Clomid round 2 anyone? :)

Crosby- I agree with Wubbles, MAYBE you will get it without the Clomid this cycle! I have heard of a lot of women who have. I was also told by the nurse (she has been wrong about somethings with me, but I think she may be right here. Or at least partially) that sometimes after taking Clomid, your cycles will 'figure themselves' out. It may be more applicable to me with my long cycles, but she has seen women who were never regular or were annovulatory go on to have 28 day cycles with confirmed ovulation. Fingers crossed!
PS - NOT looking forward to my hot flashes getting worse when I up my dose! SHEW! They were annoying enough as is!

Wubbles- Sorry to hear about the BFN. :hugs: But YAYEE :happydance: on the GREAT progesterone numbers! That sure is promising! What doseage of Clomid did it take before you saw improvement with your progesterone levels? I did 50mg this past cycle and my progesterone was only 7.5. Moving on up to 100mg for my impending cycle. (AF should be here later today or tomorrow...) I will GLADLY suffer Clomid side effects if it helps the progesterone and gives me a BFP!

Panda- Great progesterone levels for you too! (You and Wubbles really have me hopeful that Clomid can do that for me too!!!)
I have used Preseed. I ordered the 'external' rather than the internal because I thought inserting tubes of lube into my hoohah before sex killed the mood. :haha: Words of warning... do not use too much! If you do, the 'playing grounds' will be way too slick and your hubby may be like mine and unable to finish things. He said there was just no sensation left and I agreed. So in this case, less is definitely more! :rofl:
Does your doctor just have you on Clomid or is he supplementing with estradiol (estrogen) for the days after Clomid up until ovulation? My OBGYN has me on Clomid from days 5-9 and then from 10-21 I take estradiol to help negate the estrogen depleting side effects of Clomid. If you are concerned about your CM drying up or your uterine lining thinning, you may ask your doctor about their thoughts on it?

Mummy- Welcome Mummy! I did 50mg of Clomid this past cycle, but start 100mg this next cycle. I imagine I will start taking it by Sunday. My OBGYN ordered an HSG before she started me on Clomid, but mainly because of my medical history. It was so dang expensive and after it was all said and done, one of my tubes was 'questionable!' The RE who did the test said he thinks it was a fluke. Perhaps maybe a clot lodged up there, because he saw one on the other side but was able to bust through it with the pressure of the dye. (I was on day 5, so AF was still lingering... but the guy doing the test is only in town one day a week so had to do it then.)
A lot of women complain about how uncomfortable the pain is. Some have equated it to childbirth. I think THOSE women are being dramatic. I have been told I have a high pain tolerance, but after have my cervix frozen and have a LEEP procedure (where they cut out a piece of your cervix) the HSG was nothing to me. Sure there was a little cramping and some pressure during the test, but everything was fine after. :thumbup: I was told to take 600mg of ibuprofen 45 minutes before the test to help with the discomfort.
Hoping you get your Clomid baby and you can avoid the HSG test... but if it comes down to it, the worst part is watching the dye flow through on the monitor just HOPING it busts out both tubes and there is no issue!

:dust: to all!
Elpha I am on 100mg ..... Ya the hot flashes..... Oh lord the hot flashes but its orally goi g to be worth it when I get my BFP. Good luck this cycle!
So I ha some bad new and some good news today.... The bad news I had an hcg and it was neg. The good news is that my progesterone level shot up to a 33! So the clomid is working(kind of lol). I have had two rounds of clomid and have had some crazy side effect, like achne vicious mood swings and hot hot hot flashes. I want to quit it so bad but before I started it my progesterone levels we 3, 4, and 1. I won't get pregnant without it, so my DH and I have decided to try it for 2 more months.(poor guy takes the brunt of my mood swings).

Good luck girls baby dust to all!

Crosby maybe you will get a natural BFP!

BOOOOOOO for your neg hcg but YAAAAY on your great progesterone levels! Fantastic news!!! Im sure your hubby wouldn't mind your moods given all the hormone changes your body is going through!
I have only two days left of this cycle of clomid to take (second round) and I have my doc's appointment on the 16th of this month to find out if I O'd the last cycle. Im nervous because by my chart I did O but it was also my 1st month charting. So we will see!
I can't keep up with the number of rounds we have done of Clomid lol Now on 150mg Clomid, 1000mg Metaformin and 125mg of thyroid meds.... I do the meds and then ultrasounds to check for Follicles none of which are covered by insurance. IF you have any questions let me know :thumbup:
Girls, has any one ever done antral follicle count?
Crosby.. I have never heard of that. What is is?

