Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

sarah that's so exciting! The kicks are the best :)

I definitely agree that the all-day nausea is the absolute worst. I'm having quite a pity-party for myself lately and with LO still sorta sick he's been waking me up constantly at night. Feel like I need a vacation for the next ten weeks or so until this awful MS passes!
Hello everyone!!

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago and boy has it been a struggle. I managed to lose a ton of weight after 6 failed clomid cycles on 150mg. After I lost the weight, we tried another 6 cycles but again, it was a failure. The doctor said I ovulated but my progesterone was so low I couldn't maintain a pregnancy.

Fast forward those six months and I was placed on femara after my doctor pretty much said she would need to refer me to a very expensive specialist. I opted to try the femara. I ovulated on 2.5mg, but my levels were still low. I was upped to 5mg which was better!

So for the last few years I have been getting poked every month for progesterone levels and taking hpt that were always, always negative.

This month was my second to last chance on femara before my doctor was giving up on me. I was heartbroken. All I ever wanted was to complete our family. We have both had the most difficult time being happy for friends who were expecting, and even walking through a store that had baby clothes. We couldn't even build up the strength to meet our nephew until he had been a few weeks old. It killed me every single day.

But..last Tuesday I found out I'm pregnant after 6 long years of tears!! I'm almost 6 weeks and I still can't believe it. My first appointment is Tuesday!! 💓
Haha I think after all we've been through a few tears when we see the scan is quite alright. Exciting TTC, I'm glad you got to see the heart beat. When will you see it again? I read they like it to be over 120 when you're around 7weeks.

I went back today! Baby grew and heart rate was up to 129!!!!! So happy! I'll go back next Wednesday and every week until I get transferred to the OB around 10 weeks. I hope and pray everything keeps going well. This is a long awaited rainbow.

Sarah congrats on feeling kicks!!!

Sweat pea I'm sorry you're so sick! Mines really ramped up too. Nice to be reassured but hard to deal with especially with other little ones to care for.

Khearts!!!! Huge congratulations ❤❤❤ When are you due??? Welcome and I'm so happy for you ❤
:wave: Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in here and say hi! Hoping to join you all in the next week ;) Currently on my 3rd round of Clomid, 100mg and finally O'd *i think* Both of my dd are Clomid babies :yipee: and hopefully this next little one will be too <3
Kheart, wow! Congratz on the BFP and welcome to the threat. :hugs:

Yay, Four, looking forward in having you here.

Sarah, those kicks must be super amazing! Enjoy them.

Just a little over a week to go now till my appointment...hope time goes by quickly.
Khearts, congratulations! 6 years is a long time, I can't even begin to imagine how hard that must of been. You so deserve this!

Sweet pea, I hope you get a break from the nausea, that was the worst of all. Fingers crossed it passes soon. I started feeling better at 9-10 weeks which was much earlier than I was expecting.

TTC, yay! 129 is a nice strong HB. You must be so happy!

Four2five I hope we see you here next week! Fingers crossed for you!

Nita, that has gone quickly!! I always felt like time dragged but it's going fast for your pregnancy! Haha
Thank you guys so much!! Little pea is due 11/11, and what a lucky due date! I am terrified of a miscarriage but I'm trying to be strong and hope for the best. The waiting has been pure torture!!
Kheart that's amazing! I'm so happy you finally got your BFP. My fingers are crossed for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you.

Thanks for the sympathy ladies, it's really getting me down. Probably going to end up on diclectin again which i was hoping to avoid. But i just can't seem to function

Sarah I'm glad you hear yours went away earlier than expected. Gives me hope!
That's very exciting Hearts. It's hard not to worry about miscarriage. There's a site that gives you your percentage of miscarriage each each day. It helped to reassure me. Have you had your progesterone checked? Women with PCOS can have low progesterone in pregnancy which can cause miscarriages.

Sweet pea, fingers crossed yours goes away quickly!
Khearts, its very hard not to worry about MC, but you know what, you cant do much to prevent it, so I have decided instead of worrying, I will just enjoy it. I will however keep on praying atleast a 100 times a day that I dont have a MC or MMC, but I know if I do, it wont be my fault.

I actually am just so anxious to get my my first scan done, I want to know that baby is OK, and its horrible that they are making me wait till 8 weeks lol.

