[CLOSED GROUP] Trick or treat, Baby feet, Give me some chubby cheeks to eat

Sandy- I used softcups last cycle too and didn't get a BFP. This month will be our month :)

Are you still fully stocked on softcups? I have like half a box left that aren't going to get used lol
im praying for you ladies this month.... so you can announce it on xmas!
If we get pregnant, it wont be a secret even though it's risky.. after what happened, we cant keep it a secret.
Now DH and I are arguing... he's "trying to interpret the chart" and seems to think that there is some flexibility in determining when i ovulated.

I want to scream.

I want this baby so bad, we're talking about changing his flights to tomorrow morning just in case... but what if it fails again... what then? Month... what? 12? What do I do? Quit my job and leave? My show runs thru to April, I was hoping to get preg and finish up this show and then take time off to get ready for the birth... but if I don't get a BFP then what? Work is the only thing that keeps me sane, the only thing I can do that makes me feel successful.

My mother emailed to ask if I would be coming to Aust in Jan for my friends wedding - If can't take time off to get preg, how the hell am I meant to go to a wedding on the other side of the world?
agree with morgan - i keep mine under my pillow so afterwards i can just "alckailvielalkeszzzzeakkk!" them in (that is the crinkly noise they make. not romantic, but hey, you gotta do what ya gotta do. and most boys "understand" - meaning, a)leave or b)ignore that anything is happening.) haha. it only takes a second once you get the hang of it, but you should def pracitce with one of them beforehand. and once it is in, DONT move it to "check". just leave it. you'll know the next day if you caught the guys..... your cup will runneth over.
:rofl: you crack me up!
Ok -ive OPK at lunch (which is weird because a few days ago I did one and it was much darker but I'm hoping all the coffee ive been drinking is washing it out...) im not out until the temp spikes. AUGH.
Hi ladies, Sorry I am so slow catching up. I hope you all are well!
AFM:AF is offically gone, onto cycle 8.
Katrina, fx for lucky number 8 for you!

Amelia, i hope you can relax a little and enjoy DH coming to see you! Fx for you.
So I was terrified to tell DH all day about the pregnancy. I don't know why, I just was. We both had decided we were going to try right after the wedding but I was really surprised it happened right away! I decided to just tell DH instead of trying to come up with something cute. So when we got home he didn't even come in from the car as we needed to run some errands. As I was getting in the car I had a strange look on my face and I just stared at him for like 20 seconds. He said "What?" and I said "i'm pregnant!" he immediatley just smiled and teared up and said "really!?" I was like "yes!" and he kissed me and smiled. It went SO well. Now I kind of wish I did something cute.. oh well! All night he's kept yelling "this is amazing!!!!!!" and stopped me dead in my tracks in the parking lot and just hugged me and got all teary again. He is so proud!!!


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Aw yay, glad it went so well telling him.

Last pregnancy, OH was asleep and I ran into the room and jumped on the bed which obviously woke him up and just blurted out "I'm pregnant." He was half-asleep still so he didn't register it right away lol. This time, I made him analyze almost-invisible lines on my ICs so he knew it was a likely positive lol.
Aw yay, glad it went so well telling him.

Last pregnancy, OH was asleep and I ran into the room and jumped on the bed which obviously woke him up and just blurted out "I'm pregnant." He was half-asleep still so he didn't register it right away lol. This time, I made him analyze almost-invisible lines on my ICs so he knew it was a likely positive lol.

Lmao thats exactly what I did to DH this time at 5:15am. Fortunately he had to get up in 10 minutes anyway lol
Congrats, Britt! :flower: You are soooooo lucky! And on cycle 1! I envy you (but I wouldn't wish you any different - we should all be so lucky). Wishing you a H&H 9 Mos. :baby:

I'm glad the announcement to your DH went well! :)

britt - you could get a bun and put it in the oven. then when your hubby comes home, ask him to see if there's anything in the oven before you turn it on to do some baking. i think that would be funny.

That is an awesome idea! :lol::thumbup:

Hey girls!

My midwife just called me to let me know that all my bloodwork looked good except for the fact that I have an extra gene mutation on the MTHFR gene. She said she doesn't think that's causing the miscarriages because you usually have to have two mutations for it to cause them.

Do you girls know anyone with this issue?

I don't know anyone who has an issue with it, but I found these sites to be very informative when I googled: https://www.stephenwellsmd.com/mthfr.htm and https://doccarnahan.blogspot.com/2013/05/mthfr-gene-mutation-whats-big-deal.html

AF finally arrived last night... During sex. But who cares. She's here!!!! I have absolutely terrible cramps tho-- kept waking up in excruciating pain all night. Ugh.

Yay, for finally being out of limbo! :) What timing the witch had for you this month! :witch: :wacko:

:hugs: for the cramps!

