come on over girlies! 1ww or less!?!

Jellie- i think I had the same thing. false positive. No sign of AF. Im calling the midwives that I was going to use for the homebirth to ask them their suggestions. I feel nuts.

Hubby is peod at me for testing. So I am not having a good day

Sorry to hear that Shannon... Have you tried a tesco test?? I just read a few had good luck with those... never heard of them....:dohh:

See what your midwife says... I'd love to do a home birth, or a water birth...
I hate hospitals...

I'm not giving up either... AF may have finally came but its all good, I'm going to see the doctor next week... Hang in there girlie :hugs:

I live in Maine. I think those are UK. I think that hpt suck arse. sorry bout my mouth. I am flippin tired. my stomach is so hungry i cant sleep and my breasts hurt so bad.

Yes its 3 or 5k for the midwife for appointments and birth and three midwifes are at the birth. I am going to have a water birth. Oh you should watch the business of being born. SO awesome. I had a bad experience with my son in hosp. Dont want to do the 4 hrs of pushing again. I am hoping af arrives for me soon, but I dont feel nothing.

I am sorry about AF. I am hoping valentines is the day for you:hugs:
Well got some not so good news... I'm Diffinately OUT... that damn witch is coming at me now with full force.... uggg.... Looks like I'm gonna have to make a baby on Valentines day after all... just hope the other have shows... haha...

Good Luck ladies... Now I can regain my sanity back... Stress with throw everthing OFF

My advice wait out AF IF she does'nt come, get a doctors appt to confirm... Good Luck I hope to hear about some BFP's....
:hugs: honey
what tests did you use. I am gonna start a thread of false tests! I cant remember what you said.
Well got some not so good news... I'm Diffinately OUT... that damn witch is coming at me now with full force.... uggg.... Looks like I'm gonna have to make a baby on Valentines day after all... just hope the other have shows... haha...

Good Luck ladies... Now I can regain my sanity back... Stress with throw everthing OFF

My advice wait out AF IF she does'nt come, get a doctors appt to confirm... Good Luck I hope to hear about some BFP's....
:hugs: honey
what tests did you use. I am gonna start a thread of false tests! I cant remember what you said.

As I said in a earlier post first I used 2 dollar tree cheapies got a faint line... then I used a early pregnancy test from walmart got another faint line, then I spotted 2 days on and off, now lite bleeding?? I'm just going to stop myself from being obsessed with all of this and see what the doctor says.. I'll retest there in a week and get an exam and go from there...

Last month I was a day late (which I'm always on time) I spotted the light brown and pink again for 2 days, then experienced what I thought was a period... Now this month same thing??? Someone told me from here that you can still be pregnant and have some bleeding, called break through bleeding... while PREGNANT... My friend that is a very good psychic told me to get to the doctor and get examed... she won't tell me nothing but get an exam... I think I'm in for a big surprise... I've heard women can have a somewhat of a period at the time there supposed to and there pregnant... Her grandmother had periods the WHOLE TIME she was pregnant and had twins?>?? who knows... I'm just going to make an appt today for my doctor next Thursday... I'll keep ya posted....

Shan you need to relax and stop stressing over this, I know its hard hun but stress with throw everything off. It does'nt matter what test you use, they all will pick up HCG if its in your body. You clearly have all the symptoms and I don't know why your still getting negative tests... look what I've been through... its giving me grey hair from worrying and hoping.. I would just get to the doctor... One look is all its gonna take... I wish you soo much luck and tons and tons of baby dust your way... don't lose hope, just go to the doctor and have them do a test and get an exam.. Much luv to ya hun... hang in there... :dust: :dust: :dust:


OH and NOW I have Nausea morning and nites??? who knows
Hopin&Prayin, I'm sorry to hear you got AF, but at least we know you'll have one heck of a Valentine's day. I got woke up at 5am to the sound of my kiddo coughing and sounding croaky. So, I quickly ran to the BR and peed before I got the temptation to test. LOL I know, it's sad. I guess I just don't want the disappointment and although AF is now 5 days late I just can't believe I may be pregnant. The main thing I can't understand is that normally I don't have any cramping or pain until the morning I wake up to realize AF has came. This month I started having cramping pains last Saturday. They started as ovulation type pains then changed to a low abdomen cramping. Now first thing in the morning I am cramping but once I pee they seem to go away again. I am soooo confused???
Dearie.. I think because you are older (hey my grandma had my aunt at 42:) that maybe you are bleeding. It happens!!! Two months in a row the same thing! Get to the doc. Oh which walmart one did you use? Was it the blue line one?

