

Happy Wife & Mumma!
Feb 27, 2008
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Maddi's now going over to her 3-6 month clothes (very punctual baby she's 3 months today :rofl:) i've been sorting out her clothes, packing away what doesn't fit, which made me :cry:, and getting out all her new stuff. Anyhow's i noticed that most of the 3-6months stuff i've bought is lots of sleep suits and trousers and t-shits etc, not like loads of the little outfits i had in 0-3 months, i was just wondering what about everyone else? did u buy more of the same or different when you LO moved up sizes?
(hope this makes sense)!
I've been sorting out Chloes clothes and have found that she has 3 carrier bags full of 3-6 even though I bought her nothing, it seems to be the size people got as presents, she only has 3 sleepsuits tho!!
We have a pretty good mix of both, a lot of it are things that people bought us with a few thrown in that we got on sale last year. We moved Hannah over early but that was because the weather had grown cooler and her 0-3 months things just weren't warm enough (summer dresses mostly) not because she no longer fit in them :D
Ffion is still in 0-3, when she was newborn we bought mainly sleepsuits/vests and a few outfits but now shes older she has a few more outfits thanks to MIL
thanks ladies, it's really good to no what everyone else has, maybe a might do a bit more shopping for outfits, :blush: don't tell OH :rofl:
wish people had brought us more 3-6months, i didn't no she would be so big when born or grow so fast!!!
dont worry about buying oufits!

if Ffion is home she wears sleepsuits/vests.. its only if we go out that i put some tights and dress/trousers and tshirt on her.

tbh Ffion is more comfortable in a sleepsuit than she is in an outfit!
Most of Hannah's "outfits" are pants and a shirt. I don't even think we have any dresses in 3-6 month size. I do change her in the morning from a sleepsuit to "day" clothes but that's more for me than anything else (plus I guess I kind of hope it will eventually signal to her that it's day time vs. night time :D) I totally agree with Tezzy, it's more important for babies to be comfy than anything else
i do that in the morning too vickie, we both get dressed :) thanks, i agree, i do like her to be all cosy and comfy, especially now winters coming :)
Katie is 4 months and has loads of warm 3-6month clothes. However, I was looking at her 6-9 month stuff she got as presents and the dresses are really summery so I'm hoping the 3-6 month clothes will last a while. She was born in June and a lot of her presents were summer clothes. Pity we havent had much of summer :hissy:- I've had to put long sleeve tops below some of the dresses and cardigans and tights.
Katie is 4 months and has loads of warm 3-6month clothes. However, I was looking at her 6-9 month stuff she got as presents and the dresses are really summery so I'm hoping the 3-6 month clothes will last a while. She was born in June and a lot of her presents were summer clothes. Pity we havent had much of summer :hissy:- I've had to put long sleeve tops below some of the dresses and cardigans and tights.

Hun have you got any off the labels on still??? if you have take them back to the store and exchange them to something that you will be able to use.

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