Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

From what I've been told anything over 140/90 is considered mild hypertension. Mines been higher than that quite often and they've said it's not high enough for medication. I thought your BP would be considered pretty ideal.

That's good about the iron. Magnesium is also really good for constipation, sleep and leg cramps. I've been taking it for leg cramps and it's been awesome for that.

I'm 175cm tall and my torso is quite long. I've also heard you carry girls and boys differently. Like my boss said to me that I'm all baby. People have said that the baby must be in my back more, but he's in the optimal LOL position! Sounds like your wee one is in the same position Nita. Be careful not to sit too long with your feet up and pelvis tipped back. That's when they like to spin and go posterior.

The tickers do look yum haha but I don't really know how big those ribs are. But the 'geeky' ticker said he's the size of a violin.
My BP at the OBs office was 147/99 (first reading) and 143/93 (second reading) - thats why she is worried. I told her its my nerves and it never go that high at home, but it has the ability to go that high easily and thus the meds. And since I am on meds I am supposed to have lower readings :)

I have no idea if she spins or what the heck shes up to, but she loves to kick hard at the weirdest times, but at every appointment from 26 weeks she was facing down, hope she stays that way :)

I am really in the mood for ribs :haha:
Does your OB use an electronic cuff or a manual one? Apparently the electronic ones measure way higher than the manual ones. So my doctor always rechecks it with a manual one if it's a bit off. My midwife only uses a manual one.

It's still early days and she has plenty of room to move around in there. I think I read that they usually assume their birthing position by 37 weeks. And really as long as they're not transverse you've got a chance of a normal vaginal birth and transverse is very rare for FTMs. Breech babies can be delivered vaginally, my sister in law has helped deliver breeches babies at a home birth a few times. But I've heard they often jump straight to a c section here, so if that's the case here then it's probably more so overseas. If they're posterior there is a higher chance of going past your due date, needing an induction, more painful labour, need for intervention and c sections. My friend is currently 6 days behind me and her baby is posterior and she's really worried she'll end up with a c section. I'm so thankful I managed to spin our baby before he ran out of room. Hopefully he stays put now.
She uses an electric one, and a good one as well, since I am using the exact same one at home and I know what my mom paid for it. I read that the electric ones are more accurate than the manual ones? Now I wonder which way around it is.

There's so many things to worry about in the 3rd - tri :o thankfully she has stayed in her downward position and according to the hospital and my OB she is in a good position, and both were happy with that. I just hope it stays that way.
Hmmm. My midwife and the hospital both said the electric ones measuring higher. I've had them take it with an electric and manual cuff and the electric ones have always measured higher for me. And then they take it 2-3 times just to double check it's accurate.

Yes there are so many things to worry about in the third trimester. I think the 1st and the 3rd are just worrry, worry, worry. Keep sleeping on your left side and try to keep your knees lower than your hips.
TTC and Sarah, your bumps are adorable too!

I will definitely look at getting a ticker. But I have to admit, I am feeling really apprehensive about everything. I am thinking about not telling anyone until after our first ultrasound at 7 weeks. If something happened I would of course tell my mom, but I just don't want people fussing over me in the meantime. I think part of the problem is I just don't really feel anything right now. Today my boobs aren't even really sore. Is that normal?
Perfectly normal Lucy, I found that some days I have no symptoms, and other days it was strong. But remember, all is good as long as you dont have any severe pain or see blood. It takes some time to get used to.. in the beginning I felt nothing as well, and I was so scared that I pitch at the OB and they would say I am not pregnant. But you had 2 really good blood test results, enjoy the time while feeling good, you will soon wish for those days :D
I have similar thoughts! I'm looking forward to telling my parents and sisters tomorrow, but I'm also a little apprehensive in case it's too early :S I will definitely hold off on telling anyone else until after the 12 week mark. I was thinking I might get a ticker at the 8 week mark - according to that calculator, I will be 95% safe by then which is pretty good. :)
I thought I wouldn't use it much but actually I keep checking nearly every day to see how my safety percentage goes up - it gives me 83% safe today, haha.

