Considering at-home insemination with donor sperm...?

I agree Grassroots, stay with it! 9dpo is waaaaaay early... I didn't get my BFP until 12DPO!!!!

Update for me: I finally am starting my AF I hope. Loooots of brown yuck today so hopefully this is the start of this cycle! I'm both elated and worried: we have a new KD in mind who has said he will do it and is perfect, but he is only available for a certain window and then he goes back to Afghanistan until June! He's availabel through mid-November... hopefully that will work and hopefully we can get the ball rolling.
Hope you're able to get in a donation and a BFP before then, ace

AFM, AF is starting one day late. Glad I don't have to wait too long. 13 days until I can get started on this journey again!
Good luck girls!
Grassroots- I agree it is too early to give up hope, at the same time, I know how trying this whole thing is. When I am feeling bummy and loosing hope, I go read some success stories.

Still having some trouble with temping at consistent times- but using a temp adjuster. Really think I ovulated yesterday or today. I have started wondering if maybe I am megadosing on the supplements and if that may have a negative impact when we start insemination next month. I take a prenatal multivitamin, fish oil, evening primrose, low dose aspirin, b complex, selenium, l-arginine, and a little extra folic acid. I have a tendency to overthink
I want so badly for us to have success this time, as we all want success. It's just scary that if we don't achieve by June, it's all over and I just have to come to terms with being childless. I try to push that to the back of my brain and just be positive and hopeful, but it rears it's head often. What are you girls doing to keep the stress low and relax?
I keep forgetting to temp! Will just use opks and hope they work! Cd6 here,so meeting the donor next week
Trying to get some online orders in motion in preparation for next cycle's insemination. DH is scared to death that our new donor is going to back out of this, he has even had several nightmares. He was not nearly as excited about last donor. If we are successful with this donor, it would mean that DH will be biologically related to the child, and that we already have a comprehensive medical history. Also, this child would be biologically related to step-children.

Does anyone have any info on sterilizing collection cups ourselves? As we have already spent thousands on testing and meds and physician assisted attempts and supplies- we are trying to save everywhere we can. However, I have read so much on the dangers of introducing bacteria into the reproductive tract, and the risk of PID that it's a little unnerving to me to just use anything. Donor goes for STD next Friday. After results, we finalize contract details with lawyer.

Is anyone using the new advanced digital opks?
I keep you girls waiting to o and in tww in my thoughts constantly. Hope to see some BFPs!
I'm 4DPO today and just feeling really LOW. IDK why. This is only our 3rd cycle, and I don't even know yet that it didn't work... I just think the process is getting to me. Trying to plan timing, schedule things when it's convenient for our donor, my cycle going wonky this time, the constant worry that there's something wrong with me so I'm wasting my time... :nope:

I know stress doesn't help, but I don't know how NOT to stress, when I can't just grab DW, DTD, and have a baby appear :haha: I know that this is probably going to take awhile, so I need a tougher skin, but... blah. This is not a journey for wimps.

So I'll stop being one now that I've vented ;)

Back to TWW'ing... :coffee:

Also, I've never had a cramp in my LIFE, and I got three days of cramps last cycle (10/11/12DPO), and yesterday, I was cramping all day long off and on, at 3DPO. Silly question, but could this have anything at all to do with this TTC business? I mean, I've not had exposure to any sort of man-juice ( :haha: ) in a good ten years, and now all the sudden I'm crampy? Haha... I mean, unlikely, I'm sure, but it just makes me wonder.

I'll waddle off now... thinking of you ladies and crossing my fingers for some BFP's soon :thumbup:
I'm 4DPO today and just feeling really LOW. IDK why. This is only our 3rd cycle, and I don't even know yet that it didn't work... I just think the process is getting to me. Trying to plan timing, schedule things when it's convenient for our donor, my cycle going wonky this time, the constant worry that there's something wrong with me so I'm wasting my time... :nope:

I know stress doesn't help, but I don't know how NOT to stress, when I can't just grab DW, DTD, and have a baby appear :haha: I know that this is probably going to take awhile, so I need a tougher skin, but... blah. This is not a journey for wimps.

