Considering at-home insemination with donor sperm...?

well im now 8dpo and had some ewcm this afternoon when i whiped myself
i wonder whats going on lol x
My current (but as yet unused) donor is starting to hack me off a bit. I can't describe exactly why, but one thing is he won't give a straight answer to a question.

I'm considering trying to find a different donor, but with less than 2 weeks till ovulations I feel like I'm leaving it a bit last minute!

I may look into a more local donor, as that would be easier, but I wanted to know what some more experienced ladies have to say - have any of you found a new donor that you are happy with within, say, a week?!?

I'm just getting myself a bit confused and worked up here!

I did. I ditched my first donor because he was a twat, randomly emailed another (didn't think he'd agree to help me) hoping he'd help in a month or so and he donated that cycle. If it doesn't feel right, it usually isn't. The second donor was AMAZING, seriously wonderful. I'm so glad i emailed him, i was so much more comfortable using him and he gave me my BFP so i'm doubly happy!
I have a back-up this month, but its a shipping back up, so not super likely to work and pricey. I'm only going to have the back-up ship if my new donor backs out. Hopefully he won't!

LunaBean regularly had back up donors. Some months she even used more than one donor.

Also, if a donor seems to be sketchy, definitely ditch them. This person could be the biological father of your baby... do you want that to be someone sketchy? You can find a donor in 2 weeks with a bit of luck. I found my donors within a week. Just cast a wide net.
Thanks for the input ladies. Have just bitten the bullet and emailed a guy who contacted me a couple of months ago. He is young but has donated to a couple of ladies before, so hopefully he knows what he is doing.

Fingers crossed! *stress stress stress*
I did. I ditched my first donor because he was a twat, randomly emailed another (didn't think he'd agree to help me) hoping he'd help in a month or so and he donated that cycle. If it doesn't feel right, it usually isn't. The second donor was AMAZING, seriously wonderful. I'm so glad i emailed him, i was so much more comfortable using him and he gave me my BFP so i'm doubly happy!

That is pretty much what I have just done! Found a few emails from FSDW from a couple of months ago, and emailed the one who actually gave me some information, not just 'Do you still need a donor?'

What did you do with regards to meeting up? I was thinking to meet him at the train station on donation day (11 days time!!!), go into town for a coffee and then go back to mine for the donation? I can't really afford to travel to meet him next week, In addition to lack of money, I have to fit in 5 days of work, a trip to the airport (HIGHLY exciting! And yes that is serious! :happydance:) and continue to pack up my life to move house!

Also, what did you tell the first donor? I'm dreadful with confrontation, I was just going to tell him I have changed my mind!!!

I'm so glad your 'replacement donor' worked out! And his super swimmers even gave you TWO babies! It gives me hope that this about turn will work out for me.
I think meeting once is fine. THat's what I did with my donor 2 years ago - met and then decided to go ahead with the donation or not. That said, could you maybe do a skype call before hand or talk on the phone so you have a better sense of him?
JAZZ!!! How are you two???

:wave: welcome newbies! Glad you posted! GL FXD!

BABYMAKES, it does look like you OVd on 15/16, what is your temp saying?

TICKING... awesome, hope rising temp is a good sign FXD!

NIMYRA! Yay! for a cycle start... looking forward to hearing your good news soon! FXD! and GL with the donor! :dust:

CHERYL, I am following you on the testing thread and here, GL Hun! This all sounds sooo promising! :dust:

AFM...Nothing new to report but you can...stalk my chart!! Heading to a doc appt, so I can get this bug gone and be ready for OV this weekend! Had a fever again this morning, not as high and took tylenol to lower it. I am nervous, we SMEP tomorrow!! GL FXD! :dust:

We are doing well still nausea, still realizing what i can and cannot eat. oh and i can not drink echinechea tea started vomiting violently felt like the exorcism in here. Never again. my thing is advocados fruits things citrusy and cakes and sweets and for meets the only thing i can do is salami no chicken no had a steak was not that bad. but for the most part health foods.

