complete newby with a few questions!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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Hi everyone hope your all well!! Ok so im in my 3rd tri and i know that i want to breastfeed (if i can) The thing is im just so confused about it all :shrug:

i have a few questions id really apprieciate if anyone could answer

1) Sterliser and bottles? any reccomendations? iv been looking at the tommee tippee closer to nature....

2) Breast pump...electric or manual what do you think is best?

3) When do you start thinking of moving your LO onto powder milk?

4) How do you know how much milk your LO is getting and do you have to feed more often than if they were on bottles?

5) When you do express milk how do you store it and how long does it last? is it ok in the fridge?

6) If i were to put it into the fridge could i still put it in a bottle warmer when i go to use it

7) Does Breast milk go off? :wacko:

8) Will the baby be able to feed from the breast AND a bottle when im out and about or when my mum is babysitting?

9) bras any reccomendations?

sorry if my questions are ridiculous i just feel pretty confused about everything :nope:

thanks :flower:

1) Sterliser and bottles? any reccomendations? iv been looking at the tommee tippee closer to nature....

I like the playtex bottles with the plastic bag inserts because I don't have to sterilize them. I only have to sterilize the nipples.

2) Breast pump...electric or manual what do you think is best?

I would do a double electric--much quicker to do both at the same time.

3) When do you start thinking of moving your LO onto powder milk?

When you are ready.......

4) How do you know how much milk your LO is getting and do you have to feed more often than if they were on bottles?

The only way you know your LO is getting enough is weight gain and wet/poopy diapers. Otherwise you really don't know at breast. If formula is used in the bottles they can usually go longer between feeds because formula doesn't digest as fast.

5) When you do express milk how do you store it and how long does it last? is it ok in the fridge?

The general rule is 6 months in the freezer, 6 days in the fridge, and 6 hours room temp. The rules change though when you defrost it.

6) If i were to put it into the fridge could i still put it in a bottle warmer when i go to use it

Yes, you woudl still want to warm it up either under warm water or a bottle warmer.

7) Does Breast milk go off?

Not sure what this means...I'm in the US though and sometimes don't know the slang or terms for some things.

8) Will the baby be able to feed from the breast AND a bottle when im out and about or when my mum is babysitting?

It's best to start a bottle after 6 weeks and they will usually go back and forth just fine. Some babies can do both right off the bat. I started mine around 4 weeks with the occasional bottle with expressed breast milk and they've both done fine.

9) bras any reccomendations?

I'm using a bravado--its ok. I have friends who highly recommend the Elle Macpherson bras. I will be buying one before i go to work because it makes my boobs look normal. Also look into lilypadz. They are awesome.
Hi everyone hope your all well!! Ok so im in my 3rd tri and i know that i want to breastfeed (if i can) The thing is im just so confused about it all :shrug:

i have a few questions id really apprieciate if anyone could answer

1) Sterliser and bottles? any reccomendations? iv been looking at the tommee tippee closer to nature....

Avent steriliser and closer to nature bottles. waste of money for me, mine only gets used when my m8 comes to visit wit there baby.

2) Breast pump...electric or manual what do you think is best?

thats a tuffy, depends on the person, some even find that hand expressing is the best, i however have a medala swing which is electric- love it.

3) When do you start thinking of moving your LO onto powder milk?

never! Again it depends on the baby and the mummy. If u ave a baby that doesnt gain weight, u might need to top up, or start ff if u go bk 2 work nd u dont want to express. lots of diff reasons, u might not need to use ff at all.

4) How do you know how much milk your LO is getting and do you have to feed more often than if they were on bottles?

Youll never no for sure and theres no point in guessing, u dont need to measure when u bf so theres o point. You get a good indication that they are getting enough from reading yr baby and another indicator is nappies 6/7 wet or dirty a day. Altho some babies can go as lil as once a week, or after every feed. Ull neva no as such, u need to not compare this with measuring as u do with ff or ull always b worried are u giving enough. and just listen 2yr baby! in general bfing is more frequent as it digests quicker than ff so they need more, and when they go thru growth spurts b prepared to have the baby perminately attached to yr boobs, they will suck even tho nothing is there, this is to put in the order for more milk and is completely normal (really wished the mws told me this before hand so i new what to expect!)

5) When you do express milk how do you store it and how long does it last? is it ok in the fridge?

Apparently in the night from 9-6 as this is when u make the most milk. u can store in the fridge for 5 days and freezer for 6 months.

6) If i were to put it into the fridge could i still put it in a bottle warmer when i go to use it

im guessing so, ebm can b room temp.

7) Does Breast milk go off? :wacko:

yep! just like cows milk, smells.

8) Will the baby be able to feed from the breast AND a bottle when im out and about or when my mum is babysitting?

