Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Fluffy - I am glad your Gynae is keeping you on Prog until 12 weeks. Generally if they have you start it, you need to continue till 12 weeks when the placenta have taken over. I never had spotting, but as a general, if you didnt conceive naturally here, they give you Progesterone, just for that added peace of mind.
Yeah I kind of wish I was on progesterone. They only tested mine once, and sure it was fine then, but it's been 2.5 weeks since then. I am just so nervous ladies I can't stand it. Sent a message to the nurse at my obgyn just in case. Been talking to my belly. Cried on the way to work this morning. Trying to calm myself down. I just know these next 24 hours are going to go by so slowly. :cry:
A little thing you might be able to do for peace of mind: I called my pharmacy as I left the clinic with the prescription for progesterone, just to make sure they had it stocked and that I could pick it up immediately. Maybe they will start you on it tomorrow and if that's the case, I'm sure it would ease your mind to be able to pick it up and start taking it on the day. :hugs: Don't worry, try to distract yourself or do whatever usually eases your mind when you're worried or stressed! Tomorrow will be here before you know it :)
Just checking back in ladies. After the brown discharge this morning, I sent a message to my obgyn just to be safe and they had me go ahead and come in. All was well, and we saw the heartbeat; 132 BPM. Baby measured 6 weeks 6 days, LMP was 6 weeks 5 days. I think I am more like 7 weeks, but seems close enough! They printed us a whole bunch of ultrasound pictures!
Lucy, so very glad to hear all is well!!!

Been reading but not responding much...sorry ladies! Thinking of all of you!

As for me, I'm on the 8 week count down! Only 7 weeks 4 days till my section! I spent Tuesday in the hospital getting monitored as I almost passed out in a restaurant. My blood count is just very low. Unfortunately not much to do except hang in until he comes out. I wish people understood how horrible I feel ALL the time. Makes first tri seem like a joke! I feel so weak and nauseous constantly and just dizzy and lightheaded. I have 2 wild boys at home and a husband who works 12-18 hour days. It's very challenging and I literally rarely leave my house because when I do, I have a bad episode like Tuesday. I'm not meaning to whine. I'm extremely grateful for my baby. But I wish someone would take pity and HELP ME somehow. But there's not much that can be done I realize.
YAY Lucy!! Such wonderful news - Glad everything is OK! You must be so relieved? And now that you have seen the heartbeat your chance of a MC is much less :D Its so amazing how the heartbeat are developed so early, before the other organs. When is your next appointment?

TTC - our babies have a good chance to share a birthday if I am not very early or very late. With this small baby I actually hope to make it to 40+ weeks to give her a chance for maximum growth - but things chance right, so I am just patiently waiting. I am sorry you are having such a tough time, I think a lot of people dont understand what you are going through, because they have not been there. Just hang in there, I hope the next 7 weeks go by quickly for the both of us so we can meet our babies. <3

I have a mixture of IBS, infection in my intestines and constipation :/ ugh - it feels like someone is making fire in my tummy. I can barely stand up straight this morning :(


Sorry I've been MIA a few days. It's been a bit crazy here.

We got home on Wednesday. It's so good not being in hospital. We are in the process of making quite a substantial complaint about the way we were treated while we were there. A lot of unsafe oractices. So we've been having phone calls with the directors of the hospital and the midwifery council.

I've also been talking with my uncle who is an anethetist about the birth. In his opinion if we had kept waiting and had a vaginal birth then our baby probably would have had birth hypoxia, cerebral palsy or been still born. That really hit home to me. I can live with a few weeks of pain, the disappointment, missing out of delayed cord clamping and a delayed skin to skin for him to be here safely. My midwife said today that we both would have been dead if we lived in a third world country. C sections often happen unnecessarily but ours was life saving in her opinion.

Physically I'm doing ok. Still in a fair amount of pain but managing. Emotionally I'm coming to terms with it. I still cry a few times a day. I looked at a picture of my bump I took in hospital and I just started crying. Just writing this is making me cry haha. My tummy is pretty flat again and I've lost 10kgs already. 6 to go. I'm not really very hungry so I wouldn't be surprised if it fell off quite quickly.

