come on metformin i want a bfp

Sorry to hear about that :/ my hubby can do stuff like that too but I am sure it is just a guy thing.. Even though they hate this, you really have to keep reminding them to do stuff lmao

My diet is actually pretty good :) I have limited the amount of meat I take, load my meals with veggies as fillers, have almost completely stopped drinking soda except for when we go out, reduced my carbs as much as DH will allow (he loves his carbs) but I do need to work on increasing my fruit intake.. About the only time I get fruits is when I have my daily home made parfait and it is just strawberries and blackberries. I think that my body just has a hard time accepting metformin so it likes to gk through these random rejection fazes lol

sounds like u got it covered...if u can just stand it until u conceive at least..that might be good....

maybe u can try splitting the 1000mg into 250mg with small portions of food....

that use to help me....cause i was also on 1000mg daily....

so the good news is amma do me scan on saturday.:happydance:..gosh i just wanna know everything is looking good and baby heartbeat is good.....
Woohoo!! :D that will be amazing to hear the heart beat of your LO!! I would assume it would make everything feel more real and not a dream lol

sounds like u got it covered...if u can just stand it until u conceive at least..that might be good....

maybe u can try splitting the 1000mg into 250mg with small portions of food....

that use to help me....cause i was also on 1000mg daily....

so the good news is amma do me scan on saturday.:happydance:..gosh i just wanna know everything is looking good and baby heartbeat is good.....

Ah eb, Im glad it worked itself out and you got an appointment so soon!
Exciting, just a few more hours.... :winkwink:

I find that when I eat carbs, bread, potatoes, pasta, I get a very upset tummy, I go at least 3 to 4 times a day. So I limit the intake of carbs.

I do have loads, of veggies, fruit, and protein.

And lots and lots of water..... I do have soda's, BUT as per dietician, I am to stay away from dark soda's.

So I have sprite zero and some times I have coke zero. But no juice at all.
Hey bab! Welcome! We barely get newcomers in this thread so jump right in. As for me, my metformin journey was a bit different. I dont have pcos, just late ovulation & I've had 4 kids naturally so when we started to ttc & it was taking yrs I took matter into my own hands had bloodwork, semen analysis, hsg done & everything was normal. So doc told me try metformin & Clomid. I got my bfp literally 1 month after starting those meds. I took the met til I was 3 months & it never agreed with me no matter what I ate, so yes I lost weight but it robbed a lot of my joy lol! I've since stopped & so far so good, just pregnancy aches n pains. Best of luck to u...glad to meet ya

Ebs- kmt glad u sorted..I can't wait to hear..oh needs to straighten up

Tymeg-hey darling! I'm feeling ok..big n fat LOL how are you & baby Emma? Is sis recovering well. Give Clyde a scratch round the ears for me lol
hey ladies,

thank u all for your support.......
yeah OH needs to straightened up...
so when i come back on i should be having the scan results......:happydance:

so how is everyone?.....i jus ate....i think i ate too fast....amma try to hold it.....

think amma also steal some work time and :sleep:
i cant help it...
Tymeg- I sure se of my issue is the carbs.. Hubs loves them but I have slowly been reducing the amount we have since it is healthier for both of us.

Tryn- thanks :D and congrats on #5!! Right now I would be thankful for one but there is a greedy part of me that wants a baby for every name I think of lmao! That would currently make 5 boys and 3 girls.... >_>
my family throws twins so it isn't unrealistic to get that many lol

ebony- can't wait to hear the news :)

asm..... Still no AF but I bought some frer tests to take after the weekend. Fingers crossed that I get a bfp ^_^
morning ladies,

i trust yall had a good weekend......

i had a fine weekend....

went for the scan on saturday.....

everything looks good according to the sonographer.....the baby measured one day ahead.....was moving alot......heartbeat seen.....but she didnt do anything to hear it.......the baby was moving alot.......i was given three pics only....but they are very dark...that part alone was disappointing.....amma try to load yall can see.....

