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Clomid Testers needing TWW Sanity

Nah, I'm going to hold off until the 21st. I don't really want to waste $ and emotion on a bfn, you know?
Of course I'm saying that now. There's still 9 days between me and the 21st, and we'll see how those go. LOL!
It's so much easier to not test when you are < 10 dpo

After that it gets soooo hard!
Okay fellow Clomid & IUI ladies. I had my ultrasound today to make sure I didn't have an uterine cysts after having 5 follicles last clomid cycle. My uterus, ovaries and lining all looked great and I got the go ahead to use clomid again this cycle!!

She is having my start 50mg tonight on CD2 with an ultrasound scheduled next Thursday. If everything looks great, we are doing my first Trigger shot that day with an IUI on Friday and Saturday. It will be so great to finally not just rely on the Smiley Face on OPK.

I've started to see a lot of DHEA and CoQ10.....what do you ladies know and think about using them? I've seen mixed things.
Breaking Dawn - I had the craziest dreams last night.. I hope this is a good sign xx We'll see. How are you feeling???

ajd - Sorry, I'm not very familiar -- wish I could help! Glad you're being cleared for another Clomid round though!!
Hoping...how's it going? weird dreams are good. You're almost half thru the tww!!!!!

I'm 10 dpo today. Feel very out, nothing going on.
I just dreamt that I was pregnant and could feel my baby kicking, it was so so real, but that's probably just because I want it so so badly.

I still have my FX'd for you - are you testing tomorrow?
Hoping. I want to test today. But isn't 10 dpo too early?

Will I see a bfn ? Then I wil be upset...and then wonder is it to early...and just be a mess...lol
I think it's best to wait until 15DPO because that is technically the first day of your missed period, ya know? I have always been a chronic POAS'r but not this month. Sometimes I even start testing at 6DPO...which I am today...but I have zero temptation this month. IDK...I guess after ALL the money I have wasted and allllll of those BFN's, I just don't feel like wasting my money or emotions any longer. If my period doesn't come by 15DPO I will test. I am feeling ZERO symptoms but I am only 6DPO which is way too early for symptoms. Some beans don't even implant until 12DPO!
.10 dpo is the day I. Am tempted to test every cycle. I only test the one day then wait for AF and blood test.

December I agree with you on testing too often.

So, I did test this evening at 10 dpo and it was negocios. No line at all.

Sucks. 3 bfns on clomid..And now bfn on femera.

So now wait for AF...and blood test on Sunday.

I feel so blah now....
I am queen of POAS like crazy! I love to drive myself crazy trying to decide if i can make out a line or not!

This past cycle I finally got an appreciation for how early testing may help. I have had two miscarriages already and I know for the first one that IB happened on dpo 11&12... which carries a 50-85% percent of miscarry....knowing that is hard, but if I get a BFP later in the game then I can be emotionally ready for how it plays out.

I'm sad....I feel like I have been robbed of perfect carry free pregnancy that so many people experience. I am going to be scared of everything during my pregnancy.

Sorry, went down a different path on this message than I planned....but I had to get that out.

Question for you ladies though....this was my first Clomid cycle and today I had the MOST blood from AF that I have ever had....soaked two tampons in 4hrs...and now its almost gone. Has anyone else seen this?
.10 dpo is the day I. Am tempted to test every cycle. I only test the one day then wait for AF and blood test.

December I agree with you on testing too often.

So, I did test this evening at 10 dpo and it was negocios. No line at all.

Sucks. 3 bfns on clomid..And now bfn on femera.

So now wait for AF...and blood test on Sunday.

I feel so blah now....

You aren't out. 10DPO is too early to get an accurate result! Wait a few days and test again :)

7DPO now and no symptoms. Not one. Still early though so who knows!
Breaking Dawn I agree with December - you're not out yet!!! It was only 10 DPO when you tested. My last bfp I got a bfn on 10 DPO too, and then got a bfp on 11 DPO (albeit extremely faint). So don't give up yet!! :hugs: Maybe just wait until tomorrow before testing again?

Decemberwait How are things going for you? I'm 7DPO today as well. The only symptom I can report is feeling gassy and bloated, but that's a common side effect of Clomid too I believe. So I don't feel too optimistic either, but like you said, it's still early!!! When are you testing?

ajd Honestly I didn't notice a shift in my AF like you're talking about. That's just me though. Never hurts to call your doc and report this change just in case they want you to come in, although they'll likely tell you it's just the Clomid. :hugs:!
Thanks for the support!

I just feel out...I'm not testing again unless I'm late.

I've satisfied my urge to test..

I went back to look at my calender for the month I had a bfp which ended in a chemical.

We were NTNP so I tested with a frer on 18 dpo after missed AF on 15 dpo. I got a light line.

It never got darker... hence the chemical.

On 20 dpo I had blood test and hcg was 100. Then it started dropping.

Because I never tested early... i dont know what dpo the earliest line could have been.

I know it's still early but so many ladies are getting faint lines on frer at 9-11dpo.
I understand what you mean, but it is still early. Try to remember that :flower:

Seriously fighting the urge to poas right now. I mean really? 7 DPO?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oops I hit send

I meant to add that I am always fighting the urge to POAS the closer I get to 10dpo...

Fx for you...hold off a few more days :)
8DPO and still nothing other than very slight breast tenderness which is normal for this point in my cycle. Still early, but with my two chemicals I felt more symptoms by this point. If this cycle doesn't work next cycle will be my last chance with Clomid before moving onto trying to see a specialist.
Same here, December. Zero symptoms. Even the gassy/bloated feeling I reported for a few days is gone. I'm feeling more and more like there are zero chances I'm getting a bfp this cycle - and I'm also in the same boat you are with Clomid. I have one more round and then it's off to a FS. I really hope neither of us have to go that far! FX'd!

How's everyone else feeling?
Goodluck ladies.. hope the clomid works before moving on to the next step.

I'm 12 dpo today.

My cycle is normally 28 days and AF would be due today. But I O'd late so I'm 2 days behind. I'll have 30 day cycle. Expect AF Monday (Sunday night).

Dr likes to have me come in for blood test even if u get AF just to have complete blood work.

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