Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Thats great news Fluffy - I bet it feels very real now?

Goodluck Sheece! I am confident that you will be back here soon :D

I am glad everything is still good TTC - and I cant believe how far we are already. My EDD is exactly 2 months from today - A little more to go, considering its been 7 months already.

My BP have been really normal :D havent had a reading higher than 120/80 since last weekend - so the meds are working great, and I am only taking half the dosage at the moment.
I'm going in for an emergency c section in the next hour. I had my waters broken at 8.30, everything was looking perfect. Syntocin started and contractions came thick and fast. But I coped. Then they were back labour pains, I did an hour of back to back, no break between contractions. But unfortunately I haven't got past 4cm. He turned posterior and has his head in the wrong position. We tried an epidural just to relax my muscles and let me rest. I was coping with the contractions fine but my midwife suggested it to get things going. Unfortunately after 2 hours I'm still 4cm. He was quite tired and distressed so our only option is a c section.

I am just gutted. So disappointed. I know we did everything but this is the last thing I wanted. Hopefully he'll be here in the next few hours.
You have been on my mind the whole day Sarah (I keep checking in for updates) - I am extremely sorry you have to do the one thing you didn't want to. I am keeping you in my thoughts and praying that you both will be OK! <3 Hang in there! Its almost over. :hugs:
Oh Sarah, I am so, so thoughts and prayers are with you. I am sure it will all feel worth it when your baby boy is in your arms! <3

Fluffy, I am so happy for you that you got to hear the heartbeat! Do you have an official estimated due date yet? Our first scan is still a week away. I am so afraid we will get there and there will be no heartbeat. I still feel pretty much the same, and that makes me nervous. No morning sickness, boobs only slightly sore, I do have somewhat frequent headaches. But I have no reason to think anything is wrong so I am trying to think positive.

One of my co-workers found out by accident even before my family. This is a problem because I work with my family too, lol. The weekend after we found out, my husband went with me to a work function. One of my customers was pushing a beer on us, and I just said I can't. I had an excuse all prepared but I froze. And she said "are we happy about it?" and I said yes. Well earlier this week I was out of the office for work and asked one of my co-workers to check my email for me. There was an e-mail from that customer saying something to the effect of "congratulations on our growing family". Oops. Fortunately I know I can trust this co-worker not to say anything. But in any case, we are telling my parents tonight. And probably my brother and sister in law too, because they will be there. My other two aunts might be there too though (they live next door), so not sure how that is going to go because I am not really ready for everyone to know. Telling them would make my mom feel like we need to tell all the other aunts and uncles, and then it's a train wreck from there, lol. My other two siblings will probably want to know too. Ugh. I can already tell I am not going to like all this attention, lol. But anyways, I bought some plain onesies and some iron on transfers and printed my own designs. Stuff like "I love watching football with Grandma" and "Grandpa's First Mate" (my dad loves sailing) and "I Love my Aunt & Uncle", and then one for DH and I that says "I'm Told I Like Soccer" (we are both soccer players, it's actually how we met).

Fortunately this weekend is a 3 day weekend which should help make some of the time go by a little faster for the scan. I've been counting down since I made the appointment.
Im sorry Sarah you have to have an emergency c section :( you did everything you could, and while its not what you wanted im glad bubs will be here and healthy very soon xx
Thanks everyone. He arrived at 2.03am, 2nd September. The cord was twice around his neck and he needed help breathing initially. I was pretty drugged up but DH was amazing. We couldn't do delayed cord clamping because my uterus was too thin and there was a big chance of a bleed. He's 7lb 2oz. But we haven't put him in clothes yet. He is just in a nappy and hat mostly on mine of DH's chest. I've BF'd him three times but he is quite sleepy from the medication I think.

We are exhausted and I know that I did everything to have a natural birth. My midwife was amazed at how I handled the contractions and asked me if I wanted pain relief (which she said she doesn't do ever!). I took an epidural to try and relax things but no luck.

I'm in a fair amount of discomfort from my scar. I'm so frustrated I can't really move. But at least it gives me an excuse to not do anything except cuddle.

We've called him William.
Oh Sarah! Congratulations mommy!!!!!! Sounds like they made the right call on the c section. I am so happy to hear that he is here, and that you both are happy and healthy!

PS, love the name, my nephew's name is William. <3 I am just about in tears for you right now!
Congratulations Sarah!! Love the name William, enjoy your cuddle time!! xx
Congratulations on baby William! Sarah it sounds like you did everything you could do! The incision will be uncomfortable for a bit but really after about the 3rd day it will feel tons better and moving gets easier!
Thanks everyone. I've been pretty upset about the fact I had to have a c section. There was nothing at all me or my midwife or the doctors could have done to prevent this or change the circumstances. But it still sucks. My midwife was in tears, we were all crying. I've still been getting upset about it. The worst part is I can't really move. My DH is doing everything except breastfeeding. I can't get up or touch him or dress him or change him. He's amazing with him, I'm so lucky. My DH is making sure he's next to me or cuddling me all the time.