so i am gonna do another in two weeks at a different place so i can get clearer pics....

so i think so far so good....

today one of our local radio airways started playing christmas music and is gonna do so until i wanna listen in and make myself happy.....
i am so thankful and i wanna get more excited and stop worrying soo much...

so what are u ladies up to?
That is awesome news!!! I can't wait to see the pics :)I am still waiting for the radio stations where I live to start playing Christmas music. . They usually wait until November though.Took an FRER today and it was bfn :/ I have been having more symptoms that point towards pregnancy though.. Like I have been having hot flashes (or what seems like them) I have been getting bipolar with my moods, my bb's have started to get sore off and on, I have been getting cramps every now and then and a ton of cm! I really hope that I can get this confirmed :( I don't want AF to come...
Hey Ladies....

Update on me, I should be ovulating any day now..... I am in a terrible mood, Im coming down with the flu, I have a runny tummy, And a huge ass headache and Ty and Clyde were both sick all weekend long.... :-(

My mother in law will be here from next week onwards, and we have to collect Ty baby sis and brother from the airport on Sunday, and they will be staying with us until his mom gets here next week.

I wish I was home now and in bed....

Eb I am so happy you got to see baby!!!

Tryn4 when do you go for your scan?
hey ladies,

i trust everyone is fine.....

hey tryn,....hope all is well,,
probably feeling lots of movement now...

so tymeg, is the family coming to live with yall??
i dont know if its just me or i think i got it from my mom but i dont like people living with dont matter if its family.....i dont like people in my place either....i just like me n OH n the dog.....his mom lives with us but we think she has a new boyfriend coupled with a night its as if she moves out cause she is hardly there.....:haha:

his son also use to live with us.....oh on that note i am now a granny in law...oh my goodness....OH became a grandfather over the weekend....he got a the son took his stuff and got a place for his 17 year old little missy n child.....i dont support it but he is 19 and has to stand by his practically the house is all ours....

so bab.....
u dont want AF to show huh......
ya know i had to wait weeks before the bfp was confirm....
if u read through some of the pages u will c the mystery...
ah i remember tryn saying we gonna have to launch a search party for my AF:haha:

i find that was so funny...
i was testing and testing and getting BFNs.....but very few symptoms....

some people wanna know right from 8 and
so ya know try not to focus on it too much....
so to start things off ....what are your plans for christmas?
Hey Ladies....

Just popping in to say HI... :)

Eb, yes his mom and 2 brothers and sister will come and stay with us for a week or two till there place is ready. His mom arrives at 5am tomorrow.

I like my own space, but because we hardly see them I dont mind.....

How is everyone doing??

I have such bad cramps today... Argh and such a headache....

How is the babies doing?
hey everyone,

i to am just poppin in myself.....

so tymeg that is great the family is coming...i think i could have dealth with a week or two stay not permanently......:haha:

i guess the baby is fine...feel a lil flutter here and there......

i am to see one or two highly recommended OBGYNS in next few days to see if they could come up with a plan to beat my hypertension during pregnancy...

so i am hangin in there

how bout u tryn.....long time no here...hope all is well..

bab how is it comin along???
Still no AF.. I THINK she is coming because I have been spotting brown but it will go away almost as soon as it comes. So idk what is up.. My uterus felt weird last night though.. Like it felt full and sore... It has stopped hurting today and so far no spotting.
Found out a tornado ripped through a near by city which is EXTREMELY rare where I live. I am a little freaked out because last night I woke up to my house shaking and it sounded like my roof was about to tear off!! No damage that I could see outside, but then again we don't have any trees around our place. The flower pots with my lilies in them seemed a bit damaged on my porch but that was about it.

When do you go in for your first ultrasound Eb??