My mom is a psychic she cant read me. Her friend did. she said I am not pregnant and it will take me a long time to get pregnant because I wont have periods. I dont know if I believe her.

I am getting oil shower to relax my body and mind then calling my midwife to see what her suggestions are. My doc just ran every test on me.. I am healthy way healthy he said some results are of an athlete. He said my hormones are great. Ive only stressed the past few days. I am not testing tom. Testing Sat the day fertilty friend said to test and thats it. lol so I thought I was pregnant a month ago to. Jan 4 I had a blood test it was negative.

Oh I realized something. I get Bowen therapy treatment for my fibro. Last time I had a temp dip was the day after bowen therapy. like after bowen therapy. so thats why I think I had them.
Hopin&Prayin, I'm sorry to hear you got AF, but at least we know you'll have one heck of a Valentine's day. I got woke up at 5am to the sound of my kiddo coughing and sounding croaky. So, I quickly ran to the BR and peed before I got the temptation to test. LOL I know, it's sad. I guess I just don't want the disappointment and although AF is now 5 days late I just can't believe I may be pregnant. The main thing I can't understand is that normally I don't have any cramping or pain until the morning I wake up to realize AF has came. This month I started having cramping pains last Saturday. They started as ovulation type pains then changed to a low abdomen cramping. Now first thing in the morning I am cramping but once I pee they seem to go away again. I am soooo confused???

Welcome to the confusion club
Hopin&Prayin, I'm sorry to hear you got AF, but at least we know you'll have one heck of a Valentine's day. I got woke up at 5am to the sound of my kiddo coughing and sounding croaky. So, I quickly ran to the BR and peed before I got the temptation to test. LOL I know, it's sad. I guess I just don't want the disappointment and although AF is now 5 days late I just can't believe I may be pregnant. The main thing I can't understand is that normally I don't have any cramping or pain until the morning I wake up to realize AF has came. This month I started having cramping pains last Saturday. They started as ovulation type pains then changed to a low abdomen cramping. Now first thing in the morning I am cramping but once I pee they seem to go away again. I am soooo confused???

Thanks... There is still hope... I think I'm not going to plan anything, if it happens it happens right... I'm going to retest next Thursday morning, and go to the doctor for an exam, just for my minds sake... lol

Valentines day I'm ovulating and Me and my OH split... but I"m sure he'll come around soon... lol We always end up back together regardless. hehe

I had cramping for 12po ALL the lovely signs of early pregnancy...
I had light brown spotting on and off for 2 days... then pink and brown.. .who knows... your mind can play tricks with you.. i.e. implantation spotting??
or break through bleeding who knows... lol

I'd retest with FMU tomorrow and go from there.
You could have that cramping due to implantation too, or your uterus stretching getting ready for pregnancy for the next 9 months...
Just going to have to wait out and see if the ugly :witch: shows... or implantation one... Just sit back, relax and retest in the morning...
Good Luck hun.... :dust: :dust:
Dearie.. I think because you are older (hey my grandma had my aunt at 42:) that maybe you are bleeding. It happens!!! Two months in a row the same thing! Get to the doc. Oh which walmart one did you use? Was it the blue line one?

My mom is a psychic she cant read me. Her friend did. she said I am not pregnant and it will take me a long time to get pregnant because I wont have periods. I dont know if I believe her.

I am getting oil shower to relax my body and mind then calling my midwife to see what her suggestions are. My doc just ran every test on me.. I am healthy way healthy he said some results are of an athlete. He said my hormones are great. Ive only stressed the past few days. I am not testing tom. Testing Sat the day fertilty friend said to test and thats it. lol so I thought I was pregnant a month ago to. Jan 4 I had a blood test it was negative.

Oh I realized something. I get Bowen therapy treatment for my fibro. Last time I had a temp dip was the day after bowen therapy. like after bowen therapy. so thats why I think I had them.

