[CLOSED GROUP] Trick or treat, Baby feet, Give me some chubby cheeks to eat

Going to update you guys over here. Went to first apt today. Blood draw, pelvic exam and abdominal US. Still too early to see anything and will have to wait till tomorrow or monday for hcg results. Viability scan on 10/25
Cassidy, tweak pls? Link to picture page 119

So the wondfos look like a bad batch with really horrible dye runs. I had a really shitty one cycle before last that was a dye run perfectly in the test line but it was false :( But I may see a very shadowy something on the FRER!


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Thanks! It's for a gf on here who just did her first iui. You're a pro!
Yay for O, Mirolee! :happydance:

Glad you didn't miss O, Amelia! :happydance:

So I set up my HSG test for Tuesday and I am freaking out. I am such a nervous patient. I am going to be so freaking screwed when I get pregnant. The test is being done by Dr. Ted Lee and I am so uncomfortable with that. I always request a woman because I just don't want a strange dude down there. I am basically SOL if I want the test done this month. Dr. Lee is the only one available to do it. I am going to have to suck it up and get it done. I wish DH could be back there with me :wacko:

I used to feel the same way, until I got a bad yeast infection and was so desperate for a cure that I didn't care who poked around down there so long as they gave me a cure, and so I settled for seeing the guy doc that was available, as opposed to my usual lady doc. After that first guy doc, I didn't feel so bothered anymore (it wasn't as weird/awkward as I thought it would be). Now, as long as the bedside manner is good, I don't care if the doc is a girl or a guy (I'm always a little nervous about seeing a new doc, though).

STG-- Doctor said that they consider anything under 5 to be negative, but in this instance, they're considering 6 to be negative too. He said that there could have been a chemical pregnancy that occurred, but given the sperm analysis, they don't think so. We're going to do a repeat prolactin next week.

AFM, we have decided to take a break from trying for a year or so. It kind of kills me to put this on hold, but we really need a break, and we really need all the emotional turmoil to calm down before we give it another go. The past few weeks have been really tough-- I kept finding myself resenting him for his infertility, without realizing that its really something he has no control over. I want him to know that I'm focusing entirely on his health and safety right now, that TTC can wait. The most important thing here is that he gets his body healthy enough to function properly. I'm going to have an IUD put in tomorrow (while on AF) more to stop AF from coming, but also to take the pressure off of OH. All the testing, surgeries, etc. will take a toll on him, and I don't need him to feel an excessive amount of pressure. I have never had an issue with AF regulating after an IUD. I get my cycle back the day my IUD comes out, and I generally O 14 days later.

OH has 3 more SA's in the next 6 months, as well as ultrasounds and a possible varicocele surgery. He has also been put on a vitamin regime- similar to Nikki's hubs but also large doses of Vit D and folic acid. I'll have the IUD taken out as soon as the doctors say we have a chance/ OH is ready to give it a go again. Right now, we're not in a place to even try.

I'll still be here, keeping up with all of you and following along. Just not an active participant!


Ah, well, at least the high prolactin will probably be an easy fix with meds, esp since it's only a little high. FX'd it is within normal on your next test, so you don't even have to deal with it. (I wonder if the high prolactin could cause the hcg to be 6... Hope they get some answers on that mysterious hcg count for you soon!)

As hard as it is to take a break, that indeed sounds like the wisest and kindest thing to do in this case (for both you and your DH). And your DH is lucky to have you standing by him with so much support. I'll be keeping you both in my prayers, and I'm glad you are sticking around to keep up with us! :hugs:

Thanks, Ladies. I will def still be here, cheering you all on. I can't wait to see all of your pretty little babies! It feels like the right thing to do right now. I kept on saying that something needed to change. I was in such a rut. I wasn't happy with my job, my body, my car, my house, etc. and realized that it was probably all the stress of TTC that was turning me into a really angry person. I've been working out a lot regardless, and I still hate my job today (just one of those days..) but everything is looking up now.

So glad the change is already doing you good! :thumbup: I admire your attitude here so much!

AFM, cd7 here...I heard back from the dr about my day 3 labs...everything is completely normal which is good but doesnt explain my lack of AF for 100+ days! I am going to start OPKs on sunday and attempt SMEP...but I don't know when I should start taking the guaifesen since I have no idea when I will ovulate. Will it hurt if I start taking it now and continue until O or should I wait a few days to start? I also did an OPK just now bc I can't help myself and there is a darker line than i was expecting...definitely not positive obviously but pretty dark...im confused now.

Glad your labs came back normal, and I hope they can figure out what was up with the lack of AF or perhaps it was a fluke and won't happen again!

With the darker than expected line, I get that as well, sometimes. From what I understand, the surges leading up to the final positive surge are just one's body's way of gearing up for actual O.

PS: Nicole - I'm with Ash - my termination doc was a dude and my Obgyn was a chick and frankly I preferred the dude - wasnt awkward, he was, if anything, extra gentle.

