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Clomid Testers needing TWW Sanity

Okay I hate the wait, 13dpo, no real symptoms, checked my cervix (more for spotting purposes) and my cervix is high hard and closed..does anyone know anything about this as a pregnancy sign??
Okay I hate the wait, 13dpo, no real symptoms, checked my cervix (more for spotting purposes) and my cervix is high hard and closed..does anyone know anything about this as a pregnancy sign??

Unfortunately, your cervix is not a reliable way to check for signs of pregnancy. It changes too much throughout the day. I would test...or maybe test in the morning? If you will be 14DPO tomorrow then that is a good time to get an accurate result on a HPT. Good luck!
Mummy, that's very sweet of you to post this, gives me hope :hugs: congrats on your :bfp:!!!
Mummy...congrats Hun. Thanks for the kind words!

How is everyone doing? I'm half way thru the TWW today....yaaaaay!
Hi everyone,

I just joined the boards but have been reading them and ttc for almost a year now.

I did my 3rd IUI last month (first time using Clomid) and have been POAS for the whole last week. I'm pretty sure I am out this month... DPO 15 BFN... but I also had one red spot when I wiped on DPO 11 so I was praying for IB maybe?? I know the chances of pregnancy with late implantation and if I do get a BFP to be prepared emotionally for bad news soon.

But here is where the tww is hard for me.... I have been visiting a friend for then last few days and POAS at her place... My last test I had with was today...... My flight home was canceled tonight and I'm stuck in a hotel without any more tests to try :,(

Lol, I guess I am being forced by the universe to wait for AF..... Just too hard lol

Baby dust to all and good luck!!!!
Yay Breaking Dawn!! Halfway there, you can do it!

adj Keeping my FX'd for you, :hugs:, try to stay patient!

AFM, I'm 4 DPO and trying not to think about it, trying to keep in mind that normally a week goes by pretty quickly except when I'm obsessing over it :haha:. Of course then again I'm on here constantly so that means I'm thinking about TTC constantly, it's a vicious cycle you all understand I'm certain :D
Ajd..goodluck hun! You're not our until the witch arrives!

Hoping.. i know exactly what you mean. Even when I'm not thinking about it...I'm posting on here so does that mean I'm still thinking about it? Lol

How are you doing at 4dpo?

AFM... I'm 8 dpo today!
Breaking Haha you know, I don't think so. I think being on here is just supporting our friends and giving us other things to focus on in a positive way!
With saying that, I'm pretty jealous that you're 8 DPO ;) haha I'm kidding

I'm doing fine at 4 DPO, just waiting on time to go by.... :D
Hoping... TWW moves sooo slowly. 8 dpo is when I get the itch to test and I usual hold off until 13 dpo bc I don't keep any tests at home!
Hey Everyone,
AF arrived today, so I am out this month. This was our last month on clomid (4 rounds) and we go back to the dr. in 2 weeks. I think I am going to take this month off, I am tired of the rollar coaster ride that is TTC.
I wish you all the best and BFP's for everyone.
Thanks for your continued support!
BreakingDawn AMEN to that. I have one test at home so it's going to be pretty difficult to resist testing. YOu're smart to not keep them at home!! :D BE STRONG! :D

Maisy :hugs: Sorry the :witch: got you. She's just rude. GL to you and come back when you're ready! Don't blame you for the break, we all need it at times. This process is EXHAUSTING.
Maisy..sorry hun :hugs: Goodluck with your Dr appt!

Hoping... ask your oh to hide the test...lol..

Yesterday I was feeling positive about this cycle. But today...i dont and expect that AF will be here saturday!
Haha that's a good suggestion. He'd get a little too much enjoyment out of that I'm afraid LOL.

I'm with you, I don't feel good about this cycle. I think becuase I'm feeling crampy today, which is really odd, considering I'm only 4DPO. I don't know why but they feel like AF cramps!
Hi, hope you don't mind me gatecrashing! I am currently in my tww on 1st round of clomid 50mg. 12DPO at the mo and Af is due in the next few days. I am going crazy with the waiting! I did an opk today, just to relieve my addiction a bit so I can wait a while longer (hah!) to do hpt. I'm symptom spotting like a maniac and I've even wondered if this cold I've got is a sign, all crampy today and feeling negative about it. Though the opk was positive, so that cheered me up a bit (i think I'm now at a point where any lines get me excited, what a plantpot)
Good luck to all you ladies, heres hoping!
Hi kissme!

Welcome to the thread. You're almost at the end of the tww...Fx for you!

How did you find your first cycle of clomid (+ hopefully your last!)

Hoping... i had some weird symptoms over the weekend...but I am not reading too much into them as they could have been due to other stuff.
Hi kissme!

Welcome to the thread. You're almost at the end of the tww...Fx for you!

How did you find your first cycle of clomid (+ hopefully your last!)

Hoping... i had some weird symptoms over the weekend...but I am not reading too much into them as they could have been due to other stuff.

Actually horrible, I don't know if it's just me being a crazy person but I was a monster while taking it. I have had night sweats like you wouldn't believe and I'm still getting them now. I thought the side effects would be over now? I feel like the two week wait is a lot more symptomatic for me. I've had a few odd symptoms- what are your weird ones? I've had a cold without actually having a cold- all stuffy and runny nose and cough but I don't feel ill as such. And all of my normal PMS has disappeared! My bbs are normally killing me by now- nothing. Very strange. I heard that clomid can lengthen your cycle too, I hope not, I don't think I could cope!
Clomid gives me weird tww symptoms, I would normally take it at 8 pm so didn't have anything while I was taking it each night. It was more after in the tww.
Looks like I am officially out this cycle as AF just showed her ugly face. Going for the ultrasound tomorrow to see if the Clomid left behind any uterine cysts.

Best of luck ladies :)
I'm on my second round of Clomid. The first round I didn't even ovulate. This time around I did BUT I'm upset that we missed the IUI since I ovulated earlier than expected. My hubby and I :sex: 2 and 4 days before I ovulated so I'm hoping that helped cause I hate taking Clomid. I'm 7 or 8DPO and I'm feeling all kinds of cramping but I'm thinking it's the Clomid and Metformin. I'm taking a blood test on 11DPO which I think is too early. We shall see. :dust:

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