I go for another ultrasound next Wednesday ..... thinking I might ask my mom to go as I always feel so defeated when they tell me I didn't O or have any follicles...
My OBYGN has never mentioned doing a follicle ultrasound and I didn't even know what that was untill this forum. Maybe he wants us to do a few rounds of Clomid first since DH's SA was something like 100million and i have 'low grade' PCOS? hmm I dont know. I will definatly ask him on Tuesday next week.
This is usually done in conjunction with FSH and AMH just as a double check for ovarian reserve.

My FSH is good but AMH is low. So I wondered if I do follicle count which way will it sway
I have not had those done either Crosby. Although, at this point it may be some of the only blood work I have not had done! My OBGYN would probably tell me I needed to see the specialist for that.

Started my 2nd of Clomid today. 100mg from days 5-9 and then Estradiol 1mg from days 10-21. Then my OBGYN wants me back in 7 days after my positive OPK for another progesterone test AND an exam. :dohh: Really hoping the Clomid actually WORKS for me this time and by 'works' I mean I ovulate sooner. Sure I want a BFP... but at least I wouldn't feel so defeated if I ovulated sooner and my progesterone levels go up.

On another note... I think I had the absolute worst AF ever! She was spotty the first half of Thursday, then she was light through the evening. However, Friday and Saturday were MISERABLE! The cramps were wretched, and since I always have heavy flow with bad cramps anyhow for me to call this particular AF bad... dude... it was BAD! :wacko: Also... if you don't want TMI, don't open the box!
MAJOR TMI WARNING - My clots were so bad with this AF that if I didn't know better, I would have thought my intestines were trying to fall out! OY!

Have any of you noticed a much worse (or at least different) AF after Clomid? Like I said, Thursday wasn't so bad... Friday & Saturday were TERRIBLE... but Sunday was pretty light again and today seems to be really light as well.
Elpha - I'm only doing clomid. Thanks for the advice about Preseed. My sister has known several people who were successful with it, so I thought why not give it a try?

Hot flashes is an understatement. I feel like I'm burning alive some days.
I have not had those done either Crosby. Although, at this point it may be some of the only blood work I have not had done! My OBGYN would probably tell me I needed to see the specialist for that.

Started my 2nd of Clomid today. 100mg from days 5-9 and then Estradiol 1mg from days 10-21. Then my OBGYN wants me back in 7 days after my positive OPK for another progesterone test AND an exam. :dohh: Really hoping the Clomid actually WORKS for me this time and by 'works' I mean I ovulate sooner. Sure I want a BFP... but at least I wouldn't feel so defeated if I ovulated sooner and my progesterone levels go up.

On another note... I think I had the absolute worst AF ever! She was spotty the first half of Thursday, then she was light through the evening. However, Friday and Saturday were MISERABLE! The cramps were wretched, and since I always have heavy flow with bad cramps anyhow for me to call this particular AF bad... dude... it was BAD! :wacko: Also... if you don't want TMI, don't open the box!
MAJOR TMI WARNING - My clots were so bad with this AF that if I didn't know better, I would have thought my intestines were trying to fall out! OY!

Have any of you noticed a much worse (or at least different) AF after Clomid? Like I said, Thursday wasn't so bad... Friday & Saturday were TERRIBLE... but Sunday was pretty light again and today seems to be really light as well.

that sounds terrible!

I experienced horrible cramps while i was on clomid last year...the cramps were so horrible but Af was very light...
that sounds terrible!

I experienced horrible cramps while i was on clomid last year...the cramps were so horrible but Af was very light...

Well, Day 1, 4, and 5 were super light for me which is strange. Usually I am pretty 'evened' out over the 5-6 days that AF is in town. Day 2 is always the worse, but this time around... just DANG!

Yesterday I started my second cycle of Clomid and the hot flashes were in FULL EFFECT last night. I don't remember them coming on so quickly last cycle, so maybe that is an indication of what is to come with the 100mg dose. :dohh: Oh well, whatever it takes to get my BFP!!! :thumbup:
that sounds terrible!

I experienced horrible cramps while i was on clomid last year...the cramps were so horrible but Af was very light...

Well, Day 1, 4, and 5 were super light for me which is strange. Usually I am pretty 'evened' out over the 5-6 days that AF is in town. Day 2 is always the worse, but this time around... just DANG!

