Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

hahaha i was hoing that was a mistake!!! LOL

Glad everything went well for you!!
Hello ladies!!

I'm so excited and absolutely on :cloud9:. I had my scan today and it was so amazing!! Baby didn't want to stand still for the scan lady and had all of us in hysterics. The repeated phrase of the day was "wow that is one active baby in there! Look at him go!!" Eventually they got the nuchal measurements. I don't get the official results until next week but was told that the measurements were really good and absolutely nothing to worry about!

BigBean - So glad to hear your scan went well as well!!

Welcome Purple! I understand the hesitation about being due so close to Christmas. Like Jaydee my OH and I always said that we felt bad for the Christmas kids and now we're having one ourselves! I'm quite excited about the idea now though. I also love the idea of a mid-year birthday and of course being careful to separate b-day and Christmas with NO joint pressies.

Emma, hope you get your scan date soon-you must be going crazy in anticipation.

As promised, here's photos of my cheeky little monkey:
Amerikiwi - amazing pics :)

Bigbean - looking forward to seeing yours as well.

Glad all is well with both.

Emma - as far as I'm aware you only get 2 NHS scans unless you have a reason to need more, 12 weeks and 20 weeks. Can't believe you still haven't got a date through, I think I'd be chasing now.

Big bean - I agree, £200 is a lot to shell out on a scan but we're quite lucky that we're getting a car seat and lots of other stuff from my SIL, whose baby will just be outgrowing it by the time ours comes along, so could afford to spend the money on that instead.

Daisy - i don't know if the thing about the dad's side determining when the baby comes out is true but it worked for my SIL, her baby was 2 weeks early, as was baby's dad.

TTC - we're going to do the same I think, and have a half birthday celebration as well, or something in summer anyway. My birthday is end of Jan, my brother's is the end of July, so my parents always got us a (small) present on the other's birthday. It was quite good because it meant I got summer type presents too.
I just called the antenatal unit and they said that my referral is still with the consultant so there is nothing they can do until he passes that on? ARGH!

Fantastic pic Amerikiwi!!
I'm so jealous of those brilliant pics!! Our little bean wasn't behaving when we had our 12 week scan - was far to sleepy for any big movements (saw a few waves, when baby was touching it's face and a couple of body slams where they were obviously getting annoyed with being poked and prodded!) they couldn't get our nuchal measurement as little one wouldn't wake up and roll over to get the back of the neck! So we didn't get a decent picture at all!!! Mybe this is a sign for things to come - I hope that we may get a sleepy baby - who sleeps through the night early on!! LOL (well one can hope/dream!)
Awww - awesome pics amerikiwi! Im so happy for you!

We will probably only fork out the money for the private scan if we cant tell the sex at the 20 week scan. Who knows though - dh was on :cloud9: after our early scan just from seeing the baby. He was the one who brought up the fact that we could have a private scan later! I think it makes it all the more real for him (scans) because he doesnt feel all the things I do with being pregnant - even though its not all fun - ms, etc it still makes it very real to me. I love the scans too - dont get me wrong!

DH was upset (ok not upset but made a comment) yesterday I was on here typing a thread and he glanced at the screen and noticed that my ticker said 13 weeks. Its the only part of the whole b&b he cares about - is seeing the ticker change! LOL He said "how come you didnt tell me it changed to 13 weeks!" "leaving me out huh?" Of course I wasnt leaving him out- and he had just gotten home so I guess I didnt yell it out to him while he was coming in or something! But his comment made me realize how easily he could be feeling left out. Cause I tell him every twitch, every cramp, every nausaus moment, etc. I read outloud the portions of the pregnancy books which I think he would want to hear (mostly babies develpment week to week). He has been at the appts and was right there staring at the stick when I did my hpt's. So if he at all feels left out after how much I feel like he is not left out - makes me aware that I need to make sure I never stop trying to include him in all of it. Sorry for the ramble - Im done now! :winkwink:
Hi all! Thank you for all of the compliments on my pictures. I already feel like a proud mum showing off my little one to anyone who stands still long enough to look!

Daisy, I agree about the OHs not being able to really "feel" the pregnancy until seeing the screen (and probably hearing the doppler, which I still need to buy). The first thing my OH asked after the scan was "when's the next one?!" I see babygaga lets you put your ticker on your google search page. That could be a cool way for OH to track the ticker as well.

TTC1, do you get another nuchal scan since they couldn't get the measurements. We'll have to compare notes once the babies are here and see if actions during u/s can predict temperament once born. If so, you'll have a nice quiet baby and I'll have my hands full with a little trouble-maker.