So I'll stop being one now that I've vented ;)

Back to TWW'ing... :coffee:

Also, I've never had a cramp in my LIFE, and I got three days of cramps last cycle (10/11/12DPO), and yesterday, I was cramping all day long off and on, at 3DPO. Silly question, but could this have anything at all to do with this TTC business? I mean, I've not had exposure to any sort of man-juice ( :haha: ) in a good ten years, and now all the sudden I'm crampy? Haha... I mean, unlikely, I'm sure, but it just makes me wonder.

I'll waddle off now... thinking of you ladies and crossing my fingers for some BFP's soon :thumbup:

Hang in there. I definitely understand the frustration with the donor sperm and not being able to just hop into bed!

The cramps- I'm not sure, tbh. I usually get O cramps so they are not unusual for me.

Just a quick question- looking at your chart, are you sure you didn't O a day earlier than you think?
Does anyone have any info on sterilizing collection cups ourselves? As we have already spent thousands on testing and meds and physician assisted attempts and supplies- we are trying to save everywhere we can. However, I have read so much on the dangers of introducing bacteria into the reproductive tract, and the risk of PID that it's a little unnerving to me to just use anything. Donor goes for STD next Friday. After results, we finalize contract details with lawyer.


I think the risks are overblown. I mean... most of us take baths (bacteria) and have sex (bacteria) - I don't think a well-washed collection cup is a serious risk factor for developing an infection. I mean, how would the cup contract herpes, gonorrhea, or syphallis anyway?

And I don't know about you all, but I'm a pretty dedicated cervix checker... which I did with washed hands (but not sterilized and without gloves).

I also usually reused my collection cup when I was trying for my daughter back in 2009. - I just washed it thoroughly with dish soap and rinsed very well to ensure no soap residue.

But if you are concerned, I would just get your sample right in a new softcup and syringe it out (or just insert it) from there.

I'm 4DPO today and just feeling really LOW. IDK why. This is only our 3rd cycle, and I don't even know yet that it didn't work... I just think the process is getting to me. Trying to plan timing, schedule things when it's convenient for our donor, my cycle going wonky this time, the constant worry that there's something wrong with me so I'm wasting my time... :nope:

I know stress doesn't help, but I don't know how NOT to stress, when I can't just grab DW, DTD, and have a baby appear :haha: I know that this is probably going to take awhile, so I need a tougher skin, but... blah. This is not a journey for wimps.

So I'll stop being one now that I've vented ;)

Back to TWW'ing... :coffee:

Also, I've never had a cramp in my LIFE, and I got three days of cramps last cycle (10/11/12DPO), and yesterday, I was cramping all day long off and on, at 3DPO. Silly question, but could this have anything at all to do with this TTC business? I mean, I've not had exposure to any sort of man-juice ( :haha: ) in a good ten years, and now all the sudden I'm crampy? Haha... I mean, unlikely, I'm sure, but it just makes me wonder.

I'll waddle off now... thinking of you ladies and crossing my fingers for some BFP's soon :thumbup:

Hang in there. I definitely understand the frustration with the donor sperm and not being able to just hop into bed!

The cramps- I'm not sure, tbh. I usually get O cramps so they are not unusual for me.

Just a quick question- looking at your chart, are you sure you didn't O a day earlier than you think?

Thanks for listening to me whine ;) I'm back on the horse now. I think, anyway. Ha! Til my next meltdown!

And FF originally had my crosshairs the day before, and I manually adjusted them, because I woke up on Saturday to a very definitively positive OPK, and I had EWCM til about midday, then it dried right up. That fits my O pattern, so I'm almost positive I O'd on Saturday, not Friday. I think my temp was just a little higher on Friday for whatever reason. It's about on par with a lot of my pre-O temps.
I'm 4DPO today and just feeling really LOW. IDK why. This is only our 3rd cycle, and I don't even know yet that it didn't work... I just think the process is getting to me. Trying to plan timing, schedule things when it's convenient for our donor, my cycle going wonky this time, the constant worry that there's something wrong with me so I'm wasting my time... :nope:

I know stress doesn't help, but I don't know how NOT to stress, when I can't just grab DW, DTD, and have a baby appear :haha: I know that this is probably going to take awhile, so I need a tougher skin, but... blah. This is not a journey for wimps.

