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Clomid Testers needing TWW Sanity

I'm sorry ajd36 and Maisy! It's so hard to feel like you did everything right and AF still shows. Don't give up...the next cycle could be the one that works :)

As for me...I am 4DPO. I started my progesterone cream today. I am not having a SINGLE symptom but that's not strange as there probably isn't anything much going on yet. I am happy with our timing this month...I feel hopeful. Only 11 days until testing...if AF doesn't show :)
Sorry AF got you adj :hugs:

Mama...goodluck hun!!!

December ... You're right...4dpo is too early for symptoms ...Fx!!!
Thanks guys! I'm hoping last
month was just my warm up cycle to using Clomid and maybe the IUI in two weeks will be the one that works for me.... keeping my fingers crossed!

What are you girls taking for TCC meds? I was looking online about ordering some sticks that detect at 10 and saw these vitamins and then some extra ones to help the egg quality... anyone have any luck with those?!
Hello everyone,

I'm new in this group so wanted to say a quick hi.

I am about 3dpo on my first clomid cycle. Haven't a clue what to expect in the way of symptoms, but I guess it's way to early to notice any.

I think I'm 3dpo. I looked online at a clomid ovulation calendar and it says based on the days I took the clomid I should have ovulated between 3-10th march, so I'm just going by 10th as my ovulation date as I didn't test. Does this sound about right? I started my clomid on feb 24th.
Looks like I am officially out this cycle as AF just showed her ugly face.

Big :hugs: to you ajd. Let us know how your appointment goes.

I am not having a SINGLE symptom but that's not strange as there probably isn't anything much going on yet. I am happy with our timing this month...I feel hopeful. Only 11 days until testing...if AF doesn't show :)

DecemberWait, no symptoms really for me either, besides gas, which I can't count on being an accurate guage! :haha:

Hello everyone,

I'm new in this group so wanted to say a quick hi.

I am about 3dpo on my first clomid cycle. Haven't a clue what to expect in the way of symptoms, but I guess it's way to early to notice any.

I think I'm 3dpo. I looked online at a clomid ovulation calendar and it says based on the days I took the clomid I should have ovulated between 3-10th march, so I'm just going by 10th as my ovulation date as I didn't test. Does this sound about right? I started my clomid on feb 24th.

Hi and welcome :flower: to you daisy. Clomid makes you O at all different times. My first cycle I O'd on CD17, and this round I O'd on CD12. So it's difficult to tell what DPO you are right now, have you thought about temping?

I first decided that I'd just like to do this thing without putting too much pressure on us so was just going to take it as it comes. I now realise that is easier said than done. So yes I think i might get some ovulation tests or start temping next cycle.

It's driving me mad not knowing what's going on. I didn't think it would get to me so much. Lol :wacko:
Let's just hope there won't be a next cycle, how's that? ;)

And I know what you mean. I didn't think I'd get so consumed with this process either but, when you TTC for so long, it's difficult not to let it take over. When is AF due?
Let's just hope there won't be a next cycle, how's that? ;)

And I know what you mean. I didn't think I'd get so consumed with this process either but, when you TTC for so long, it's difficult not to let it take over. When is AF due?

Haha that sounds great!

Well I'm not sure really when my af is due. I guess if you go by a 28 day cycle it will be march 22nd. I never really had af's before this and if I did my cycles were about 70 days.

I have my 21 day bloods on Friday, so I will see if its worked.
Adj...i take a prenatal vitamin as well as vitamin D.

Hi Daisy..Welcome to the group...
Usually clomid causes ovulation on cycle day 14. And then AF 14 days later.
Did you start clomid on the 1st day of your cycle? Ie first day of AF?

Hoping...how's it going?
Breaking Dawn I'm going crazy over here, waiting for time to pass. It goes by so slowly!!!! AHHHH!! lol How about you? You're 9DPO today right?
That's exactly when I started testing last time. I know it's tempting! You're planning to wait until Saturday though?
Hoping...i am SO tempted to test. lol

This morning when I got into the car I had a bout of nausea...you know when you feel like that then you get watery saliva in your mouth. and then I took a deep breath and it was gone.

I think it was bc I didn't have anything to eat was running late.

But it's got me tempted to test!

Youre 5 dpo today?
Oh wow!! That's a good sign, I so so hope it's your :bfp:, Breaking Dawn. Try to hold out until at least 10 DPO to test though, you dont' want a bfn to bring you down right now. Are you having any other symptoms? It's so early for symptoms.
But again I don't blame you for wanting to test. Last cycle I tested 9DPO and got a bfn, didn't test 10 DPO, and then got a bfp on 11DPO. SO it depends on how much the bfn's get you down!
The devil on my shoulder wants you to test too :haha:
Yep 5 DPO, so I have a while to go!
Haha hoping ... you make me laugh.

Here are my symptoms (that could all be explained to food/hunger.

6dpo - ...thought I was going to vomit at dinner...left the table and headed to the ladies room, I was in a restaurant. by the time I got there the feeling had passed.

7 dpo... in car with DH and felt sweaty hot, took off my scarf and turned the air to cold

9dpo ...nausea in the morning

I really want to :test: but I'm going to hold off...
Omgggaaaa those sound really promising. So when exactly are you holding off until? :haha: I can't get you to commit to a day can I?! ;)
I've got girls night out this weekend.

If I test...i'll either be getting drunk to a bfn. or faking drinking so no one figures it out!

I have no tests...thats stopping me...lol
^^work on faking that look, becuase I'm crossing everything that it's your cycle!
Thanks hun!

So are you feeling anything different this cycle?! It's still early though.
Not really, I feel pretty normal. It is still super early. I have another 9 or 10 days until testing! :loopy:

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