[CLOSED GROUP] Trick or treat, Baby feet, Give me some chubby cheeks to eat

Oh Morgan! I'm a steelers fan too. Baltimore will be a tough crowd. Just be prepared for that! They can get downright MEAN and NASTY in Baltimore.

The inner harbor is pretty much the only place i'd visit downtown. It's got a lot of nice restaurants, and there is a huge aquarium! Fells point is also beautiful! It's a bunch of little pubs, and shops, and more restaurants! Other than that, I'm not real sure. My DH works in Baltimore and he hates it! LOL
Ah fellow Steelers fans! Man they are doing poorly right now, right?
for those worried about genetics... I wouldn't worry and just use your own eggs... assuming your DH doesn't have mutated gene as well. I am a carrier of cystic fibrosis and DH is not... so our kids will have a 50% chance of being carriers as well (but they wont have it). My DH is a carrier for spinal muscular something... and I am not a carrier ...so kids once again have a 50% chance of being carriers, but wont have it. My recommendation is when your kids are ready to have kids of their own that you ask them to get genetic screening done because that will give them information on if your grandkids will have it. At that point they can make the decision on what to do. I am in the same place, but I think it is just good knowledge to know, but not something to worry about. GOOD LUCK!
i ovulated!
"drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot"
yay, tww!
for those worried about genetics... I wouldn't worry and just use your own eggs... assuming your DH doesn't have mutated gene as well. I am a carrier of cystic fibrosis and DH is not... so our kids will have a 50% chance of being carriers as well (but they wont have it). My DH is a carrier for spinal muscular something... and I am not a carrier ...so kids once again have a 50% chance of being carriers, but wont have it. My recommendation is when your kids are ready to have kids of their own that you ask them to get genetic screening done because that will give them information on if your grandkids will have it. At that point they can make the decision on what to do. I am in the same place, but I think it is just good knowledge to know, but not something to worry about. GOOD LUCK!

You are correct Nikki! The other thing to keep in mind, at least with MTHFR, is that even if you are just a carrier (heterozygous) there are certain environmental stressors and chemicals that can cause certain, more serious, complications for the child even if they are just a carrier. For example, problems with detoxification and metals adhering (molecularly speaking) which can trigger things like autism. All of these problems can be prevented but only when those with the mutation know what to stay away from and what to do. (Example: I am now at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease meaning I need to get off my lazy behind and exercise!)

Again, I am only going on what I've read about the MTHFR mutation and using my Biology background. 24 hours of Googling MTHFR doesn't make me an expert LOL :haha:

I hope this helps someone. <3

I wanted to add, from what I read, that with MTHFR, even if you are just a carrier (heterozygous), you still have some of the effects as if you were homozygous only you have them less and it's not as serious. It's one of those "unique" genetic traits.
Eurgh, crappy day at work = crappy mood. Nothing in particular but I could just sit and cry!

Hope all you ladies are good :)
i ovulated!
"drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot"
yay, tww!


And thanks girls for the genetic info. Yeah, we had a talk - decided not a big deal. I looked back at my report and only *just* scraped into the intermediate category so nothing to get stressed about.

Augh Steelers... I had to live in Pittsburgh for 12 months and had to listen to the godawful "here we go" song almost every day. Sorry ladies. Not a fan over here - I OD'd a long time ago on all things Steelers ;). When i first arrived from Australia and would go running with my dog (black) I couldnt figure out why people were cheering me... then I realized my running outfit was black and yellow. :dohh::haha:

MY TEMP DIDNT RISE!!!! 96.9!!! However also don't have any strong lines on OPKs so now waiting to see some darker outcomes after ive POAS. Nothing remotely +ive so far (except for a random one that was darker than -ive but still not quite +ive on day 10 - weird. DH arrives tonight 9pm. Aiming to BD before midnight.

Sadly my housemate's car got hit this morning by a ****** in a big truck who then sped away. He was meant to have a boys night out but his car might be out of action and needing some serious repairs- i'm hoping my offer to "drop him off anywhere he needs to go" means he still goes out so I can howl at the moon with reckless abandon.
Genetics is a scary thing! Fx for those of you with issues in that area!

Bb, try not to stress! :)Il it looks like you covered the bases. Time to hurry up and wait again :)

So I woke up so hot and sweating! ! Ugh! I took my temp anyway. It was 98.5!! Now I know one doesn't mean much in the whole scheme, but that one is WAY off where it usually runs. I'm thinking it's related to a Clomid hot flash. I've been hot all morning. It's 40something outside and here i am opening the windows.. lol. I took my last clomid this morning. Will start guaifennesin in case I O next week. I have read 5-7, 5-10, and 5-12 days after the last pill. Such a big window, I'm starting now. Hoping its Thursday or before though. I'm nervous about this camping trip messing up my chances.. if so then maybe we will get a BFP to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. I want this so bad, but I cant let something i have so little control over dictate my life though.. it will all work out in the end

That's totally what it is. I would hot flash for 2-3 days after my last pill. I took my first pill last night at 11pm and slept through my symptoms I think because I am not experiencing any so far. Last cycle all I had was the flashes. Good luck!

i ovulated!
"drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot"
yay, tww!