So I'll stop being one now that I've vented ;)

Back to TWW'ing... :coffee:

Also, I've never had a cramp in my LIFE, and I got three days of cramps last cycle (10/11/12DPO), and yesterday, I was cramping all day long off and on, at 3DPO. Silly question, but could this have anything at all to do with this TTC business? I mean, I've not had exposure to any sort of man-juice ( :haha: ) in a good ten years, and now all the sudden I'm crampy? Haha... I mean, unlikely, I'm sure, but it just makes me wonder.

I'll waddle off now... thinking of you ladies and crossing my fingers for some BFP's soon :thumbup:

Hang in there. I definitely understand the frustration with the donor sperm and not being able to just hop into bed!

The cramps- I'm not sure, tbh. I usually get O cramps so they are not unusual for me.

Just a quick question- looking at your chart, are you sure you didn't O a day earlier than you think?

Thanks for listening to me whine ;) I'm back on the horse now. I think, anyway. Ha! Til my next meltdown!

And FF originally had my crosshairs the day before, and I manually adjusted them, because I woke up on Saturday to a very definitively positive OPK, and I had EWCM til about midday, then it dried right up. That fits my O pattern, so I'm almost positive I O'd on Saturday, not Friday. I think my temp was just a little higher on Friday for whatever reason. It's about on par with a lot of my pre-O temps.

Ah gotcha. You know your body best! I hope you caught the eggie!!! :thumbup:
I'm 4DPO today and just feeling really LOW. IDK why. This is only our 3rd cycle, and I don't even know yet that it didn't work... I just think the process is getting to me. Trying to plan timing, schedule things when it's convenient for our donor, my cycle going wonky this time, the constant worry that there's something wrong with me so I'm wasting my time... :nope:

I know stress doesn't help, but I don't know how NOT to stress, when I can't just grab DW, DTD, and have a baby appear :haha: I know that this is probably going to take awhile, so I need a tougher skin, but... blah. This is not a journey for wimps.

So I'll stop being one now that I've vented ;)

Back to TWW'ing... :coffee:

Also, I've never had a cramp in my LIFE, and I got three days of cramps last cycle (10/11/12DPO), and yesterday, I was cramping all day long off and on, at 3DPO. Silly question, but could this have anything at all to do with this TTC business? I mean, I've not had exposure to any sort of man-juice ( :haha: ) in a good ten years, and now all the sudden I'm crampy? Haha... I mean, unlikely, I'm sure, but it just makes me wonder.

I'll waddle off now... thinking of you ladies and crossing my fingers for some BFP's soon :thumbup:

Almost everything about trying to conceive this way is stressful. Especially the fact that most times we are juggling multiple schedules. Work schedules, ovulation schedules, possibly partner's schedules, donor's schedules, and if you already have children- their schedules too! There's temping and taking supplements, opk tests, checking cervical mucus and position, then insemination and waiting and more peeing on sticks! Not to mention that lots of us are trying to nurture our relationship, and keep friends for support. I don't think it's uncommon to get overwhelmed- no matter where you are in your journey. We just took six months off, and just preparation for trying again stresses me...and I'm so scared of the disappointments. We just have to remember how wonderful it will be if we get to hold our babies in our arms- then it's all worth it.
Hang in there! And remember, you always have a place to come where you can empty your mind:)
Hey grassroots, any updates?

Thanks for asking! I was 11dpo this morning and it was a glaring negative :( AF is due in 3 days now so I'm thinking I'm most likely out for this month. such a bummer. I was really hoping this wouldn't take more than a cycle or two, although I really should have known that my luck is not that good, lol.
I'm 4DPO today and just feeling really LOW. IDK why. This is only our 3rd cycle, and I don't even know yet that it didn't work... I just think the process is getting to me. Trying to plan timing, schedule things when it's convenient for our donor, my cycle going wonky this time, the constant worry that there's something wrong with me so I'm wasting my time... :nope:

I know stress doesn't help, but I don't know how NOT to stress, when I can't just grab DW, DTD, and have a baby appear :haha: I know that this is probably going to take awhile, so I need a tougher skin, but... blah. This is not a journey for wimps.

So I'll stop being one now that I've vented ;)

Back to TWW'ing... :coffee:

Also, I've never had a cramp in my LIFE, and I got three days of cramps last cycle (10/11/12DPO), and yesterday, I was cramping all day long off and on, at 3DPO. Silly question, but could this have anything at all to do with this TTC business? I mean, I've not had exposure to any sort of man-juice ( :haha: ) in a good ten years, and now all the sudden I'm crampy? Haha... I mean, unlikely, I'm sure, but it just makes me wonder.

