OH and I are going to his urologist together on November 11th. WOOHOO! First time that I will be able to go with him to the doctor so we can get some answers together. Finally some light at the end of the tunnel!
STG, giggling at "witchlets"
Yay for light at the end of the tunnel!
So excited to see this positive, I had to share!! I've never had one like this! I guess maybe I never had a true positive? Anyway, I have it now. Yay!
Yay for a long awaited positive opk!
*sigh* I feel out again - no spotting turned into pinky red again. Im so over this. its been 11 months. imsofuckingdone.
I feel you!
Boo spotting! There's still a chance of the witch not following, but it's not comforting to see the witchlets, not comforting at all.
I wont see him until Nov 8th at the earliest. I felt fat and gross but I was like "it's ok if Im pregnant" i'll be worth it.... but I'm sure I"m not and now I'm just fat and gross. All i want to do is go to the gym for three hours and work out until I bleed and then do it all over again. The doc told me I had to eat and stop weighing myself - what's the point if i'm not preggo? so i can feel disgusted with myself for failing to get preg AND also for not fitting into my clothes.
I'm so sorry you are feeling this way!
I know it's hard (I still battle it), but remember that not getting PG is NOT a moral failing or your fault. You are doing your best and the rest is up to the luck of the draw.
And gaining weight is NOT a moral failure either, esp. if your doc has ordered you to eat and stop weighing yourself (I've been ordered to eat before and it was a pain to no longer fit in my old clothes, but it had to be done). I'm sure your doc wants you to be healthy for yourself, regardless of whether you are PG or not.
I recommend adding some positive self-talk to your regimen. Repeat a phrase three times a day every day, and you'll come to believe it. It's like self-hypnosis for a good cause. It's really hard to do at the start (I've been there) but it's so worth it. Perhaps say, "I'm worthwhile and I'm also beautiful" even if you don't feel like you are. And everyone is worthwhile and beautiful in their own way, so it won't be a lie, even if it feels like one to you right now.
And remember, everyone here is in your corner rooting for you!
Hang in there!
Sorry I'm miserable guys. don't mean to bring you down. this week has been tough - i've barely been sleeping... loud neighbors. I slept in my housemate's bed last night in an effort to get more than 4 hours of sleep because his room is further from the noise
Aw, no need to apologize. That's part of what we are here for as a support group.
Sorry to hear about the loud neighbors, that sucks!
I'm sure you'll feel better when you can get more sleep!
Can you talk to the neighbors and ask them to quiet down during bedtime? Or report them? Or if they can't be reasoned with or reported, maybe get some reasonably comfy earplugs?
Yes! I will start the new thread on Monday, before I leave.
I'm thinking something like "remember remember, BFPs in November" or "we'll be thankful for BFPs in November" or "we'll be thankful forever for BFPs in November" - what do you guys think?
I like all of those!
If I had to pick a favorite, maybe the last one.
You are bringing anybody down Amelia! The TTC blues gets us all at some point. Can you report the neighbor?
Omg this progesterone stuff is gnarly. I can't wait to see my results from em though. Hopefully I break 10 this cycle.
FX'd the gnarly stuff is worth it!
AFM: Still spotting. Just pink and light tan mixed with cm, so far, today. Still nauseous and hot and cold flashy. Last night before bed, I had boobs of fire, but they aren't hurting at all right now.
At least my ears haven't gotten too wonky again. It's so hard to get on the computer and chat when the ear wonk is inducing anxiety attacks! Sorry I couldn't be here during much of my TWW, ladies!
Maybe the worst of the allergy season is over and I'll have an easier time of it from now on...FX'd.
On the brightside, DH fixed salmon last night, my favorite.