Ty- I know the feeling! I love my family, but prefer to keep them at a distance so that I can enjoy them when I actually DO see them
hey bab,

i know what u mean....i find the earth on the whole behaving badly....doh wanna scare anyone but i think its spiritual......

i just pray everyday for good health and safety and thank GOD for life while i have it....

well i had two scans already....

d first was at five weeks nothing really was seen and the second a lil over a week ago....

baby was there somersaulting ...

i am trying to have another within 14 days....
i am hoping to post those so yall can see....

the ones i have are too dark....
Aww! I didn't know they moved so much this early! :) What does it feel like?
Hey girls...playing catch up...

Ebs-believe it or not the baby pretty quiet. Not too much movement. I feel fluttering & popping but nothing too serious yet.
Tymeg-enjoy your fam visit & hope the aches ease up
Bab-not sure for everyone, but babies move a lot early on but u don't really feel it. They are just too small. But on the ultrasound screen u can see them move. At 12 weeks I saw the baby put its thumb in mouth etc. But I'm 5 months now and nothing too crazy going on in there but I had an ultrasound last week and the tech had to chase the baby on the screen, moving all over.

Update for me...its a GIRL! Had my big scan but they said they had trouble seeing her cuz she wouldn't cooperate also because my belly so big (charming) so I have to go back on the 16th do it all over again. As well as they said they may have seen an issue with her heart but they are not sure, so they referred me to the fetal cardiac unit for a fetal echcardiogram. Lets pray its nothing. Other than not sleeping well,back pain & headaches I'm just great LOL
HUGS to u all!
Hey girls...playing catch up...

Ebs-believe it or not the baby pretty quiet. Not too much movement. I feel fluttering & popping but nothing too serious yet.
Tymeg-enjoy your fam visit & hope the aches ease up
Bab-not sure for everyone, but babies move a lot early on but u don't really feel it. They are just too small. But on the ultrasound screen u can see them move. At 12 weeks I saw the baby put its thumb in mouth etc. But I'm 5 months now and nothing too crazy going on in there but I had an ultrasound last week and the tech had to chase the baby on the screen, moving all over.

Update for me...its a GIRL! Had my big scan but they said they had trouble seeing her cuz she wouldn't cooperate also because my belly so big (charming) so I have to go back on the 16th do it all over again. As well as they said they may have seen an issue with her heart but they are not sure, so they referred me to the fetal cardiac unit for a fetal echcardiogram. Lets pray its nothing. Other than not sleeping well,back pain & headaches I'm just great LOL
HUGS to u all!

Aww! Congrats!! Thought up any names yet? Or are you going to decide at birth?
I've already chosen a bunch of possible names and once I conceive and then give birth I will decide which suits the little one best :)
Girls are fun though! Well... At least until puberty. :haha:
Tryn4 - Ah man, ITS A GIRL!!! Congrats!! You wanted a little girl right? I will keep you little munchkin in prayers, I believe that she will be a healthy baby....

Eb - I feel you, My mother in law also believes that it is something spiritual.

She is very very spiritual, she believes she is a prophet,

I said to her, she is moving far from us, and she said, it wont be for long, because she needs to be close by to me and Ty, because her little princess is on her way....

I was completely freaked out by what she said, but who knows.....

Bab - Take it easy, just relax, I find that laying in a hot bath helps ease the aches and pains....

So I cant wait for AF to show up so we can start the clomid again!!!! Im getting nervous and excited all over again!
Thank u tymeg-I just found out we go to the cardiac unit tmrw morning so I will know then. Yes I did want a girl. Its been 14 yrs since my last little princess, lol a lot of princes. My daughter is so thrilled she's getting a baby sister.

Babs- yep I have named her, but my husband & I are not in agreement over the order of names. I want her to be Khaliyah Danielle, he wants Danielle Khaliyah. I need to win. I have a daughter who turns 14 this year, she is pretty good girl. Fights with her brothers but is ambitious & very successful in school she is inhigh sschool for performing arts. Graduated primary school with honors. My boys Wholeeee different story lol but they are mama's boys. So there is pro n cons to both. As long as they are healthy its all good :)

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