Yesterday I started my second cycle of Clomid and the hot flashes were in FULL EFFECT last night. I don't remember them coming on so quickly last cycle, so maybe that is an indication of what is to come with the 100mg dose. :dohh: Oh well, whatever it takes to get my BFP!!! :thumbup:

Oh my..i had hot flushes with the 50mg i can only imagine how i will be feeling on 100mg dosage:dohh:

will you be doing anything different this cycle?
Oh my..i had hot flushes with the 50mg i can only imagine how i will be feeling on 100mg dosage:dohh:

will you be doing anything different this cycle?

Well hopefully Clomid will work and I will ovulate sooner with a much better quality egg and higher progesterone post-O! Of course, I can't control that. :winkwink: Pretty much I do not know what else we can do. I temp chart, I use OPKs, I lay flat in bed with a pillow propped under my booty for at least 30 minutes after :sex:, we use Preseed. I forgot to start using my OvaCue Fertility Monitor on day 2, but last cycle it was all messed up anyhow. I think the fact I am taking added estrogen from days 10-21 messed with the readings. So I am not overly concerned that I forgot this cycle. I also bought the Instead Soft Cups last cycle, but I have really been too intimidated to use them. I am afraid they will get stuck up there if I can get them in at all.

I really do not want to mess with supplements too much without knowing if I do need them. Right now I take Metformin ER 1000mg, Pregnitude 2x a day, Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg (for high blood pressure), my prenatals, and a Vitamin D3 supplement. I have been apprehensive on the Vitamin D3 though because I am only guessing I need it. Typically it is lacking in PCOS women taking Metformin. Then the first half of my cycle I take the Clomid and Estradiol. I have heard good things about Vitex and CoQ10, but I know messing with the wrong supplements can effect the Clomid and it can effect the Metformin I take every day.

I guess I am doing one thing different. I have always been trying to make better food choices and watch my diet. This cycle I am trying a little harder to watch my food even closer. Before I would just hard boil eggs I bought without any thought. Now I am trying to use cage free, hormone free natural eggs. Organic if I can find them. I have also switched back to Almond Milk instead of regular milk since regular milk typically contains extra hormones, mainly estrogen. It's how farmers can keep their cows pumping out the milk in high volumes. When I do get meat, I am going to try to look more for grass-fed... because again, farmers pump their cows with hormones and other things to make them grow faster. With PCOS I already have way too much estrogen in my body, so I don't need any help from the food I eat. I also only buy Chobani Organic Greek Yogurt now. These may be small choices, but I am hoping they can only help! It's not realistic for me to think I can cut out ALL of the bad stuff... but I am at least making an effort where I can.
Oh my..i had hot flushes with the 50mg i can only imagine how i will be feeling on 100mg dosage:dohh:

will you be doing anything different this cycle?

Well hopefully Clomid will work and I will ovulate sooner with a much better quality egg and higher progesterone post-O! Of course, I can't control that. :winkwink: Pretty much I do not know what else we can do. I temp chart, I use OPKs, I lay flat in bed with a pillow propped under my booty for at least 30 minutes after :sex:, we use Preseed. I forgot to start using my OvaCue Fertility Monitor on day 2, but last cycle it was all messed up anyhow. I think the fact I am taking added estrogen from days 10-21 messed with the readings. So I am not overly concerned that I forgot this cycle. I also bought the Instead Soft Cups last cycle, but I have really been too intimidated to use them. I am afraid they will get stuck up there if I can get them in at all.

I really do not want to mess with supplements too much without knowing if I do need them. Right now I take Metformin ER 1000mg, Pregnitude 2x a day, Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg (for high blood pressure), my prenatals, and a Vitamin D3 supplement. I have been apprehensive on the Vitamin D3 though because I am only guessing I need it. Typically it is lacking in PCOS women taking Metformin. Then the first half of my cycle I take the Clomid and Estradiol. I have heard good things about Vitex and CoQ10, but I know messing with the wrong supplements can effect the Clomid and it can effect the Metformin I take every day.

