[CLOSED GROUP] Trick or treat, Baby feet, Give me some chubby cheeks to eat

Because I didn't have a full 3 hours sleep beforehand. I guess I will have to wait until Monday and see if AF arrives and maybe discard again then.

If my CM is a cross between watery, creamy and EWCM today I put EWCM don't I?

I think put it in and make a note and be aware that you have some variability with AF date as a result. Either way you are covered from a BD stand-point, you guys got busy the day before both possible O dates.

Yes, put the most fertile in :)
What's fragile X?

My Mum carries a gene that causes H.A.R.D syndrome. It only affects the baby if Dad carries it too. My sister had a different Dad who also had the gene and sadly died. I could be a carrier but there's no test for it yet.
Because I didn't have a full 3 hours sleep beforehand. I guess I will have to wait until Monday and see if AF arrives and maybe discard again then.

If my CM is a cross between watery, creamy and EWCM today I put EWCM don't I?

I think put it in and make a note and be aware that you have some variability with AF date as a result. Either way you are covered from a BD stand-point, you guys got busy the day before both possible O dates.

Yes, put the most fertile in :)

Thank goodness. My sex drive has taken a nose dive again!
Fragile X is caused by a gene doubling on the X chrom... and it builds up over generations... kind of like mercury in fish - the little fish get mercury in their systems, then the middle sized fish eat them and get a big hit and then the large deep sea fish eat them and they end up with severe levels of mercury in their tissue.

Someone in my family had it and passed it on - my mother was likely the carrier and now she passed it onto me. My mother was probably low to intermediate risk... the generation before who passed it to her was probably low...

It causes intellectual disabilities and behavioral and motor deficits.

And because that is really f*cking sad here is a story that will make you laugh:

Augh HARD sounds terrible. Fragile is slower and needs generations to emerge.
Is it just me or did anyone else have a moment when they saw MTHFR and thought..

MOTHER F*CKER... ? I was so confused...

:lol: Great, now I'm going to be reading it that way in my head from now on! :p


Bummer about HARD and Fragile X (and my condolences for your sister, BB!) FX'd for neither getting passed on!



OMG, LOL! :lol: And this is why you don't eat stuff from the floor, Mister Weatherman! :haha:
Genetics is a scary thing! Fx for those of you with issues in that area!

Bb, try not to stress! :)Il it looks like you covered the bases. Time to hurry up and wait again :)

So I woke up so hot and sweating! ! Ugh! I took my temp anyway. It was 98.5!! Now I know one doesn't mean much in the whole scheme, but that one is WAY off where it usually runs. I'm thinking it's related to a Clomid hot flash. I've been hot all morning. It's 40something outside and here i am opening the windows.. lol. I took my last clomid this morning. Will start guaifennesin in case I O next week. I have read 5-7, 5-10, and 5-12 days after the last pill. Such a big window, I'm starting now. Hoping its Thursday or before though. I'm nervous about this camping trip messing up my chances.. if so then maybe we will get a BFP to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. I want this so bad, but I cant let something i have so little control over dictate my life though.. it will all work out in the end
So I was terrified to tell DH all day about the pregnancy. I don't know why, I just was. We both had decided we were going to try right after the wedding but I was really surprised it happened right away! I decided to just tell DH instead of trying to come up with something cute. So when we got home he didn't even come in from the car as we needed to run some errands. As I was getting in the car I had a strange look on my face and I just stared at him for like 20 seconds. He said "What?" and I said "i'm pregnant!" he immediatley just smiled and teared up and said "really!?" I was like "yes!" and he kissed me and smiled. It went SO well. Now I kind of wish I did something cute.. oh well! All night he's kept yelling "this is amazing!!!!!!" and stopped me dead in my tracks in the parking lot and just hugged me and got all teary again. He is so proud!!!
Aww that is adorable...I'm glad it went well telling him!!
Is it just me or did anyone else have a moment when they saw MTHFR and thought..

MOTHER F*CKER... ? I was so confused....
Definitely have been reading it like that and giggling at my desk...I'm so immature.
STG-Very sound advice, I think that ttc has made me more religious. Because the doomsday voice is just evil!
I don't know if I have any genetic issues but I because of my blood type and my husbands I will have to get shots, if I conceive. On a positive side this girl will probably have a new computer by next weekend. So those of you that are sick of me be ready. I will be back.
Is it just me or did anyone else have a moment when they saw MTHFR and thought..

