Amerikiwi - i'mnot sure, i'm guessing its just a dating scan cos otherwise they would of put more effort in to get me in!
JayDee, i got a letter this morning, my phonecall must of pushed them forward a little bit, however its not til the 16th July and i'll be almost 17 weeks by then, i swear, its so annoying and pathetic! I called them explaining this, in a calm tone of course and she said they have nothing earlier, i asked about cancellations and stuff as i wanted to know that everything was okay and she said people dont call to cancel they just dont turn up, so darn annoying!!!! I called the FOB to tell him when the scan was and hes working out his shifts for that week and picking me up to take me to work at 6pm today, so he should tell me then, i've already worked out that hes on 2-10pm that week and my scans at 1pm, so i doubt he'll come,i hope he puts the effort in put i'm not telling him that, i'm completelyleaving this to him
I have, however made the decision that he wont be there when i give birth, he can be outside but i dont want him in the room, does that sounds unfair? I just think i'll feel uncomfortable with him bein there and would rather have a friend there. Ive not told him this yet though.
I also feel like i'm a second tri-er even though ive had no scan! but im not so tired anymore which has been my only symptom!
I guess theres one good thing to having a late scan, ill get to find out the sex earlier