Not for the first 6 weeks as can cause nipple confusion, but some ladies have been fine doin this b4. I had to pump my right boob in the 1st week due to cracked nips so had to give baby it in a bottle, he has a crap latch!

9) bras any recommendations?

ull just ave to shop around for wat suits u i personally just got the cheapest i cud find which was from mothercare at that time

sorry if my questions are ridiculous i just feel pretty confused about everything :nope:

thanks :flower:


There are lots of different answers to yr questions, u will just have to find wat best suits u! xx
Hi everyone hope your all well!! Ok so im in my 3rd tri and i know that i want to breastfeed (if i can) The thing is im just so confused about it all :shrug:

i have a few questions id really apprieciate if anyone could answer

1) Sterliser and bottles? any reccomendations? iv been looking at the tommee tippee closer to nature....
I didn't buy any to start off with as i was so determined to bf but the breast flow range are brilliant as lo has to latch onto the bottle teat just as they do with the breast.
2) Breast pump...electric or manual what do you think is best?
i have the tt breast pump but the swing electric ones are fab i used them when lo was in the scbu.
3) When do you start thinking of moving your LO onto powder milk?
For me never but everyone is different and if/when the time arises you will know.
4) How do you know how much milk your LO is getting and do you have to feed more often than if they were on bottles?
The same as the other lovely mumies said, you go by the wet and dirty nappies if it's coming out the bottom then it's going in the top.
5) When you do express milk how do you store it and how long does it last? is it ok in the fridge?
i stored mine in freezer bags. I was exclusive pumping when lo was in scbu but found i got loads in the morning.
6) If i were to put it into the fridge could i still put it in a bottle warmer when i go to use it
yes of course you can
7) Does Breast milk go off? :wacko:
o yes and trust me you can tell.
8) Will the baby be able to feed from the breast AND a bottle when im out and about or when my mum is babysitting?
Of course he/she can but please bear in mind some lo's don't like bottles, my son hates them but every baby is different.
9) bras any reccomendations?
i love the mothercare range but apparently m&s have some nice ones.
sorry if my questions are ridiculous i just feel pretty confused about everything :nope:
Don't feel silly hun you have probably just asked some things other mummies want to ask, we all start at the begining and i think you are brill for wanting to give it a go :flower:

thanks :flower:


I hope this helps, give me a shout if i can help you any more xx
1) Sterliser and bottles? any reccomendations? iv been looking at the tommee tippee closer to nature....

With the best will in the world, your baby will decide what bottles he/she prefers not you or the manufacturers! Dont buy too many in case they decide they dont like them but most of all dont use them too soon or you could introduce problems with nipple confusion.

2) Breast pump...electric or manual what do you think is best?

It's personal preference really but many mums find electric more convenient. Again it's more important to time pumping correctly. You should avoid pumping until milk supply is established which takes between a month and 6 weeks on average.

3) When do you start thinking of moving your LO onto powder milk?

You dont ever need to unless there is a specific reason to. Babies get everything that they need from breastmilk alone for the first year.

4) How do you know how much milk your LO is getting and do you have to feed more often than if they were on bottles?

You should feed on demand. You need to forget about 'amounts' - that's for bottle feeding not BFing. You can tell your LO is getting enough because they will produce plenty of wet and dirty nappies. Your body knows EXACTLY how much to produce and to start with their tummies are so tiny (see below) they need little and often.

5) When you do express milk how do you store it and how long does it last? is it ok in the fridge?

BM lasts up to 5 days in the fridge and should be kept at the top and near the back. The closer to the door the more the temperature will fluctuate in the fridge.

6) If i were to put it into the fridge could i still put it in a bottle warmer when i go to use it


7) Does Breast milk go off? :wacko:

Yes - see storage guidelines above.

8) Will the baby be able to feed from the breast AND a bottle when im out and about or when my mum is babysitting?

Yes but not right away. you should get BFing established before introducing a bottle (see nipple confusion)

9) bras any reccomendations?

Dont spend too much to start with. M&S do some good basic bras and once your size settles, you can treat yourself to some nicer ones like the Hot Milk ones

Dont feel silly asking. Have a read of the sticky at the top of this page about 'What helped when starting out'. The more you know the better equipt you will be to be successful! I managed to BF for a year and pump, use bottles and enjoy all the benefits and much of that was because I was determined, prepared and got lots of support :D

Illustration of an infants tummy size - they dont need ounces and ounces in the early days/weeks!
Thank you for your replies :) im definatly clearer on a few things now! i glad i know not to try and introduce a bottle too soon too! must go and read up on nipple confusion now..

thanks again :flower:

This is a great book for referencing. I used it for my BF supporter training. :)
Hi everyone hope your all well!! Ok so im in my 3rd tri and i know that i want to breastfeed (if i can) The thing is im just so confused about it all

Welcome :)

1) Sterliser and bottles? any reccomendations? iv been looking at the tommee tippee closer to nature....

