I agree Jellie- I had a false positive. But the line evaped within 3 minutes. Hubby and I talked about it we think it was a chemical. How else would that have happened? You need HCG to get it to do that?!
oh, and tmi alert lol, but aint been for poo for 3 days either! havent even felt like i need one! And these cramps aint constipation, they feel just like af! X
im 11dpo but way to scared to test i dont want to see a BFN so just going to see if AF shows.(but i hope she doesnt!!!lol)
im 11dpo but way to scared to test i dont want to see a BFN so just going to see if AF shows.(but i hope she doesnt!!!lol)
I agree with this philosophy.
Hold off if you possibly can.![]()
it was an earlypregnancy tests one.. I think I have the image let me look. I was so excited. I took the midstream one then dipped the other and it was negative.![]()
gud luck blondie! Hw long u been ttc?
And shannon, does cm dry up when pg? Am off to check mines out **runs to the bathroom**
**washes hands thoroughly**
Hmm, still creamy cm, not a lot but some there, less than 2 days ago. There something extremely cringie about putting your own fingers in there! Or anyones else for that matter lol.did i really just say that?! **blushes**
my theory is I had a chemical cause my progestrone was messed up because of the Plan B I had to take![]()
my theory is I had a chemical cause my progestrone was messed up because of the Plan B I had to take![]()
Shaerichelle, what happened..?