In other news, we had sushi, the ones with avo and cooked prawns, I thought there was something wrong with it bc it tasted horrible, DH reassured me that it was good like always and theres nothing wrong with it. So totally off from sushi now, hello first food aversion.
Nita, you're right about the MC. There's not much you can do to avoid it. If your doctor has checked your progesterone levels and they're ok then you just have to take it easy. Avoid overheating, if your shower or bath makes your skin red after, it's too hot.

When you have your scan and hear the heartbeat the chance of a MC drops quite low. There are heaps of statistics online. They really reassured me. I also tried to remind myself that at pretty much every point in my pregnancy from about week 5-6, the chance of bringing home our baby was greater than the chance of losing it. And like Nita said, I tried to enjoy it. Firstly because you're pregnant now and we should all be thankful for that but also, you will never get another first trimester with this baby. You will never get to think that your baby is currently growing all its limbs and organs.

And Nita, it's best to avoid sushi in pregnancy. The rice can carry listeria! Have you all looked into the foods that aren't safe in pregnancy? I've been pretty strict because I don't want to take any risks. A ham sandwich isn't worth contracting listeria and losing the baby.
Luckily the place we buy sushi from has very high quality food, bee buying from them for years and I know a few women who ate sushi from them during pregnancy, however since it tasted horrible, we wont be having it anytime soon again.

I did a ton of research on what to eat and what not, most foods I eat is safe, thank goodness. I dont eat ham or any cold meats for example. BUT I need to cut out Raw meat. Iys going to be tough and so far it has been, sinve raw meat is a very very big thing here and I grew up eating it every day. Asking DH to braai my steak well done breaks my heart. And in the part of south africa I stay in, if you ask for welldone steak at a restuarant they laugh at you. But baby makes it all worth while, he/she now comes first.
Yeah if it's a good quality place with a high turn over plus the rice is fresh and your ingredients are cooked it should be ok. You might find that your adversions disappear a little later. I found it really hard to eat vegetables and meat in the first trimester. I couldn't walk past the meat section in the supermarket and definitely couldn't prepare it. I lived on bread, crackers, pasta and stewed apples. But now I could eat most foods with no problem. I ordered lamb the other day and asked for it well done, it feels like an insult to the animal haha. It'll all be worth it.

I was pretty strict in the first trimester but I'm eating a little more now in the second but still avoiding lunch meat (unless it's hot) and prepackaged salads. Each country has their own guidelines. Some places say runny yolks when you have eggs is ok but here it says they need to be firm.
I think it all depends at where you buy the food, we have dodgy supermarkets and then high quality super markets. Although I have never really been picky where I buy my food, I only go the the places with high quality, even if it means paying a bit more.

My mom always order her meat welldone, and they always laugh at her and make fun of her (incl myself) South Africans dont do welldone. I think ill jist do chicken or fish, those have to done very well done :) I am going to miss those bloody and fatty pieces of meat a lot.
Khearts, I have had multiple miscarriages and really there was just nothing that could've prevented it. The fear really gets me sometimes but all we can do is rest, drink water, and eat well. The rest is in Gods hands &#10084; The chances are also much greater of everything being fine than things going wrong. Even with my history I still am told my chances are 70% of bringing home a baby &#10084; Someone who's had no losses or just one has 95% chance. Just take it day by day &#10084;

Sarah and Nita I'm eating like a toddler. Only the most bland foods sound good Hahahaha! Sarah I'm like you I don't eat anything on the no no list. But I'm also concerned because we've had listeria found in ice cream, frozen berries and veggies, packs of salad lettuce, granola bars, and just yesterday I heard it was found in frozen pizza! So makes me quite nervous to eat so many things! I feel like it's becoming a big problem in the US!
Hi ladies - as most of you already know I got a BFP less than 48 hours ago but all tests are very faint. Been spotting for 5 days and having lower back pain on my right side on and off...doesn't feel like the typical back pain I get the first 2 days of AF though...feels more muscular. I'm going to go into urgent care later this morning and ask for a blood test. Do you think they can check progesterone too? My OB is closed on the weekend.
Ask I don't know! I know ER and urgent care will not do it here but you never know! I'm sorry you're having a tough time &#10084; I know how it is to be in limbo and just waiting to see what will happen. Deep breath.
Ask, I think it depends, asking them cant hurt, the labs here stay open 24 houts and will do it, but thats just where I am. Goodluck, I hope they will.
My doctor faxed a lab request to the hospital and I'm currently waiting to be seen. Yay!

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