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Come on August Babies!!

Hmmmm - Ju bubbs - so hard to say - especially b/c on CDs 3&4 you were sleep deprived - or took your temps at a different time?

I guess we will have to see what tomorrow brings. Hang in there - and keep the baby dancing coming! :hugs:
yeah day 3 was about half an hour later than normal and day 4 i was up every hour in the night with my lil one! Guess I'll just have to wait and see!
Are you still on your preventing cycle or moved on now?
done with preventing - and trying like mad!! OH is worn out! :rofl:
That stinks Ju. Maybe the dip is implant? If it is going back up that is a good thing.
Woohoo for BD, let's hope this is your cycle Apple.

I think it is time to change our name again since I think we are moving into Sept.-Oct. babies now.
Forgot to add, going to be testing soon so we shall see when I decide to test what it is like. On a plus side I am having problems sleeping (can't get comfy and get pain if I lay one way too long), still having the excess discharge and I have been feeling nauseous.
Ah thas great Pamela.. good luck :D

Good luck for when you test KandK!

I'm slightly more confused today...was sure I O'd on cd 16 like FF said.. Had the ewcm, a +ve digi opk, temp rise for 4 days, then it went right back down... I got twice as much ewcm, so bad I though AF kept coming super early! so I did an opk yesterday IC one, and it was more +ve than I've ever had before... usually I have to do a digi to check coz the lines never go as dark as they should, even wen it is +ve, but this one was looooads and loads darker than the control line, so got excited thinking my temp would fly up today, and it didn't!!!
that's really strange ju bubbs! Maybe do a :hpt: just to be sure? Could be a month with two O's?? I'd call the clearblue help line and ask?? :hugs:
yeah I did do a hpt after I got that really strong +ve opk, but it was negative. I'm pretty sure now that I O'd yesterday... i was wondering if it was a second O I dunno how that works so yea I might email FF or clear blue or someone and ask about it! My temp has jumped up nicely today tho, so hopefull it'll stay up now and I wont go through all the O symptoms again in a few days lol! Really late this month tho, I'm cd24 atm! I was hoping af would be due by xmas day so I knew if I could drink without worrying it might be too early to get a bfp but be pregnant!!
Hi ladies, I've been MIA, lots of family here visiting for the holidays.

I'm going to do my best to catch up, just wanted to say hello and to let you all know that I'm here rooting for you!
good luck in interpreting that cycle Ju - I'll be interested to hear what the FF or CB folk say. And doubly interested to see what happens with the rest of your cycle. Roll on new year's :bfp:s!! :dust:
Well I tested twice today! I am such a POAS addict! The first was with pretty diluted urine the second was really dark. I got a clear BFN with the diluted, but I got a weird result with the held urine. I will post pictures in a bit.
My wacky, I don't what to call it, but it has to be an evap. Look how thick it is.
hon - I have seen early :bfp:s that look like what you have posted. What DPO do you think you are? Let's see what happens!!! Here's hoping.
I dunno anywhere from maybe 13-16DPO. I got an almost +OPK on the 3rd so I figured I just finished my surge or was about to start it.
Had another good sign this morning I almost didn't make it to the bathroom to puke and I have been sick feeling all day
wow - that is a great sign!! really hoping for you K&K!! :hugs:
Thanks! I just wish I had a better idea of where I am at in my cycle. The problem is I don't know how soon I would get a BFP because the earliest I tested with Keira was 10 days late, so there is a chance I might not have gotten a BFP before then. Both times I also got bad m/s before AF was even late, so I could even be earlier in my cycle than I thought. I just wish I would get a BFP or get AF back already.
I see your 9 days til testing, and I am loving that temp rise you have going on your chart. Looks like you are spending a lot of time in bed woohoo!
Well AF got me yesterday.... Which I guess it partly good. My husband's company canceled his disability so we are waiting for his lawyer to call us back, but until then we have no income. We also got a letter from his ex girlfriend telling us she isn't going to let us have his daughter visit after the New Year, that we put her on the back burner to our daughters, so we have to get ready for a custody battle now on top of it all. Plus we were about to start planning the girls 1st and 2nd combined birthday party, but we don't have any income to do that either. Ugh Merry Christmas to us.
oh honey - That sounds so rough. I'm sorry. Big big :hug:

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