I'll waddle off now... thinking of you ladies and crossing my fingers for some BFP's soon :thumbup:

Almost everything about trying to conceive this way is stressful. Especially the fact that most times we are juggling multiple schedules. Work schedules, ovulation schedules, possibly partner's schedules, donor's schedules, and if you already have children- their schedules too! There's temping and taking supplements, opk tests, checking cervical mucus and position, then insemination and waiting and more peeing on sticks! Not to mention that lots of us are trying to nurture our relationship, and keep friends for support. I don't think it's uncommon to get overwhelmed- no matter where you are in your journey. We just took six months off, and just preparation for trying again stresses me...and I'm so scared of the disappointments. We just have to remember how wonderful it will be if we get to hold our babies in our arms- then it's all worth it.
Hang in there! And remember, you always have a place to come where you can empty your mind:)

Hey Fire, are you taking OPKs? Just wondering cause from your chart right now, it looks like you could have ovulated CD12!

Hey grassroots, any updates?

Thanks for asking! I was 11dpo this morning and it was a glaring negative :( AF is due in 3 days now so I'm thinking I'm most likely out for this month. such a bummer. I was really hoping this wouldn't take more than a cycle or two, although I really should have known that my luck is not that good, lol.

Awwww. I'm sorry it was a BFN. :hugs: Hang in there though, I like to tell people about my BFP: it was a negative 7-12DPO, on 12 DPO I tested with FMU and then right before bed and both negative. 13DPO I woke up and said what the heck, I'll test again... and BFP! So it can literally be BFN one day and BFP the next.
I'm 4DPO today and just feeling really LOW. IDK why. This is only our 3rd cycle, and I don't even know yet that it didn't work... I just think the process is getting to me. Trying to plan timing, schedule things when it's convenient for our donor, my cycle going wonky this time, the constant worry that there's something wrong with me so I'm wasting my time... :nope:

I know stress doesn't help, but I don't know how NOT to stress, when I can't just grab DW, DTD, and have a baby appear :haha: I know that this is probably going to take awhile, so I need a tougher skin, but... blah. This is not a journey for wimps.

So I'll stop being one now that I've vented ;)

Back to TWW'ing... :coffee:

Also, I've never had a cramp in my LIFE, and I got three days of cramps last cycle (10/11/12DPO), and yesterday, I was cramping all day long off and on, at 3DPO. Silly question, but could this have anything at all to do with this TTC business? I mean, I've not had exposure to any sort of man-juice ( :haha: ) in a good ten years, and now all the sudden I'm crampy? Haha... I mean, unlikely, I'm sure, but it just makes me wonder.

I'll waddle off now... thinking of you ladies and crossing my fingers for some BFP's soon :thumbup:

Almost everything about trying to conceive this way is stressful. Especially the fact that most times we are juggling multiple schedules. Work schedules, ovulation schedules, possibly partner's schedules, donor's schedules, and if you already have children- their schedules too! There's temping and taking supplements, opk tests, checking cervical mucus and position, then insemination and waiting and more peeing on sticks! Not to mention that lots of us are trying to nurture our relationship, and keep friends for support. I don't think it's uncommon to get overwhelmed- no matter where you are in your journey. We just took six months off, and just preparation for trying again stresses me...and I'm so scared of the disappointments. We just have to remember how wonderful it will be if we get to hold our babies in our arms- then it's all worth it.
Hang in there! And remember, you always have a place to come where you can empty your mind:)

Thank you so much :hugs: Definitely helps to have people who understand. And to see that beautiful babies do come out of this, despite the stress and complicated nature of the process :)
I'm 4DPO today and just feeling really LOW. IDK why. This is only our 3rd cycle, and I don't even know yet that it didn't work... I just think the process is getting to me. Trying to plan timing, schedule things when it's convenient for our donor, my cycle going wonky this time, the constant worry that there's something wrong with me so I'm wasting my time... :nope:

I know stress doesn't help, but I don't know how NOT to stress, when I can't just grab DW, DTD, and have a baby appear :haha: I know that this is probably going to take awhile, so I need a tougher skin, but... blah. This is not a journey for wimps.

