Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

So happy to hear you had a good scan Sarah :)

Lucy, hope you arent too tired and you get to enjoy the weekend. Time seem to go by so slow for that first appointment, but atleast you got on nice and early.

Bragging a little, I know so many women who dont get along with their MIL and they absolutely hate each other. But I get along so well with mine, and she is doing so much effort for my baby shower, she is in charge of food and she even arranged a tester this afternoon before finalising her great right? I am so thankful..
Thanks Lucy, still waiting to pop! Hope you had a bit of a sleep in today. It's hard work in the first trimester and time just seems to go so slowly.

Thanks Nita. That's exciting. When is your baby shower? I have an awesome MIL too. She's a knitting whizz. We have so many beautiful jerseys, cardigans and blankets. She can just whip out a beautiful jumper in an afternoon.

So I went back and looked at the scan measurements. His head is in the 86th percentile and his arms and legs are in the 25th percentile. So I feel like we are going to have a little bobble head haha. It seems weird to me that his arms and legs could be 50 percentile smaller than his head.

More stupid prodromal labour this morning. But then I found some energy and cleaned the house, got the last of the baby's room set up and also packed my back up hospital bag for if we need to stay a bit longer. I also went for a long walk with my friend and her 9 week old. Now I'm trying to bounce him out on my birth ball haha. I'm making DH not drink any alcohol now I need him to be sober to drive me to the hospital haha.
Sarah I would imagine you are ready for your little man to come on out already, lol!!!! Sounds like you are ready though! And Nita, that sounds awesome, you are definitely lucky. I know a lot of women who wish they had that. I have a great MIL too, but we have a language barrier so communication is limited. She also lives in Mexico still, so we don't see her very often. Looks like I won't be able to see her until after the baby comes.

Fluffy, I am excited to hear about you announcing your pregnancy to your family! Fill us in on the details!

Sleeping in has been a no go. Still going to try to sneak in a nap today though, lol. Our secret is still safe. My SIL seemed to buy my not drinking excuse, and I pretended to take sips of their drinks when they offered. DH and I felt bad about lying, but it is just so early still and didn't seem like the right time or place to tell. I am also still a little paranoid because I feel fine.

TMI alert, but yesterday when I got out of the shower I had a marble sized glob of clear stretchy cm! For a second I was like oh crap I hope that's not the baby, lol. And it can't be my mucus plug right? There was absolutely no blood. This is normal right? Was just so weird, have never had anything like that! Temped to take one more HPT this afternoon to ease my mind before the blood test tomorrow. Haven't taken one in a week. This evening we go to my parents for our weekly Sunday dinners. Going to try to contain myself for at least one more week.

Let me ask you ladies this. We are having a joint birthday party for my brother and DH in a few weeks. DH and I were thinking of giving my brother and SIL some kind of aunt and uncle gift as a means of announcing to them (privately before the party, not in front of other people). They haven't started TTC yet, but plan to in the next month or so. My SIL is older than me (32) and is stressed about her biological clock. Would this be an ok way of announcing, or possibly insensitive? DH thinks it's fine, they know how long we've been TTC. We've also been together, much, much longer than them, and they just got married this year. But I just don't want to come across thoughtless. What do you ladies think?
Lol, Sarah, you must be tired of waiting by now! Hope you are still doing OK?

Lucy, loads of EWCM was a pregnancy sign for me, week before finding out and a few afterwards, I had a ton of CM, more than I ever had while TTC, so Id say its normal, you will moat likely see more in the next few weeks. Glad your night turned out a success. Regarding telling your news to your SIL, I think it would be ok, they know how long you have been TTC and I bet they will be so happy for you. I just think take it gently, dont we over the top and make a big thing out of it, even though it is, but to respect them as well, thats just my opinion.

So instead of resting this weekend, I fixed up our door, it was slightly broken, did some grocery shopping, cleaning and DH and I walked around the block. My BP stayed in the normal range through this all. I also got horrible heartburn, ugh. My baby shower is in 2 weeks :D :D I cant wait.
Lucy, haha after the weekend I'm SO ready for him to come. It's like he's got his ands and feet on my spine and he's pushing his squidgy butt out. Like you can see a big lump of butt haha, amazing but so uncomfortable. I'm getting uncomfortable and he's definitely nuzzling down. There's a lovely symptom called lightening crotch (also known as fanny daggers) which I've been experiencing in the past week.

Definitely nap and don't feel guilty about it. Your body is working hard. I think the mucus sounds normal. I had increased CM in the first few weeks. It's quite normal. I'd say it's too early for your mucus plus but it sounds a lot like what I lost about 2 weeks ago.

And I think that sounds sweet. To be honest, I didn't really feel the heartache of TTC until at least 6 months in. I would have been excited if my brother had announced like that before I knew the heartbreak of infertility. It might even be exciting for them to know that your wee one will be a similar age to theirs (we pretty much all assume it's going to happen straight away haha) plus they know you had trouble so I'm sure they'll be really happy for you.