My lab work just came back

Prolactin came back at 37, normal range is 3- 30.
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) came back at 4.18, normal range is .10-5.50
HCG came back at 6

No notes from my doctor yet as to what they mean.

Hm, with an hcg of 6 it sounds like you are or were recently PG. Hope the doc gets back with you soon! I can't believe you have to wait until Monday. :hugs:

STG- This is what the results said for the morph. First is DH's level, next is standard range, and the last one is the unit it is measured by

Spermatozoa, morphology 2 > OR = 3 %Norml

Ah, to the Google-mobile!

I found this page that was very informative: https://fertilitylabinsider.com/201...-strict-vs-who-criteria-whats-the-difference/

Long story short, your lab appears to be using the latest edition of the semen analysis manual and mine is still using the 4th edition (although it seems they are up on the latest since they deemed my DH to have good fertility even though he would have fallen into the subfertile/fertile category had they used the 4th edition scale that was listed on the paperwork, and it's probably due to them being up on the latest rather than the extra 5 mil sperm, I'm now thinking).

And this board here explains a lot more, I think (OP is a woman who's DH had 2% morph and is now PG, btw): https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/p...but-undiagnosed-fertility-classification.html

Long story short:
Yes same here, iI phoned my clinic as soon as I got the letter, they have stopped counting MORPH because its unclear if it matters and the results vary so much from lab to lab, also the criteria has been getting sticter and stricter that ever men who have gotten their partners pregnant within 12 months can have low morph when tested, in the latest study... i don't know how to take it, I am not gtting pregnant so something must be wrong... let me know how you get on, what were you told previously?

So, it sounds like the 2% morph isn't so worrisome because it's unclear if or how much morph matters in the first place, and it's not too far below normal and many people below normal have been fertile fellas.

Obviously better morph is more comforting, but given this info, I think you've got a good chance of getting PG with that SA result. Hopefully, for both of us the ovulation drugs they have us on will put us over the top, soon.

Ladies I'm worried - My temp dipped hard this morning.

96.81 (down from 97.20) and I'm worried I'm about to O and DH doesn't arrive until tomorrow night - I CAN'T miss this again by 24 hrs I'll break.... i can't take this.

Last month O was CD 16... i'm on 13.. i'm so scared its going to be 14.

:hugs: Sandy's advice is good, I second it. But I know it's hard not to fret. :hugs:

I used to get about three weeks reprieve before i felt like a total failure... but now it's down to about 1... i don't know if i can do this any more.

I am just so depressed. I've been depressed since 6am when I took my temperature.

Oh, I've been there. Exactly there. Many many times. :hugs::hugs::hugs: And I didn't think I could do it anymore either...many many times...and I'm still here. Still doing it. You are probably stronger than you think, but I know it's hard to see that now.

Here's what's been working for me in times like that:

1) Since you can't see the future, it's best to wait until you get bad news before assuming the worst (it has been my experience that it's not any less painful assuming the worst before it happens), so since there's still hope you won't O too soon, say "I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm hoping for the best, and I'm doing what can be done". Repeat it like a mantra and focus on your breathing until you feel more calm. Then immediately distract yourself with an engrossing task or a funny or engrossing tv show/book/game whatever, and the feeling should pass. It may come back, but then you can rinse and repeat if it does.

2) In addition to the above, give yourself permission to cry about it for a while but set a time limit per cry (like maybe 5 minutes and then breathe and distract yourself with something).

3) Remember, you are not a failure. We are all playing biological roulette here. It's a game of chance, and while there are things we can do to increase our odds, sometimes the stars just don't line up for us and that's not our fault. It's frustrating and it feels like a failure, but it isn't our fault.

4) If you believe in God or a Higher Power of some kind, then pray that God/the Power come into your life (I find it much easier to resist the nasty doomsaying voice when I do this).

I'm sending you prayers and well wishes as you go through this tough time, and know that we are all here pulling for you and care about you. :hugs:

when I get pregnant im gonna put an egg in a little nest with a sign 'baby byrd due to hatch _____'

D'awwwwww, that is too cute~!! <3 :3


AFM: I'm doing my best not to worry when I O. My ovaries feel more swollen than usual by this time, which I'm hoping is a good sign that they are going to mature better. And it's a good thing we BD'd at 12am because DH was tired when he got home from work today.
Eurgh if I keep Saturdays temperature discarded it moves my O date!! What do you girls think?

Because I didn't have a full 3 hours sleep beforehand. I guess I will have to wait until Monday and see if AF arrives and maybe discard again then.

If my CM is a cross between watery, creamy and EWCM today I put EWCM don't I?
Is it just me or did anyone else have a moment when they saw MTHFR and thought..

MOTHER F*CKER... ? I was so confused...

I have Fragile X in my genes- I'm intermediate risk. Which means my kids will probably be absolutely fine.. but if they end up carriers then their grandkids might not be so swell... Basically my options are donated eggs or they can screen the embryos... fail. I'm not interested.

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