 2 and put 2 in your vagina". Haha that wasn't the part I needed clarification on but everyone in the pharmacy looked at me and the other people working there were pissing themselves laughing haha. Good thing I have no shame and found it hilarious too haha.
I don't have any high BP symptoms, but as far as I understand you can have high BP without symptoms. Remember that I am taking the meds at this stage as a preventative and not a cure. My BP is borderline high, but its down since I started taking the meds - my heartrate is also more down today.. yay, atleast its helping. Yup, Iron levels are normal, but I am taking additional Vit B12, but my constipation started before then. But its gone now...phew.

I feel huge if I compare myself with you too, and people say that I am carrying very small lol. I am also very short (1.5m) so I probably only look bigger because of that. I remember the tech who did the 4d scan, said there was still a lot of fluid and space for baby to move around. My left side of my tummy is also definitely bigger, I have more stretchmarks on that side and I know her head is facing down with her body on my left side and her hands and legs towards my right side

I like this weeks tickers... and now I am hungry, those ribs look so good.

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