Nita, so tired of waiting and this weekend I've been really uncomfortable. And Ovia keeps asking me to report a birth and telling me he's ready to come haha. I'm ready to delete the app! Sounds like you had a busy weekend, did you find some energy somewhere? Haha.
So we told my family this weekend, it was great ^^ I had an extra present wrapped up for my mum and she unpacked it and kind of stared at it for a moment. I think she and my sister both assumed that it's just a "in preparation" present since they know we've been TTC. They then looked at me and I beamed and nodded and then it dawned on them. My sister couldn't believe it and said "really? really?! REALLY?!" and then we all broke into tears. It was really nice ^^ My other sister and my dad are both more calm people but they were also really happy. Feels really good that my family knows now, but very hard to keep it a secret from the extended family still!

I think it sounds like a nice idea :) If they know you've been TTC for a while, I hope they'd be happy for you!
Don't know much about the mucus I'm afraid, I can't really tell myself because of the progesterone I have to take mornings and evenings ^^"

You're so close to the 40 week mark now O.O Sounds like your little one is growing a big brain indeed! :) All of my siblings had big heads too and we all ended up with doctorate degrees, haha! X)
thats fantastic Fluffy! I also felt good after telling close family - its nice to have someone that knows and support you that early on.

Any news Sarah? I am very uncomfortable and sore but somehow I did manage to get energy over the weekend. We have our antenatal class this Saturday (8 hours at the hospital) - scared and excited, have no idea what to expect.

I think my baby girl is growing big now with less space - she went crazy kicking and moving around just now, and I feel pain all over my tummy, like someone punched me in my tummy :o

And next Monday I am seeing my OB again - these appointments feel like they get really very regular now.
Yay fluffy! I'm glad they were all so excited for you. It must be nice not holding on to the secret too haha. That's awesome :)

Haha yes my due date is fast approaching. I was told I'd be lucky to make it to 37 weeks so I feel like I'm already well over due in a sense haha. Haha well no pressure on my little one!! Let's hope he uses that big brain for something useful though.

Nita, no news. Still waiting. On and off cramping but nothing exciting. I'm sorry you're feeling uncomfortable now. There's still quite a lot of time left until you're due! A friend of mine, his wife had their baby by emergency c section yesterday and he was only 30 weeks gestation. Hes breathing on his own but needs to be in neonates.

I hope your antenatal class goes well. It sounds similar to mine in that it's a long day. Honestly it was overwhelming and there was heaps to take in. I'm usually all good concentrating for long periods of time but I did have to zone out occasionally because it was just a bit too much. Hopefully you can take lots away though, it was helpful for us.

And I know what you mean. My scan last Friday was actually sore. It felt like my tummy was bruised. Especially because he was awake and pushing back. Last night he was keeping me awake by pushing his bum out the front and what felt like hands and feet pushing against my spine. I'm wondering if he is getting confused which way he's meant to come out haha.

I've got my stretch and sweep at 9am tomorrow. So depending on how dialated I am there's a 25-50% chance of going into labour in the next 48 hours. It's also thought to shorten the duration of your pregnancy by 1-4 days. How they know this info, I'm not sure. Like what's my chance of spontaneously going into labour in the next 48 hours without the S&S? Probably quite similar.
Hang in there Sarah, you're almost done! Any moment now that little one will be in your arms. Got a good chuckle out of "lightning crotch", lol.

Nita, you sound like me. Can't rest, always moving. Glad it didn't affect your BP though! That's a good sign!

Fluffy, glad telling your family went well! I am indecisive, still can't decide when/how to tell. I suppose part of it may be that it still doesn't feel entirely real to me!
Sarah - by the looks of things we might have one more ticker day together? Keep us updated after your S&S :hugs:

I think the antenatal class might be a bit overwhelming, there's this major list of things they cover... and like I said, 8 hours long. I know both myself and DH will get either bored or irritated at some point, and although I can keep my cool, DH cant, so he might even tell them to hurry the hell up lol. We can do the classes over 8 weeks, but we really dont have time to go out in the evenings as well, one day to cover it all sounds good. DH just said only reason he is going is to see where the maternity ward is, so he knows where to get me when I go into labor (He still thinks if your water breaks, baby is coming immediately lol) My mom was in labor with me for around 18 hours so I tried telling him it takes time.

I can't believe its only 2 months till we meet our princess - so excited. If any of you ladies have time to watch a cute movie (that will definitely make you want to meet your baby earlier), watch Storks, its an animated movie, but at the end I was just in tears.

Lucy, words like 'bed rest' and 'take it easy' and 'dont exercise' are my biggest fear at this stage. I will go mad if I have to rest the whole day, I am taking it easy but not as easy as my OB wanted. I hope my BP stays low so my OB wont tell me to stop working... I like working :haha: it keeps me busy.
I love cute animated movies, will definitely check it out ^.^

Good look with the stretch & sweep! How do you feel about the upcoming birth?

