All was fine! baby was okay, saw a little wriggle, not too much movement, but definitely there and the little heart was beating away...
Michael was allowed in for the scan but i didnt let him, because i was so desperate to pee and he thought it was funny to keep poking me in the bladder and tickling me, lol... so i banned him from coming in! he was okay with that, just said that he was here for me and whatever i wanted, happens!
they said there was no evidence of any hemmoraging so they could see no reason for the bleed but think my dates might be out a bit, said i was about 13+4, but ive heard that you shouldnt change the date unless its over a week different?! that takes me to the 3rd Jan, no longer a xmas baby!! maybe i shouldnt be in this thread anymore!
Ive said from the start that im having this baby on new years day! i'm getting closer lol!
Welcome Rachel!
Amerikiwi! so jealous that you are getting your bargain shopping in, i miss the states and their bargains! Hope you're having a great time!
Hey Jaydee, hows things going with you?