I use Breastflow - you can get a unit and I think 4 bottles from TKMaxx for about £12. Finlay loves them and it's easy to go back and forth between breast and bottle. For sterilising - I use a standard avent microwave steriliser for the teats, and milton cold water for everything else. The reason I steam the teats is that the milton tends to bleach them white which I don't like.

2) Breast pump...electric or manual what do you think is best?

I use medela swing (electric) - I also have medela harmony (manual) that I very occasionally use, but I get lots more with the swing.

3) When do you start thinking of moving your LO onto powder milk?

I'm not. About to introduce solids in the next few weeks and intend to BF until at least 1 year, although am going back to work when LO is about 10 months so will see how that goes. Prepare to be addicted to BFing!!

4) How do you know how much milk your LO is getting and do you have to feed more often than if they were on bottles?

If you are getting plenty of wet nappies and dirty ones (although they can go days without dirty nappies which in BF babies is normal and nothing to be concerned about) then you're usually OK. If their weight gain is good and they feed well, then there shouldn't be any problems.

As for feeding, breastmilk is a perfect food - it is completely absorbed by the body and fully digested in 20 minutes so yes, you normally have to feed more often. But as their tummies grow and they become more efficient feeders, their feedings space out - Finlay now just wakes up once a night, and feeds maybe 4-5 times through the day, if that.

5) When you do express milk how do you store it and how long does it last? is it ok in the fridge?

I store it in the fridge (in a sterilised bottle or breastmilk bag), or in the freezer. See kellymom site for details on how long it can be kept/stored.

6) If i were to put it into the fridge could i still put it in a bottle warmer when i go to use it

Just run the bottle under a warm tap till it is lukewarm, or leave it to reach room temp in the bottle. No need for bottle warmers :)

7) Does Breast milk go off?

It can do, but as long as you follow the guidelines for storage/reheating and use, it shouldn't be a problem. It's never happened to me, and I've used it from frozen loads of times, used to express when LO was in NNU.

8) Will the baby be able to feed from the breast AND a bottle when im out and about or when my mum is babysitting?

Yes, as long as you are careful about when you introduce the bottle - not too early (so as not to confuse LO) and not too late (because lots of babies just don't want the bottle, I know Finlay has phases when he's not interested in it, especially if I'm feeding him EBM, it's almost as if he thinks "you've got boobs, I'm not having a bottle from you" LOL).

9) bras any reccomendations?

I went to Bravissimo and they measured me at 36 weeks - don't go too early because obviously your boobs can still grow especially when your milk comes in. I bought one, then after my milk came in and it still fitted perfectly (they fitted me very well in Bravissimo, I love it there!) I ordered another 2 from their website, but made sure it was the same manufacturer because all manufacturers fit a little differently.

BFing is wonderful, incredible ... yet at the beginning can be frustrating, exhausting and even painful (if that's the case, get your latch checked out incase that's causing the pain) but once the first 8 weeks (and the 7 week growth spurt) have passed, it's the easiest thing in the world. They wake at night? You don't have to leave the room for a bottle, or to reheat anything - just pick them up, pop them on, then a quick cuddle and back into bed. Finlay goes straight back to sleep and so do I. Breastmilk has a hormone in it that promotes sleep for mother and baby - BFing is literally the easiest thing in the world for night feeds. You may have to feed more often, but it's much easier.

If you've any other questions, fire away :)
1) Sterliser and bottles? any reccomendations? iv been looking at the tommee tippee closer to nature....

I just boiled bottles in the begininng and now I use the dishwasher. It gets hot enough to sterilize them.

2) Breast pump...electric or manual what do you think is best?

depends on how often you plan on pumping.

3) When do you start thinking of moving your LO onto powder milk?

DO you mean formula? Perhaps never, its not a needed step. As far as cows milk, in Canada they recommend at 12 months, but I started my first LO at 8 months.

4) How do you know how much milk your LO is getting and do you have to feed more often than if they were on bottles?

THe truth is, in the begining, your LO will be attached to your breasts, untill your supply is built up. And the easiest way to tell if they are getting enough food is by how many dirty and wet diapers they have.

5) When you do express milk how do you store it and how long does it last? is it ok in the fridge?
You can freeze breast milk, and its okay in the fridge for 24 hours.

6) If i were to put it into the fridge could i still put it in a bottle warmer when i go to use it


7) Does Breast milk go off? :wacko:


8) Will the baby be able to feed from the breast AND a bottle when im out and about or when my mum is babysitting?

Do you mean breast milk? Oh yeah, you can most definetly combination feed.

9) bras any reccomendations?

Avoid underwire.

sorry if my questions are ridiculous i just feel pretty confused about everything :nope:

thanks :flower:

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