I've had a D&C performed by both a chick and a dude-- I cried through the whole procedure done by the chick, I was in SO much pain, she was really rough, etc. I threw up during the procedure I was in so much pain. The D&C last year after my MC was done by a dude. While it was still uncomfortable, it was nothing like before and really quite easy.

I think, because men don't have vagina's and have very little to compare it to, they are extra gentle. The only real comparison they have is getting hit in their junk, and that obviously hurts like none other.

One of the gentlest gyno docs I've ever had was a lady doc at the ER, so I think it just depends on the doc, regardless of gender. My gyno and FS are gentle as well, and both guys, and the 1 guy and 2 girl gyno's I saw before them weren't rough as far as I can tell (back then I had vestibulitis, so it didn't matter who did the exam or how gentle, it was going to hurt like the dickens...unless they numbed the vestibule first with something and it was one of the lady gynos who first helped me with the numby stuff).

So sorry that first D&C was so painful! :hugs:

I easily perfer men over women doctors. I had to see a woman GYN once and she just kept writing my pain off because "she had that once, and it was nothing" It really pissed me off. Men don't have vagina's or ovaries, so they can't compare pain.

That really sucks that she did that. :( Men can still brush off the pain as "you just having a low pain threshold", or "not being a big deal because it wasn't for patient x" though. For instance, although my 1st guy gyno was no different giving the exam as the lady gyno I was seeing at the time, when I had my yeast infection, both docs tended to not take my pain level seriously as something that needed investigation or as an indication that it was time to bring out the big guns. The guy doc gave me the wimpy cream instead of the pills, even though I had a really bad yeast infection and knew enough to say I had easily aggravated skin down there, and I had to go back and cry for the pills after trying the cream and it didn't work and inflamed the vestibule and made things worse.

And it was the second lady gyno that first worked with me to help me with my vestibulitis pain, so the first doc to actually help with the pain happened to be a lady.

And lady gynos having vaginas and ovaries themselves can give them good insights that guy docs don't have (like if her pain had turned out to be something it could have prompted her to investigate your pain quicker), so it's not necessarily a bad thing. Yeah, they can take for granted that other women would be just like them, but men can take for granted that other women would be just like some other woman they know, so anyone can generalize. Your lady gyno's problem wasn't that she was a woman and had her own pain to compare, it's that she generalized and took for granted that all pain of that type would be nothing because it was nothing for a certain person (in this case, her). A guy gyno could have compared you to another patient and done the exact same thing, even though he is unable to compare the pain personally.

I'm sorry you ladies had bad luck with some lady gynos, and I can understand that leaving a bad impression, but please don't think them being women was the problem.


That's my plan and thats what it is. It just writes it down. It just freaks me out having it on paper. Hubby said when he saw it, "I thought this was supposed to be fun.." :( I hid it after that.

Here's where I luck out - my DH actually wants it to be written down. He actually requests that I print him out a calender with the days marked and taped up at his computer desk, which I like and is handy for me, as well. (We call them "bunny days" and I draw bunny heads to mark them, btw. :bunny:) As long as we go "free range" outside the fertile period and have some purely recreational BD at some point, he's down with the process.

Sorry it's freaking you and your DH out to have it on paper, though. :hugs:

Although DH and I both like to have some feeling of control and order for the baby making part, he still doesn't like to feel like it's just baby making (and neither do I because I don't want the activity tainted with failure so that it ruins free range or non-baby making time), so I say that we "get to do it" on the doc assigned days (rather than "have to") and we put emphasis on feeling good/better/glad for the good stuff, even if we don't hit the jack pot on the baby slots. And I also do what Mirolee does, and remind DH that we are a team in the baby making project. We are hoping to hit it big on our next round of bio roulette, but we have to make sure to put our chips down when the big wheel spins.


I think I see a line on the FER too!


AFM: Sinuses have been kicking my butt, so DH and I went out for Mexican food (he was in the mood for Mexican food, anyway). They had a new menu item that is now my favorite: Seafood Burrito (with scallops, crab and shrimp, and a creamy white sauce). Yum! I also had a guacamole salad (I love avacados). The salsa was esp. good tonight, as well, and seems to have helped clear my sinuses. Hopefully I can get good sleep tonight.
I've woken to a free 5 day trial of FF. Anything I should check out whilst I've got it?

Feeling really nauseous this morning but not holding out much hope as my cervix is moving down and beginning to open. My temperature usually begins to drop at 11 DPO so I guess only time will tell!
Brittany- How are you doing?!