So I'll stop being one now that I've vented ;)

Back to TWW'ing... :coffee:

Also, I've never had a cramp in my LIFE, and I got three days of cramps last cycle (10/11/12DPO), and yesterday, I was cramping all day long off and on, at 3DPO. Silly question, but could this have anything at all to do with this TTC business? I mean, I've not had exposure to any sort of man-juice ( :haha: ) in a good ten years, and now all the sudden I'm crampy? Haha... I mean, unlikely, I'm sure, but it just makes me wonder.

I'll waddle off now... thinking of you ladies and crossing my fingers for some BFP's soon :thumbup:

Almost everything about trying to conceive this way is stressful. Especially the fact that most times we are juggling multiple schedules. Work schedules, ovulation schedules, possibly partner's schedules, donor's schedules, and if you already have children- their schedules too! There's temping and taking supplements, opk tests, checking cervical mucus and position, then insemination and waiting and more peeing on sticks! Not to mention that lots of us are trying to nurture our relationship, and keep friends for support. I don't think it's uncommon to get overwhelmed- no matter where you are in your journey. We just took six months off, and just preparation for trying again stresses me...and I'm so scared of the disappointments. We just have to remember how wonderful it will be if we get to hold our babies in our arms- then it's all worth it.
Hang in there! And remember, you always have a place to come where you can empty your mind:)

Thank you so much :hugs: Definitely helps to have people who understand. And to see that beautiful babies do come out of this, despite the stress and complicated nature of the process :)

Yes, yes they do!

Ya wanna know the story of how my DS was conceived? Because let me tell you, it was all so ridiculous we were completely surprised it worked.

So: our donor lives 4 hours away from us. I was on Clomid that cycle and should have ovulated anywhere from Cd14-CD19. I was on CD19, had gotten all negative OPKs prior, and was losing hope. I tested in the bathroom at work that afternoon around 1pm and what do you know- I got a smiley face on a clearblue! That was the first time that had ever happened to me and I was sooooo excited. I called my wife at work, and we contacted our donor... the plan was to head up to where the donor lived after work, but we had to arrange childcare for our DD first and get ahold of the donor! The donor didn't get back to us until 530pm that night... talk about last minute. We left our DD with her babysitter overnight and off we went! Booked a last minute hotel, met our donor at freakin' 1030pm that night, did the insem, and went to sleep for all of three hours. We both had to be back at work the next morning and were unable to call in, so we got up at two in the morning, drove home, and slogged our way through work that day! We were like... there's no way this worked. Two weeks later, OH YES IT DID! BFP!

It was crazy and I still can't believe it worked but it did... so yes, this stuff is crazy but it happens all the time and it works.
I'm 4DPO today and just feeling really LOW. IDK why. This is only our 3rd cycle, and I don't even know yet that it didn't work... I just think the process is getting to me. Trying to plan timing, schedule things when it's convenient for our donor, my cycle going wonky this time, the constant worry that there's something wrong with me so I'm wasting my time... :nope:

I know stress doesn't help, but I don't know how NOT to stress, when I can't just grab DW, DTD, and have a baby appear :haha: I know that this is probably going to take awhile, so I need a tougher skin, but... blah. This is not a journey for wimps.

So I'll stop being one now that I've vented ;)

Back to TWW'ing... :coffee:

Also, I've never had a cramp in my LIFE, and I got three days of cramps last cycle (10/11/12DPO), and yesterday, I was cramping all day long off and on, at 3DPO. Silly question, but could this have anything at all to do with this TTC business? I mean, I've not had exposure to any sort of man-juice ( :haha: ) in a good ten years, and now all the sudden I'm crampy? Haha... I mean, unlikely, I'm sure, but it just makes me wonder.

I'll waddle off now... thinking of you ladies and crossing my fingers for some BFP's soon :thumbup:

Almost everything about trying to conceive this way is stressful. Especially the fact that most times we are juggling multiple schedules. Work schedules, ovulation schedules, possibly partner's schedules, donor's schedules, and if you already have children- their schedules too! There's temping and taking supplements, opk tests, checking cervical mucus and position, then insemination and waiting and more peeing on sticks! Not to mention that lots of us are trying to nurture our relationship, and keep friends for support. I don't think it's uncommon to get overwhelmed- no matter where you are in your journey. We just took six months off, and just preparation for trying again stresses me...and I'm so scared of the disappointments. We just have to remember how wonderful it will be if we get to hold our babies in our arms- then it's all worth it.
Hang in there! And remember, you always have a place to come where you can empty your mind:)

Thank you so much :hugs: Definitely helps to have people who understand. And to see that beautiful babies do come out of this, despite the stress and complicated nature of the process :)

Yes, yes they do!

