Sarah! After all you have been through, ttc, a dificult pregnancy, a crappy labour, I would have thought it would be easier by now
i hope you get home soon and then hopefully stay home and have some rest. Your DH sounds like a pro already
Lucy, I am sure your little pea is doing great. Abdominal pain can be due to your uturus expanding, so dont worry about that. Also, dont know if this helps, but after I had a papsmear on 8 weeks, I bled (Red blood) for a few days, so if they were poking down there, its very possible that its just some tissue that got hurt. 8 more days are just around the corner. I have my appointment in 10 days
We had a hectic day, neither myself or DH slept last night, I was puking all over tmdue to heartburn and acid reflux and DH was puking cause his friends made him drunk
today we just spend some time on getting Liezl's room ready, making a list of what we still need, starting to prep the hispital bags. This coming weekend we will get the last few things up, go shopping and work further on the hospital bags.
I will be honest, I felt so tired today and I am so ready for her to come. The heat is absolutely exhausting, and I had a horrible headache, drank some paracetamol and I feel like a mountain is off my shoulder. 53 more days to go