AFM, CD9. Will hopefully be O'ing CD12. Starting BD-a-thon tonight. Hoping for the next 3 nights. We will see. Softcups are in the drawer next to my bed waiting (BTW Ash, i'm good on softcups for now and hopefully will have tons leftover too, but if I end up taking way longer to TTC I may hit you up about them ;) ) lol

My temps are super low this month, wondering if I have stronger hormones when ovulating from one side than the other, is that possible?
Cassidy, I'm good just gearing up for BD marathon, getting really excited but trying not to get my hopes up for this cycle...We're almost cycle buddies, im on cd 8!
welcome to my peanut addicted hell

I cant.stop.eating them. They're mini snickers, no less. so I keep reaching for more more more.

oh, and starbursts.
I'm a sucker for anything mini...chocolate, candy, apps, etc. I can't stop myself!!
AFM, cd7 here...I heard back from the dr about my day 3 labs...everything is completely normal which is good but doesnt explain my lack of AF for 100+ days! I am going to start OPKs on sunday and attempt SMEP...but I don't know when I should start taking the guaifesen since I have no idea when I will ovulate. Will it hurt if I start taking it now and continue until O or should I wait a few days to start? I also did an OPK just now bc I can't help myself and there is a darker line than i was expecting...definitely not positive obviously but pretty dark...im confused now.

Glad your labs came back normal, and I hope they can figure out what was up with the lack of AF or perhaps it was a fluke and won't happen again!

With the darker than expected line, I get that as well, sometimes. From what I understand, the surges leading up to the final positive surge are just one's body's way of gearing up for actual O.

AFM: Sinuses have been kicking my butt, so DH and I went out for Mexican food (he was in the mood for Mexican food, anyway). They had a new menu item that is now my favorite: Seafood Burrito (with scallops, crab and shrimp, and a creamy white sauce). Yum! I also had a guacamole salad (I love avacados). The salsa was esp. good tonight, as well, and seems to have helped clear my sinuses. Hopefully I can get good sleep tonight.
The DR said the provera should just reset my system so I am hoping that I just go back to having normal cycles. Thanks for the info about the opks.
I LOVE avocados!! i could literally eat guac every night for dinner, yummm.
I've woken to a free 5 day trial of FF. Anything I should check out whilst I've got it?

Feeling really nauseous this morning but not holding out much hope as my cervix is moving down and beginning to open. My temperature usually begins to drop at 11 DPO so I guess only time will tell!
BB, what DPO are you??

Sandy, I also made a schedule for DH, I just highlighted every other day on the calendar and told him to bring his A game...He's been really good about this whole thing (probably bc he's been trying to get me on the baby train for 2 years lol) I think the only thing that makes him a little apprehensive is he doesn't want me to get too worked up and excited to just be crushed if we're not pregnant right away. I am going to try to follow SMEP so we started BD last night and I will start OPKs probably sunday....I've been taking the baby aspirin and started the guaifensin this morning.

Happy Friday!
Happy Friday girls!

Amanda, :hugs: everything will work out. A break might be just what you need. Enjoy time bonding together and loving each other to bits.

Brittany, you've been running for a while so I think you will be okay.
Good Morning ladies!! One day until my marathon! It's so hard to believe. Of course, it's been 50 degrees and raining for 3 days now, and doesn't look like it'll be much better tomorrow. At least I know I won't overheat, but I could still do without the rain.
Thanks Brittney! I'm so axnious! Want to be a marathoner!!! After several 5k's, 9 half marathons, and 2 16 mile races, I'm READY!
Thanks for all of the advice and thoughts. Hubby knows it's important so I'm just going to try to BD every day except CD 15&16 because of our camping trip with his mom, which I am VERY nervous about . I am absolutely hoping and praying to O CD 14 or before. So nervous, hopeful, anxious, excited and just plain scared for how this cycle will go with the clomid! We will see. Had a rough night last night because I don't remember touching our son while he was warm. Hubby assures me that i did, but between the anesthesia and morphine, it is all fuzzy.I only touched and held him after he was cold that I remember . I'm sorry if that is TMI or weirds anyone out. I'm just so scared that that was my only chance and I messed up what opportunity I did have.

Stg, i love avocados! Yummmmm!

Bb, when are you testing?

Good luck Cassidy!

Good luck with your marathon Britt!

Brittney, I started the guafennesin yesterday, temping today, OPKS Monday, and BD every other day probably starting Sunday. Drinking my green tea and have my soft cups ready to go! I hope the Provera restarted your system!!
Good Luck Hun. I really hope the clomid works for you!

AF is due Monday if my O date is correct. If my temperature dips tomorrow I'm not going to bother testing!
Sandy I still have thoughts like that too. Ones you can't get out of your head, but are still completely irrelevant. I feel guilt because I never kissed his toes. I tell hubby all the time, I just don't know whyyyy I didn't do that. So stupid and petty sounding, but makes me kick myself lots of days. You were in shock, you had just delivered and been hit with the WORST NEWS a person could literally ever get. We have been through hell momma, nothing will ever hurt that bad again. That precious baby in heaven is looking down just like Jaxon, wondering why their mommas are so sad for them, they are the lucky ones up with the Lord! You just have to think of it that way, as much as you'd like to re-do that moment, just remember that his SPIRIT is what will be alive forever. He changed you guys like we were changed, made us into the strong women we will always be! Thinking of you, of your sweet little baby, and of my Jaxon who is up there playing in the flowers with him. As well as Molly's little Silas. They are gonna have it all ready for us when it is our time to go, and that comforts me. Chin up Sandy <3

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