Ya wanna know the story of how my DS was conceived? Because let me tell you, it was all so ridiculous we were completely surprised it worked.

So: our donor lives 4 hours away from us. I was on Clomid that cycle and should have ovulated anywhere from Cd14-CD19. I was on CD19, had gotten all negative OPKs prior, and was losing hope. I tested in the bathroom at work that afternoon around 1pm and what do you know- I got a smiley face on a clearblue! That was the first time that had ever happened to me and I was sooooo excited. I called my wife at work, and we contacted our donor... the plan was to head up to where the donor lived after work, but we had to arrange childcare for our DD first and get ahold of the donor! The donor didn't get back to us until 530pm that night... talk about last minute. We left our DD with her babysitter overnight and off we went! Booked a last minute hotel, met our donor at freakin' 1030pm that night, did the insem, and went to sleep for all of three hours. We both had to be back at work the next morning and were unable to call in, so we got up at two in the morning, drove home, and slogged our way through work that day! We were like... there's no way this worked. Two weeks later, OH YES IT DID! BFP!

It was crazy and I still can't believe it worked but it did... so yes, this stuff is crazy but it happens all the time and it works.

LOL! Thank you for sharing that. Your experience is just like ours, every time hahaha! Our donor is only an hour away, but we've jumped through hoops and done weird stuff to get the insems in, just like that... including hotels, no sleep, doing it with suuuuper little notice... gives me hope!

We only were able to do one this cycle, very last minute, day before O... so hey, anything is possible!

I cannot say enough about how much this board helps me! Dr wants to schedule hsg next cycle- says he can't see anything that should prevent me getting pregnant: all blood tests are normal, I have great follies, egg reserve is good, donor's swimmers were tested and great, cervix opens around o, gobs of cm. So, he wants to check tubes for blockages- and he said that after hsg you are very fertile. Got any input on this? I don't know anyone who has ever had this done.

We have tried softcups in the past, and they were very uncomfortable and would not stay in properly. We are gonna do some more practice next cycle before we start inseminations. Anyone know why they may not fit properly?

Prayers for some bfps this month for all you girls waiting!
I cannot say enough about how much this board helps me! Dr wants to schedule hsg next cycle- says he can't see anything that should prevent me getting pregnant: all blood tests are normal, I have great follies, egg reserve is good, donor's swimmers were tested and great, cervix opens around o, gobs of cm. So, he wants to check tubes for blockages- and he said that after hsg you are very fertile. Got any input on this? I don't know anyone who has ever had this done.

We have tried softcups in the past, and they were very uncomfortable and would not stay in properly. We are gonna do some more practice next cycle before we start inseminations. Anyone know why they may not fit properly?

Prayers for some bfps this month for all you girls waiting!

regarding the softcups... we use them, both for periods and for insems. the only advice I have is that when you put them in, there's a little "bump" on the inside of your vagina. It's some sort of bone or the other protruding downwards. You have to push it in past that in order for the lip to stay. Maybe you're not pushing it in far enough? Maybe you could practice with a softcup that DOESN'T have what is potentially one half of your next child in it? LOL

I've also always wondered about softcups: when our donor gives us a donation in one, we use a syringe to suck it out and then carefully insert it and deposit in on my cervix. THEN we put the softcup in, to stop it all from falling back out. Does everyone else do this or just put in the softcup and leave it?
Hi there
I'm a long term lurker and occasional poster. Just wanted to say that I think I might have my bfp!! I always spot before my period so I started spotting 3 days ago and just presumed I was out but then it just stayed as blood tinged mucus rather than progressing so for some crazy reason I thought I'll just test this morning and it was a faint BFP! I tested again after lunch and it was still a faint BFP. I'm feeling anxious though because of the spotting. With DS there was no spotting of any sort throughout the whole pregnancy so this doesn't seem quite real to me yet. Fingers crossed its happened though because our doctor was going to refer us for IUI in case our timings weren't quite right.
PS we never used soft cups - just insem then legs in air for 30 min. This was cycle 5 though so not sure if soft cups might have speeded things up!
L x

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