10 weeks today Sonogram Nov 8 super happy time is moving on up and i happy to put food in my mouth again but i can only eat super light because of not eating all those weeks i cause my stomach to shrink. otherwise i am well thank for asking... Hope all is well for you how everything going.
The :witch: flew in :growlmad:

Quick question for you ladies who have used soft cup and preseed; this cycle (or next depending on whether I get to try this cycle) I'm hoping to have 2 donations again but the first one I'd like to simply put in the soft cup and try to insert. For the ladies who have done it this way, have you inserted the coft cup sitting down? What's the best way to avoid spillage. Also, I think I've read in this thread that people have put the preseed in the softcup or around the edges. Any advice grateful :thumbup:

I didnt put the preseed in the cup as i didnt want to dilute the donor semen which is natural i just put a bit on my finger and applied around my opening for ease and some inside and pushed towards my cervix just to add to the natural CM you dont want to use alot woman who usually use alot its because they are having NI and most of the preseed gets pushed around in NI but Doing AI you want to apply alittle some say around the cup some say in but i just wanted a little right near my cervix to aid the swim. My wife is forensic scientist and deals with DNA and sperm sample daily so she did not want me to do to much. Then i just had the donor ejaculate directly into the softcup which is why i purchase anti bacterial soap for his hands since that cup will go straight in me.. I was at a hotel so he layed the softcup on a napkin in the restroom and exited the room. Then i went and since the bathroom sink was kind of long i placed a towel on the sink and jump right up there ( which can be done on a floor with a towel i dont lay on my bed since i had spillage my wife was disgusted by semen being in her bed and we got a brand new sheets) but since i applied it myself it was the best position for me slightly leaning back but not squatting so it does not tilt forward i practiced with water in a softcup a few days before just to see what was the best position . Then i pushed it way back and cleaned my hands and then checked under the softcup to make sure i felt my cervix in the bottom once i got home i self stimulated and keep my bum in the air for about an 1hour and then the rest of the day i sat up and went about my business removed on the 12 hour and went back at 9 am the next morning for another.
Well i am about to TMI Alert you all but the easiest way to explain inserting it without spilling much for the inexperience is the same way you lay back in bed and masturbate... If you do so ... if you dont or never just imagine but just position the cup laying back in that manner as you insert it and its going in you will start to rise up a bit to move your finger all the way in position it. if you have a mate once in you can tell them to place there finger and push back for you if your scared to sit up but its the angle of your body and the cup that must be alike... you will have little to no spillage practice with a maybe pre-seed in the cup alone to see how much pre seed you spill same consistency.
Random question and I'm sure it's probably been brought up on this thread before but, does anyone have a back up donor, just in case their "main" donor can't make it, or pulls out at the last minute? It's not something I've ever done before, but because my donor is only living in the UK for a few months before going back to the US, I'd like to have someone on stand-by, because who knows if I'll have conceived by then? :wacko: xx

I do but he's now my main donor as the other one was an idiot, trouble is he can only donate once a cycle so I'm now looking for another donor to be my back up or to use as well.

Babymakestwo, I found my donor within a week so it's possible, good luck.

For me it's meeting the donor for the first time that I'm finding hard. Because I can't drive I'm getting my dad (bless him) to drive me to my donor's house to collect, hopefully next cycle I will know him better and he can come to me. I'm in talks with another donor and will probably have my mum here with me if he comes here.

It's hard isn't it as our safety is paramount and I know my mind sometimes goes into over drive and they're probably perfectly nice blokes lol.
That is pretty much what I have just done! Found a few emails from FSDW from a couple of months ago, and emailed the one who actually gave me some information, not just 'Do you still need a donor?'

What did you do with regards to meeting up? I was thinking to meet him at the train station on donation day (11 days time!!!), go into town for a coffee and then go back to mine for the donation? I can't really afford to travel to meet him next week, In addition to lack of money, I have to fit in 5 days of work, a trip to the airport (HIGHLY exciting! And yes that is serious! :happydance:) and continue to pack up my life to move house!

Also, what did you tell the first donor? I'm dreadful with confrontation, I was just going to tell him I have changed my mind!!!

I'm so glad your 'replacement donor' worked out! And his super swimmers even gave you TWO babies! It gives me hope that this about turn will work out for me.

I just met him on the day of donation at the station and we drove back to my house. I knew he wasn't sketchy because i was speaking to another of his recipients at the time. Plus, i decided that if i didn't like him, or we didn't click then i would just not go through with the donation, either by telling him i didn't feel right or just throwing the donation away. As it was, he came round, we chatted for a while, i asked some questions etc and then i left him to donate.

I just emailed/text my first donor and told him i didn't like the way he conducted himself and that i didn't want any more donations. He did persist for a little bit, offering 'one more try' but by that point i wasn't really interested. If all goes well with the new donor you could just email the old one and say that you no longer require his 'services' and if he pushes the subject then just say that something didn't feel right. You're well within your rights to choose who you want to be the father of your child!

