Jellie I don't chart but I did notice a spike in temp too, then I started spotting... Sorry to hear about the BFN, Hang in there girlie.
Shannon its been a rough one for ya, I'd take a day off from testing as well. I know it will ease your mind, but the mind does play tricks on us... I know that from experience...
Eskimobabys your time is coming... I sense it

I have to agree with your husband, were working overtime to figure out who is pregnant... hehe
Sorry If I've missed anyone, I'm playing catch up... lol
Me: No more cramps, a mild headache and was burping on a empty stomach? weird? I am still spotting the light brown with a lil clotts (TMI) sorry... the

is due tomorrow... IF this is implantation spotting it was 12 dpo, so its on time... lol