Woohoo :bunny:

So I set up my HSG test for Tuesday and I am freaking out. I am such a nervous patient. I am going to be so freaking screwed when I get pregnant. The test is being done by Dr. Ted Lee and I am so uncomfortable with that. I always request a woman because I just don't want a strange dude down there. I am basically SOL if I want the test done this month. Dr. Lee is the only one available to do it. I am going to have to suck it up and get it done. I wish DH could be back there with me :wacko:
Thanks Nichole. So will my temps stay weird too? Fx for you, too! Did you ask if he could be with you??

That's good Amelia!
Genetics is a scary thing! Fx for those of you with issues in that area!

Bb, try not to stress! :)Il it looks like you covered the bases. Time to hurry up and wait again :)

So I woke up so hot and sweating! ! Ugh! I took my temp anyway. It was 98.5!! Now I know one doesn't mean much in the whole scheme, but that one is WAY off where it usually runs. I'm thinking it's related to a Clomid hot flash. I've been hot all morning. It's 40something outside and here i am opening the windows.. lol. I took my last clomid this morning. Will start guaifennesin in case I O next week. I have read 5-7, 5-10, and 5-12 days after the last pill. Such a big window, I'm starting now. Hoping its Thursday or before though. I'm nervous about this camping trip messing up my chances.. if so then maybe we will get a BFP to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. I want this so bad, but I cant let something i have so little control over dictate my life though.. it will all work out in the end

That's totally what it is. I would hot flash for 2-3 days after my last pill. I took my first pill last night at 11pm and slept through my symptoms I think because I am not experiencing any so far. Last cycle all I had was the flashes. Good luck!

i ovulated!
"drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot"
yay, tww!

Woohoo :bunny:

So I set up my HSG test for Tuesday and I am freaking out. I am such a nervous patient. I am going to be so freaking screwed when I get pregnant. The test is being done by Dr. Ted Lee and I am so uncomfortable with that. I always request a woman because I just don't want a strange dude down there. I am basically SOL if I want the test done this month. Dr. Lee is the only one available to do it. I am going to have to suck it up and get it done. I wish DH could be back there with me :wacko:

:hugs: it will be okay but I totally get what you mean. I try to only have lady doctors, doesn't always work out though. You gotta do what you gotta do! :flower:
Your temps should probably regulate after a day or 2. I never had it go that high myself. You must have temped right in the middle of a flash. It's basically an x-ray so DH can't be in there.
Your temps should probably regulate after a day or 2. I never had it go that high myself. You must have temped right in the middle of a flash. It's basically an x-ray so DH can't be in there.

Thanks! I dont know if I should go ahead and plug them in.. i will and i can always take them out if I need to. I'm sorry dh can't go! :( fx for good news though!
Yay for the HSG, Nichole!! All will go well! eta-- I see a male doctor and actually prefer it. They're a lot more gentle and compassionate. All the women doctors and NP's I see are kind of rough.

Amelia, woohoo! Your chances are looking good this month!

Mirolee, LOL! Glad you O'd!

STG-- Doctor said that they consider anything under 5 to be negative, but in this instance, they're considering 6 to be negative too. He said that there could have been a chemical pregnancy that occurred, but given the sperm analysis, they don't think so. We're going to do a repeat prolactin next week.

AFM, we have decided to take a break from trying for a year or so. It kind of kills me to put this on hold, but we really need a break, and we really need all the emotional turmoil to calm down before we give it another go. The past few weeks have been really tough-- I kept finding myself resenting him for his infertility, without realizing that its really something he has no control over. I want him to know that I'm focusing entirely on his health and safety right now, that TTC can wait. The most important thing here is that he gets his body healthy enough to function properly. I'm going to have an IUD put in tomorrow (while on AF) more to stop AF from coming, but also to take the pressure off of OH. All the testing, surgeries, etc. will take a toll on him, and I don't need him to feel an excessive amount of pressure. I have never had an issue with AF regulating after an IUD. I get my cycle back the day my IUD comes out, and I generally O 14 days later.

OH has 3 more SA's in the next 6 months, as well as ultrasounds and a possible varicocele surgery. He has also been put on a vitamin regime- similar to Nikki's hubs but also large doses of Vit D and folic acid. I'll have the IUD taken out as soon as the doctors say we have a chance/ OH is ready to give it a go again. Right now, we're not in a place to even try.

