Tryn4, that is so exciting, Thank goodness nothing is wrong!!!
Eb - I really feel for your situation, it can not be easy at all.
For me, I too couldnt stay with someone is the love and passion was gone.
Ty and I have been together for 13 years, going on 14 now.....
I started dating him when I was in Grade 11, we didnt have the best of relationships, and my family also never accepted him, as my dad was very old school and believed that the girls should not have guys as friends, and that if the guy did not ask to date then he was being disrespectful.
Anyhoo, after 11 years of being together, and living together we decided to get married, and up to this day, he is the love of my life. My soul mate.
BUT no one is perfect and no ones relationship is perfect,
There is days where I sit and think WTF am I doing, because for that particular day, Ty rubbed me the wrong way, or did something I didnt like.
But with men you have to be very understanding, they are not as tolerable as we woman are.
You got to accept the good with the bad.
I am just thankful, that I did not follow my mothers foot prints, and that I broke the cycle with me.
My mom, had an affair with my dad, he was a married man, she myself and my sister from him, and when I was 10 months old, she tried to leave him, and he killed her. He shot her and she passed on.
His wife took us in, myself and my sister, Anthea was 3 years old, and I was 10 months old. And that is the only Mother I have known, which is my dad's wife.
She accepted us, as her own kids, blended the family with her own kids, never asked any questions, and still continued to love my dad and accept him for what he is.
He had another affair after that and had my baby sister and brother.
He left their mother too, and has a new lady love.,
My mom stays with my older sister.
And that is why I was so dissappointed in my baby sister, because she followed in that exact same foot steps. What I would do, to make her realise that she is going to end up alone and not with her baby daddy,.
Because married men seldom leave their wives for the mistress.
Im not saying that this is you Eb, but I can just imagine how you are feeling being caught up in this love triangle.
But you got to do what you got to do and follow your heart and make the right choices for you and your little munchkin.
Bab, I can totally relate to you regarding your hubby and work.
Ty was out of work for while, and I had to be the bread winner, and it was very straining on our relationship, but I believe if you can do this and be supportive, and lift him up, and just stand by his side, you will get through this.
Be his motivator.
Its hard, and some days you will feel like you want to throw in the towel and you want to scream your head off. But just hang in there, things are going to be alright....
OK, I think I typed enough now..... LOL
My MIL is making some Indian Mince Curry and Roti for supper tonight so Im looking forward to that.
I started taking Apple Cider Vinegar today, they say its good for PCOS, high blood, migraines, heart disease, cancer, wight loss alot of stuff.
So lets hope it works