hey shannon glad no hangover lol, and drinking alchohol plays havoc with your temps xxx
Woah tht is weird heatherj.well ladies looking promising hoping for some more BFPs yayyyy!!! well i decided to start temping as am bit fustrated just want to know if i am or arnt now! temp was 35.8 tues went to 36.0 yday and 2day was 36.4 so jst adding to my confusin and am obbsessed with drinking pure orange juice!! even my mum said i had put on weight (put on 4 pounds since last thurs!!!)
BUT ..... the strangest thing ever happened today whilst having my daily cuppa and chat with mum i looked i noticed on my a left and did double take there was a smiley face like 2 eyes and smile raised on my hand my mum nearly fell off her chair i was baffled still am we looked around thinkingi had leaned on somthing but nothing she sait its a "sign" hmmm i think all this baby talk has sent us potty hehexxxxx
So i woke at 3:10 am from a bad dream and had to PEE!! really bad so i took the test it was a BFN so i just cuddle up next to papi and went to sleep. I had a dream that i went back into the bathroom and looked at the test and it truned to a BFP..so i hop'd outta the bed and NOPE it was still a BFN: cry: o well im already having a bad day so why not make it worst eh? sams doing fast criuse this weekend so he not coming home til Sunday night*sigh* so i'm just gonna sit here and take my "prova" and wait for AF but i have a little more help on my side this next month bc i have a "fertility monitor" so i can pin point OV better i going to get "soft cups" and maybe "pre seed"(sam doesn't want too hes not a lube guy lol) but the only bad thing is sam is gonna be in and out of port so he might miss my OV days
FX that hes here on my OV days ladies and im glad we all are in this together! Crazy Conception Chicks UNITE! lmao!
jellie u should change this thread to a group thread or we should start a group thread! im excited i've always wanted to be in a group! lol
night shannon, glad u had a good one!
Srrme, the dangly thing ur talkin bout, is that in your mouth or down u know where??!
If its dont there does that mean its normal?
Callie, what a cool idea, i think we should all put it in our signature! Lol x
Aww Shannon and Kayla thats soo unfair next month it is then.
Jellie does said flappy thing have any sensation? Could this be your clitorus? (sp) If your worried go see your GP because your going to have alot worse go on up there when you get thatand have to push a baby out. lol
Well theseems to have flown off what the hell was that all about it looked so exciting tho I'm sure I have those damn pains and have been monitoring OV for just over a week. I think the chances of pregnancy are low.
Now who was Kim I can't remember.![]()
I'm being cheap so have Ov and HPT's from the internet they require room tempreture pee
Nice pot of pee sat on the side of the bath