Hi Sadangel777,
Okay I have an update for you. My CBFM (month one may not get a peak) showed HIGH this morning for the 5th or 6th day. My Ovacue says today is the "possible O'v" day. So I had some cramping last night, and I was thinking there is NO way this could be a period right? So I took an OPK (broke all the rules, did not hold urine had drank all day LOL) and it was 95% positive. So I was like ok, caught the surge maybe. Woke up this morning monitor says HIGH again. I decide to dip an OPK with first morning urine (another NO NO in OPK land) and it was still 95% positive! So I thought ok this is for sure a surge. Well for POAS fun I took another just now at 8:20 am, there is def a surge going on here...its getting very very close but not positive. My monitor will not tell me until my Vreading tonight if I continuing to drop or not. I also spit on my old ovulation scope (ferns) LOL.
So with all of these test, cramps (no EWCM only watery) I am thinking I am gearing up VERY soon.
Yep everything is syncing up but the CBFM because it is month 1 of me using it. Unless I cramp for a day or 3 and then get a peak.... but I have a feeling it is just around the corner and the Ovacue pinpointed it just right (the same week). Being I am new off the pill 2 months I am shocked I am trying to O'v on my old 29 day cycle!!! Day 14 or 15 or even 16-18? Not sure, but its coming.
Oh and my temp was 97.5 for 5 days straight, thought my BBT was broken or dieing..LOL so this morning I was expecting the ol' 97.5 and guess what I got a 97.3. Has not been this low since I was temping on my period.
Tell me all the signs are THERE>..... I just know it.