I know it was the only option. Without it we would both be dead. They've given me some stronger pain relief.

All the hospital midwives and nurses have been coming in and saying what an amazing job I did and they heard about how hard I'd tried and how disappointed it was and how well I did with the highest does of syntocin, back labour, back to back contractions.

We love him so much. He's so soft like a peach and loves cuddles.
Oh he's perfect!!!!!!

Sarah make sure you talk to someone if your feelings persist. It can be really difficult to process birth when it doesn't go to plan and especially when it's a situation that you were so so trying to avoid. There are counselors and I'm sure your midwife would be a listening ear as well &#10084;&#65039; Big hugs to you! :hugs:
Congratz Sarah!!! Little William is perfect! I am so happy to hear you both are okay. Make sure you rest properly especially with DH there, and remember that the pain and discomfort are only temporary. You are really brave to have gone through so much and the c section at the end, and I know that wasnt the plan, but you baby boy made it into the world with absolute perfection. Each day will just get better. I agree with TTC, if you feel the need, talk to someone about your feelings, make sure you work through it rather sooner than later. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery, and it sounds like your DH will be there with you all the way. :hugs:

Afm, antenatal classes in less than 2 hours. o_O
Congratulations Sarah, and what a beautiful name!!! He's just adorable!

Glad to hear you are both well :) I know it might be hard now, but further down the line what will matter is not how the birth went but that he's here now and safe and well. You did everything exactly right!
Congrats Sarah!!

He's gorgeous.

I know how you are feeling, I felt the same way after mine. I felt sad and like it had happened the wrong way and like I had failed but you did absolutely everything you could and honestly you will come to terms with it. It took me a good while to realise the thing that was important was that the baby and you are both safe and healthy. Unfortunately babies don't always have the same ideas that we do about things!

Keep on top of the pain relief, don't wait till it hurts. Rest and eat well. You will be absolutely fine, congrats again xx
Bonnie, after you said the last time about how quickly the plan can change, and seeing that with Sarah, I decided to be more open minded and change a few things, especially thoughts. The anti natal class today was amazing. I wanted to walk out at the c section part, but decided to stay and watch the video and be prepared. Definately going to try for natural, but if the path changes then we will deal with it. DH will start to get everything ready for her arival in 2 weeks, and also get the hospital bags ready and car seat in the car. I realise that theres not much j can do to plan it all and be in control all the way, but those things i can control, i will. Hope everyone is still doing good?
Thanks Bonnie. That's exactly how I'm feeling. Both my nipples are cracked even though I asked them to check my latch every time. I'm being left unsupervised while on morphine to feed him even though I've said I don't feel safe. They said they don't have staff. DH can only stay tonight and then he'll have to go home. For the night. DH is amazing and doing everything to help but I can literally do nothing. I'm exhausted from 9 months, then a hard labour with no pain relief until the end, then major adominal surgery followed by needing to learn to breastfeed and do everything for a new born. It just hurts when he's crying and I can't be there to comfort him. I wouldn't wish a c section on anyone
Hang in there Sarah! I hope you are feeling better today, and taking the pain meds! I dont think anything we can say or do will make it better, but, I am still keeping you in my mind and prayers and hoping that the worse is ober now and from here on it will be down hill and it will just be getting better.

P.S. I learned yesterday that the hospitals here do laser treatment on your nipples if they are cracked or damaged. 2 quick sessions and your nipples are as good as new, and its perfectly safe during breasfeeding. If it gets too bad it may be worth while to ask about it.
It's horrible not being able to pick them up or do things with them! You will get better much more quickly than you think. It's agony but the best thing is to keep trying to walk etc. I was up and about walking (slowly) in a week and ok after 2. You will be amazed how quickly you heal.

Breastfeeding is hard. So hard. People never tell you how hard it's going to be! It's painful and difficult and you don't know if youre doing it right. And you aren't a failure if it doesn't work. Do you have Lansinoh cream there? It's great. And nipple shields help when it's hurting. I didn't get as much breeding help in hospital as I did when I came home from the midwives. And also there are private lactation consultants that will come out to you are are invaluable. They do cost money but you will likely only need to see them once and they can sit and fix the problems there and then.

You will honestly feel much better when you're home. You've had major surgery and it's all emotional and hormonal and tired and hard. It honestly does get easier. Just cry as much as you need and carry on doing what you're doing. If you need to give a bottle of formula while your nipples recover or pump for a while or whatever you need to do it's ok. Don't feel guilty about it.

Big hugs, day 3/4 are the worst hormonally xx

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