I guess I am doing one thing different. I have always been trying to make better food choices and watch my diet. This cycle I am trying a little harder to watch my food even closer. Before I would just hard boil eggs I bought without any thought. Now I am trying to use cage free, hormone free natural eggs. Organic if I can find them. I have also switched back to Almond Milk instead of regular milk since regular milk typically contains extra hormones, mainly estrogen. It's how farmers can keep their cows pumping out the milk in high volumes. When I do get meat, I am going to try to look more for grass-fed... because again, farmers pump their cows with hormones and other things to make them grow faster. With PCOS I already have way too much estrogen in my body, so I don't need any help from the food I eat. I also only buy Chobani Organic Greek Yogurt now. These may be small choices, but I am hoping they can only help! It's not realistic for me to think I can cut out ALL of the bad stuff... but I am at least making an effort where I can.

sounds perfect and loads of BD"ng...good thing about watching what you eat...:thumbup: FX'd FX'd on another thread a lady was on clomid 3rd cycle and tested on cd 20 BANG BFP:eek: imagine..guess Clomid can sometimes make one Ovulate really early!
I'm starting my 2nd round if clomid next cycle. This time I will be on 100 mg. I'm a little nervous bc I heard side effects from 100 mg are worse than the 50 mg. is this true? I didn't have much of a reaction to the 50mg so I'm hoping this wont be too bad.
Hi Girls! Bit of an updat on my situation...
I went to my OBYGN yesterday to finally get my blood results (21 day progesterone) and my first round of clomid 50mgs failed to do a thing, so im pretty bummed. This round (my second) will not work as I was waiting to see the doc so i just repeated the same dosage as round one. I will be doing 100mgs NEXT cycle (round three) and if that is no go then I will be doing progesterone injections. What does this do? He explained it but i didn't really get it :s
Elphabaa: I am currently still on my period after my first round and this period has been relentless. Last cycle it was 8 days in total and 'normal', this one I have been bleeding properly for 12 days so far, and spotting for a week prior to that. And its been a medium/heavy one :( I asked the doc if that would hinder my chance of getting pregnant and he said no. But what if i am still bleeding when i am going to ovulate? gargh!
Crosby: How are you?
Britt: I also didnt really record any side effects from 50mgs of Clomid, only a liiiitle bit of hot flushing but that could have been an impact from the weather. Sigh. Maybe you really know it works if you are getting those full on side effects?
Have not been on the boards for a couple weeks while I finish up my masters (hopefully). My clomid arrived on day 5, so I went for it and took 100mg for 5 days. Today is CD 18 and I had two strong +OPK tests, which does not usually happen. Today I felt a definite pinch in the right side, also something new. The big 40 is next month, so BFP would be a great gift. We will see. It appears like we are all currently in about the same spot.
Britt - I just started my 2nd cycle of Clomid, this time at 100mg cuz 50mg did not work. Today is my 3rd day of the 100mg, and I haven't really noticed a ton so far. However, hot flashes have been more noticeable this time. I have also been a bit down in the dumps. I go from tears to a raging witch in a matter of seconds! Not sure if that is the Clomid or just stress, it's obviously not PMS at this point! However, yesterday was the 3 year anniversary of my father's death, so that tends to have me in poor spirits in the month of April. Could have just been that. So basically hot flashes are the only thing extremely noticeable so far!

Molly - Progesterone injections if the Clomid doesn't work? That doesn't make much sense to me. Progesterone injections is another way to help with progesterone deficiency much like women use suppositories, oral pills, and creams to do. If you know you are pregnant and have low progesterone, these are needed to help you not to miscarry. Some doctors give it as a safety measure whether you are pregnant or not, my doctor does not. Mainly because she said there would be no real way of knowing if the Clomid worked at the dose I am on. If I were taking a supplement, my day 21 test would show adequate progesterone... if I was not taking it and the Clomid did not help mature an egg, my progesterone would still be low as a result of a weak ovulation or no ovulation at all. So I am not sure why your doctor is suggesting injections? You 'can' get pregnant with low progesterone, but a lot of doctors will say the egg development in the follicular phase needs to be addressed to help conception occur. By getting a nice, big, mature egg to release at ovulation, the progesterone will often correct itself and be normal. There are other reasons why it may not, but most of the time progesterone deficiency has to do with immature eggs being released. Clomid (at it's right dose for you) helps to mature the eggs faster and correct this problem. BUT it doesn't work for everybody. Good luck!
So my DH and I have decided after a lot of thought and consideration that we are going to take a break from TTC. We have so much going on in our lives right now that we need to focus on other things and walk away from the stress we are feeling from TTC. We aren't giving up but we won't be using clomid or temping or using opk's. If a miracle happens great! But for now we are going to focus on us our family and our health. I will pop in to say hi. Much luck to all you ladies ..... Keep fighting the good fight girls!

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