Well I don't think age is the issue here... I'm very healthy for my age as the doc puts it... I just think that stress can knock everything off because we want it so bad. to have a baby. I think I'm just gonna sit back for a month and maybe try again... IF its meant to be it will be... I put this in Gods hands... when its time, its time. I really hope you find out what is wrong, why your getting faint lines and all... I wish you soo much luck in getting pregnant, your BFP is just around the corner... and Yeah I believe in psychics... everything she told my friend happened... she can't read me... but its in the numbers so I'm just gonna relax and live life, If I get pregnant Great, if not now... later... I'm good with it... All in good time...
Hang in there... I'm off to work... Chow

Good Luck ladies, don't give up hope... I see some BFP coming soon

Where is Eskimobabys.... I hope everything is OK... :hugs:

have a good day ladies... got things to do ;)

Oh, shannon... that could be hormones considering you had a child... your body is playing some serious tricks with you... sorry... I hope you find out soon hun... Good Luck... best wishes for a BFP... and the test was pink lines not blue... and I got not 1 but 2 very faint lines... soooooo ???
Hopin&Prayin, I'm sorry to hear you got AF, but at least we know you'll have one heck of a Valentine's day. I got woke up at 5am to the sound of my kiddo coughing and sounding croaky. So, I quickly ran to the BR and peed before I got the temptation to test. LOL I know, it's sad. I guess I just don't want the disappointment and although AF is now 5 days late I just can't believe I may be pregnant. The main thing I can't understand is that normally I don't have any cramping or pain until the morning I wake up to realize AF has came. This month I started having cramping pains last Saturday. They started as ovulation type pains then changed to a low abdomen cramping. Now first thing in the morning I am cramping but once I pee they seem to go away again. I am soooo confused???

Thank you, I'm fine.. It will happen some day, maybe not today or next week, but I know it will happen all in good time...

Sorry to hear about your son, I hope everything is OK... just take the test in the morning with FMU... Good Luck... :dust:
Hiya, I'm only 5DPO and going mad already. I also started doing ovulation tests again after my positive ovulation test, and there was only one line when i did it on the 17th & 18th but then on the 19th i had a line there and yesterday i got a slightly darker line. I know that doesn't mean anything because it's only an OPK test but just thought i would mention it. I have also been symptom spotting already even though after my last disappointment when AF showed up i said i wouldn't do it anymore. I have slight cramping down one side of my stomach, and i'm alot more tired than usual, the last couple of nights i have got in from work and had an hours sleep!!!! But i really shouldn;t get my hopes up as i know it's way too early for me to have any pgnancy symptoms, and im feeling down this month anyway because i missed my crucial ovulation day, although did manage to try lots before, so hopefully some is left over:sad1:
Luck & babydust to all.
I bet Kayla- Eskimo- isnt doing good shes usually on here..

I just got pinkish cm. so I have not a clue. My low back hurts and and have pain where my uterus is. none of these are af signs
Dearie.. I think because you are older (hey my grandma had my aunt at 42:) that maybe you are bleeding. It happens!!! Two months in a row the same thing! Get to the doc. Oh which walmart one did you use? Was it the blue line one?

My mom is a psychic she cant read me. Her friend did. she said I am not pregnant and it will take me a long time to get pregnant because I wont have periods. I dont know if I believe her.

I am getting oil shower to relax my body and mind then calling my midwife to see what her suggestions are. My doc just ran every test on me.. I am healthy way healthy he said some results are of an athlete. He said my hormones are great. Ive only stressed the past few days. I am not testing tom. Testing Sat the day fertilty friend said to test and thats it. lol so I thought I was pregnant a month ago to. Jan 4 I had a blood test it was negative.

Oh I realized something. I get Bowen therapy treatment for my fibro. Last time I had a temp dip was the day after bowen therapy. like after bowen therapy. so thats why I think I had them.

Anyways You can end all your worries and stop looking for signs and symptoms if You would Just go to the doctor and let him exam you, he can tell if your pregnant or not by an exam... As my friend told me as well, that Plan B will mess up your period for months... I hope not in your case...

truly wish you the best and I hope you get a BFP soon... Take Care..
Its Just Around the corner...
Dearie.. I think because you are older (hey my grandma had my aunt at 42:) that maybe you are bleeding. It happens!!! Two months in a row the same thing! Get to the doc. Oh which walmart one did you use? Was it the blue line one?

My mom is a psychic she cant read me. Her friend did. she said I am not pregnant and it will take me a long time to get pregnant because I wont have periods. I dont know if I believe her.

I am getting oil shower to relax my body and mind then calling my midwife to see what her suggestions are. My doc just ran every test on me.. I am healthy way healthy he said some results are of an athlete. He said my hormones are great. Ive only stressed the past few days. I am not testing tom. Testing Sat the day fertilty friend said to test and thats it. lol so I thought I was pregnant a month ago to. Jan 4 I had a blood test it was negative.

Oh I realized something. I get Bowen therapy treatment for my fibro. Last time I had a temp dip was the day after bowen therapy. like after bowen therapy. so thats why I think I had them.


