Come symptom spot with me!!!

Awesome Dowd! I really like temping bc it makes me feel like I have at least some semblance of agency in this whole thing. But yah after O it's a bit crazy-making for me. It sounds like you have a solid plan in place for next month, yay!
Yes. I only stopped because I could tell exactly when I ovulated based on CM and cervical position. But the last couple of months have been a little odd, so I am looking forward to the clarity charting brings. I just have to try and wake up at the same time every day, which is honestly a good thing to do, anyways. My sleep has been soooo erratic, lately.

I'm also thinking it will be good to have a few charts to show a fertility doctor if we don't end up getting pregnant on our own. This way I can prove that I do ovulate on my own.
Af arrived for me today ladies in full force. Good luck to you all hope you all get your well deserved wishes granted very soon! Good luck with the pregnancy Mediterranean! Baby dust to you all xxx
Babylights, I'm 13 dpo as well. If I hadn't got my Beta results I would be testing at 14dpo. The 2 weeks wait is sooo long. Wouldn't Tuesday put you at 17dpo? Why are you waiting until then? That seems like self torture lol

S_Dowd, sounds like us have a plan and good Drs to help you. I agree the more information you can give to your Dr the better so they are better prepared to help. Are you feeling better?

November, how are you doing? You know they say the third time is the charm :). I wish you luck next cycle
Thanks so much Dinky. Try to stay hopeful, each cycle brings you closer to your baby 👶
Meditteranean I'm so terrified to test this time!! If I got a bfn with all these symptoms that would be so mean. And I really don't want to be in a bad mood right now so I'd rather wait it out til when my af is due I think. That may change tomorrow haha!

How are you feeling?
Babylights, I understand the discouragement. I have high hopes for you this cycle!
I'm feeling good. I don't have any symptoms other than insomnia, heightened smell and at times I can't get enough to eat. I'm like a bottomless pit
Aww keep eating Meditteranean, your little bean is growing!!! ❤

Thanks so much for the kind words, I'm scared to be too excited but...yah, four more days :)
Thanks Babylights,

When are you leaving for Vegas? Have you been before? We're leaving for Jamaica on Friday! I'm looking forward to getting away from the snow and cold but nervous about Zika.

Are you normally 17 Dpo when you get AF? If you know when you ovulated though it won't matter when you are supposed to start AF as far as getting a reliable pregnancy test. By two weeks after ovulation you would have enough HCG to get a positive result. I understand some women would rather wait to see if AF comes or not. I'm not usually that patient LOL. More so this cycle because of my recent loss and because I didn't ovulate until day 21 this cycle so it's been a longer wait than usual. I plan on taking a test in the morning just to check the line coloring. I know it apparently doesn't mean anything but with my first it was really dark immediately on 15DPO and the last two it was much lighter so I just want to compare. I am going to drive myself nuts :0

November, S_Dowd and Dinky, how are you guys doing?
Wow Jamaica that sounds amazing, especially with this dreary weather we've been having!! We live pretty close to Vegas so have been a ton of times but I actually haven't done a proper Vegas trip in a few years.

I'm usually not patient either, but would much rather see af than a bfn this time. Seems like a gentler letdown somehow. Of course hoping for neither!! I'm excited to see your latest test, please post so I can admire your lines lol!

14dpo and no spotting so far. Stopped temping so don't know about that but just hanging out. 3 more days.
Hello! I am in the TWW and going crazy! Super burpy and tired, nauseous but more at night. My boobs ache and burn and I am moody and get distracted easily, I keep getting cramps in my lower abdomen and back, mild constipation too. I am the mom of one 11yr old girl, waiting and hoping for a boy. I ovulated about 5 days ago, I had the post ovulation ewcm for 2 days and then it went away and now it feels funny "down there." But I don't know if it is in my head or my body is gearing up... FX
I've never been to Jamaica but have been quite a few other tropical places so I'm looking forward to it. The sand and sun and SLEEPING in til whenever I want!

I'm still tempting.... I've never temped before this cycle either so now I'm just keeping on going with it. I guess there really isn't any point though LOL. My temps have been in the 99.-- range for the past couple of weeks.

I just hope I don't need to pee all night long and have a faint line in the morning. I'll be freaking but I know fluids and bathroom frequency make a difference.

Are you testing before you go to Vegas or while you're there?
November, Dowd, dinky how are you ladies doing?

Hi and welcome pgh! It sounds like you have very promising symptoms, fx this is your bfp!!

Meditteranean omg that sounds diviiiiine, especially the sleeping in!! Sorry, did you mention when you're going? I could really go for some tropical weather right now... Lady you've already gotten your betas, why are you still temping and testing?? It can mess with your head unnecessarily I feel. But who am I kidding, once I'm lucky enough to get a bfp I'll probably do the same 😊 I don't want it to stress you out for no reason though!

