Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Oh Sarah, that sounds hectic. Still hoping you go into labour naturally :)
I hope your BP comes down a bit. They are right, the BP meds take a few days to work, mine is constantly low from Friday, well, not low, normal, it doesnt fluctuate like it has the last few weeks.

Its almost ticker day, but if you have your baby boy by then, it will be one of the best ticker days :D
So new plan, I got to go home! Which is amazing haha because I thought I was going to be stuck there going into labour. It feels so clinical and I just wanted to be at home around my things. But also weird because I thought I was coming home with a baby.

I'm booked in for 7.30am on Friday for an induction. But the plan is to get him out without it if we can. I'm seeing my midwife in a few hours for another S&S. I'm having contractions now that are painful but I can breathe through them. My midwife is excited and reckons we can get things well on their way without needing a medical induction and before the weekend when she isn't working. I had such a good sleep this morning but then woke up with a contraction.
Reading for updates! Glad you got to go and be comfortable at home Sarah! Now come on baby, work your magic before Friday :happydance:
thanks everyone. Second S&S was pretty painful. I'm feeling really bruised from yesterday and she's doing another one tomorrrow. I've gone from 1 to 2cm and more effaced. I just need him born before 5am Saturday or my midwife won't be there. And of course Sunday is Father's Day haha so DH is very excited.
Almost there Sarah! Come baby, come! I dont know much about the S&S, other than people complaining its uncomfortable and it hurts - but I hope it works.
Today I decided to get my sugar levels tested - just in case - since my dad is a type 2 diabetic and it runs in my family, so I know I have a higher chance of GD (And my mom kinda insisted I do it, because of the high BP). So after fasting 2 hours it was 6.1 which is right there in the normal range (phew) - one less thing to worry about.
Still no baby. But I had a really good sleep. So maybe today (my due date!), hopefully tomorrow!

Nita, that's a relief. I was sharing a room with 2 girls with GD. I think I would die if that was my pregnancy haha. Poor things. But they gave me their desserts because they couldn't eat them.
Happy ticker day Sarah - and nicely done on carrying a full 40 weeks, I hope that today is the day. :D

Today is officially the last day of winter - with temperatures peaking at 29 degrees (Celcius) today - so much for winter lol. I ordered some shorts online a week ago, I hope they get here soon, its really hot in jeans and leggings.
Happy ticker day! The last one we will share together!! My not so little thanksgiving (we don't have thanksgiving here) turkey is coming out tomorrow!

Basically a stretch and sweep is where they stick 2 fingers inside you, get inside your cervix and separate the bag of waters I think from the uterus. Yep it's painful. But it only lasts a few minutes. I made it through 3 in 3 days! It bruised and hurts on the inside, it feels like you're being punched, then you cramp and contract. Plus the baby's head gets a wiggle (how crazy that she touched my baby, I nearly cried when she said that haha) and he doesn't really like that so he wiggles and moves so much. Usually they'd do one, wait 48 hours and then maybe do another. Sometimes they wait a week between them. So I was feeling pretty bruised after 3. Plus the midwife said we needed to go home and BD. DH loved that haha. I said ok but be gentle and quick haha. She said I handled the pain very well, so hopefully that's a sign of how tomorrow goes (or I'll just be a whimp and get an epidural).

Today I'm 3cm dialated. My cervix is looking softer than yesterday. The baby is in the perfect position to be born. The midwife can't feel his head anymore because it's fully engaged (and I can feel it haha). She's so excited because my body has done everything right to make this as quick and as smooth as possible. She thinks it'll just be 1 round of gel, maybe 2 but that his birthday will be the 1st September, the first day of spring!

Wow, it sounds hot Nita. I think we had 18 degrees the other day and I was thankful for a winter baby haha.
It sounds like the both of you are ready for his arrival :D and I think Spring day is a good day to have a birthday. I am so excited for you! I hope you wont have too much pain, but it sounds like you had a fair amount already. Its almost over, and most ladies say you forget all about the pain the moment you hold your baby in your hands. Ah man I still cant believe you are about to give birth, after all these months and the long journey, the moment finally arrived.

I am such a whimp! That's why my epidural will be booked in 2 weeks time lol. DH and I both agree that this last 2 months are going to take forever to go by. I am seeing the OB again Monday though..
Thanks. There are so many weird thoughts and feelings going on haha but I'm glad the day is nearly here. People keep saying how exciting it is. I'm not sure I feel excited haha. So much anticipation. My life is never going to be the same again. I'm going to be a mum and I can't send him back haha. I'll never feel those kicks from the inside again. This is it haha.

With inductions because they're essentially forcing your baby to arrive before they've decided they're ready to be and because they're increasing the hormones quickly, you can progress quickly and then be in more pain. In my birth plan I've said I'll start with gas and air but epidural is my second option. I'm going to go for as long as I can without an epidural. My midwife sister in law said if you get it too early (before 4cm) it can slow things down but once you hit 4cm it will usually do neither or it'll let you sleep and relax and you'll progress faster. So potentially I will use it for that if it means my midwife can be there. I'm already 3cm so hopefully I'll be ok. But I can say all this now, haha I'll probably be in the corner crying and begging for an epidural straight away.

I found the last 10 weeks to go so fast! Like I would lose track of how far along I actually was. People would ask and I'd think I was a few weeks earlier than I was haha. It's been the fastest trimester for me by a long way!!

Well I'm going to go and have a long, uninterrupted shower, enjoy the sound of silence and having my boobs to my myself. Fingers crossed I can get some sleep tonight, it might be my last good night sleep for at least 18 years haha.
I am excited for you, only because I know what you went through to get here! I cant imagine being excited so close, I think I will rather cry and be scared. I am confident it will go well, and soon! <3 enjoy the sleep and try and get a good rest, you will need it tomorrow
Thinking of you Sarah! I will say I was induced with my first through IV of pitocin. I didn't get the epidural for a long time. But once I did I progressed to pushing within hours! Easy peasy! Hope it all goes smoothly for you!
Fluffy & Lucy, how are you two doing? Any new updates/symptoms?
Been a bit slow on the forum because morning sickness has been pretty much all day (until 8pm or so) since Tuesday ^^" However, today was very exciting! Went for my first scan at 6w1d and saw the heartbeat :) Everything looks perfect, so I'm going to see my gynecologist from now on. The doctor at the clinic still wants me to stay on the progesterone "jsut to be safe" for another two weeks, but hopefully that means I won't need it the entire first trimester. Phoning my gynecologist tomorrow to make an appointment for next week ^^

You can't imagine how relieved I was when he said "and there is the heartbeat". I actually cried a little and then fully burst into tears in the lift once we'd left the clinic. It just made it feel so real now <3
Thinking of you Sarah!! First day of Spring sounds like a perfect time for a baby :)

Hi girls :wave: I've still been checking in and following along with your updates, just been quiet. Starting IUI next week so happy to be moving forward again!
Hi sheece! Hoping your IUI goes well! Would love to see you back here!

Sarah, hope the silence on your end means baby is here!

Fluffy congrats on a heartbeat!!!!! Best feeling in the world!

Nita, how's your bp doing? Can't believe we're in the home stretch!

Well I had a growth scan, high risk appt, and OB appt Tuesday. Everything looks good. He's already over 3lbs and has some hair! I left my OB with a schedule of all my remaining appointments until my c section which is booked for Oct 31. I'll be 39 weeks exactly. So we have that set but it may be moved depending how things go as we progress.

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