Emma, does your area do nuchal standard or just a dating scan? If they do nuchal you may want to chase up the consultant as this can only be done up to 13 weeks.

Jaydee, I hope birth doesn't depend on the Dad's side. He and all of his siblings were late. Me and all of my siblings were early. Maybe we'll split the difference and give birth right on the due date (yeah right!). Speaking of due dates, I was measuring a couple days ahead (12+5) which would put me due on boxing day. The scan lady said not to worry about changing it at this point though.

BigBean, when do we get to see photos? I love seeing all the scan pics.

I'm starting to get a bump. For a while it was obvious bloating. Now it's just as big but I can't suck it in and it's hard! I can't believe we're all moving-getting ready to move to 2nd tri. So exciting :happydance:
Yeah for almost (or already) getting through first tri!!!! That excites me so much! Everyone that knows Im pregnant has said Im in 2nd tri already - so confusing! Somewhere I read that it was at 12 weeks, most people told me its at 13 weeks and some places - including b&b say 14 weeks. I like JayDee's reasoning of 40/3 = 13.3 though- makes sense.

Great idea amerikiwi about google - I hadnt realized that was an option - perfect for dh! Also maybe the doppler is a good idea too. I wasnt going to get one - but I can see where it would be another "real" thing for dh.
Too many dates and confusion on when 2nd tri officially begins.

I also like Jaydee's 13.3! Mentally I already feel in 2nd tri though. I've had the 12-week scan and all is well, my m/s has subsided, I have energy again, and I find myself looking at prams and cots! That sounds like 2nd tri to me. For now I am quietly lurking through the 2nd tri threads.
Hi everyone!

Had my nuchal and dating scan and they changed my date to 21/12 instead of 24/12/09. Still very Christmasy though.

My beanie didn't want to co-operate with the scan either. It obviously didn't like being prodded and tried to hide. We got to see the bottom and legs and then arms as it turned over and settled with it's back to the front. It then went to sleep and wouldn't move so the lady could get the measurements. Fortunatly they weren't busy as we got sent for a 15 minute walk and I had to have something sugary to eat to try to wake it up. When we went back it had turned enough so the measurement could be done but we didn't get to see its face or front at all. I think it was still dozing away.

The nuchal fold was 1.3mm which hubby says is good but we don't get the risk factor for at least 2 weeks as they combine it with a blood test here.

Was so pleased to see that there was actually a beanie and that everything looked fine so far. Was so worried they'd be nothing there or no heartbeat.

Hubby cried lots - I came out of the loo afterwards to find him staring at the picture sobbing away!

I've got the picture on my pc but I have no idea how to post it on here...can anyone give me simple instructions? Thanks
Forgot about the christmas cake image for a while but have now added to my siggy. If anyone's interested, the code is below (be sure to remove the spaces)

[ IMG][/IMG ]

Hattie, so glad to hear that your scan went well! If the pictures are saved on your pc, the easiest way to post them is to click on the paper-clip symbol on the top menu when creating a message. This lets you upload from your computer. Just hit "browse" and then choose where it's saved. Can't wait to see your pictures!!
I feel like I might be 2nd tri now too, for the first time this week I haven't wanted to sleep until lunchtime, and haven't fallen to sleep the minute my head hit the pillow.
I also keep looking at maternity clothes, still feel like a fraud as I don't look like I need them at all, and baby clothes and stuff, even though I can't buy them yet because they are still summer ones and my baby will need winter ones, and we agreed we wouldn't buy anything until after the 20 week scan when we might know whether things need to be for a boy or a girl.

Emma - I can't believe they are still messing you about with your scan. Can you ring the consultant and ask why he hasn't referred you yet?

Amerikiwi - I like the cake pic, will put it in my signature after this post. Random question, is that what Christmas cakes look like in NZ or did you just like the pic? In the UK they are almost always white icing with holly or snowmen or wintery type things on, but I guess the weather is slightly better than that at your side of the world at that time of year.

Hope everyone has a good weekend x
Jaydee, christmas cakes in NZ don't even have icing. Traditionally they're cakes with fruit mince. I chose that photo since it was a bump cake! Now that you mention it, the flowers are a bit more southern hemisphere Christmas as opposed to all of you up north. :rofl:
The only cake here in the u.s. for xmas that I can think of is a fruit cake - sounds like what amerikiwi mentioned. Nobody really eats them though - think it was a thing from a long time ago. I like the cake with the bump - very cute! We'll see if I can get it figured out - I just figured out the Dec. stars one - LOL!

