Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

:hug: Emma. I'm glad to hear FOB has been supportive and helping with your shift.

That's ridiculous that they won't scan you. You're 14 weeks without a scan yet and although you experienced bleeding, they still won't scan you since it stopped?! Could you exaggerate your description of the pains down below to the doctor or hospital? Perhaps if you said it was sharp cramping they could scan your for peace of mind.
Thats what i said when i called this morning, told her i had sharp shooting pains that were very painful and she said unless there was bleeding to wait until thursday and keep resting:hissy:
Emma - I cant believe they are making you wait that long! :hugs: I feel so bad for you - if it was me I would be so upset and making a huge fuss! Glad that the bleeding has stopped though - that is a good sign! Hopefully everything is ok!! FX for you! Hopefully the next few days pass quickly!

My mil went to a psycic (spelling?) on sat and I think she kind-of believes in these things. (I dont think I do) But I guess the lady told my mil that her son is having a baby in dec?!? So I guess mil said "yes thats right, they are due on the 23 of dec." The lady said "no thats not right - the dr's are wrong with the due date - the baby should be due on dec 15??" She told mil that we are having a boy and the dates are different because the dr's figured it wrong. LOL Well we will see if she is right with any of it. Dont think my due date is wrong - it is right on from when I ovulated which was was the scan verified without knowing what my dates were- which was different than my lmp date.

The dr set up my scan date for 4 weeks from today cause they wanted me to do it the same day as my next appt. So I will be 18+5 then. So not 20 weeks -but hopefully I will still get a good look and good pics! We heard the baby's heartbeat today! Yeah! Our first time hearing it. DH & I decided not to buy a doppler - dh thinks it will make me obsessed! LOL But I am glad dh was at the appt to hear the heartbeat!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
yay!!! I'm due Dec. 22 woot love to see im not alone =] i have these lil socks that are white and have lil beads on them that are red and green. cant wait to put them on my baby =]
Emma - I find it discusting that you can't get an earlier scan, you have such patience and as the others have said it's a positive sign the bleeding has stopped!! (although i must confess, if i were in the same situation i'd be telling them i'd started to bleed again as i have absolutely NO patience especially in a situation like yours!) I have a small understanding with bleeding and clotting at week 9 with this pregnancy but i was very lucky and had a scan within 4days. It's a testing time sweetie - FOB seems to be coming up trumps during this test!! Very promising signs for the future!!

Lots of positive thoughts coming your way xxx
Thanks sweetie, it does make things so much easier to have his support, he was worried about me on saturday night so asked me to stay over with him (he lives at the bar we both work at) nothing in it other than the fact he is the FOB and he wants to be there for me, he asked me to stay again on wednesday so we can both be ready for the scan but decided its best we both stay at mine, all he does is place a protective hand over my stomach all thru the night, which fills me with warm and fuzzies! hehe, we make much better friends than we did in a relationship so i think things are going great and its so good to know that i can call him whenever i need to and he'll be there, i definitely did not have that when we were together lol, he'd just ignore the phone!

a few people have told me to call and say im bleeding again but i just believe its tempting fate - and im a firm believer in fate! its only 56 hours away LOL
Emma - hopefully they know best and the fact that the bleeding has stopped means things will be ok. It's awful that you are having to wait, but Thursday is only a couple of days away now. Glad you've found a way to have a good relationship with FOB, sounds like he's stepped up and is being much more supportive.
I wouldn't call and say you're bleeding again, it is tempting fate too much, I know it's hard but I'd wait until Thursday.

Daisy - How spooky about the pyschic, 15 Dec is only 8 days away from 23 Dec, baby could quite easily come that much early and still count as being on time. Will you find out at your next scan if your baby is in fact a son rather than a daughter? We are going to find out at our 20 week scan, we're no good at waiting for stuff!
We do have a doppler but have only used it a couple of times. I still only feel like I've got a big podge not a baby bump, so it's nice to know that the baby is ok, just hiding for now :)

Momma2all - hi, welcome to our little group, lots of Xmas babies this year - yey :)
Emma - so glad that FOB is able to be supportive! Im sure that means a lot to you - esp right now!