BTW that was a Very Ugly thing to say... My AGE?? that was rude...
and Yes I'm fully blown AF now... relieve from this crazyness thank god..
I'm soo done with all of this stress, I'm going to concentrate getting my personal life back together before I plan on having any baby... TY.

didnt mean it that way:cry:

edit: just meant there is hope
I have given you more support and stood by you this whole time offering you advice for the last 6 or more days and I have not once told you to give up Hope while your dashing mine, thats sad.. Its been a very rough few days, I don't hold judgemnt for no one and I'm sorry if you may be having a a bad day... God will lead you through ... I'll pray for you

Thank goodness for the kindness and support of alot of these Ladies I'd gave up yesterday... Eskimobabys, Jellie, Peace,Love,Hope and Worrisome among many others.... I'll be just fine don't you worry about me...

As usual I wish you nothing but Luck I hope you get the answer your looking for BFP... Take care.

UPDATE: Besides the horrible pulling feeling I got twice while exercising, I broke out in full blown nausea... Yep you bet I'm going to the doctor now... what is up with these blueish/pinkish vainys on my legs???

Have a great day
Considering I did the deed on the day I was Ovulating "the fertile" day, there is quite a possibility that I could be pregnant after all, I did get 2 faint lines on these tests BUT I'm not going to confirm anything till I go to the doctor on Thursday... This is what I found..

Yes it is possible to be pregnant and to get your regular monthly periods,my mom had her period with me until she was 6 months pregnant, the doctor kept telling her she wasn't pregnant and she told him she already has 4 children she knows her body and she's pregnant. (it never showed up in urine home test) so he gave her a blood test and finally told her she was prego but not far along so he gave her an ultra sound come to find out she's 6 months and right, a woman knows her body. and also my best friend had her monthly periods till she was 7 months pregnant i was there and a baby did come out! so since i seen it with my own eyes i do believe it totally happens!

Sooo with that said, I'm not only getting an exam, BUT i'm getting a blood test now...

Shew, now I know I'm not crazy... lol Heres to Hope.. OK I'm done venting, Sorry .. hehehe

Hugs and Hope to all waiting for there BFP... :dust:
I have given you more support and stood by you this whole time offering you advice for the last 6 or more days and I have not once told you to give up Hope while your dashing mine, thats sad.. Its been a very rough few days, I don't hold judgemnt for no one and I'm sorry if you may be having a a bad day... God will lead you through ... I'll pray for you

Thank goodness for the kindness and support of alot of these Ladies I'd gave up yesterday... Eskimobabys, Jellie, Peace,Love,Hope and Worrisome among many others.... I'll be just fine don't you worry about me...

As usual I wish you nothing but Luck I hope you get the answer your looking for BFP... Take care.

UPDATE: Besides the horrible pulling feeling I got twice while exercising, I broke out in full blown nausea... Yep you bet I'm going to the doctor now... what is up with these blueish/pinkish vainys on my legs???

Have a great day

Hopin' Shannon didn't mean to be rude about ur age or nothing she hasnt given up hope on u! she want u to get a BFP as much as she wants to get her own! we all do! we all have become VERY close these past couple of days we all care about u and we all have hope no matter what!!! i understand someone of us r getting stress bc our bodys are confusing us lets jsut stop and take a deep breathe we love and care for each what we have in this thread is VERY special lets not ruin it! keep us up dated on ur blood result! loveeeeee u!

ok so sorry that i've been gone this morning but i actually for the 1st time in a long time got to sleep in til 10AM! yes! w/o being attacked :happydance: and i've been catching up with u ladies im sorry i was late! lol but while reading all y'alls post i felt pulling in my lower abdomen :happydance: and i feel outta breath and weird i feel like i've been running in circles hold on....i feel like im about to pass out..ok sorry i had to go outside for some cold fresh air idk what that was all about! oh Shannon ur blue die test looks VERY promising! DONT GIVE UP HOPE ANY OF U!:hugs:

EDIT- hopin' i think ur preggo u too Shannon DEFO both of y'all !
oh yeah no AF today so im 2 days late and no signs of her either!
hey hoping, hugs to you, you are obviously on an emotional rollercoaster just now, and of course there is still hope for u, look at those symptoms! But i really dont think shannon meant to offend u in any way. I think she was just saying that sometimes when ladies are alittle older, idnt knw ur age btw! That when preg they still bleed? At least thats what i think she meant, but i knw she never meant no hope babe. Hugs to u & i hope everYthing goes well with the dr, keep us updated. Gud luck xx

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