I'll be testing in Vegas. It works out because I'm staying separate from my DH right now, we're each at our respective parents' (his family is nuts and he didn't want to stress me out lol) and since I need to test with fmu, our first morning in Vegas when I'll be a day late is the first chance.

Where are you from Meditteranean?
Welcome pghmmy! The TWW is the worse! It's the longest 2 weeks of the month! Other than the days you wait for a positive ovulation test I just came to find out. (first time I ever did OPK's was this cycle). Have you been TTC for a while or just decided you're ready for another recently? You only have another 10 days at most to test :)

Babylights, I have no idea why I'm still tempting LOL. I guess I'll put my thermometer away :) I am still doing a PG test tomorrow though. I can't wait until Tuesday (I think that's when you're testing). Does you hubby know you are in your TWW and your symptoms?

I'm in Ontario. The part that gets lots of snow. Well that's not true, I'm not all that north, it's between northern and southern Ontario. Too cold for my liking either way. I'm not a fan of winter at all! I wish it would snow a few days before Cmas and then go away.
Hey guys!

Welcome Pgh! Your symptoms sound really promising! I hope you get your :bfp: this month!

Dinky- I'm sooo sorry the :witch: got you! She's the worst!

Mediterannean- Lucky duck! I want to go to Jamaica! I hope you have a fabulous trip, and how exciting to have a pregnancy to celebrate while you're there :)

Babylights- Oh I am rooting for you!!! I am crossing everything that this is your month! Please keep us updated!!!

November- How are you doing, hon?

AFM- I am doing a lot better, today. I feel optimistic for this cycle, I ordered some vitex. The one good thing about me not getting pregnant this cycle is that I'll get to go to Disney World in September, so I'm trying to focus on that. Plus snuggling my sweet puppy, Arabella, always helps. :)
Okay ladies I took a couple days off from anything ttc related. Af only lasted a day and maybe a half of another day. Has anyone on here been on femara and had such short periods?
Hi ladies,

First I want to say I have PCOS very badly, both ovaries are covered head to tow in cysts per the ultra sound I had about two weeks ago.

I have also had cervical cancer stage 1b1 and have had two surgeries to remove it. I am now considered in remission and luckily I didn't have to have chemo or radiation. I have to go in for screenings every three months to make sure it stays away, and if it ever comes back I will have to have chemo and I'm hoping it stays away!

Anyway so I don't use OPK's because they are ALWAYS positive due to my PCOS so I just go based on my body symptoms and typically I always get sore boobs the day after I have ovulated and I also get super watery/egg white CM the day of ovulation.

Also I had tests done for my PCOS and it showed high levels of testosterone which my doctor put me on Metformin to help lower it, she also said it may make me more fertile.

So this past weekend I'm 100% sure I ovulated on Sunday, the next day my boobs were sore and I was nauseous Sunday (another symptom I get of O.) Well me and my OH did the deed this weekend many times and since I'm on Metformin, maybe I have a chance?

-very neausous
-sore boobs
-smell aversions
-bleeding gums when brushing
-mild fever (99.2-99.5)
-weird face pressure (no sinus infection or cold...)
-extreme hot and cold flashes

-full/crampy feeling in lower abdomen
-smell aversions
-sore breasts
-mild fever still (99.2-99.5)
-hot and cold flashes

Everything else seems to have vanished as far as symptoms.

so typically I'm the kind of person who is ALWAYS too warm, I like my apartment to be around 67 degree farenheight. Right now it's 76 in my apartment and I'm freezing, my feet, hands, and nose are ice cold but the main part of my body feels super warm!

Sorry for long post :wacko:
S_Dowd and hopefulone, good to hear from you. I'm glad your staying positive S and Disney will be amazing! We just went in August. It's like being a kid again ! I haven't told my husband yet so I may or may not in Jamaica. I'm so scared to jinx it. No one knows except you ladies.

Hopeful, I can't help you with the Femara. Sorry. Google?

I don't know how you ladies feel about me posting here now. I really would like your honest feelings. I don't want to upset any of you.
Meditteranean - I'd like it if you stayed. Personally, I'm super happy for any lady who gets their bfp. We're all on different journeys but fact is, we all want the same thing.. I feel we should support each other wherever anyone is on the road for a baby ❤️

So ladies, I hope you are doing fine & welcome to those who have joined the thread, lots of positive vibes to you all for this cycle 😊

AFM: well all is fine here, I'm still having the odd brown/red bleeding. I'm putting down to a strange AF, if I let my mind go towards another CP it'd really break my heart.

I spent Friday coordinating my next treatment. It's a bit long winded, because my meds & monitoring are done at a local NHS hospital. Then I go to a private clinic to have the procedure done.

We're good to go, so I'm back on Tamoxifen for CD 2-5 and if I respond as usual IUI #3 should be on the 15th.

I'm going to have a cheeky ask for progesterone & low dose aspirin. I want to try everything to have some good & sticky news 😊😊

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