JayDee - its totally possible I will deliver on the 15th - how great would that be to be home for xmas!!! But thought her explaination of why the 15th was kindof weird - instead of just saying that I would deliver a little earlier or whatever. We will be finding out gender in 4 weeks if our baby will cooperate! We are thinking we will probably do a 4d private scan either way now - dh really wants to do it and its not taking much to talk me into it! LOL So if we cant find out in 4 weeks then we will be finding out before the baby is born!

Last night dh was also talking about us buying a doppler - after he's said no this whole time so far whenever we talk about it. (Which I also wasnt fighting him that much on cause thought he might be right - what if I obsess!) DH was wishing that the dr would have let us hear the heartbeat longer than he did. We did get to hear it - but seemed by the time we actually comprehended what was happening it was basically over! So we will see - maybe he will be the obsessed one! :rofl:

Last night by belly looked huge - dh and I think that it looks way bigger than even a few days ago. Then dh said "maybe you just ate too much supper!" LOL either way - it felt kindof weird to be feeling bigger - cant imagine what its going to feel like this fall! All around my belly button is harder - but thought the uterus wasnt even up that far til closer to 18 weeks? Anyone know? When the dr found the heartbeat it was pretty low down.
I don't know about US websites, but UK ebay you can get a doppler for £20 (angel sounds). I don't think they are as good as the ones the midwives have, but they work all the same.

When I find the heartbeat it is weirdly in the flat bit of my abdomen, below the podge which I thought was my bump. I'm refusing to accept that I've just eaten too much junk and am rationalising by the fact that baby is just making room where they want to be and is moving other things up and out of the way! Might ask the midwife next week (my next appointment is 7 July) because it just seems weird to me.
I dunno cos on other posts ive read on here they seem to say its always near the pubic bone area? I keep thinking about buying one cos right now it would put my mind at ease, but i know i have better things to spend my money on when they dont seem to work for a lot of people and i would probably get even more stressed!!

Cant wait to have my scan tomorrow now, 21 hours to go woooo! I cant help but feel positive because the pains and bleeding have gone which isnt like me at all as usually i think the worse so that the outcome can only be better! argh!

Should i take all my maternity records and a urine sample? the leaflet doesnt say i should? it just says to go with a full bladder? it also says that my partner will not be allowed in the scan room, does anyone know why that is?
Congratualtions everyone. Im due abit before christmas, well the 13th!
Had quite abit of bleeding and as I had difficulty with my twins before was rushed in for a scan. Baring in mind I didnt think I was far along at all, found out im due in december. Very very shocked.
:wave: Welcome to our group Momma2all and MummyRachel :wave:

Emma, only one more day to go!! I think it's a very good sign that bleeding has stopped and has not been accompanied by severe cramping. A bit of a shame partner can't be in scan room with you. Perhaps it's a generic form they send to everyone and covers the situation if you'd been early on and they needed to do an internal as opposed to external. I'd still bring someone for support.

Daisy, that's pretty crazy about the psychic. You could very well give birth on the 15th. Sounds like your hubby will be the obsessed one with the doppler. They have angel sounds on ebay US for $25-$35.

Jaydee, I'm sure your bump will pop soon! I've gotten a bigger stomach in the last few days. My husband walked in the other day and said "wow, you look pregnant! good thing we've started telling people."

DH and I bought our first baby clothes yesterday!! We're in the USA for a few weeks and everything is so much cheaper here than NZ. We got a bunch of white onsies and 3 or 4 yellow/green unisex outfits. I wish I knew the gender already. We've not found much selection for gender neutral.
Thanks girls for the ebay idea - I will take a look! My belly didnt get any smaller from the other night so guessing it must be the baby - or the baby pushing all my internal organs out of the way! LOL

Emma - I am surprised they dont let anyone in the ultrasound with you. I am allowed to bring one person - just no children. I agree with amerikiwi - bring someone along anyway. I think all you should need to bring is a full bladder - no urine or anything.