I think you should tell them when it feels right for you and hubby :) I believe when that time comes, you'll just know that now you want to share your news!
I'll reply properly a little later. It's been a crazy day. I had the S&S. My blood pressure was high (before the S&S haha, definitely after!). It wasn't as high as previously but my midwife gave me a hug (so I knew something was up) and put me on a ctg. he's going ok but some reduced movements.

I got sent up to the hospital. BP checked every 10 minutes. Still high but ok. I had a scan and fluid is a bit low. The obstetrician said there's definitely some signs of preeclampsia. I got admitted and probably induced tomorrow or Thursday with gel.

So maybe I'll go into labour naturally but my midwife (who is pretty anti interventions) said we need to get this baby out and take the gel when they offer it.

I'm about to have another CTG and more BP monitoring shortly and then all through the night for BP and then another CTG in the morning.

Not how I pictured this but should have been expected I guess.
Goodluck Sarah!!!! Thinking of you and praying that all goes well!!! :hugs:
Thinking of you sarah :hugs: I'm glad you're being monitored well and someone is around to make sure everything will be alright! :) You will meet your baby boy soon!
Nita, I have seen Storks, so adorable! And it did make me cry. I am a crier, lol. And I don't blame you, bed rest would be my biggest fear too. Just keep doing what you are doing, it seems to be working!

Sarah, still excitedly waiting for your little one to make his debut! <3
Thanks ladies. The CTG was all good. Fairly regular contractions every 10-15 minutes but only slightly uncomfortable.

I'm 1cm dialated and my cervix is soft and favourable (so weird haha). My good friend came to labour and delivery only 0.5cm and she was pulling her hair out in pain. I'm hoping I might dialate some more in my sleep. Actually I'm hoping I go to sleep and wake up with a baby in the bed haha.

My mind is feeling all over the place. I didn't expect my day to turn out like this. I thought I'd have a stretch and sweep and sleep the rest of the day haha. The last 9 months have been crazy and I don't think it's even hit me that there's a baby in there and he's coming out and I have to look after him for the rest of our lives haha. I'm not going to be back in my bed again until I have a baby. It feels like only yesterday we were starting Clomid and thought it wasn't even possible. My brain could explode right now haha.

I'll try and keep you guys updated. But if not I'll definitely let you know when he arrives. I'm enjoying these last little wriggles and kicks. Once he's born there's no way he can go back in there!! Ahh it's all crazy haha I'm going to try and get some sleep now.
So excited for you Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Perhaps not quite as exciting, but I just got the results from yesterday's blood draw, and everything is looking wonderful:
14 DPO: 115
18 DPO: 500
25 DPO: 6,225
Sarah, I remember starting out the journey with you, both of us starting clomid and hoping we would fall pregnant, and now you are giving birth already <3 I hope every goes as planned and please share some pictures if you can of him. Enjoy every moment of it.

Those are great numbers lucy!!
Good luck Sarah, hope all goes ok. And although it may not be how you imagined it the most important thing is that you and baby are safe. Can't wait to hear your news! X
Thanks ladies. I've had a pretty interrupted sleep with being under observation every 2 hours and the midwives must be bored because they want to have a conversation in the middle of the night so I'm wide awake! Plus mixed with nerves and excitement it's hard to sleep.

I lost my plug just before! So I'm not sure if that means things will happen soon or it means nothing at all. Still hoping to avoid the gel and just go into labour naturally. I think it'll be a day of walking the corridors.

I know Nita! We've been through a lot together haha. Right back when we were TTC and feeling so useless, to all of the pregnancy stuff. My midwife came in yesterday evening and talked to me about blood pressure meds and said that they might consider starting me on something in the morning but the length of time they take to work and the effect they can have on my baby it's probably not worth it at this stage. Especially because they're not up around 160/100 ish (so I'm not going to be in huge danger basically). But she said that high BP can cause the placenta to detach from the uterus wall and that's usually something that requires surgery and a blood transfusion. My DH was against me being induced but when she said that he changed his mind completely. The midwife also said it's worse having spiking BP than constantly high. So they wouldn't even recommend bedrest (that's unreliably lowering it for me, but it's still high when I'm resting).

The obstetrician who saw me yesterday said that I have some signs of preeclampsia. Mainly the headaches, some swollen fingers and my reflexes are really jittery plus the protein I've had on and off. She did another ultrasound too which was crazy because I thought the last time I'd see him was at 36 weeks and we've seen him twice since then!

It's 5.20am here and I've got another lot of obs at 6 so it's hardly worth going back to sleep now. I've got another CTG/non stress test at 8am. Then my midwife is coming into see me and then the obstetrician will decide if I'm more of a priority to be induced than the 3 women already booked in for their induction tomorrow.

Lucy, that's very exciting!! How much longer until your scan? And Fluffy, when is your scan?

Not sure if I'll make it to ticker day! But I had a wee peek haha. He's almost a Christmas turkey or the size of pikahu haha how big is pikahu?!?

And I'll definitely share a photo! The first Clomid buddies baby haha.

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