1. Vitex first thing in the morning
2. Red raspberry tea in the morning with breakfast
3. Raw multivitamins, fish oil, vitamin C, evening primrose after breakfast
4. Zinc around lunch time
5. Red raspberry tea in the afternoon
6. Baby aspirin before bed
7. Consuming less meats. The ones i do consume are hormone and antibiotic free, grazing/free range.
8. All dairy products consumed are also antibiotic and hormone free. I make my own rice milk.
9. Sunflower seeds after ovulation
10. pineapple core for after ovulation
All these are things I did before with the exception of the tea, zinc, baby aspirin and pineapple. Also, due to my progesterone testing, I will not be using the progesterone cream. Any symptoms this TWW will actually be real symptoms instead of cream-related!!! Hurray for no confusion!!!
Hoping for a
this month!
Forgot to add:
DH is taking raw multivitamins, zinc, lysine and royal jelly