Breastfeeding is going ok. We had his tongue tie cut yesterday and it's so much more comfortable. We are using nipple shields until the damaging is healed. I've had a few lumps in my breast and my midwife has said she has a low tolerance for sending me back to hospital and it'll be in the maternity ward again. So I'm doing all I can to avoid mastitis. He loves being on the boob and I have a really good supply.

It's hard to believe he's a week old tomorrow. He has no control over his face and pulls different expressions all the time, it's hilarious. He loves to make funny noises, the best is when he says "whoop whoop" haha. Newborn cuddles are just the best. They smell delicious and just love being close to you. I can't wait for you all to have your babies so you can experience this too!

I briefly read through the past few pages. It sounds like you're all doing well! Sorry I'm so useless at the moment.
Oh Lucy - thats just around the corner - yay.

Sarah - it sounds like you are doing better - and happy to hear you are home! Glad you popped in for an update. Enjoy those cuddles - I heard they grow up so fast ;) I believe myself and ttc are next - whoop! Please keep on sharing pictures of him, he is just so adorable (and makes me want to have my baby girl in my arms as well) hee hee.
Sarah, William is so perfect, and so stinking cute!!!!!! <3 So glad you are both home!
Soo, I had my baby shower today. It was really fun ajd we got so many gifts, which is great. My dad actually spend the last few weeks building us a cupboard, which is really amazing. I am absolutely beat, its just before 7pm and I am already in bed. If I can give some advice to those who still need to have their baby showers, do so before 30 weeks. :)

In other news, finally my tummy is feeling better after the infection, and we currently have a heat wave, so the heat are making me feel so mich more uncomfortable, tempratures go up to about 35 degrees celcius during the days now.

Hope every one else is doing good?
Thanks ladies were doing a lot better now. Slowly getting into a sleep routine. DH is much better at it than me. I just can't get him to sleep anywhere but on me.

Im having some mastitis symptoms and although im currently lump free I'm hoping I don't get an infection. I don't want to end up back in hospital

I'm glad your shower went well Nita. Get all the rest you can now. Everything changes haha. I now eat most of my meals with 1 hand and am surging on 2-4 hourly stints of sleep.

He was 1 week old yesterday! Crazy how the week has just come and gone. DH took some videos during the labour and it's so weird watching them. My tummy looks so different to now haha. I'm down 8kgs, but I've probably gained 5 in my boobs haha and my tummy is pretty flat again. I look in the mirror and can't believe how quickly it went back.
Nita, so glad you enjoyed your baby shower! I started a registry for us forever ago; definitely looking forward to having a baby shower!

Sarah, glad things sound like they are getting better. I can't get over how adorable your William is. <3

I am still feeling a little paranoid, but I am trying to chill myself out. I didn't have any more brown spotting after the doctor's on Thursday, but last night and this morning there was some clumpy brown stuff that concerned me. I know brown is not usually anything to worry about, I just worry about it turning in to something more. But it kind of makes sense with the doc poking around down there, and it seems to have cleared up now. Having a little back pain and some random abdominal pain, but trying not to make too much of it. Really praying we get to meet this baby, I am already so attached. Next ultrasound is a week from Monday, so at least I don't have to wait too long.

DH has been sick the last 24 hours (in the way I prob should be, we both find it pretty ironic, lol), so we've been taking it pretty easy. Done nearly nothing today. We both napped. It was glorious. But somehow I am still tired, from doing nothing, lol.
Thanks Lucy. I'm so in love with him haha.

I'd ring your doctor if you're concerned. I hope it's all ok for you.

Well things took a turn for the worst. I'm back in hospital with a uterine infection. When will it end!
Hi Sarah, I rang my doc on Thursday and they had me come in, and that's when they did an ultrasound and all was well. They couldn't really see where the bleeding was coming from. They also warned me I might see more spotting afterwards from them poking around down there, and no baby dancing for 2 weeks. I will def keep an eye on it though!