It always works out in the end! I didn't think i would EVER fall pregnant and was losing hope about the whole artificial insemination thing. Every time AF arrived i was so disappointed - i was even going to skip the month i conceived, (i didn't want a Xmas baby!) but decided to go ahead anyway and i was in total shock for a couple of months, then in even more shock when they announced TWO babies at my ultrasound! So, the journey isn't always smooth, but the final destination is completely worth it. I cannot wait to meet my babies! :cloud9:
That is pretty much what I have just done! Found a few emails from FSDW from a couple of months ago, and emailed the one who actually gave me some information, not just 'Do you still need a donor?'

What did you do with regards to meeting up? I was thinking to meet him at the train station on donation day (11 days time!!!), go into town for a coffee and then go back to mine for the donation? I can't really afford to travel to meet him next week, In addition to lack of money, I have to fit in 5 days of work, a trip to the airport (HIGHLY exciting! And yes that is serious! :happydance:) and continue to pack up my life to move house!

Also, what did you tell the first donor? I'm dreadful with confrontation, I was just going to tell him I have changed my mind!!!

I'm so glad your 'replacement donor' worked out! And his super swimmers even gave you TWO babies! It gives me hope that this about turn will work out for me.

I just met him on the day of donation at the station and we drove back to my house. I knew he wasn't sketchy because i was speaking to another of his recipients at the time. Plus, i decided that if i didn't like him, or we didn't click then i would just not go through with the donation, either by telling him i didn't feel right or just throwing the donation away. As it was, he came round, we chatted for a while, i asked some questions etc and then i left him to donate.

I just emailed/text my first donor and told him i didn't like the way he conducted himself and that i didn't want any more donations. He did persist for a little bit, offering 'one more try' but by that point i wasn't really interested. If all goes well with the new donor you could just email the old one and say that you no longer require his 'services' and if he pushes the subject then just say that something didn't feel right. You're well within your rights to choose who you want to be the father of your child!

It always works out in the end! I didn't think i would EVER fall pregnant and was losing hope about the whole artificial insemination thing. Every time AF arrived i was so disappointed - i was even going to skip the month i conceived, (i didn't want a Xmas baby!) but decided to go ahead anyway and i was in total shock for a couple of months, then in even more shock when they announced TWO babies at my ultrasound! So, the journey isn't always smooth, but the final destination is completely worth it. I cannot wait to meet my babies! :cloud9:

I felt really disappointed when it turned out my first donor was married and didn't want his wife to find out he was donating, he even refused to be tested for sti's. I just told him I was uncomfortable with both issues and the s*d abruptly closed down msn lol. I agree with you, if anyone feels uncomfortable with their donor our gut instincts are nearly always right, go with it and tell them that they're not what you're looking for but thanks for offering.

Good luck with your last 2 months and the birth mechanica, it's so lovely to hear success stories and I'm so glad you've got two babies, that's what my mum wants me to have lol.
Thanks sparklie! I've already got a daughter and I'm doing this as a single parent so it's going to be manic! Especially giving birth around Christmas! I've already done my Christmas shopping because it's becoming harder to get around, LOL! I wish all of you the best of luck, the end result is worth it!!
Ticking, looks like u have just implanted and the temp rise to that level just means that your progesterone levels have gone up to support the baby. Fxed for u!

Wow, Mechanica, Christmas twins! What a great present!! So envious, I love twins! Are they identical or fraternal?

Sparklie, your folks are awesome for being so supportive! I think more than 1 donation always helps increase the chances.

AFM, I'm nearing the moment of truth. My chart is below but TBH, I don't really know, it could go either way. Sometimes I feel preggers, sometimes I feel AF is about to come. From being a former POAS-addict, I cannot even bring myself to test once this cycle. :test:
Hi ladies, hope you can help me. When I checked this morning I had ewcm but not a lot, I did an opk test and it was negative, I thought it may have been my wee so did another test with Boots own brand and it was still negative so decided to check my mucus again, there wasn't much there, just sticky mucus.

My question is, is ewcm only once a day or should I have it all day? I was so excited when I found it this morning that I contacted my donor straight away to arrange collection, was I too hasty?

I'm now really worried I've made a mistake and it's a false alarm

Ticking, looks like u have just implanted and the temp rise to that level just means that your progesterone levels have gone up to support the baby. Fxed for u!

well my temps have been..... at ov was 36.14, over next 3 days went up to 36.38, then dropped to 36.10.... imp?? and has now shot up to 36.90!!
sounds very hopeful ticking.

sparklie, how are you checking your mucus, just wiping or inside. as some women doent get much by wiping but have a lot more inside where its needed.

you could try drinking grapefruit juice if your worried this helps increase ewcm. (i got a bfp both cycles i drank it)

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