heheh HURRY up Hope & Shaerichelle and join me!!! you both sound like you're having symptoms..don't get dicouraged!!!
I'll list the exact symptoms i had...and you guys can compare,,k?
Ovulated new years eve...with the hubby...
4 days later...couldn't get out of bed I was so tired..slept for 3 days..didn't move out of the house...
1 week later, worst congestion and headcold of my life...it lasted for almost 2 weeks...I felt miserable..
around the same time as I had the head cold, I became super, super emotional..cried in public...sat on the couch and cried for no reason...cried at work one day...and had to take a day off b/c i was so emotional...
It went away...and i'm great now
This week, i have this tingling, odd sensation in my abdomen down really low, just above my pelvis...feels like..hmm I don't know how to discribe it...just feels like there's a fuzzy or kind of like when your foot goes to sleep...but if your belly? lol
i also have extreme nausea..not in my head...Oh and my boobs have doubled in size i think..nipples look kinda darker, i guess, but hubby says there not..i think they are..and they are like udders too lol
Umm I have had all the same symptoms as you.

umm my nips are brownish and punks.. UDDERS! Me too. And they hurt on the very sides near the armpits and in nips only.