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Clomid Testers needing TWW Sanity

Hello all. Congrats puppymom so happy about your BFP.
So I am on cd 22 and if I ovulated last Monday I should be 10dpo. My breasts just started to get a bit sore by my armpits but that happens every cycle. Other than that no symptoms. I am due for AF around the 13th of this month.
Oh quick question has anyone gotten a weird rash on their face from clomid? I have a rash on the side of my face near my mouth that isn't itchy or sore and only really shows up if I am warm. Anyone else have something like this?

Hi, I haven't experienced any rash with clomid. Is this your first time taking clomid? Perhaps you should see your Dr (just incase).
Fx for you. Take care.
Well, I'm still getting + OPKS which isn't surprising...I suspect that I'll continue to get them until Saturday night/early Sunday. We are going to DTD tonight and Sunday just to cover our bases...I'm having WAY more cramping this month than last month though I'm not really sure what that could mean. I think I'll start using my progesterone cream on Monday.
December I had 4 positive opks this month so I think it's quite common when taking clomid.
December... i have weak ovulation so opks are dark for 1-2 days max. On clomid its obviously stronger so I get 3 days of very strong positives and then maybe 1 day of lighter positive.

Forrest....i have ovary pain when I ovulate. I also sometimes feel twinges discomfort during the tww but I don't trust it as symptom...since I've learned that clomid can give me weird signs.

AFM - 5dpo today!!
Hi Ladies :flower: mind if I join?
I'm testing 03/21 :D

*Hi Luna :hugs:*
Hi Hoping!

Welcome :)

What cycle of clomid/ femera are you on?

How's your TWW going?
Hi Hoping!

Welcome :)

What cycle of clomid/ femera are you on?

How's your TWW going?

Thanks for the welcome Breaking Dawn :flower:
I'm on cycle 2 of Clomid... Cycle 1 was back in November - I had my bfp on the 1st go but had a D&C in January, so this is the first month I'm back in the game since November, I'm pretty pumped about it :)
2ww just started today so I'm trying to keep my mind off of all of it!!!!! Of course we all know how that is.
How goes it for you!?
Hoping...sorry to hear about that :hugs:
Goodluck...hoping it will be first try again! Fx

I'm not too far ahead of you, Od on the weekend so 5dpo today.

I've had 3 cycles of clomid all bfns. So Dr put me on femera this cycle to change things up.

When are you testing?
Thx :hugs:
5 DPO! Eeek! :) When do you plan on testing? Some ladies from another thread I'm on had great things to say about femara - so that's good. My doc has never mentioned it to me.
I'm testing 3/21 and I'm going to try to stick to that! Last time I started testing at 9 DPO and didn't get a BFP until 11DPO. 3/21 will be 14DPO so I would think it's safe to test at that point.
So I ovulated a 1-1.5 days later on Femera compared to clomid and even natural cycle. But my LP is always 14 days, so I think AF is due on the 18th.

I'll be tempted to test by the end of next week I think...hahaha 11 dpo.

The only thing that's gonna stop me is that I have a girls night out on sat. And I would love to just go out and party...lol. possibly one last time.

So we'll see what wins out my patience or my curiosity.
:rofl: You know, neither of those are my strong points so I'm not sure which of those would win out for me. I will look forward to seeing how that works out for you.
It's easy for me to sit her when I'm ONE DPO and say I'm going to wait until 14DPO but we all know how that goes.... LOL!
Lol...I know what you mean.

So right now I'm thinking girls night out will win and I will end up testing on 17th. Only bc if I DO get that early precious bfp how will I avoid drinking without the girls noticing. Unless I fake it...lol

And we had a chemical bfp at 4 weeks in Oct so I really do not want people to know early on in the pregnancy.
Great, Decemberwait, I'm glad to be testing with you! You think you'll cave and test early?
After two early losses, I don't want to test early. I'd rather not know if possible...hence my reason for waiting until I've actually missed my period to test. Though with my loss last month I was getting + tests at 15DPO...I'll just have to hope for no spotting and a strong + if I do conceive this month.
Hi ladies, Fx for you.. af is due for me on the 19th so ill test when it's officially late. Good luck.
Ok so now I am on CD 24....which means I am 12dpo, I had terrible cramps this morning that only lasted about 2 minutes and nothing since. Breast tenderness is getting worse. I wonder what is going on, I am hoping to test by 15dpo if I make it...here's to hoping!
I know the feeling all too well, DecemberWait :hugs: I hope this cycle brings you your sticky bean!!!

Maisypie, sounds promising!! FX'd for you!!
Hello ladies,

After being on 50mg clomid for 3 months, ttc #2 nothing happened /0:-( I got so disheartened. Then whilst waiting for my next prescription, we relaxed. No ovulation charting, no planned BD, no stress. We BD only twice in my cycle.

Then today I got my BFP!

So don't give up hope :)

Baby dust to all!

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