Star- Sry to hear the witch got you! What's your plans for this coming cycle? Anything different? Well good luck to you.
Dannixo- Wishing you luck with your scan! Hoping you have some nice big follies for your IUI tomorrow
Tundralife- How's the TWW going? How many dpo are you? Hoping this is your cycle!
Nurse- Good luck in the TWW

Hope your doing good!
AFM- No symptoms besides my pre-AF symptoms. AF should be here between tomorrow and Thursday. I poas this morning and bfn at 11dpo. My luteal phase is typically between 11-13 days. I don't think I will be too upset if AF arrives this cycle because I went into this cycle not very hopeful since the first 3 round of Clomid at 50mg didn't work then I don't think a fourth will work. Im hanging onto a little bit of hope though. I have my appointment tomorrow with my new doctor so I am pretty excited about seeing what a next step will be. Happy Monday ladies! Hope you all have a wonderful week.