Amerikiwi - where in the u.s. were you at for your vacation? Hope you had a good trip!
I have found too that there isnt much to choose from for neutral outfits - and Im in the mood to be shopping! My mom found a few cute things already - maybe I'll just have to wait til aug to start shopping. Also - a lot that is out right now is all summer things and will need to wait anyway to find warmer clothes. I was given some smaller size onsies from some people that seem barely used - a few are green or yellow but most are boy or girl.
It says to take someone with you but that will not be allowed in the room whilst the scan is performed, FOB is coming with me anyway, theres no stopping him at the minute, but i havent shown him the bit about them not letting him in,lol, dont think he'll be amused!
That seems strange to me - I would think the FOB would have the right to be there in the room. It is just as much his baby as yours - even though you are the pregnant one. Even if it is internal like what amerikiwi was saying - its not like they are sitting right down there watching that - they would be watching the screen. My dh was even in the room when I had my internal exam at 10+5. I was way up in the air with bright lights on my "area". He said he looked away though because he felt ackward about watching the dr do what he was doing LOL! My dh wasnt at my very early ultrasound (it was so early it didnt show anything - like at 4 weeks??) but when I had that one the room was pretty dark even during the internal scan and I wasnt spread eagle as much as an exam by a dr. When I had my scan at 8+5 there was no internal - only external on my belly.
Daisy, I'm in VA for 2 weeks and then in AZ for one week. DH is at a conference in VA and then we used to live in AZ so visiting some old family and friends! Since NZ has opposite seasons, the summer clothes are exactly what I need as Dec. will be mid-summer :happydance: I'm half tempted to buy some of each gender and then re-sell what we don't need on ebay or save as gifts.

Emma. hopefully FOB can convince them to let him in the room, assuming you are OK with that. Good luck tomorrow.
well 8 hours to go! i will let you know, it was just a generic leaflet from the epau so maybe that was for different cases?!
Ahh - I'd written a reply post and my computer just decided to delete it before I posted it so I'm afraid this is the abridged version...

Emma - hope you update us with some good news soon and that they let FOB into the scan with you, not sure why they wouldn't - maybe because it's an emergency scan rather than a routine one??

Mummyrachel - welcome along

Amerikiwi - hope you're having a good holiday and managing to get some bargain baby clothes. Clothes are cheaper in US than they are here as well, especially some branded stuff like Levi jeans - I got some for DH for $30 last year, they are more like £60 (around $100) here.

Daisy - hope you manage to find a cheap doppler on ebay. I'm sure you will. We managed to record babies heartbeat onto the computer the other night, so I now have it on my phone for anyone who wants to pretend to be interested enough to listen to it! (Only in laws so far, and only cos DH prompted me to play it to them - bless)
All was fine! baby was okay, saw a little wriggle, not too much movement, but definitely there and the little heart was beating away...

Michael was allowed in for the scan but i didnt let him, because i was so desperate to pee and he thought it was funny to keep poking me in the bladder and tickling me, lol... so i banned him from coming in! he was okay with that, just said that he was here for me and whatever i wanted, happens!

they said there was no evidence of any hemmoraging so they could see no reason for the bleed but think my dates might be out a bit, said i was about 13+4, but ive heard that you shouldnt change the date unless its over a week different?! that takes me to the 3rd Jan, no longer a xmas baby!! maybe i shouldnt be in this thread anymore!
Ive said from the start that im having this baby on new years day! i'm getting closer lol!

Welcome Rachel!

Amerikiwi! so jealous that you are getting your bargain shopping in, i miss the states and their bargains! Hope you're having a great time!

Hey Jaydee, hows things going with you?
Yay Emma! So glad to hear your bubs is OK!! :happydance::happydance: You're still welcome here-they always say you could give birth 2 weeks on either side of your due date which still puts you in the Xmas season! Besides, we like having you here. Do we get to see pictures?

Jaydee, that's so cool that you were able to record the heartbeat. Could you make it your ring tone? Everytime someone rang, you'd get to hear little one!

I'm loving announcing to the world that we're expecting. The conference that we're at is an annual thing and you get to know a lot of the people from years past. Each night we've run in to people that we haven't seen in a year and have gotten to tell them the great news! It's so much fun getting all the congratulations--and a few of them are also expecting now!

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