I'll still be here, keeping up with all of you and following along. Just not an active participant!
Is it just me or did anyone else have a moment when they saw MTHFR and thought..

MOTHER F*CKER... ? I was so confused....
Definitely have been reading it like that and giggling at my desk...I'm so immature.
LOL I did that as well

i ovulated!
"drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot"
yay, tww!
WOOHOOO!! Yay Mirolee!!

Augh Steelers... I had to live in Pittsburgh for 12 months and had to listen to the godawful "here we go" song almost every day. Sorry ladies. Not a fan over here - I OD'd a long time ago on all things Steelers ;). When i first arrived from Australia and would go running with my dog (black) I couldnt figure out why people were cheering me... then I realized my running outfit was black and yellow. :dohh::haha:

MY TEMP DIDNT RISE!!!! 96.9!!! However also don't have any strong lines on OPKs so now waiting to see some darker outcomes after ive POAS. Nothing remotely +ive so far (except for a random one that was darker than -ive but still not quite +ive on day 10 - weird. DH arrives tonight 9pm. Aiming to BD before midnight.
YAY for not missing O!!!! :happydance:

So I set up my HSG test for Tuesday and I am freaking out. I am such a nervous patient. I am going to be so freaking screwed when I get pregnant. The test is being done by Dr. Ted Lee and I am so uncomfortable with that. I always request a woman because I just don't want a strange dude down there. I am basically SOL if I want the test done this month. Dr. Lee is the only one available to do it. I am going to have to suck it up and get it done. I wish DH could be back there with me :wacko:

I know what you mean Nichole, I generally request female doctors too. But when I went to the emergency room for my miscarriage the doctor that was working at the time was a man so he had to go down there and check my cervix. It really isn't as bad or awkward as you think it's gonna be. Everything will be fine.
:hugs: I think your plan sounds great Amanda. You have such a good attitude about everything that is going on. I hope the vitamins and everything else they are going for DH helps and he starts producing some swimmers. I am glad you are staying around here with us. We would miss you a ton if you left.
Yay for the HSG, Nichole!! All will go well! eta-- I see a male doctor and actually prefer it. They're a lot more gentle and compassionate. All the women doctors and NP's I see are kind of rough.

Amelia, woohoo! Your chances are looking good this month!

Mirolee, LOL! Glad you O'd!

STG-- Doctor said that they consider anything under 5 to be negative, but in this instance, they're considering 6 to be negative too. He said that there could have been a chemical pregnancy that occurred, but given the sperm analysis, they don't think so. We're going to do a repeat prolactin next week.

AFM, we have decided to take a break from trying for a year or so. It kind of kills me to put this on hold, but we really need a break, and we really need all the emotional turmoil to calm down before we give it another go. The past few weeks have been really tough-- I kept finding myself resenting him for his infertility, without realizing that its really something he has no control over. I want him to know that I'm focusing entirely on his health and safety right now, that TTC can wait. The most important thing here is that he gets his body healthy enough to function properly. I'm going to have an IUD put in tomorrow (while on AF) more to stop AF from coming, but also to take the pressure off of OH. All the testing, surgeries, etc. will take a toll on him, and I don't need him to feel an excessive amount of pressure. I have never had an issue with AF regulating after an IUD. I get my cycle back the day my IUD comes out, and I generally O 14 days later.

OH has 3 more SA's in the next 6 months, as well as ultrasounds and a possible varicocele surgery. He has also been put on a vitamin regime- similar to Nikki's hubs but also large doses of Vit D and folic acid. I'll have the IUD taken out as soon as the doctors say we have a chance/ OH is ready to give it a go again. Right now, we're not in a place to even try.

I'll still be here, keeping up with all of you and following along. Just not an active participant!

Sorry to hear that you're having to put off TTC, but it definitely makes sense. You don't want the stress of all this stuff to make you and OH fall apart. It will be good for both of you to take the time to just be together without having to stress about TTC. Looks like he has a long road ahead of him with surgeries and such, I hope that it all pays off and you guys get the baby that you want so badly. Will be sad though for you to not be as active on here :(
Mirolee- Yay for Oing!!!!

Amelia- your story about Pittsburgh CRACKS me up!

Amanda - Sorry about putting off TTC, but I think you're right about it taking some pressure off the relationship. Please stick around!

So proud of you and your attitude - you are protecting your hubs and YOU and that's awesome and will make you guys strong throughout these challenges.

Are you thinking of coming to LA soon? I have two dogs and a love of hiking... if you ever feel like getting some nasty LA air into your lugs (or we can just sit and eat and watch the freaks in Venice) x

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