I also don't feel very different, other than needing to go to the bathroom more often and getting tired out more easily. I think it's quite normal to experience next to no symptoms before 6 weeks though... oh and the bloat, the bloat is crazy by the evening :|
Thank you Nita and Fluffy, I feel a bit better! Logically I know you are right, but I am a worrier by nature, and we've been trying for this for so long, I just want it so badly!! It had started to feel like it would never happen. I just literally feel nothing today. No sore boobs, no bloating. Never thought I would want to feel those things, lol.

Fluffy, sounds like a plan on the ticker, we can be ticker buddies :) I am literally a day behind you; 5 weeks today! Our babies are the size of a sesame seed! And the bloat comes and goes for me, but when it come it really comes, lol! I've been using the hairtie on the pants trick a lot. I have been intentionally drinking more water than usual so it's hard to tell if I am using the bathroom more bc of that or the pregnancy, lol. I have been alternating routes to the bathroom to try to keep my coworkers from catching on, lol.
Lol fluffy and lucy, you two remind me so much of myself. If you read early on in the thread, youd see me complain about having symptoms and then complaining more if I dont have them. Congratz on getting to week 5. Once you see the heartbeat your MC chances goes way down! Like Sarah said, 1st and last tri is all about worrying! I am confident that both of you will be sticking around in here for the next 35 weeks :D
Congrats on your BFP!
My husband and and I have been trying for a year. We had a MC in April at 6 weeks. I never seemed to have had ovulation issues and we only thought I would need progesterone support. My husbands count is "slightly low" so we were planning to start IUI this cycle. I went in Monday *cycle day 15* for my first follicle scan as I usually O around cycle day 18 because of 30-31 day cycles. Follicles only measuring 6mm. Doc said they probably won't grow enough this week, I go for a re-scan tomorrow, which is cycle day 19. Based on this, he says I am either just not ovulating this cycle, or will ovulate super late "causing a bad cycle." He wants to start me on clomid for the first time, tomorrow, cycle day 19! I guess he is trying to help force ovulation this cycle anyway? I wonder if I still have a chance of becoming pregnant with such late ovulation? Did you start clomid so late in your cycle?
Hi cb! Personally I have never heard of starting clomid in the middle of a cycle. Not sure why your doc would do that, because typically it would still be 5-10 days after your last clomid pill before you ovulate. Days 3-7 and 5-9 are the most common days to take clomid. What kind of doctor is this if you don't mind my asking? Obgyn, RE?
Lucy and Fluffy, it's totally normal! The 'funny' thing is you'll spend your good days worrying that you're not feeling sick and horrible and then you'll have a bad day and wonder why you didn't make the most of it all when you were feeling well haha. My DH liked to squeeze my boobs when I wasn't expecting it and it would hurt so I'd say "ouch" and he'd say "yup still pregnant" haha.

I did lots of googling about it. But basically you have lots of hormones in your body being produced by this baby. You might get a big surge one day that gives you lots of symptoms. Then you get "use" to it and feel a bit better. Same goes with the placenta, as it grows, it takes more weight off your body to provide for the baby. It doesn't grow in a linear way so you'll have days where it has grown more and you feel better. That's my understanding anyway.

And I was the same with those MC sites. It was so reassuring to me to have those numbers in front of me. Tell your families when you feel ready. It's a really crazy time where you want the whole world to know but you also just want to protect yourself a little. I'm sorry to say but even though the first trimester is the shortest (you're already 4 weeks in by the time you find out) it is the hardest and the longest. The hair tie trick works well and you can also get Belly Bands that are like tight loops of fabric that'll let you wear your old pants for much longer. I also wore them over my whole tummy sometimes just for a bit of support because it felt like it was growing too much haha.

Welcome CB. My doctor always wanted me to have an AF before starting a new round of Clomid. Just because you want a fresh lining there. I have read of women starting Clomid mid cycle. I'm not sure if this is common practice but I've read of it happening. I can't recall whether this resulted in ovulation or BFPs though. But I'd say since you're doing a monitored cycle your doctor is keeping an eye on your lining and wouldn't prescribe it to you if it wasn't a good idea. But you could ask him and see what he says.