MOTHER F*CKER... ? I was so confused...

I have Fragile X in my genes- I'm intermediate risk. Which means my kids will probably be absolutely fine.. but if they end up carriers then their grandkids might not be so swell... Basically my options are donated eggs or they can screen the embryos... fail. I'm not interested.

I've seen it referred to as the "Monday, Thursday, Friday" mutation... LOL

I'm not going to worry, be stressed or scared. It's all in God's hands and that is the best place to put it. I will keep doing my part with my natural supplements, BDing and, most importantly, faith and prayer.

People with the MTHFR mutation usually get extra high doses of folate as part of their treatment. Also, baby aspirin is part of the treatment so I'm happy that Ash reminded me of the benefits of it. I started taking the BA like 3-4 days before learning about my MTHFR mutation. The heterozygous mutation (the one i have) is not as serious and is not likely to be the cause of my early miscarriages. Most women with the heterozygous mutation have a normal pregnancy with healthy babies so I am not going to overanalyze anything and scare myself.

I believe one of the treatments for MTHFR is taking Lovenox or Heparin shots but I'm not keen on medications. I'm not saying i would never do it but, more than likely i won't . With the MTHFR mutation the body can't break down folic acid into the usable, natural folate. I don't take folic acid anyway. My raw multivitamins have 800mcg of folate so I'm good there. I ordered an extra 800mcg of folate supplements and B6 and B12 to help with absorpbtion. Folate is the best to take if you are TTC or pregnant whether you have the mutation or not. The body absorbs it faster and there's no "middle man".

All that being said, MTHFR mutations are VERY common (40% of the population). So common in fact that I am almost positive i am not the only one in this forum to have it. I highly suggest women get tested for it. If the mutation is homozygous the risks are higher. Also, people with the mutation are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease and their babies are at a slightly higher risk for other major issues which I will not get into due to their highly sensitive nature.

I'm not trying to scare anyone but I've done a lot of reading in the last 24 hours and I've come to the conclusion that testing for it (very simple to do) can prove very helpful.

Aaaannnd on that note, I'm off to my garden! The leaf spot and pickleworms completely took over my cucumbers. I'm going to pull them all out and try again. My peppers and cherry tomatoes on the other hand.... :happydance:

******The science teacher in me wanted to add this:

Heterozygous: only one copy of the mutation, one allele of the gene on one chromosome
Homozygous: two copies of the mutation, two alleles of the gene on both chromosomes

Remember, we have 46 chromosomes in each of our cells. 23 from from mom and 23 from dad. The only exception is our gametes (sex chromosomes) which have 23 chromosomes. Sperm and egg each with 23 chromosomes combine during fertilization to produce a cell with 46 chromosomes. Nine months later= BABY!
Morning girls!

Britt- About what you were asking earlier.. I say you call your OB or whoever immediately! Sometimes they have loooots of scheduling issues. They will most likely schedule you somewhere b/w 7-9 wks but still, just in case there's a wait, you may want to tell them now and get it out of the way! :)

Ohh p.s. so glad DH reacted in that way.. got teary eyed, awh! Congrats again!
Question for all you doctors out there- Safe to take Emergen-C to prevent a cold? I feel one coming on and want to try and ward it off. Or maybe a zinc supplement? JW what's safe and what's not, and what would work best. Mercy en advance ;)
I would drink OJ :) I was too afraid ro take anything. Or call uour doctors office and ask if it's safe.
I would call the dr. My prenatals have 100% of the vitamin c needed so I don't know how much more vit c drops/juice will help.
Smart thinking girls.. thanks :)

Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful fall weather!!
Nothing to enjoy here in Maryland as it's been raining for about 3 days. It's calling for a 50% chance of rain for my Marathon. UGH.
I am trying to enjoy it now that af is gone I can break out my leggings!
Oh my, sorry Britt. Hey we'll be coming to Baltimore Thanksgiving Day for the Steelers/Ravens game! (even though we suck ;)) Any suggestions on some good places to visit, I've only found a cool old train station to have brunch at. We have 5 days between flights, wondering what that heck we'll do there in the dead winter after the game is over!

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