Okay I am going to tell you how ppl from India diagnose you... Its called Kapha and pitta dosha. I will past some stuff in a minute.
Yeah I can see that being hard to sleep with a lil one around Sorry...
Girl that has been ALOT of weird things going on, I just can't explain it... I told my friend that I felt like a bubble or pop a few times, weird feeling.... Who knows... I guess I need to ride the storm out per say... lol I'm off to bed... I'm beat.... Be on later...
Thanks... I'll catch up in a few... Hang in there girlie.... OH and I'm 42... So I'm the oldest one here so far... lol... Good Luck and Lots of Baby dust to ALL
Just letting you ladies know that i INDEED did get my TACO BELL!i have a wonderful husband!!hahahahahahahahahahaha
lolol u get mcdonalds giftcards over there?!? X