My husband has low motility and I have PCOS and don't ovulate regularly. It only took us 2 cycles of timed intercourse with Clomid at the right dose to conceive. I really hope it works for you. Feel free to hang around and ask questions while TTC, we almost all conceived using Clomid and all of us were on Clomid at some point.

AFM, I think my body has started clearing out. I'm hoping I may not need to do the stretch and sweep! I've got my scan this afternoon so hopefully he hasn't dropped off in his weight. It's so close to the end I just don't want there to be any hiccups now.
Thanks everyone! I'm new to this site so I find it hard to find these same poss again to look for replies. Is there a way it will alert me if replies I'm seeing an RE. The month I was pregnant I ovulated (according to sticks) cycle day 21-22. So I'm thinking maybe he's thinking ill ovulate on my own anyway but the clomid will just help?
CB I think you can subscribe to the post and then on your individual profile you can see your subscribed threads. But I just find this post through the thread. But there are heaps of forums so it's easy to get lost.

Just a heads up, if you have PCOS then OPKs aren't always reliable. For a lot of people they'll get lots of positives (OPKs pick up LH and many women with PCOS have high LH levels). For me, I only ever got 1 positive Opk the whole time (second Clomid cycle, not even the cycle I conceived on!).

Clomid sends a message to the brain that you're not producing estrogen and then you produce more. So I'm not sure what it would do if you were already about to ovulate anyway. It sounds like with your doctor's monitoring he/she knows where you are in your cycle and wouldn't prescribe it if it wasn't going to help. What dose did he put you on?
Sarah - I am anxiously waiting for you to announce that you are in labour! I hope its soon and natural, without any issues! Goodluck at your scan, hope its all good news!

AFM - BP was down below 120/80 the whole day - so the meds are working. My granny is really worried about me, ask me everyday how I am feeling, and yet I still dont feel any different lol. My work have also decided that since I am working fewer hours, they will be taking away most of my work. I barely need to do anything, and their reason, is that work wont stress me up then and make my BP rise again. I kinda hate feeling so useless, my DH keep on telling me how I shouldn't do things, and that I must just rest. I can only rest that much. Sleeping around 10 hours at night at the moment as well - which is great!
Scan was fine. He is going to be a massive bobble head though haha. His head is still huge and the rest of him is in between the 25th-50th percentile. She measured his head and it was 10cm wide! DH said that was perfect because I'll dialate to 10cm... haha I'll let you all know how bad I tear! DH is a pretty clever cookie and so of course he thinks the baby's inherited his brain. But the baby was very squished in there and she said the fluid levels were a little on the low side but that the placenta was still doing a great job. The probe thing was actually quite sore on my tummy because he is so big now and was pushing back against it. So thankfully they shouldn't need to induce me based on any of this.

That's good they've done that Nita. It's a bitter pill to swallow when you have to accept you can't do everything you use to be able to do. I didn't want to let my work down but actually I needed to put my health and baby first. Since I've stopped working I've realized how little work really matters. Haven't really thought about it and quite happy to focus 100% on the baby.

Make the most of the sleep now Nita. I slept lots around that stage but now I'm dealing with third trimester insomnia. I've been surviving on afternoon naps. I think it's probably my body's way of getting use to crazy newborn sleep routines.
Sarah, glad your scan was good, you should be popping anytime now!!!! :) And Nita, glad the meds are working!!!

I am so stinking tired today. Making it really hard to focus. I've been waking up at 5 AM on the dot every morning this week. I am so ready for the weekend already!!!! Still not feeling ready to share our news. We are going out with my brother and his wife tomorrow; going to have to come up with a good excuse for not drinking, lol. Another blood draw Monday. First ultrasound is two weeks from today. Wish time would move a little faster!!!!
Sarah, glad your scan was good, you should be popping anytime now!!!! :) And Nita, glad the meds are working!!!

I am so stinking tired today. Making it really hard to focus. I've been waking up before my alarm at 5 AM on the dot every morning this week. I am so ready for the weekend already!!!! Still not feeling ready to share our news. We are going out with my brother and his wife tomorrow; going to have to come up with a good excuse for not drinking, lol. Another blood draw Monday. First ultrasound is two weeks from today. Wish time would move a little faster!!!!

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