My mom said that if my morning sickness is feeling better and I am feeling like Im maybe getting a bump that I am in 2nd tri - that was about a week ago I think. So I guess Im starting to feel that way myself. A lot of the threads going on in first tri dont seem to be fitting me anymore. So I too have been lurking on 2nd tri more.

Hattie- that made me almost cry - about your hubby crying over the scan pic! Awwww!! Lucky girl you are!
Amerikiwi - i'mnot sure, i'm guessing its just a dating scan cos otherwise they would of put more effort in to get me in!

JayDee, i got a letter this morning, my phonecall must of pushed them forward a little bit, however its not til the 16th July and i'll be almost 17 weeks by then, i swear, its so annoying and pathetic! I called them explaining this, in a calm tone of course and she said they have nothing earlier, i asked about cancellations and stuff as i wanted to know that everything was okay and she said people dont call to cancel they just dont turn up, so darn annoying!!!! I called the FOB to tell him when the scan was and hes working out his shifts for that week and picking me up to take me to work at 6pm today, so he should tell me then, i've already worked out that hes on 2-10pm that week and my scans at 1pm, so i doubt he'll come,i hope he puts the effort in put i'm not telling him that, i'm completelyleaving this to him
I have, however made the decision that he wont be there when i give birth, he can be outside but i dont want him in the room, does that sounds unfair? I just think i'll feel uncomfortable with him bein there and would rather have a friend there. Ive not told him this yet though.

I also feel like i'm a second tri-er even though ive had no scan! but im not so tired anymore which has been my only symptom!

I guess theres one good thing to having a late scan, ill get to find out the sex earlier :D
I think that sounds totally fair for your labor & delivery considering you two arent together. I think that would be not the kind of support you want in the room - a close friend sounds much better!

At least you have a scan date now! Sorry it is so late - will make it all the more worth it though - after such a long wait!
Emma, so glad you finally got your scan date!! You'll probably be the first one of the group to find out the gender! By 17 weeks I think they can normally tell. I completely understand your decision about not having FOB in delivery. Even though you've told him scan info, I"d recommend bringing a friend or family member to the scan as well. It's such an amazing experience that you'll want to have someone there to experience it with you.

Daisy, US fruit cakes are very much like the NZ ones, except here they have liquor in them as well. I grew up in USA and still can't bring myself to eat the fruit cakes--probably because we joked about them so much growing up.

Jaydee, don't feel like a fraud looking at maternity clothes. You'll have bumpage soon enough. I'm down to my last pair of pants that I can wear somewhat comfortably. I see maternity wear in my near future...
Well at least i get to be first for something LOL...

things with FOB have been goin really well, i texted him yesterday telling him the time and date of the scan and on the end just put "let me know if you're coming" so he replied and said "i'll find out my shift and let you know, i'll pick you up at 6 tonight and give you a lift to work if you like xx" so i accepted and when i got in the car he said "I've booked that day off work so i can come with you" I just smiled and said okay... then later on as i took a break he came to find me and said "ya know sweetie, i really do wish things could be different between us, i wish we could be together and everything work out, but i'm not stable enough in my head to give you that and trying to make it work only seemed to make me more unstable" I said it was fine and that i wasnt sure that i wished things could be different, i'm comfortable with how my life is even if it means bringing up baby alone, he said that wouldnt happen and he will be there for me as much as he can and thinks it will work great with us being friends... so that convo kinda settled my mind about what to expect from him, i also told him that i didnt want him in the delivery room, he said if thats what i want then its fine but he will be there outside the door waiting....

as i was working the hell shift 6.30-3am at 1am he said "hey babe, you look tired, come sit down an i'll finish your shift for you" ahhhhhhh i coulda kissed him, but i'm really liking what we have at the minute!!!
hi all...
sorry that I was out of touch for a bit... it's just busy at work and when I come home I just want to put my feet up for 5 mins - most of the time ending up with my bf stroking my cheek and telling me it's beddi boh time ( 5 hours later) does anybody sill feels that tired as well - I thought that would have gone by now? the pic still needs to wait.. scanned it in at work, but didn't send it to me... so still haven't got it on my computer... do my best to do this tomorrow...

congrats to hatti and amerikiwi! my bf just had the greatest smile in the world on his face...

Pleased for you emma, hoe everything is working out fine for you:hug:

need to talk to my mf on monday... some red bleeding:hissy: let's hoep everything is fine...

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