I am so sorry you are back in the hospital, I know that was the last thing you wanted! Fx they get you straight and back home with your guys ASAP! <3
That's good. It sounds like it's just your wee one making themselves cosy in there. They say brown is ok but bright red is an issue. However I know poor Shecee had brown spotting and had a MMC so you can never be too careful.

I'm so over it. Sick of this hospital and I just want to be at home. DH took William home to look after him tonight. It was such a tough decision and I just cried and cried. But we want to get him use to his bassinet, not the hospital bed, I physically can't care for him by myself and we don't trust the midwives here, DH can cup feed him and I've got lots of milk. Plus DH's main concern was that I need to rest. I know he's right but this is the longest I've been away from him for about 10 months. So I'm currently curled up in bed (just finished pumping) with william's swaddle. They'll be back in 6 hours. I just miss them so much and want to be home.
I am doing my best to think positive. I definitely still feel the same symptoms as before. Right now I have a headache and am tired as all get out, despite having gotten plenty of sleep. Whacky dreams. Boobs still seem pregnant. Not as tender perhaps, but bigger and heavier for sure. The back pain I was having was more like a muscle cramp than an ache, and the abdominal pain was more like occasional pokes and twinges; I wouldn't have though anything of them without the spotting. I also realize that even if something is wrong there's nothing they would really be able to do. We go back in 8 days for another ultrasound anyways. If my symptoms disappear or I see more spotting I will definitely ring the doc, but I think I will give yesterday's brown stuff a mulligan with all the poking around the doc did down there on Thursday, lol.

Sarah, I am so sorry you are going through all this. You deserve to be home! What is their plan of care for you?
The symptoms will come and go but that all sounds pretty normal. Try to relax knowing that your scan is all good and those symptoms are reassuring.

I look back and think I so didn't appreciate the time he was inside me enough. I'm not sure what else I could have done. But it's amazing knowing that you're growing a full human being inside you. I miss my bump and the kicks. He was a strong kicker inside and he's such a wriggler out here in the world

Well it's 5.30am and I'm pumping again. But I have my last (hopefully) IV antibiotics at 8am. I haven't had a spiking temp all night so I'm hopeful they'll let me go home with a script for oral antibiotics. But I guess I'll find out in a few hours

DH and baby had a boys night together. He sent me lots of pictures and messages and we video called. DH is so good with him. He's like a mini DH but he's got my blue eyes.
Sarah! After all you have been through, ttc, a dificult pregnancy, a crappy labour, I would have thought it would be easier by now :( i hope you get home soon and then hopefully stay home and have some rest. Your DH sounds like a pro already :)

Lucy, I am sure your little pea is doing great. Abdominal pain can be due to your uturus expanding, so dont worry about that. Also, dont know if this helps, but after I had a papsmear on 8 weeks, I bled (Red blood) for a few days, so if they were poking down there, its very possible that its just some tissue that got hurt. 8 more days are just around the corner. I have my appointment in 10 days :o

We had a hectic day, neither myself or DH slept last night, I was puking all over tmdue to heartburn and acid reflux and DH was puking cause his friends made him drunk :( today we just spend some time on getting Liezl's room ready, making a list of what we still need, starting to prep the hispital bags. This coming weekend we will get the last few things up, go shopping and work further on the hospital bags.

I will be honest, I felt so tired today and I am so ready for her to come. The heat is absolutely exhausting, and I had a horrible headache, drank some paracetamol and I feel like a mountain is off my shoulder. 53 more days to go :D
Thanks Nita. None of this has been easy. Seems quite unfair really. But we have such a healthy, happy baby so I can't complain. The good news is that the doctors are happy I'm doing alright today. They want me to have 1 more dose of IV antibiotics and then I'll be going home with a script. I'm quite a lot better today thankfully. The doctor said it was because they broke my waters in the morning and I laboured all day and all night and there was lots of time for an infection to set in. Plus the added complication of a c section. I'm just glad to be getting out of here.

Nita, I'm sorry you're feeling so rubbish. Can you ask for Zantac? It's really good for reflux. Mine was bad towards the end too. Don't rush her to come haha. Enjoy spending time with your DH, eating with both hands, having nipples that don't hurt haha. Life changes completely.

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