Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Opinions please ladies...
Well CONFUSED.COM! Done 2 opk's today, with the same pee- one was a superdrug one and one was a ic opk...
Anyhow, superdrug is CERTAINLY positive as test line darker than control line, the ic isnt- after they dried the ic looks kind of dark...
I wonder if I would have had a positive yesterday (forgot to test) or wether the superdrug opk is more sensitive???
What do you think of my pics?
1st pic- within 5 mins
2nd pic- within 10mins (ignore the ic on left hand side as that was cd13)
Had a strong positive on ic ones last time... 1st month using superdrug ones, so confused lol! Well I know I WILL o over the weekend anyway as the nurse said so going to kp bd'ing :)



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Its stayed lowish so hopefully within the next couple of days it will show a dip and rise fx'd!
How are you doing any sign of af yet???
Ooh how exciting Rere! Those superdrug ones definitely look positive, and I don't even do OPKs! Can't wait to see what your temps do. Will you have 7dpo progesterone tests?

Bean - sorry I missed your msg before! Yes, was lovely being measured, though I wasn't expecting it. Does your injection mean you're rhesus negative then? Will you have to have a few injections?

Caz - I never had betas done either, but like bean says I wouldn't worry. And surely better on the high side than the low side. Will you get more bloods drawn to see progression?

Yep am Rh neg. Had an injection at 15 wks when I bled, then there's this one and then is baby is pos one post delivery. Shouldn't be anymore unless there is bleeding or if I need an ecv or something (which I reckon I'd say no to and go for elective section as I don't like the idea of forcing the baby to move if it's made it's mind up it likes being breech).
i am on my 3rd round of clomid and on my 1st round didnt ovulate , but i did on my second but i dont think i did this round as i havnt had a poss in ovulation tests is this normal ??
Turbo- Yay for no spotting and sore boobs :happydance: cramping may mean she is on her way... I have a good feeling about this cycle for you as things are happening differently :dance:

JWB- Thanks hun :) she said no point in the blood test as I will definatly ovulate this cycle as my follicle was completely ready, with my lining being a little thin she said just bd if you get pregnant call us otherwise we will see you at your next appointment to get you going with the injectables (so excited about doing them! nervous of having to inject myself but I know the success rate is better than clomid and it shouldnt thin my lining at all so fx'd)

Bean- I dont really get all them tests eyc what they mean- hope everything is ok??

stace_aly1207- That is completely normal you can o on one round and then not the next, your doc/fs may recommend upping your dose- what dose are you taking? gl :dust:
Fingers crossed bean that there's only the one more injection then and bubs makes it into the right position all on his own and it doesn't come to c-sections or him being moved.

Rere - how's the temp doing?
Hi Girls. :hi: Hope everyone is doing well. Lots of action in here lately and I'm a bit rushed, so I can respond to everyone.

No AF yet. I just still have the sore boobs and heavy-ish feeling uterus, but cramping is gone. I can tell the progesterone is out of my system bcz my tummy feels better. Now the worry sets in of "will I actually get AF?" This game just never ends. Now I just hope she comes because I read a lot about gals taking provera and not getting af. Joy.
Hi ladies! May I join your group here?

Here is a little background on me...I had a tubal reversal March '10. I was left with 5cm on each side. We TTC for the first time in late April '10 BFN. I moved to IN to take care of my sick gma and DH stayed in TX (he is Army). We TTC in July and Aug during his visits but no luck. He deployed in Sept '10 to Iraq for 12mo. We TTC on his leave Feb '11 using clomid 50mg CD3-7 BFN. Fastforward to Sept '11 when he got back to TX we ttc no luck on clomid again. TTC in Oct with no help. He FINALLY moved back here with me Jan this year. I was Birth Control bc in Dec I went to see a jerk RE who said my tubes were closed but I knew they weren't because the year before I had an hsg. Any who had the lap end of Jan nothing wrong with me at all! Took me 4 wees to get AF back after that so last day in Feb started 50 mg Clomid CD3-7 BFN. Ended in a residual cyst so went on BCP again for 3 weeks and now I started clomid CD2-6 100mg yesterday!
JWB temps doing okay :) hopefully a nice rise tomorrow :) How are you doing??

Turbo- my fx'd that af turns up soon for you :hugs: you had no spotting thats a good thing during your pills :) saying that my af took ages after this provera cycle too!

Fluterby429- :hi: of course you can join :) welcome to the thread :) sound like you have had quite a journey like us ladies :hugs: gl with your clomid cycle how many are you allowed? Hopefully you get your bfp this cycle hun :)
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
:happydance: congrats on your bfp Caz!!

AFM-i'm on cd 2 of my second cycle after the surgery. AF is so much better to me now, its amazing how good it feels! the surgery was worth it just to have a nice cycle. I'm not ttc anymore, check out my journal if you want more info :dohh: i have to get mine and dh's life together first. its been one thing after another, but i guess thats life. i will still be checking in on you ladies and hoping you get your bfps soon!
Hi ladies! May I join your group here?

Here is a little background on me...I had a tubal reversal March '10. I was left with 5cm on each side. We TTC for the first time in late April '10 BFN. I moved to IN to take care of my sick gma and DH stayed in TX (he is Army). We TTC in July and Aug during his visits but no luck. He deployed in Sept '10 to Iraq for 12mo. We TTC on his leave Feb '11 using clomid 50mg CD3-7 BFN. Fastforward to Sept '11 when he got back to TX we ttc no luck on clomid again. TTC in Oct with no help. He FINALLY moved back here with me Jan this year. I was Birth Control bc in Dec I went to see a jerk RE who said my tubes were closed but I knew they weren't because the year before I had an hsg. Any who had the lap end of Jan nothing wrong with me at all! Took me 4 wees to get AF back after that so last day in Feb started 50 mg Clomid CD3-7 BFN. Ended in a residual cyst so went on BCP again for 3 weeks and now I started clomid CD2-6 100mg yesterday!

hello! you've been through quite a long wait to get your ttc in! welcome to our thread. wishing you the best!
Teddy glad af is better :) oh no I am going to have a peek at your journal tomorrow as I am in bed on my phone wikl take me ages to read through it properly :hugs: xx
thanks for the welcome ladies.

Teddy I will check out your journal! I'm sorry hun. Sometimes life gets away from us and we just need to regroup!!!

scerena IDK how many cycles they will let me do. None of them have been back to back so I guess that works in my favor. My last appointment she mentioned trying clomid a couple of more cycles and then moving on to IUI but it is pretty expensive.
welcome fluterby and congratulations to caz,thatsagreat news,happy and healthy 9 months
Flutter- I hope that you do not need any more cycles of clomid and get your bfp this cycle :) How's the pills going? Any side effects???

Pink Mum- How are you? You disappeared for a while??? Doing good I hope???

Teddy- So sorry for all you have been going through :hugs: So sorry to hear that you are not ttc anymore :hugs: I hope things look up for you and your oh soon, I will be thinking of you, stay in touch please :hugs:

AFM- I got my cross hairs today... I am 3dpo- officially in the tww :)
CONGRATS Caz!!! :happydance: :happydance:

:hi: to everyone!! Lots of love <3
I am heading to a dr appt in a few! Praying for good news :) I will catch up when I get back!
:hi: pretty- gl at your docs appointment :hugs: whats the appointment for the iui?? Please give us a update :)

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